I'm taking a friend out for sushi for his birthday and I was wondering if anyone can recommend an omikaze for around 50-80 per person. I've been to Kaji 3 times and I would like to try a new place. I was thinking about Kaiseki at the Japanese cultural centre but it's really expensive. I heard good things about Le Cafe Michi, worth the trek to Sheppard and Pahramcy (Scarborough) for?
What was that section of lakeshore that was recently renovated? I could have sworn something was posted here near the end of 2011.
Gah, it's diving me nuts!
EDIT:Found it! http://www.waterfrontoronto.ca/sherbourne_common
Silver Snail's new location is great!
Gobo Sushi at Christie/Dupont may be able to take reservations as well, same pricing as Bloor Sushi but not as big/crowded. What about Izakaya?
I got one in January and I hate them. I don't put cash in my wallet because I just use a money fold (no clip) and the new bills are a pain to fold.By the way, the bank machine finally gave me a new $50 today. It's really weird being able to see through part of the bill, and it's so light feeling it comes across as frail.
hey guys, I came across this deal on team buy: 2 month membership at extreme fitness for $25. Thought maybe some of you would be interested seeing schools almost out.
I'm taking a friend out for sushi for his birthday and I was wondering if anyone can recommend an omikaze for around 50-80 per person. I've been to Kaji 3 times and I would like to try a new place. I was thinking about Kaiseki at the Japanese cultural centre but it's really expensive. I heard good things about Le Cafe Michi, worth the trek to Sheppard and Pahramcy (Scarborough) for?
“The people here were duly elected. My advice to the taxpayer would be: ‘Don’t send us any more activists, don’t send us any more unionists, don’t send us any more cyclists. Send us some people down here with good common sense who just want to manage the city’s affairs.
They all need to go to school
There's a place just west of spadina and bloor I believe. I can't remember the name but I went with a friend there a few years ago because she had to print some things. Do some googling in that are to make sure it's still there.I need some help guys. I need to print of like 2 pieces of paper. Where can I do this downtown? I don't know why Google is failing me. Could be because I suck.
Ontario is hanging up on price gouging by mobile phone companies with legislation that would cap the costs of cancelling service, provide up-front pricing details and plain-language contracts.
The law from Consumer Minister Margarett Best incorporates two previous private members bills by Liberal MPP David Orazietti in an effort to ease cell shock when customers open their invoices.
But it does not address concerns about voice, data and texting costs because they are regulated federally, Orazietti (Sault Ste. Marie) told reporters Thursday, urging Ottawa to open the industry to more competition that could lower prices.
Canadians are paying the highest cellphone prices out of 11 countries in a recent survey, said Orazietti, whose two previous attempts to get his legislation approved had all-party support.
Best said beefs about cellphone bills are among the top 10 complaints received by her ministry.
This is a pocketbook issue consumers want addressed, said Orazietti. Bill shock is a common problem.
But costs of complying with the legislation could see costs rise for consumers, warned Marc Choma of the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association, a group representing major players in the cellphone industry dominated by Bell, Rogers and Telus.
The bill, however, was applauded by WIND Mobile as what is needed to keep the traditional wireless carriers from abusing their market power, said chief executive Anthony Lacavera.
We need to remove the barriers that prevent consumers from taking advantage of increased choice and better value.
If passed by the Legislature under the minority Liberal government which is now casting for NDP support of its budget to avoid a late May election the law would cap exhorbitant cancellation fees for fixed-term phone contracts at $50.
Some carriers have charged as much as $400 to $600 for cancellations.
Better consumer protection on cancellations is long overdue, said Michael Janigan, of the Public Interest Advocacy Centre.
We want a thriving rivalry in the wireless market, not one where customers are locked into plans and contracts that no longer serve their needs.
Contracts would also have to be written in plain language so consumers can understand them more easily and would have to spell out clearly which services are covered by the basic fee and which are extra.
The legislation would also require customers be notified when they are about to go above their voice, data and testing limits, incurring extra charges.
Choma said the bill similar to legislation in Quebec and Manitoba could put Ontario cellphone users at a disadvantage through the addition of expensive government bureaucracy that could possibly interfere with the price, choice and level of services.
Orazietti countered that the enforcement of the bill will come at minimal or no cost to the government.
The association said it would prefer the federal government set national standards if further consumer protection measures are deemed necessary.
But whether the legislation will be passed remains unclear.
Ministry officials said the bill will be introduced within two weeks, while the Legislature is tied up in debate on the budget with a final vote by April 25.
If the fiscal blueprint is defeated, forcing an election, the cellphone bill would die.
Its kind of passing strange, this timing, said Progressive Conservative MPP Peter Shurman (Thornhill), adding the Tories cautiously support the legislation to help consumers but need to see details.
NDP Leader Andrea Horwath said her party is also eager to see the proposed legislation.
Anything that helps with the affordability of everyday life were interested in looking at.
I've never signed up for a phone contract and I never will.
People who get smartphones with data pretty much have to. The subsidy makes smartphones affordable, and if you were going to get a data plan anyways, might as well take the subsidy.
Hopefully this passes. I've been riding out a telus bill for a year because they wanted $800 for me to cancel. Fuck that.
People who get smartphones with data pretty much have to. The subsidy makes smartphones affordable, and if you were going to get a data plan anyways, might as well take the subsidy.
People who get smartphones with data pretty much have to. The subsidy makes smartphones affordable, and if you were going to get a data plan anyways, might as well take the subsidy.
Video Games Plus has such a weird website. I ordered this 20$ PSN Card off it and it says that instead of just shipping me it, they'll email me the code. That was on Monday and my order status says: "shipped" since 2 days ago. What does that even mean? They didn't charge me for shipping either, so are they actually shipping it or just lazy emailers? If I knew that it would take 5 days, I'd have just gone to a store and picked one up.
I've never ordered anything from the site either and what happened with the hack means I never will.Maybe e-mail them? I know people love Video Games Plus, but I have never dealt with them myself.
Just an FYI for any gamers in here that live in the High Park area. A new store called "Games Mania" is opening up at Bloor/Keele, about 4 units east of the southeast corner.
I just walked by 5 mins ago and there's a bunch of dudes setting up some shitty looking shelves.
Oh God. More game stores on the west end. Game Centre has a new store at St Clair and Dufferin and now this. I hope they're actually decent. I'll drop by soon and take some photos. Thanks for the heads up!
Have you ever been to Xtreme Games Interactive close to Dundas/Dufferin? I'm pretty sure it's some sort of front since I never see anyone shopping in there and they've stuck around for a few years. They're usually decently stocked and decently priced but extremely rude and dismissive.
I haven't been by in years, but I remember they having an impressive collection of older generation titles, but the prices seemed a bit high on some. I'm not usually around the area, so I don't just happen to drop by. Now that you've reminded me, I guess I should check it out once more.
Speaking of rude and dismissive, that's my experience with Gamerama (Yonge and Eglinton). Another shop with a pretty good selection of older generation titles, but the kids they hire to run the place (and maybe own it?) don't care about customers, leave pizza boxes laying all over the place, and won't even look up from their computer when you walk in.
Of course, nothing beats B. Zone Video Games on Yonge, north of Wellesley. They have terrible stock, horrible prices, and their owner threatens people that give them bad reviews on sites like Yelp.
Best stores are Game Centre (Yonge and Charles location), A&C Games (even if a little expensive, their selection is impressive), and Game Shack at the Atrium (Yonge and Dundas). Game Shack actually has some really competitive prices on used stuff now, where they didn't at one point.
I was walking down Yonge from bloor station recently and realized there is another game store there. Checked it out and it was the biggest piece of crap I have seen. Ugly interior, and they mostly stock last-gen games. Don't know how they are in business. Game Centre all the way.
I was walking down Yonge from bloor station recently and realized there is another game store there. Checked it out and it was the biggest piece of crap I have seen. Ugly interior, and they mostly stock last-gen games. Don't know how they are in business. Game Centre all the way.
I was walking down Yonge from bloor station recently and realized there is another game store there. Checked it out and it was the biggest piece of crap I have seen. Ugly interior, and they mostly stock last-gen games. Don't know how they are in business. Game Centre all the way.
That's B. Zone Video Games I was talking about.
And it's been discussed a few times before, with Roto's experience being the most notable.
Maybe e-mail them? I know people love Video Games Plus, but I have never dealt with them myself.