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Toronto-Age |OT2|

Soooo members of the exec committee are just pissed at everyone and the councillors that are sitting in are genuinely interested in what people are saying?

Ford's team are so grumpy and angry at everything =/

Edit - If anyone from the Daily Show was watching this it would make EPIC material lol
lol this is amazing tv.

Tell this fat fuck to shut up with her updates every 30 minutes on cp24 holy fuck she's so annoying.

No one gives a fuck about traffic and weather. It's 3am for fuck sakes.


Canadians burned my passport
Soooo what did everyone think of the meeting?

I thought it was a good show of Torontonians coming out and stating that there were essential services that could not be cut and that the KPMG review was a bit of a farce.

Unfortunately I don't think anyone's minds have really been changed. Mammoliti pretty much stated that he didn't give a shit about what anyone said in his closing statements. I can only hope that the city finds a reasonable middle ground between the two positions.

Personally I hope the atmospheric fund does not get cut as we've seen a dramatic decrease in smog warnings in the last few years. We've gone from 15 smog warnings in 2005 to 3 last year. Can anyone who was listening clarify about what one of the speakers was talking about when he stated that the atmospheric (or some other environmental agency) does not take any money from the city? I can't remember what program he was referring to.

Finally I am pretty annoyed that the meeting was held in one straight session. Half of the speakers could not stay for that length. It was also a bit of a debacle having the meeting held in such a tiny room and relegating everyone else into other chambers. Though I suppose the heckling would have been worse with more people. Despite disliking Ford tremendously, it was good to see that he was generally courteous and respectful throughout the proceedings.

In terms of the meeting as a whole, those idiots are already making excuses:

Executive committee member Giorgio Mammoliti called the gathering a “socialist party.”

In a 3:30 a.m. interview, executive member Denzil Minnan-Wong said, as he has earlier, that many of the speakers were “familiar faces” whose opinions are out of step with those of the broader population.

Executive member Councillor David Shiner said that he is listening to his Ward 24, Willowdale residents, “the silent majority” that doesn’t make speeches at City Hall.

Mammoliti continued that he listened and “absorbed” some of the worthwhile deputations. “But there were very few in my opinion.”

More from Monolitti:

"This is the worst, most disrespectful crowd that's turning this process at City Hall into a circus," Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti said around 5 a.m. "I am disgusted that there are individuals in this city that don't take the $774 million deficit serious and they've turned this into a complete nightmare over the last 24 hours or so and it starts with some of my own colleagues who encourage them to disrespect the process."

This is what an undemocratic idiot thinks about people who disagree with him.


Deputations at City Hall - whether for committees or the full council - always take a really long time (though this is probably a record) and they never sway any of the right-leaning council members. There really isn't a point to it other than being able to claim that it is an open and democratic process.
So the vocal minority shit comes up in real life too and not just video game fanboism? The world is even more depressing that I would have liked to believe.
How do idiots like Mammoliti get elected?

"I'm going to vote for a guy who's going to shit on my opinion the first chance he gets."


Also, I love the term "the silent majority". Basically, it's a self-aggrandizing statement saying that anyone who doesn't speak up automatically shares your opinion.


Ford & Mammoliti are so transparent. I'm hoping the recent coverage (apparently international coverage too) on their antics will wake people up.

Lols, I work at Indigo home office and we didn't even know about this sale. It wasn't posted on the facebook account but was in one of the twitter accounts & intranet.


So a while back I ordered some things off of Play-Asia at a total around $50 (pre-shipping). What are the chances I get dinged for Customs? How much would it cost?


Takao said:
So a while back I ordered some things off of Play-Asia at a total around $50 (pre-shipping). What are the chances I get dinged for Customs? How much would it cost?

Convert to CAD, add provincial and government sales tax, and any brokerage fees that may be charged by the courier.
Takao said:
So a while back I ordered some things off of Play-Asia at a total around $50 (pre-shipping). What are the chances I get dinged for Customs? How much would it cost?

You have a 50/50 chance, and it'll probably be around $25 (if they valued the shipment correctly).


Takao said:
So a while back I ordered some things off of Play-Asia at a total around $50 (pre-shipping). What are the chances I get dinged for Customs? How much would it cost?
I bet it was Medabots-related.


I hope I don't get duty fees.

I'm probably going to get charged duty fees.

Roto13 said:
I bet it was Medabots-related.

I'm getting too obvious. You bet right, lol. I bought Medabots DS, and this model kit:


They were both part of Play-Asia's summer sale, and I couldn't resist.


Fuckin Caribana, the one weekend all year I try to stay out of the city.

Too bad I'll need to be down for Robbie's number retiring on Sunday
rinse82 said:
Fuckin Caribana, the one weekend all year I try to stay out of the city.

Too bad I'll need to be down for Robbie's number retiring on Sunday
One of the reasons I'm glad I no longer live at Yonge & Bloor was all the festivals and parades.

I love the city, but having to deal with swaths of tourists - not just a few curious onlookers, but tens of thousands - all in one spot, to the point where it's damn near impossible to get around....ugh.


rinse82 said:
Fuckin Caribana, the one weekend all year I try to stay out of the city.

Too bad I'll need to be down for Robbie's number retiring on Sunday

My friend and I tried to get tickets for that game, but sadly we're both working. At least I caught both him and Pat Gillick's banner unveiling at the home opener.


explodet said:

This image from the website makes me believe that if you don't use the shipping option, you're going to have to wait in line to pick them up or redeem them or something. I'm unsure if that is the case, but man, I do not look forward to waiting in that big-ass line if that's the case.

So, I just bit the bullet and bought my deluxe ticket for the 4 days with the $20 shipping, assuming exactly what explodet thought.

AND fucking hell, online recepit processes, and it tells me near the bottom of the page the advanced ticket pickup option. Fucking fail, both on the site and on me for doing it.

I've never actually bought my tickets for this in advanced until now, so don't even tell me "should've already known, bro."

For anyone interested in buying their ticket online and picking it up before the event, which is on Thursday, August 25:

Tuesday, August 23 - 11:00 am - 7:00 pm - South Building Main Entrance
Wednesday, August 24 - 11:00 am - 8:00 pm - South Building Main Entrance

The rest of the pickup days are at the days of the event, and you can pick up tickets at the North Building Room 206.


Well it was only a matter of time before he called someone a bitch at that meeting. A normal, decent human being would be more prone to a lapse in judgement after 20 hours in a meeting. It's amazing Rob Ford didn't go off on a 3-hour racist, homophobic, sexist rant.


Brinbe said:
Wow, what a mayor we have... Barely half a year in office and already a total fucking embarrassment.

Guys, didn't you hear? The "silent majority" approves of his antics. So stop your whining!



so today i am moving out from Toronto, and i will be moving to Japan for a year, and i don't have plan where to go after, so its a farewell for everyone for now!
Its been 8 years since i moved to Toronto, Toronto is a great city, i had great time, and life experience here! I will miss Queen Street West, the CN tower, Toronto Island, the chill atmosphere, the music, the art, the hipsters, kensington market, harbour front, all my friends and people i met, the love and peace in the city. i hope one day i will come back soon!

see y'all on the flip side! and keep it cool Toronto! i wish all Toronto people many dreams come true!!
gimz said:
so today i am moving out from Toronto, and i will be moving to Japan for a year, and i don't have plan where to go after, so its a farewell for everyone for now!
Its been 8 years since i moved to Toronto, Toronto is a great city, i had great time, and life experience here! I will miss Queen Street West, the CN tower, Toronto Island, the chill atmosphere, the music, the art, the hipsters, kensington market, harbour front, all my friends and people i met, the love and peace in the city. i hope one day i will come back soon!

see y'all on the flip side! and keep it cool Toronto! i wish all Toronto people many dreams come true!!

Good luck in Japan and in the future!! Come back anytime! :)
BigJonsson said:
So there was a shooting after the parade ended?


Ford is gonna cut their funding now lol
It wouldn't be Caribana... I mean the Caribbean Festival if there weren't a shooting.


gimz said:
so today i am moving out from Toronto, and i will be moving to Japan for a year, and i don't have plan where to go after, so its a farewell for everyone for now!
Its been 8 years since i moved to Toronto, Toronto is a great city, i had great time, and life experience here! I will miss Queen Street West, the CN tower, Toronto Island, the chill atmosphere, the music, the art, the hipsters, kensington market, harbour front, all my friends and people i met, the love and peace in the city. i hope one day i will come back soon!

see y'all on the flip side! and keep it cool Toronto! i wish all Toronto people many dreams come true!!

Good luck in Japan!


Somebody needs to mow down the Greyhound / Megabus bus depot and make it not suck ass. It's the worst organized station I've ever been to in my life. Why would you make people line up in a way that would BLOCK buses? Why would you let cars go through the area buses need to? Why would you have buses trying to get out the same way buses come in? Vancouver, Montreal, New York, Buffalo, Coquitlam, Winnipeg, Seattle... I can't name a single place I've been to that has a worse laid out station than Toronto >_<

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
gimz said:
so today i am moving out from Toronto, and i will be moving to Japan for a year, and i don't have plan where to go after, so its a farewell for everyone for now!
Its been 8 years since i moved to Toronto, Toronto is a great city, i had great time, and life experience here! I will miss Queen Street West, the CN tower, Toronto Island, the chill atmosphere, the music, the art, the hipsters, kensington market, harbour front, all my friends and people i met, the love and peace in the city. i hope one day i will come back soon!

see y'all on the flip side! and keep it cool Toronto! i wish all Toronto people many dreams come true!!

Good luck. And don't miss the hipsters...:p


Canadians burned my passport
Firestorm said:
Somebody needs to mow down the Greyhound / Megabus bus depot and make it not suck ass. It's the worst organized station I've ever been to in my life. Why would you make people line up in a way that would BLOCK buses? Why would you let cars go through the area buses need to? Why would you have buses trying to get out the same way buses come in? Vancouver, Montreal, New York, Buffalo, Coquitlam, Winnipeg, Seattle... I can't name a single place I've been to that has a worse laid out station than Toronto >_<

Yes it is FUCKING awful. Hey let's not clean the marquee that tells people which bus is which, let it cover up with dust.

Everyone there is an asshole too.


Firestorm said:
Somebody needs to mow down the Greyhound / Megabus bus depot and make it not suck ass. It's the worst organized station I've ever been to in my life. Why would you make people line up in a way that would BLOCK buses? Why would you let cars go through the area buses need to? Why would you have buses trying to get out the same way buses come in? Vancouver, Montreal, New York, Buffalo, Coquitlam, Winnipeg, Seattle... I can't name a single place I've been to that has a worse laid out station than Toronto >_<

Not only that but they charge a terminal fee of $2.50. It was $2 just a few months ago.

Other cities I've bought bus tickets from don't charge a terminal fee for a poorly designed terminal. It's always so ridiculous when 100 people have to move out of the way of a bus because of the way they make people line up.


Yes, I noticed that went up too when my return trips to Waterloo started costing more than $15. Trip there is only about $13ish. After finding out the time doesn't really matter as long as it's the same day I've started just purchasing them as round trip even if I don't know when I'll be returning -.-
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