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Tragic News: Destiny open marriage fails


Have you guys never seen Destiny before? He’s a mediocre former Starcraft 2 pro turned neoliberal political commentator who wilfully depicts his life as a shambolic trainwreck for clicks and laughs

This was 100% intentional and I doubt he has any money
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Gold Member
There is no cure for weapons-grade stupidity. Or clout-chasing. there's a good chance this is all for clout and clicks. Such a whacky ecosystem.

Live your life however you want, but choices have consequences and if you make what is arguably the most retarded choice anyone in a marriage can make I have no sympathy for you.


thanks, monogamy is for the birds
Having this life is doable for men but even they fall foul to the loneliness creep in later life. Women though, meeting them single with no kids at 50+, good luck. That's some crazy shit :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Even 50+, single with kids is most of the time on another level..

Personally, I'm happy being married with kids. I've seen both side of the fray and seen too much if I'm honest.

Hats off to whoever takes that life style, it ain't for me anymore.

As the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

These young people have it all sussed out though. I hear depression is falling at an alarming rate. At this rate utopia doesn't seem far off.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Even though I am vaguely aware of who he is, I don't think I've ever seen any of his content.

Anywho, the past five-ish years have elevated a lot of stupid, vapid, worthless people to fame and riches thanks to social media and this entire story and both he and his ex-wife sound like caricatures of this phenomenon. Sadly they'll both end up profiting off this stupid, nothing news.
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I'd hit that.

same. look at her ass. could it be that she was just too hot for destiny (at least to be in a monogamous relationship with him so he had no other choice if he wanted to smash). i imagine women who look like that are probably looking for some sports star or something to marry.


You and many others it seems

I bet it's like chucking a sausage down an alley at this point.
In my experience, the amount of partners a woman has had in the past doesn't really affect how tight she is, especially if they regularly exercise. However, if a girl is with someone recently, you'll know right away, which might be where that expression comes from. I got cheated on once :messenger_neutral:


This appears to be the origin story of their relationship. As far as I can tell, Destiny met up with some Swedish guy, whose girlfriend was Melina, and the Swedish guy basically recorded his girlfriend and Destiny getting close with each other and then leaving him, on video...?

Definitely a girl to then marry without a prenup!

The Swedish guy reminds me of the beard guy from The Other Guys:



In my experience, the amount of partners a woman has had in the past doesn't really affect how tight she is, especially if they regularly exercise. However, if a girl is with someone recently, you'll know right away, which might be where that expression comes from. I got cheated on once :messenger_neutral:
It's just an old off the cuff derogatory term, it's not really serious :messenger_tears_of_joy:

But same here, I went on a rampage of drunken sexual encounters after, for a few years, can't say it was that brilliant really. You live and learn though. Thankfully I'd met someone properly before it was too late.

Ironically, the girl who cheated on me that started my downfall back then wanted to meet up for a drink 22 years later. She was 43, single, no kids.

You couldn't make it up.

Another weird happening is my wife who worked in neonatal said she'd come into the clinic for a scan this year, with no man in tow..
-They set ground rules about which people are off limits in terms of being slept with. She broke the ground rules.

An open marriage is an invitation to break the rules. She never had any respect for him.


Open relationships are some nasty commy shit. Your nasty bitch is shared with the whole town. Seems we need to go back to opening a brothel on every corner. Make it official. His women can work there. Seeing the popularity of only fans and open relationships, there is no shortage of women who will happily bang for cash. May as well legalize prostitution.


Luckily my wife and I make about the same amount so if it ever came to that I would not get fleeced. If she ever spoke about quitting her job and wanting to be provided for I would end things.


It's just an old off the cuff derogatory term, it's not really serious :messenger_tears_of_joy:

But same here, I went on a rampage of drunken sexual encounters after, for a few years, can't say it was that brilliant really. You live and learn though. Thankfully I'd met someone properly before it was too late.

Ironically, the girl who cheated on me that started my downfall back then wanted to meet up for a drink 22 years later. She was 43, single, no kids.

You couldn't make it up.

Another weird happening is my wife who worked in neonatal said she'd come into the clinic for a scan this year, with no man in tow..
Yeah, it's kind of interesting to learn all the different sexual stereotypes, especially those in history. I've met some girls who were under the impression that buff guys have bigger dicks, when actually, it's just genetics.

I'm surprised you kept in contact with that person. Glad you met someone nice though
Funny thing is, with this type of take, you would actually like Destiny 🤷‍♂️

I can't go into detail without turning this thread political so I won't. I'll just say that he consistently fights with the far left, right, and far right, he waits on evidence before jumping to conclusions, and he agrees that these ideologies are going too far in their own directions. Just like with Shapiro, it's the other stuff of his that I don't pay attention to(relationships, drama, etc.) because I feel that stuff takes away from the more meaningful content.
Doesn't stuff like this say something about his political ideas/ideology? I have difficulty not seeing these open relationships as anti-nuclear family.


Doesn't stuff like this say something about his political ideas/ideology? I have difficulty not seeing these open relationships as anti-nuclear family.
Possibly, but I also attribute it to being young and having less concept of time. Or naive to the consequences of sex and relationships. Rarely, there are people who manage open/poly stuff well, but I see it as an exception to the rule. Life is complicated, different strokes for different folks
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Rarely, there are people who manage open/poly stuff well, but I see it as an exception to the rule. Life is complicated, different strokes for different folks
That's the issue really, you hardly ever hear about the ones that work because they most likely don't talk about it on Social Media for clout. So for places like this it always falls down to the trope of "haha, man is cuck, woman fuck lots of guys".

Edit: and not saying that it's anyone's fault cause again when all you see online are people like this or those annoying "being open is the better way" types it does skew the view.
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Doesn't stuff like this say something about his political ideas/ideology? I have difficulty not seeing these open relationships as anti-nuclear family.
The problem is that there exists right wing types who have also attempted open relationships or have had side affairs. Even tradcon types have been proven to slip up or attempted to be greedy in the past.

Because of that I would say politics have very little bearing on people generally being horny/greedy and wanting more than what they already have.

Edit: Normally I would have said that the main difference lies in who is advertising it and who is not, but lately redpill types have also been advocating for open marriages, and they can range from middle right to far right.
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I have nothing against honest open relationships. They are not for me and my wife feels the same but as long as everybody is on the same page to each their own. I did see that video where he smugly steals her away from her BF at the time and I feel that what you do to others will come back to you.

Also politics have nothing to do with marital fidelity. There are many people who vote liberal but have strong and stable marriages.


Dude is insufferable everything revolves in his eyes around a "political battle". I am absolutely not shocked she wanted to get away from it, waste of your time being chained to people like that.

Also open marriage is nothing but friends with benefits. The moment u go open marriage or poly your relationship is basically over.
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How long is the moment?

Depends on the person, for destiny it was 2 years it seems like. But i bet it was already over way before that. I saw reddit posts full of people saying there relationship has been over for probably over a year now.

I can tell you this, woman like attention, money and power. She's good looking, she will find another guy within seconds of advertising herself on a dating sites. Then its just have more of all the things she looks for then destiny and its over which probably took her a few days.
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Depends on the person, for destiny it was 2 years it seems like. But i bet it was already over way before that. I saw reddit posts full of people saying there relationship has been over for probably over a year now.

I can tell you this, woman like attention, money and power. She's good looking, she will find another guy within seconds of advertising herself on a dating sites.
So again this is based on the bad examples? Which is all most people here tend to hear about.


So again this is based on the bad examples? Which is all most people here tend to hear about.

He was a right example, until he was not. And that to nobody's surprise.

If he was smart he would have funneled the money towards his parents if he had any while this shit was going on. But then again dude wasn't the brightest bulb out there, also the reason why he got deleted from twitch.
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In today's Most Important and Very Serious Internet News, popular political/social commentary streamer Destiny is being divorced by his wife Melina. Destiny and Melina have gone on podcasts to promote the idea of open marriage since tying the knot in 2021.

Destiny also mentioned that he was so confident in their open relationship marital bonds lasting forever that he did not get a prenup. ☠️

Melina reportedly left him for one of the many gross, ugly internet nerds she was sleeping with on the side.

Obviously, we're all adults here and can configure our lives how we choose. Do what works for you! But it seems like he was exposing himself to tremendous financial risk and ongoing social embarrassment by marrying someone who seemingly enjoyed making him out to be a cuckold repeatedly in public, while handing her all the cards by not getting a prenup on top of that. Why get married in the first place?!

The things we do for true love...

You gotta admit. She is very fuckable.


Gold Member

No. The juvenile and confused twinks you surround yourself with want that clingy mommy shit. Her types feed their emptiness with the neediness they can control. Ironic, since they always suffer from daddy issues, looking for a sugar daddy.

Men who have their shit together want a loving and loyal woman, it really is that simple. And leave us the fuck alone when we need "our time," just as we are expected to leave you alone in "your time." You don't need to be the center of our happiness in everything we do. Her types can't stand when men find happiness in other things, like "video games," "cars" or the like.

Recognize and celebrate your strengths and weaknesses in the sexes and work together in harmonic balance with them. As was genetically intended. The end.
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