BigNastyCurve said:This comes out tomorrow for XBLA right? Woot!
Ifrit said:I'm just going to start playing this game, any newbie recommendations on classes and/or attributes I should concentrate on leveling up?
jim-jam bongs said:Alchemist or Vanquisher are both insanely easy until after level 30 when everything in the game goes from "insanely easy" to just "pretty easy".
For a vanquisher, focus on kiting and knockback and you should be devastating most stuff without too much trouble. Also, the dual-wielding system in the game is a bit funny in that the stats of both weapons are combined to reach the final DPS and effect of the shots from either weapon. If you're not playing hardcore and don't need the extra defence of a shield then it's best to dual-wield pistols.
Once you get high enough level make sure you get Exploding Shot, it's pretty much the vanquisher's money ability as the game progresses. Hail of Arrows can also be really good if you have a heavy kiting build, as you can just round up piles of enemies, drop a hail over a choke point and then kite everything through it.
Have fun!
BigNastyCurve said:This comes out tomorrow for XBLA right? Woot!
Ifrit said:I've read people recommend starting the game on hard since the game seems to be pretty easy, should I do it now or save it for a second playthrough?
paranoidfortean said:I have the same question!
jim-jam bongs said:Alchemist or Vanquisher are both insanely easy until after level 30 when everything in the game goes from "insanely easy" to just "pretty easy".
For a vanquisher, focus on kiting and knockback and you should be devastating most stuff without too much trouble. Also, the dual-wielding system in the game is a bit funny in that the stats of both weapons are combined to reach the final DPS and effect of the shots from either weapon. If you're not playing hardcore and don't need the extra defence of a shield then it's best to dual-wield pistols.
Once you get high enough level make sure you get Exploding Shot, it's pretty much the vanquisher's money ability as the game progresses. Hail of Arrows can also be really good if you have a heavy kiting build, as you can just round up piles of enemies, drop a hail over a choke point and then kite everything through it.
Have fun!
lordy88 said:I definitely had a better playthrough experience on Hard than on Normal. I'd restart, personally.
Outdoor Miner said:Did they add multiplayer for XBL version?
Outdoor Miner said:Did they add multiplayer for XBL version?
Keyser Soze said:There is a "Full Game - Torchlight" link up on the Web Marketplace, but no buy link........
...if there was one game I wished came early. THIS
betweenthewheels said:Is this game accessible to a noob of the genre? I've never played Diablo or a game like it, but I wanna get into them. All the buttons on the screen are look intimidating!
snap0212 said:Does anyone know the file size of the xbla version?
Keyser Soze said:Up on the Live Marketplace now (on the 360, not the webpage)... checked under Title A-Z and it was there
Go. Go. Go!!!
Lunchbox said:only 200 megs?
The size limit for XBLA games was raised to 2GB in 2009.voltron said:All XBLA games must be under 200mb.hehe
surly said:The size limit for XBLA games was raised to 2GB in 2009.
Demo link for Torchlight: -
bathala said:Damn would have bought it but MOST EXPENSIVE GAME EVAAAAA[IMG][/QUOTE]
The game has been available to reviewers for a while (via a voucher code), which means it is up on servers, and could be found by snoopy people. The stupidly high price attached to the game is how MS protect it from been downloaded should someone get the right URL to give them access.
bathala said:well I saw it on Spotlight (first thing u see)
DL it
If you picked it up I'm pretty sure you have to learn it first. Select it in your inventory, learn it, and then you should be able to assign it to a button from the skill-tree window.daycru said:I picked up a spell but can't figure out to assign it to a button. I think it's a fire attack of some kind?
daycru said:I picked up a spell but can't figure out to assign it to a button. I think it's a fire attack of some kind?
Noogy said:I gotta say I really like playing with a gamepad. I'd love if the PC version was given these controls, particularly as an archer.
Yeah this game should convince those few crazy people who still think Diablo wont work on consoles that it can work and works extremely well.Noogy said:I gotta say I really like playing with a gamepad. I'd love if the PC version was given these controls, particularly as an archer.
wwm0nkey said:Yeah this game should convince those few crazy people who still think Diablo wont work on consoles that it can work and works extremely well.