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Toronto-Age |OT2|

Divvy said:
I do wish that some of these deputants would come up offering solutions rather than just "don't cut our stuff!" This whole thing just seems pointless, much like last time.

Even if they could offer solutions, they can't do much under 2 minutes. Let alone respond to question for 1 minute. It's set up to fail, once again.


Canadians burned my passport
typo said:
Even if they could offer solutions, they can't do much under 2 minutes. Let alone respond to question for 1 minute. It's set up to fail, once again.

Of course. I just don't see what bringing some kids in and having them say "don't cut the stuff we need!' will do. It's not like that will gain any sympathy from the idiots on team ford.
Divvy said:
Of course. I just don't see what bringing some kids in and having them say "don't cut the stuff we need!' will do. It's not like that will gain any sympathy from the idiots on team ford.

The obvious solution to at least recoup some of the budget is re-implementing the Vehicle Registration Tax and raise the property tax (I think the numbers being thrown was at 2.8%). Much like Transit City, Ford cut these things without actually knowing what the consequences would be like. Such a strong faith of 'finding gravy'...


Ugh NDP vote splitters.

Dalton has run a really solid campaign, a lot of very positive messages. I hope the message gets through.


Will QA for food.
Mammoliti brings up the 'vocal minority' aspect of everything. And that people speaking here do not represent the city at large. Wow, he has no shame.


Will QA for food.
Noticing a bunch of Team Ford Councillors are playing the 'other cities don't offer this', or 'other cities are doing this' cards. As if Toronto should hold itself down to the standards of others, instead of being forward with its programs and thinking.
EvilMario said:
Noticing a bunch of Team Ford Councillors are playing the 'other cities don't offer this', or 'other cities are doing this' cards. As if Toronto should hold itself down to the standards of others, instead of being forward with its programs and thinking.

Toronto is not a world-class city...

...unless we have a monorail.
Zzoram said:
Ugh NDP vote splitters.

I think a lot of people are having trouble separating Federal and Provincial politics in their head and think they are supporting the memory of Jack Layton by voting NDP.
My riding of Trinity-Spadina is going NDP I think (although I'm gonna vote Liberal and just see what happens) but the good thing is the PCs have no chance here no matter who gets the seat.
EvilMario said:
Noticing a bunch of Team Ford Councillors are playing the 'other cities don't offer this', or 'other cities are doing this' cards. As if Toronto should hold itself down to the standards of others, instead of being forward with its programs and thinking.

Typical of Ford. Always thinking Toronto has to emulate other cities and not realizing how well the city has performed in spite of a global recession. Doesn't he realize that a lot of American cities have done studies to see how they can recreate the success that Toronto has had?
Although, if Ford gets his way with everything - they won't be looking to us for much longer.


Will QA for food.
added_time said:
Typical of Ford. Always thinking Toronto has to emulate other cities and not realizing how well the city has performed in spite of a global recession. Doesn't he realize that a lot of American cities have done studies to see how they can recreate the success that Toronto has had?
Although, if Ford gets his way with everything - they won't be looking to us for much longer.

I say we emulate Buffalo. After all, it has an NFL team, malls everywhere, and there's barely any traffic congestion on downtown streets. Wait, wait.. and of course, the Buffalo Metro Rail is really.. a monorail!


EvilMario said:
I say we emulate Buffalo. After all, it has an NFL team, malls everywhere, and there's barely any traffic congestion on downtown streets.
Toronto should just buy Buffalo and call it Toronto II. The Fords could be Mayor of that town.


Zzoram said:
Ugh NDP vote splitters.

Dalton has run a really solid campaign, a lot of very positive messages. I hope the message gets through.

Until the NDP stops promising ponies and shit, this is they way things are in Ontario and Canada.


Will QA for food.
Don't just blame the NDP. The Liberals at federal levels haven't done the party any favors. The effect does end up trickling down when people view the party as weak, split and leaderless. And it doesn't help when the NDP will make unobtainable promises, and the PC rips into the Liberals for every move they make.
explodet said:
Toronto II

That would be a great name for a second NHL team in the city. It would be hilarious!

Although I still stand by "Toronto Canadians" <--spelled the English way to create a rivalry with Montreal.

Not that we are getting a second team. I just think it's fun to think of names for it.


Then they can get the nickname of the Twonies~!

I cannot believe how much longer we have to put up with Ford madness. It makes me so angry.

I don't know if my sanity can take a triple conservative governing if Hudak wins as well.
Hopefully Ford's ineptness kills any chance for PC to win Ontario.


Will QA for food.
Prax said:
Then they can get the nickname of the Twonies~!

I cannot believe how much longer we have to put up with Ford madness. It makes me so angry.

I don't know if my sanity can take a triple conservative governing if Hudak wins as well.
Hopefully Ford's ineptness kills any chance for PC to win Ontario.

If we're lucky, Ford's stupidity will infect the PC like a virus and start eating through all levels of government.


EvilMario said:
If we're lucky, Ford's stupidity will infect the PC like a virus and start eating through all levels of government.

And it will be the best thing he's ever done.

Bravo, Ford.


EvilMario said:
If we're lucky, Ford's stupidity will infect the PC like a virus and start eating through all levels of government.

I really dont understand how the Ontario conservatives can continue to call themselves PCs. Hudak is more conservative than Harper.


Will QA for food.
Fun fact about this meeting: If there are no at least seven members of the executive committee in attendance, the meeting is cancelled. Even though the entire meeting is basically challenging the ideals of the committee. It seems really.. backwards.

edit: Looks like a Fordite is up. 'taxes bad'. A real estate agent telling someone to 'live within their means.'


EvilMario said:
Fun fact about this meeting: If there are no at least seven members of the executive committee in attendance, the meeting is cancelled. Even though the entire meeting is basically challenging the ideals of the committee. It seems really.. backwards.

edit: Looks like a Fordite is up. 'taxes bad'. A real estate agent telling someone to 'live within their means.'
That guy from Bosley real estate is a stooge. He refuses to answer any questions and keeps repeating "live within our means" and "the land transfer tax is an unfair tax."

-edit: He also just said "you people" and this is why I'm not a city counselor because I'd definitely respond "what do you mean, 'you people'?"


Will QA for food.
Stet said:
That guy from Bosley real estate is a stooge. He refuses to answer any questions and keeps repeating "live within our means" and "the land transfer tax is an unfair tax."

-edit: He also just said "you people" and this is why I'm not a city counselor because I'd definitely respond "what do you mean, 'you people'?"

It's hilarious listening to him, really. He sticks to his points, and ignores all questions that might go against him. Also, this is the third time now that a point of order has been called and time restarted for someone agreeing with Ford. But they'll rush someone who disagrees with him off as quickly as possible. Incredibly sad.

edit: Debbie Field brings up the most obvious of all points. Don't just tax across the board; give breaks to people that are vulnerable, and tax more on people that can afford to give more. Mammoliti had to shut up finally.
The Torontoist said:
3:31 PM: Time for a tally! 46 deputants have spoken (they are on #69 on the list, due to no-shows); 43 opposed to cuts, 3 in favour.

How will the Ford Team use majorities and minorities now? They have both sides of the camps at the meeting today with an overwhelming majority against the proposed cuts.


Will QA for food.
typo said:
How will the Ford Team use majorities and minorities now? They have both sides of the camps at the meeting today with an overwhelming majority against the proposed cuts.

Doesn't change their perspective. Even the last meeting had a handful of speakers in favor of cuts.

The majority of Toronto, the hard working people that wouldn't take time off from work to attend this meeting, support Mayor Ford. They're still the silent majority!


Will QA for food.
Zzoram said:
Are they stupid people against it?

The last woman was claiming we're all over exposed to fluoride. That there is even evil fluoride gas right outside our homes! I'm afraid to go out now. :(
EvilMario said:
Doesn't change their perspective. Even the last meeting had a handful of speakers in favor of cuts.

The majority of Toronto, the hard working people that wouldn't take time off from work to attend this meeting, support Mayor Ford. They're still the silent majority!

Perfect mayor for North Bay, fuck...


Zzoram said:
Are they stupid people against it?
One man was asked by a counselor why his child's dentist says that he can see the difference between kids that were raised on fluoridated water and kids that weren't and he responded, "sorry, but the science proving that just isn't there!"


Will QA for food.
Executive Community having trouble keeping enough people in the room. And it looks like Mammoliti and one other guy are falling asleep on camera. Mean while, Ford is off tweeting somewhere while not in attendance.

Of course, if someone misses their time to speak, there are no second chances and it's likely the majority have been seated at City Hall all day.


Will QA for food.
Royson James had a good article today, talking about the fate of the waterfront and Donlands.

Doug Ford continues to twist arms, urging councillors to back his plan because the city needs to sell the lands and use the money for its depleted budget.

Some councillors were so terrified of the pressure that when they sought information and a briefing from Waterfront Toronto, they did so incognito, fearing reprisals.

Councillor Lee says Doug Ford tried to intimidate him into voting for this and other issues the administration wanted to implement. Doug threatened to unleash automated robo calls in Lee’s local ward to rally support against Lee. It has not worked. Rather it has emboldened the soft-spoken councillor, who says businessman Ford may be used to that kind of behaviour in the private sector, “But this is a public forum. None of us can be threatened like this.”

What a great fellow, that Doug Ford.


Will QA for food.
Mike Del Grande calls the meeting a waste of time, and nonsense when woman in Santa suit appears. Personally, I'd rather not see people in customs show up, but so far this meeting has plenty of ideas and gives insight into the people of the city.

Del Grande storms out after Ford denies him a motion to end the meeting because of this, but does threaten to clear the room if people don't shut up. Before leaving Del Grande does complain about how long he's been there. I wonder who's fault that is, that they're running a meeting 20 hours.

I think I'll stick it out until 2:00am for this one, but we'll see if it gets interesting in the later hours like last time.
what is the best way for me to obtain an e-cigarette starter kit in downtown Toronto? I need to cut down on the smokes. Any brands I should start with? Where should I order them from?
Some good news:

Toronto Star said:
Mayor Rob Ford has talked the talk on the need for budget cuts. He declined to walk the walk when he had the opportunity on Tuesday morning.

In a significant concession to public opposition and to queasy council allies, Ford voted at the end of a 20-hour executive committee meeting to reject some proposed cuts and to put off decisions on almost all of the others to the 2012 budget process, which begins in November and ends in mid-January.

The votes call into question Ford’s ability to usher a hawkish fiscal agenda through council. They suggest that even some of the mayor’s loyalists have not yet mustered the fortitude to put their jobs on the line by endorsing cuts in the face of widespread disapproval from their constituents.

EDIT: There is no unit of measurement to describe the douchiness of both Mammoliti and Del Grande.


Will QA for food.
Mammoliti apparently made around 20 motions, with many of them moving recommendations from the City Manager’s proposed set of cuts. He later however, made a motion to push most (if not all) of the cuts to 2012 / 2013 budgets.

All motions have been unanimously approved, which no one really knows what that means. Considering there were motions to no sell Riverdale farm, and a motion to bring heritage and museum services together.

But it sure looks like we're not cutting anything right now. I guess we'll hear more specific later.


EvilMario said:
Mammoliti apparently made around 20 motions, with many of them moving recommendations from the City Manager’s proposed set of cuts. He later however, made a motion to push most (if not all) of the cuts to 2012 / 2013 budgets.

All motions have been unanimously approved, which no one really knows what that means. Considering there were motions to no sell Riverdale farm, and a motion to bring heritage and museum services together.

But it sure looks like we're not cutting anything right now. I guess we'll hear more specific later.

Don't all the executive committee motions then get passed on to council or is this it for budgetary concerns?


Will QA for food.
Azih said:
Don't all the executive committee motions then get passed on to council or is this it for budgetary concerns?

If they defer the issues, I'm not sure that it will go against the entire council. If they vote for cuts, I think it would go before the entire council, but the visiting council members seem genuinely confused by the entire vote. Which is troubling.

Like I said, I'll have to see the exact details of what's to come. It could be years of more meetings like this and looming cuts to keep us in line. Hurr.


Will QA for food.
From the Globe and Mail's article outlining the issues better:

What was cut:

>> Museums with the least attendance and revenues compared to costs

>> Developing community service hubs and plans for revitalization in some neighbourhoods

>> Pay-duty police officers at construction sites, where possible

>> Zoning information provided over the phone; this will be moved online

>> Public Realm's Neighbourhood Improvement Program

>> City involvement in Christmas fund for needy children - but only if transferred to appropriate external agency or group

What was saved:

>> Snow clearing and grass cutting standards will remain unchanged

>> No library closings, although service cuts and reduced hours are under consideration

>> Maintain the clearing of snow left by ploughs, called windrows, at foot of driveways in suburbs

>> No cut to investigation and enforcement under licensing and standards

>> Blue night bus service

>> Service levels for Wheel Trans users.

What was put off for another day:

>> Plans to restructuring grants to community groups and arts and culture organizations

>> Proposals to merge of EMS and fire services, transferring city daycare centres to private operators and ending quality assessments

>> Reducing affordable housing development and loan program

>> Animal pick-up and delivery to shelters

>> Four free garbage bag tags

>> Community environment days

>> Consolidation of Toronto Environment Office and Toronto Atmospheric Fund

>> Hardship fund for emergency services for most needy

>> Street cleaning

>> Heritage grants

>> Support for business improvement areas

>> Horticultural activities in parks

>> Dental health program
Kinitari said:
Whoever suggested a cut to blue night services should be beat with a foam bat until he/she passes out.

No kidding. That would have been a kick in the groin to all the people living in Scarborough. I relied on those buses for years back when I used to live there.

The cuts don't sound so bad so far.. I wonder if the strategy was to say you will cut everything and then when it comes down to it and you only cut a few things, it won't sound as bad.
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