Oh the memories.... I swear to god, Toronto is best/coolest city I've ever been to.
The constituent martial arts which make up MMA, whether they be Brazilian jiu-jitsu, boxing, kickboxing, karate, wrestling, judo, etc. are all capable of instilling such positive qualities in youths as any other sport is. Martial arts training does not make children into violent bullies. Quite the opposite, from my experience.
Anyone like gritty urban photos?
(just a disclaimer - I don't take any of the photos I post on here.. I just find ones I like in random threads on urbantoronto.ca)
So, I'm going to the Leafs game tonight. First time I've ever been to one.
I'm actually not sure who to cheer for, since my cousin plays for the Devils.![]()
So, I'm going to the Leafs game tonight. First time I've ever been to one.
I'm actually not sure who to cheer for, since my cousin plays for the Devils.![]()
Scarborough residents will be without rail transit for four years starting in 2015, when the Scarborough RT light rail system running between Kennedy Station and McCowan Road is take off the rails, said Toronto Transit Commission Chief General Manager Gary Webster Tuesday afternoon.
"The phase-in of Scarborough will be from the fall of 2015 to 2019," Webster told reporters outside the city's budget committee meeting.
Webster had been responding to questions at the budget committee meeting about the plans to rebuild the aging SRT line. Prior to the last election, the line was scheduled to be shut down and rebuilt as a light rail line in 2015, as soon as the Sheppard LRT went on line as a part of former Mayor David Miller's Transit City plan.
But when Rob Ford was elected mayor last year, work on the Sheppard LRT ceased, and according to a memorandum of understanding the entirety of the $8.3-billion Transit City budget went to turning the Eglinton crosstown line into an underground light rail line. The city, meanwhile, is looking for a way to fund a $4.2-billion-plus subway line along Sheppard. But it is unlikely construction of such a subway could be underway by 2015.
There has been some confusion as to how long the SRT was to be out of service, because the Eglinton plan would have joined that line to the SRT, making it a continuous service. Webster himself initially forecast the transit drought in Scarborough to be seven years, and told that to both the committee and reporters.
Whether seven years or four years, however, this was the first time that Webster had put a timeline to how long Scarborough residents would be without rapid transit service throughout.
Ward 41 Councillor Chin Lee said Scarborough residents would simply have to "deal with it."
Lee, who supported the Sheppard LRT, said residents groups who fought hard against the LRT and supported Mayor Rob Ford in promising to scrap it have gotten what they asked for.
"Unfortunately the subway advocates were a very vocal group and the mayor listened to them, so we've got to deal with this situation now - this situation of no rapid transit north in Scarborough until the SRT is rebuilt," he said. "Just be careful what you ask for, and think of all the implications."
http://www.thestar.com/news/article/1095272--toronto-sees-dramatic-decline-in-homicidesToronto homicides
2011: 42 to date
2010: 61
2009: 62
2008: 70
2007: 86
2006: 70
2005: 80
2004: 64
2003: 67
2002: 62
2001: 61
Anyone like gritty urban photos?
Where do you live now, Mlatador?
the amount of bureaucracy involved the ttc is mind blowing
thank god the conservatives are in power so we can curtail this unprecedented increase in crime and build more prisons
thank god the conservatives are in power so we can curtail this unprecedented increase in crime and build more prisons
The Conservatives aren't concerned with crime, they're concerned with unreported crime.
If you don't have a 3DS and don't get it:My is worse.I have to rescue Rob Ford and his two children.
Anyone want to post a quick "history of events" here? Cause this has to go deeper than just Ford and Fordites.
Anyone want to post a quick "history of events" here? Cause this has to go deeper than just Ford and Fordites.
We'll see how Scarborough votes on October 27, 2014.
Someone just needs a catchphrase that can beat Ford.If you think the voters will be any wiser, think again.
It's like all the people here who didn't disagree with Smitherman's policies, but voted against him simply because he was gay.
The Leafs game last night was fun... but I was waaaaay to fucking drunk to enjoy it properly.
My brother and sister are heavy drinkers, and kept giving me beers. When they cost that much, you can't put it down and not drink it.
If you think the voters will be any wiser, think again.
It's like all the people here who didn't disagree with Smitherman's policies, but voted against him simply because he was gay.
I was at the game too, tough loss, but the Leafs were zombies in the first
My friend won a signed Schenn jersey from the Loose Moose, I was so jealous
I just got a notice from the owner of my apartment building saying they plan on demolishing it to replace it with a new rental unit.
I hate moving. There is going to be a meeting in a couple of weeks for tenants to meet with ownership but I assume we are SOL.
How long do I have? I guess they can say GTFO in sixty days as that's what it says on my lease.
But all this aside, these kids don't idolize GSP and Machida and whoever else because of their technique and discipline. They idolize them for their ability to rain down hell on their opponents. And, I'd argue that while many kids do, at some point in their lives, take some form of martial arts, they still count for a small minority of children.
At a certain age, they may be smart enough to grasp the difference between bullying and raining down hell (and "raining down hell" and technique/discipline, for that matter), but that's not enough to justify an icon of an inherently violent sport coming into classrooms and saying "don't beat people up because it's not cool." It's a contradictory message to what kids see on television and it makes little sense coming from someone whose job it is to ...beat people up.
More public hearings on budget cuts today at City Hill
I just started watching. Not sure if the executive committee is pulling the same stunts, but looks like they're giving the speakers full time (?!). They're a bit depressing to watch after a while, knowing they'll make little difference.
Damn Doctor. Sorry to hear about that. I'm not sure what's legal when it comes to eviction because of building demolition. It looks like they probably have the right, with the 60 days notice, but if they don't follow through with the demo, you can press chargers against them.
For more: http://www.ltb.gov.on.ca/en/STEL02_111281.html
I just got a notice from the owner of my apartment building saying they plan on demolishing it to replace it with a new rental unit.
I hate moving. There is going to be a meeting in a couple of weeks for tenants to meet with ownership but I assume we are SOL.
How long do I have? I guess they can say GTFO in sixty days as that's what it says on my lease.
I've been in this situation in Vancouver. It was so outrageously stressful and annoying. Ugh.
How long did they give you?
A bit off topic, but since I started actually using my 3DS online, anyone from Toronto-Age wanting to add me; 2964-8578-2643
I'm 3609-1192-2134!
My friend code is 2878 9697 8191. I'ma add you both.
As for 3DS friend codes, I've added everyone so far. My FC is 0001-3432-3734
Added all you guys. I miss anyone in this thread?<- 1633-4181-9712
3DS update hit with Find Mii II.
Just another day in Ford Kingdom..
60 days but I have no idea if that was legal. Also it was in BC where the laws don't favour renters as much as they seem to here.
Where do you live/want to live?I just got a notice from the owner of my apartment building saying they plan on demolishing it to replace it with a new rental unit.
I hate moving. There is going to be a meeting in a couple of weeks for tenants to meet with ownership but I assume we are SOL.
How long do I have? I guess they can say GTFO in sixty days as that's what it says on my lease.
The thought of trying to rent in the same area with all the other ousted tenants does not sound like fun.Especially if it's only 60 days away.
Well if you're interested, you can pm me too.Think of it as an opportunity to shake things up and make some positive changes. Yes, on one hand it sucks. But you can end up somewhere great, especially if you're proactive about the search.
Going through something similar ourselves. We rent the main floor and basement of a house in Little Italy and our landlord lives upstairs. He and his wife also own a condo being built at King and Bathurst and they are looking to move to the condo next summer/fall and convert the house we all live in back to a single family home. They'll easily get > 900K for the place. Sucks that we have to move cause I really like the place and the neighborhood but at the same time, change can be good. We offered to leave even earlier than they requested cause we're cool like that![]()
Might downsize a bit and try the condo lifestyle and rent a place in Liberty Village or down near Fort York....wife and I are going to tour a few neighborhoods this weekend.
Ah, so that's who won that. Shame on them for knowing the name of that awful band.