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Toronto-Age |OT2|

Im not voting NDP because the candidate in my riding is a loser who was in my class in grade 5 and 6. Dude was in ESL. He's also only 25 and it says under his bio that his biggest accomplishment was organizing a toy drive.
Azih said:
I don't like that article. How much in their estimation *would* raising the corp tax rate to 14% bring in?

That article basically argues that we can never raise the corporate tax rate ever. Which is bunk.
Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to raise corporate taxes when a) we've just lowered them and b) we're probably headed toward a double-dip recession.

At this point, stability is more important than milking every possible cash cow dry - no matter how feebly they currently stand.


Fuzzy said:
I can't believe you guys actually wait for election day to vote. It was such a pleasure to take only 5 minutes from when I got to my advance poll until I got back to my car after voting. I swore off election day voting a couple of elections ago.
My election day polls are in the lobby of my building. The advance polls are down the street. The sun shall never kiss this lilly-white flesh.


Will QA for food.
Hudak is like a broken record. Listened to him on Metro Morning this morning, and Galloway kept probing him on a flyer released by the PC in a Brampton riding. Galloway's point was, the flyer had a bunch of falsehoods, like 6 year olds being taught about crossing dressing in sex ed. And Hudak didn't claim it was true, but he 'stands behind it'.

Oh, and in regards to Toronto, Hudak's platform is to 'end the war on cars'. And that it's up to local governments to decide what's best. Bwahah. This clown better not win.
EvilMario said:
Hudak is like a broken record. Listened to him on Metro Morning this morning, and Galloway kept probing him on a flyer released by the PC in a Brampton riding. Galloway's point was, the flyer had a bunch of falsehoods, like 6 year olds being taught about crossing dressing in sex ed. And Hudak didn't claim it was true, but he 'stands behind it'.

Oh, and in regards to Toronto, Hudak's platform is to 'end the war on cars'. And that it's up to local governments to decide what's best. Bwahah. This clown better not win.

He's not going to win a single seat in Toronto, except for maybe ass-backwards Eglinton-Lawrence.


Zombie James said:
He's not going to win a single seat in Toronto, except for maybe ass-backwards Eglinton-Lawrence.

Even with the recent Rob Ford hooplah, Toronto still has had a recent influx of conservative sentiment, as evidenced by the last few elections.


Will QA for food.
Zombie James said:
He's not going to win a single seat in Toronto, except for maybe ass-backwards Eglinton-Lawrence.

And it's not surprising that it looks like the majority of the 905, including some previously Liberal ridings, will go PC. WAR ON CARS IS OVER :/
EvilMario said:
Oh, and in regards to Toronto, Hudak's platform is to 'end the war on cars'. And that it's up to local governments to decide what's best. Bwahah. This clown better not win.

Oh, so he's dedicated a whole bunch of money for Ford's proposed subways? Fucking assclown.


EvilMario said:
And it's not surprising that it looks like the majority of the 905, including some previously Liberal ridings, will go PC. WAR ON CARS IS OVER :/

I really hope that isn't the case.
Conservative reactions to the homophobic flyer:

John Tory, former PC leader, CFRB, October 3, 2011:
"I can't imagine, first of all, what strategy this embodies in terms of this late in an election...And secondly, it seems to go against everything certainly that we're supposed to be explaining, and getting kids to embrace and understand. They don't have to be accepting for their own personal lives, but just accepting of the fact that people are different. This just seems inflammatory."

Jaime Watt, former co-chair, Ontario PC campaigns, Power and Politics, October 3, 2011:
"I can't explain it for the life of me...I don't want to cause my friends that are running that campaign any trouble today, but I can't understand this, and I certainly can't understand the rationale that would actually take them off the agenda and have this a media issue for the last push of the campaign."

Sue-Ann Levy, Toronto Sun columnist and former Hudak PC candidate, via Facebook:
"I am so disgusted with today's comments by Willowdale PC candidate Vince Agovino that he would fight to keep 'queer issues' out of Catholic schools. Is this man running in the U.S. Bible Belt of the U.S. or in Toronto? I thought we'd moved beyond such nonsense."

Gerry Nicholls, Conservative Commentator and former head of the National Citizens Coalition with Stephen Harper, AM640, October 3, 2011:
"Probably not the kind of thing that the conservatives want to be talking about right now...This is not the kind of the thing that they want talking about a couple of days before the election because it kind of plays to the liberal Narrative that these guys are to the right of the political spectrum...I`m surprised they did..."

Jim Richards, CFRB, October 3, 2011:
"If you believe that this is the curriculum, you're too stupid for me to vote for you. You are absolutely too stupid for me to vote for you. You know that that's not the curriculum; You know that that is not the curriculum. How am I supposed to vote for someone that is that dumb? How am I supposed to vote for someone who is that stupid? You want to run this province? And you're that much of an ignoramus?"



Glad there is hope for Ontario, yet!

I see a lot of NDP signs around my area though. There's even one on my lawn for whatever reason. Dunno how it will go here.. but they did vote conservative for the municipals.. :l
I can only hope they saw the stupidity that happened since and will aim for liberal this time.


Black Canada Mafia
Zombie James said:
When John Tory is the sense of reason, you know you've fucked up.

Seriously, it gives me some hope - American-grade conservative rhetoric still hasn't made it's roots here yet.


Kinitari said:
Seriously, it gives me some hope - American-grade conservative rhetoric still hasn't made it's roots here yet.
My parents, their siblings, and their neighbors (all over 60) love them some American-grade conservative rhetoric. They would vote the shit out of Palin and friends if they could.


Kinitari said:
Seriously, it gives me some hope - American-grade conservative rhetoric still hasn't made it's roots here yet.
John Tory is good people and a throwback to the old PCs but man, there's a reason he failed as a head of the Mike Harris era PCs.


Canadians burned my passport
Kinitari said:
What the fuck is this, 4000/yr by 2018 nonsense someone keeps spouting?


It'll be a Liberal minority. 308 guy has a crappy record, I hate how everyone treats him like he's always been 100% accurate. Which he's never been close.

My home riding is in Northern Ontario, and I'm voting NDP, because Liberals policies have only hurt the north. But the riding I live in (York West) will go Liberal. oh well.


BladeWorker said:
And as the post-Mike-Harris era PCs.
And as a mayoral candidate.
The PCs are *still* in the Mike Harris era.

And John Tory came incredibly close to defeating David Miller back in the day. That was a mayoral campaign that I was incredibly comfortable in. I supported Miller (and the Miller years were awesome) but would not have minded at all if Tory had won.

Point being that the PCs are trending towards Republican lite territory and have been doing so for a while leaving the old reasonable and responsible Red Tory heritage (of which John Tory is an example) behind.


Fatghost said:
I have to vote Conservative but they ran a shit campaign. Why are the quality of politicians so poor in Ontario now?
Someone holding a gun to your head?

I like both McGuinty and Howarth so I'm good for the next little while in terms of Ontario politics, unless Hudak somehow becomes Premier tonight.


Just came back from voting. There was a huge ass line in my station while all the other ones were empty. I hate it when that happens. Voted Liberal just because.
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