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Trailer for "10 Cloverfield Lane" (aka Cloverfield 2) airs before 13 Hours

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I'm hoping this is in the same universe somehow.

It'd be kind of hilarious of JJ's Cloverfield moniker just meant "original idea."


Unconfirmed Member
I am very intrigued by the trailer. Hopefully this premieres March in Sweden too.
Unless the poster tagline is a fake out they're basically telling you don't expect this to turn into a found footage movie with a bunch of monsters out of the blue. What you see is what you get. The monsters are background noise to John Goodman nutting up in a bunker with 2 (assumed) strangers.


So it seems pretty obvious that the whole movie is gonna take place inside the bunker and it's gonna be a character driven horror type movie rather than anything like what cloverfield was.

Same universe different story?

It might open up with a news real type thing to give us some context or something.

I hope not, news reel openings are so cliche and overdone.


I always thought it was cool how games have those reveal trailers at E3 that come out of nowhere and nobody knows what they are until the title at the end, you never really got those in movies - until now, great trailer.
Love the 'anthology' idea people are tossing around.
Maybe make it take place in a world where the first Cloverfield happened, but make this story self-contained with possibly some nods here and there: ultimately an entirely new story/threat- be it a creature or the diseases that could spread after that kind of organism has spent time on the planet.

Either way, put me on the side of those that really enjoy the struggles from the human characters. Cloverfield was great to me because I liked the thrill of being on the ground floor of a giant monster attack. Rob calling his mom and telling her that Josh (his brother/her son) was dead was a pretty effective scene. The helplessness and chaos was so well done, IMO.

I remember the rumors years ago of a Cloverfield 2 possibly revolving around the military's point of view- and I would take that, sure... but I'm really interested in where 10 Cloverfield Lane is going to go. So far it looks very interesting.
Seriously though, Cloverfield ... I remember the lead-up to the movie, the teasers, the websites. I can't believe it's almost been a decade.


So I'm guessing it's an anthology style series?

First movie: Godzilla
Second movie: War of the Worlds

I'm very very okay with that. I love this idea in fact.

I always thought it was cool how games have those reveal trailers at E3 that come out of nowhere and nobody knows what they are until the title at the end, you never really got those in movies - until now, great trailer.


It's what living in the world before the internet was like for us. Imagine not knowing about the biggest release of the year until it was on shelves.


It's weird that Cloverfield has turned from being made fun of to apparently being well liked. I remember people shitting on that movie.

Of course, having an amazing looking teaser trailer like that makes it hard not to be a little excited. Goodman losing his shit is always the best Goodman. It's....Good, man...


I love the fact that it's coming out in like 2 months. No waiting is nice. Sometimes it's not fun knowing about a movie 2 years before it's supposed to be out.
JJ Apparently adores The Twilight Zone. Wouldn't be surprised if he's turning "Cloverfield" into his own take on a Twilight Zone series of films. This premise seems Twilight Zone as fuck.
Would not surprise me at all to see the only Cloverfield references being nothing more than throwaway lines here and there then at the end when the girl opens and bunker and goes outside. Which will obviously eventually happen.


JJ Apparently adores The Twilight Zone. Wouldn't be surprised if he's turning "Cloverfield" into his own take on a Twilight Zone series of films. This premise seems Twilight Zone as fuck.
I got "The Shelter" and "The Howling Man" vibes while watching that.

Funky Papa

Chances of JJ pulling a fast one and this having fuck and all to do with Cloverfield barring some shoehorned, obscure reference?
Ummm holy shit! It may not be Cloverfield 2, but it's Cloverfield something and it looks pretty damn interesting.

Maybe Cloverfield will be an anthology series of movies?


Chances of JJ pulling a fast one and this having fuck and all to do with Cloverfield barring some shoehorned, obscure reference?

John Goodman stars as Jack Greatdude, a man living at 10 Cloverfield Lane, is so terrified after viewing the film Flowerpatch that he builds a doomsday fallout shelter and handpicks two people he believes would best repopulate the human race.


Fallout shelter - could be radiation, could be anything
Music - probably sound proof
Wooden stakes - vampires?
Thumping - could be large monster, could be a drum (primal people?)
The fire - could be people, could be pyrokinetic
Weird blue color - aliens?

I fucking love how it can be anything.

Funky Papa

John Goodman stars as Jack Greatdude, a man living at 10 Cloverfield Lane, is so terrified after viewing the film Flowerpatch that he builds a doomsday fallout shelter and handpicks two people he believes would best repopulate the human race.

Well, if I had my way I'd too chose MEW to repopulate Earth.


Fuck! Really Cloverfield 2.

I know some people hates that movie because of the characters (as I got older, I realized they aren't great)

But, that movie is a ride. The scene being passed around earlier (of the military opening fire) I still remember ducking when that missle was fired, and the scene in the subway tunnel still makes me jump.

I'm down. I'll be there.


I got so into the Cloverfield marketing back in the day. All the ARG stuff made me go crazy. I don't think I'll get into this one as much, but damn did it come out of nowhere.


What did she see at the end??

I saw Cloverfield twice in the cinema, in the same weekend.

Already saw it around 10 times at home (both DVD and Bluray).

I'm a freak!
Loved the 1st movie but after watching the trailer it looks that everything I loved about the original is absent in the sequel. Like how it's not shot with a camera phone in first person. Was hoping it would have been the same concept as the original but with a different cast taking place in the same city with a different point of view.


Actually, it isn't. Quite nice for what it is.
Do you just watch Oscar winners?
Well what Monsters is, is navel-gazing pretentious bullshit with two horribly written, horribly acted leads. Ffs the two lead actors are married to each other yet in the movie they have like zero chemistry. That blew my mind when I read that after seeing it.

And literally the only thing the movie ends up saying is humanity is the real monster. Doesn't that just blow your mind if you've never seen any sci-fi anything ever?

My apologies if this comes across as aggressive. I have no issue with you, I just hate Monsters that much.
I got so into the Cloverfield marketing back in the day. All the ARG stuff made me go crazy. I don't think I'll get into this one as much, but damn did it come out of nowhere.

Me too- and, admittedly, all the ARG stuff I buried myself in for months made the final release so much better for me. It made me feel like I was part of those experiences, as I had followed the website articles about the oil refinery accidents, MySpace pages for characters being uncovered, the critiques of the Tagruato Company, the missing student, etc. All that lead-up made me ready.

We now have less than two months to go and I doubt there'll be the same immersive ARG experience with this film, which is a shame. Just not enough time unless they have a bunch of stuff already out there and people start finding it soon.
Well what Monsters is, is navel-gazing pretentious bullshit with two horribly written, horribly acted leads. Ffs the two lead actors are married to each other yet in the movie they have like zero chemistry. That blew my mind when I read that after seeing it.

And literally the only thing the movie ends up saying is humanity is the real monster. Doesn't that just blow your mind if you've never seen any sci-fi anything ever?

My apologies if this comes across as aggressive. I have no issue with you, I just hate Monsters that much.

I'm with you 100% on this one.
Actually, it isn't. Quite nice for what it is.
Do you just watch Oscar winners?

What a ridiculous conclusion to come to.

Find me in another thread this morning discussing Alien 3. Find me in another talking about Star Trek: The Motion Picture. See me in here talking about a pseudo-sequel to Cloverfield. Watch me all over any bit of Star Wars related news. Go back a couple days and watch me spend a couple thousand words discussing the merits/failures (way more of the latter) of Transformers: The Movie (1986). Yeah, I'm all about maintaining a steady diet of nothing but prestige pictures burdened with glorious purpose and Oscar gold.

Monsters is a shit movie. It's dull and vapid, and it strands its two actors horribly in a beautifully filmed landscape of desolation, a landscape almost as devoid of anything living as the film's own story and characterization. But because I don't like it and you do, I'm some sort of snob with delusions of sophistication dancing through my pointy head.

Okay. I'll be that, I guess.
I'm a couple of hours late to this but has everyone now realised that this is just Paramount taking a film called 'Valencia' that sat on their schedule for months and months and renaming it in a hollow effort to generate attention?

They have?


The original spec script was about--
..., if I remember correctly (it was titled Valencia) was about a young woman who wakes up in a bunker having been saved by a stranger who says that there has been a huge disaster and they are only safe with him. It's a contained thriller with the whole question throughout the script being did this man really save this young woman or did he just say that in order to kidnap her and imprison her?

This. This film is probably complete shit.

Why are so many people seemingly so reluctant to believe that this is a sequel to Cloverfield?

They don't want to have been "fooled" by the marketing, basically. So if they worst-case scenario, and it partially turns out to be some sort of bullshit, they don't have to admit to being excited by the potential of the film.

Or at least, from the audience side, that seems to be the case

From the film-journalist standpoint, it seems to be more about trying to find some sort of angle that reinforces their importance as a gateway to film info: Since the film bypassed pretty much everyone in that section of the media on its way to the trailer release, they have to find an angle that necessitates you look to them for information, and said angle is basically "don't trust this, and don't get excited, and here's why..."
This. This film is probably complete shit.
I think it's more likely that it was always 'Cloverfield' and that 'Valencia' was just a code name or working title, than they've cobbled together a sequel to a well know monster movie out of a totally different film they were making.

They don't want to have been "fooled" by the marketing, basically. So if they worst-case scenario, and it partially turns out to be some sort of bullshit, they don't have to admit to being excited by the potential of the film.

Or at least, from the audience side, that seems to be the case

From the film-journalist standpoint, it seems to be more about trying to find some sort of angle that reinforces their importance as a gateway to film info: Since the film bypassed pretty much everyone in that section of the media on its way to the trailer release, they have to find an angle that necessitates you look to them for information, and said angle is basically "don't trust this, and don't get excited, and here's why..."

I mean, they totally could be right, it's just weird to see people being so confident about it when they're saying things like there will be no monster, or Cloverfield is now just a term for any weird horror mystery thing that Bad Robot make. It just seems far more likely it's a sequel, so I confused why people are so confident that it's not.


This looks pretty dope. Maybe the Cloverfield monster wrecked the world, or maybe whatever created the monster also did...other things.
I dunno, I think this will canonically be a Cloverfield sequel.

However, I am not convinced it will even focus around the monster - but possibly the effects it had on the world around it. And maybe those small parasites.. or something else entirely.

Then again, IMAX. It's a Cloverfield movie.
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