I was like, "He can't possibly mean that UFC, can he?" Oh, but he does.
Wow. There are no words.
All right, kids.
As much as we all justifiably hate the Fords, it's time for me, as GAF's resident MMA fanatic, to put on my "devil's advocate" hat and drop some truth bombs up in this biatch.
only issue I have with the above is that it is somewhat distasteful with the whole UFC corporate sponsorship/branding thing.
Otherwise, give me a fucking break.
I consider it as axiomatic that sports, whatever the sport, has always been one of the most effective ways at instilling in kids qualities of motivation, discipline, hard work, etc, and that goes double for martial arts.
For God's sake, boxing has been a way for inner city youth in America to "get off the streets" and make something of themselves for a century. None of y'all watched seasons 3 and 4 of The Wire, did you?
The constituent martial arts which make up MMA, whether they be Brazilian jiu-jitsu, boxing, kickboxing, karate, wrestling, judo, etc. are all capable of instilling such positive qualities in youths as any other sport is. Martial arts training does
not make children into violent bullies. Quite the opposite, from my experience.
If and when I have children, they will absolutely be enrolled in some aspect of these martial arts.
As for the "meeting UFC fighters" aspect of the program? I dare anyone to try and argue that Georges St. Pierre is not the gold standard of a role model for kids.
It is unfortunate that MMA has not yet reached the level of widespread public acceptance for this idea to be a non-story, and as an MMA fan I am upset at The Star's blatant fearmongering with this story. I coached bantam competitive hockey for a couple of years, and the dark side of the fighting/thug culture of our national sport was far more poisonous and ingrained than exposing high school students to Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.
But go ahead, everyone, keep up with your ignorant knee-jerk reactions just because the Fords like UFC.