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Toronto-Age |OT2|


BigJonsson said:

He has got to be trolling, pure and simple. You simply cannot go through an Ontario public education program and not have encountered Margaret Atwood. I've read maybe two of her books, don't remember a thing about them, obviously not a fan but of course you can remember the name of a famous author even if you never read a book!

Christ she is in the paper for issues and awards around three or four times a year. He's just being a dick and putting her down. There is no way he is that big of an idiot.


Not only is she constantly celebrated/noted, she has some of the most prestigious awards possible under her belt (governor general, order of canada). She's done more for this country than any of the Fords could ever aspire to, though they're busy un-doing.
lunarworks said:
So the Fords aren't just content with turning Toronto into Mississauga, or even Detroit... now they want to turn us into Idiocracy.

This just keeps getting better.

Over 175 people are going to speak at the meeting on Thursday. I hope to hear some rants.
I'm also amazed by this statement:

“She’s not down here, she’s not dealing with the problem. Tell her to go run in the next election and get democratically elected. And we’d be more than happy to sit down and listen to Margaret Atwood.”
Holy. Shit.

So basically, unless you're elected, your opinion is worthless. Welcome to the opposite of democracy. Harper must be giving these guys pointers.


lunarworks said:
I'm also amazed by this statement:

Holy. Shit.

So basically, unless you're elected, your opinion is worthless. Welcome to the opposite of democracy. Harper must be giving these guys pointers.

Harper is more level-headed than that.
StevieP said:
Harper is more level-headed than that.
Harper is just a bit more aware of what he can and cannot get away with, and works around that.

Rob Ford just gets Doug Ford to blurt out anything he's unsure about.


Pfft. She doesn't sound like Glados. I've been lied to. And here I was hoping she'd flood the train with deadly neurotoxin.


DoctorWho said:

I haven't had the opportunity to get inside one, but that looks really spacious, and seeing people inside just emphasizes the extra space. I like.

So I'm thinking about buying my FanExpo tickets (Deluxe pass for 4 days), and when I went through the form, it had an option to send me my ticket for an extra $20 for shipping. So I'm assuming that means instead of getting a printer friendly version to print out, I get actual tickets sent to me if I select the option? $20 seems quite steep for just a ticket.

I'll wait until the end of the week to confirm with some friends about going for the 4 days.


I wanna ride the new train, I wonder how long till it gets dirty though. I saw one from the outside on other platform in YUS line, they're so shiny.

This Ford stuff is embarrassing, I almost miss when Stockwell Day and seperatistes were the only problems.


Can someone clear up to me as to why we're running a $750 million budget deficit in the first place? I mean, I don't recall budget deficits (and massive service cuts as a result) being such a large issue with the lefty mayor.

What changed with the righty mayor? Surely the $60/year car tax isn't responsible for Toronto being 3/4 of a million in the hole. Is it just that Miller didn't make a huge deal about running up the debt?
StevieP said:
Can someone clear up to me as to why we're running a $750 million budget deficit in the first place? I mean, I don't recall budget deficits (and massive service cuts as a result) being such a large issue with the lefty mayor.

What changed with the righty mayor? Surely the $60/year car tax isn't responsible for Toronto being 3/4 of a million in the hole. Is it just that Miller didn't make a huge deal about running up the debt?

"Conservative" ideology. Wasting surpluses, giving tax cuts the city can't afford, paying termination fees for well-planned projects for rushed pet projects nobody likes and can't find the money for, privatizing and/or scaling back and/or eliminating public services.... the list goes on.

It's just the same, typical Conservative bullshit we've all seen since the Mike Harris days, and it's fucking sad that (it seems) everyone's going to be making the same mistake again provincially.


Zombie James said:
"Conservative" ideology. Wasting surpluses, giving tax cuts the city can't afford, paying termination fees for well-planned projects for rushed pet projects nobody likes and can't find the money for, privatizing and/or scaling back and/or eliminating public services.... the list goes on.

It's just the same, typical Conservative bullshit we've all seen since the Mike Harris days, and it's fucking sad that (it seems) everyone's going to be making the same mistake again provincially.

Aside from the $60 tax cut, what caused a hole of $750 million? I guess that's what I was asking. In other words, why didn't the privatizing/scaling back happen to such a large extent under the lefty mayor?


Canadians burned my passport
So, what can we citizens of Toronto realistically do to minimize the impact Ford has on this city? It's hard to bear reading about these asinine plots each and every week.
StevieP said:
Aside from the $60 tax cut, what caused a hole of $750 million? I guess that's what I was asking. In other words, why didn't the privatizing/scaling back happen to such a large extent under the lefty mayor?
Miller left a budget surplus of $440 Million that they're conveniently not taking into account, which would actually cut it down to around $300 Million.

But, $750 Million is scarier number, allowing Ford to convince people "cuts need to be made".


lunarworks said:
Miller left a budget surplus of $440 Million that they're conveniently not taking into account, which would actually cut it down to around $300 Million.

But, $750 Million is scarier number, allowing Ford to convince people "cuts need to be made".

Why wouldn't they take it into account? And how did Miller manage to have a surplus? Taxation probably, but as I said - as far as I remember it's only the $60 car tax that Ford's cut so far.
StevieP said:
Why wouldn't they take it into account? And how did Miller manage to have a surplus? Taxation probably, but as I said - as far as I remember it's only the $60 car tax that Ford's cut so far.
Why wouldn't they take it into account? I just said why. To make the deficit appear bigger, so cuts appear more urgent.

This is all agenda-driven. A bunch of "tea party"-minded fools who want to cut services to the bone.

As for Miller, yes, some of his councillors had dubious office expenses, but he ran a tight ship. Much more so than Mayor Lastman. THAT was an administration full of corruption and ineptitude. Ford's election campaign basically manufactured an imaginary financial crisis where none existed in order to get elected. "Respect For Taxpayers" meaning "I don't want my money spent on stuff I don't personally use".
Over 250 people are registered to speak tomorrow. With 5 minutes given to each, that's... almost 21 hours worth of anger directed at Ford and the executive council (though I'm sure there'll be the odd supporter here and there).


Quick said:
So I'm thinking about buying my FanExpo tickets (Deluxe pass for 4 days), and when I went through the form, it had an option to send me my ticket for an extra $20 for shipping. So I'm assuming that means instead of getting a printer friendly version to print out, I get actual tickets sent to me if I select the option? $20 seems quite steep for just a ticket.

This image from the website makes me believe that if you don't use the shipping option, you're going to have to wait in line to pick them up or redeem them or something. I'm unsure if that is the case, but man, I do not look forward to waiting in that big-ass line if that's the case.


Divvy said:
So, what can we citizens of Toronto realistically do to minimize the impact Ford has on this city? It's hard to bear reading about these asinine plots each and every week.
Write letters and call your councillor. Do the same to the office of the mayor.

Doug Ford already had to back down like a chicken from his Atwood comment yesterday because of the amount of outrage that headed his way.
explodet said:
This image from the website makes me believe that if you don't use the shipping option, you're going to have to wait in line to pick them up or redeem them or something. I'm unsure if that is the case, but man, I do not look forward to waiting in that big-ass line if that's the case.
If you don't have to wait in any kind of line up then it just might well be worth $20. Ordering tickets online already saves you a lot of trouble so it might not be as big of a deal. But standing in line to buy tickets the day off is certainly madness.


explodet said:

This image from the website makes me believe that if you don't use the shipping option, you're going to have to wait in line to pick them up or redeem them or something. I'm unsure if that is the case, but man, I do not look forward to waiting in that big-ass line if that's the case.

I got to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre EARLY last year and there was already a huge-ass lineup to buy tickets. Don't want to go through that again.

$20 or line up for pick ups. Fuck.

Conceptor said:
National Post's preview of the EdgeWalk, the CN Tower's newest attraction.

Looks like fun though. Aaaa

My body is so ready for this.

I'll end up crapping my pants regardless
Divvy said:
So, what can we citizens of Toronto realistically do to minimize the impact Ford has on this city? It's hard to bear reading about these asinine plots each and every week.
Form residents coalitions in each ward within which a Ford-supporting councillor resides, which are strong and vocal enough that said councillors believe they will not be re-elected if they do not abide.

The odd one will provide a Ford salute, but most want to be re-elected, and don't want to face a coup every time they leave the office.
Azih said:
Write letters and call your councillor. Do the same to the office of the mayor.

Doug Ford already had to back down like a chicken from his Atwood comment yesterday because of the amount of outrage that headed his way.
So, that's why he continues to say such lovely gems as "she should run and get elected" if she wants to talk, or that he'd still close the library (specifically, the rexdale one in question) in a heartbeat?

That's a lovely retraction.


This guy really needs to be kicked out of office. I'm not an overly political person, but I want him out so badly I'm inclined to start taking a stand.
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