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Trailer for "10 Cloverfield Lane" (aka Cloverfield 2) airs before 13 Hours

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Them legs though.

I think it's more likely that it was always 'Cloverfield' and that 'Valencia' was just a code name or working title, than they've cobbled together a sequel to a well know monster movie out of a totally different film they were making.

Nah, it's pretty likely that Valencia started life as Valencia and then became a Cloverfield-related movie in production. Abrams has said as much.

He also said that the transformation happened early in production, which cuts down on the possibility of "cobbling together" a link quite a bit.

Cloverfield was a big pile of shite. Are people really that interested in a sequel?

I dunno, 20th page of a thread less than 12 hours old, what do you think.
From the trailer, it appears that they are
living in a bunker

Also, I heard from an inside source that
John Goodman
is in this.
John Goodman doing puzzles in a bunker? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP. What a surprise, looks great.

Cloverfield was a big pile of shite. Are people really that interested in a sequel?

It was alright. I remember the little bits of hints and discussions on how the monster came to be was more enjoyable than the movie.
I mean, they totally could be right, it's just weird to see people being so confident about it when they're saying things like there will be no monster, or Cloverfield is now just a term for any weird horror mystery thing that Bad Robot make. It just seems far more likely it's a sequel, so I confused why people are so confident that it's not.
There's not really "confidence" so much as there's a backlash to the people on the thread who are like "this better be in the universe or this movie will be SHIT and Abrams will have LITERALLY LIED TO US!"


Damn, didn't expect this one bit. Such a refreshment after now years of Marvel/DC long-haul teasing and multiple trailers that we're getting something like this two months after its revealed.

It better have monsters. Not even big ones, those small Mist-like ones from the original would be great. If they're making it into an anthology series they'd have picked a different name, 10 Cloverfield Lane sounds nothing like "completely different story with similar elements" to me. At least I hope they aren't doing that.
They might have intended to eventually tie it into the Cloverfield 'brand' but this started life as a film called Valencia that had zero connection to the Matt Reeves other than it being produced by Abrams' Bad Robot.

This is a marketing move and nothing more. When it was called Valencia no one cared. Now it has Cloverfield in the title it's gaining momentum. Kudos to Paramount's marketing department. I'm not saying that this won't be a good film but a change of title isn't going to change things either way.

And I don't know where you got 'indie' movie from, this was always a studio film.


You really like marketing don't you, son?

Let me put an idea out there for you:

Guy: Let's make a sequel to Cloverfield.

JJ: Ok but I don't want anyone to know we're making it so let's call it something else.

How fucking hard is that to imagine? Your tone comes off so condescending, as if something like this has never ever happened in filmmaking before, like movies never ever shoot with different names to keep them secret. Of course nobody cared when it was called Valencia, because weather or not it started as a Cloverfield movie or ended as one, nobody else even fricking knew it existed. That's kind of the entire point of keeping the title a secret until the last frames of the teaser.

Now, what it actually seems like, is that while making Cloverfield JJ and crew had a bunch of ideas for a sequel. The other guy filming on the bridge. An action movie following the army. A news crew. All movies that aren't technically sequels because they all take place at the same time, just different views of the same event.

It looks and sounds like they had an idea for a Cloverfield offshoot, got this script to a movie called Valencia, and went "Hey this is kinda like our idea let's turn this into a Cloverfield movie but let's keep it on the DL" and Bob's your uncle.

Weather or not it turns out to actually be connected is, at this point, anyone's guess. But talking down to people who are excited about the idea of a new Cloverfield monster movie when literally all we have to go on at this point is a trailer where something shakes an underground bunker and a guy goes "something's coming" and the fucking name Cloverfield appears on the screen, all things that are clearly meant to conjure ties to the only other movie called Cloverfield that happens to be about a giant monster, is ridiculous.
Damn, didn't expect this one bit. Such a refreshment after now years of Marvel/DC long-haul teasing and multiple trailers that we're getting something like this two months after its revealed.

It better have monsters. Not even big ones, those small Mist-like ones from the original would be great. If they're making it into an anthology series they'd have picked a different name, 10 Cloverfield Lane sounds nothing like "completely different story with similar elements" to me. At least I hope they aren't doing that.

I think I have an advantage in that I never saw the first one and this looks cool regardless of what universe it takes place in.

Obviously your expectations as a fan of the original would be different than mine.


They don't want to have been "fooled" by the marketing, basically. So if they worst-case scenario, and it partially turns out to be some sort of bullshit, they don't have to admit to being excited by the potential of the film.

Or at least, from the audience side, that seems to be the case

From the film-journalist standpoint, it seems to be more about trying to find some sort of angle that reinforces their importance as a gateway to film info: Since the film bypassed pretty much everyone in that section of the media on its way to the trailer release, they have to find an angle that necessitates you look to them for information, and said angle is basically "don't trust this, and don't get excited, and here's why..."

Huh? No because JJ said it's not a direct sequel.


I think I have an advantage in that I never saw the first one and this looks cool regardless of what universe it takes place in.

Obviously your expectations as a fan of the original would be different than mine.

Not saying it doesn't look cool, and I'm definitely going to see it. But unless it's made really clear that this is unrelated to the original in every way then I'm going to feel a little bummed.

I'm not stupid enough to hate it even if it's good like people did when Halloween 3 didn't have Micheal Myers in it, though.


Would not surprise me at all to see the only Cloverfield references being nothing more than throwaway lines here and there then at the end when the girl opens and bunker and goes outside. Which will obviously eventually happen.

I just really hope that this is not somehow happening at the same time as the other movie because that would suck.
I would to see more.


Cloverfield 1 spoilers:

It's pretty obvious that this bunker is right below the stone fort thingie the last two people in Cloverfield hide in. They get let into the bunker and live long happy lives as a family.


Cloverfield was a big pile of shite. Are people really that interested in a sequel?

I am guessing you were one of those people that had no idea what you were going to see when you went to see the original movie. Didn't look anything up, did not do any research and just thought it was going to be a generic mindless Godzilla/Kaiju clone.
Part of what I loved about the first movie was so many people in my theater were pissed or just "wtf" because they had no idea what was going on.
Cloverfield was awesome, especially when put together with the viral videos and the ARG stuff.


Cloverfield 1 spoilers:

It's pretty obvious that this bunker is right below the stone fort thingie the last two people in Cloverfield hide in. They get let into the bunker and live long happy lives as a family.

That fort was a bridge in Central Park. :p


They/Them A-10 Warthog
It's a giant alien monster that rampages around a city. Is that not what a Kaiju is?

If that is the definition yes, I thought Kaiju was a definition for giant anime monsters though (or a word for Japanese style monsters). Like how Lovecraftian is a style of monster based on Lovecraft's descriptions.
Cloverfield 1 spoilers:

It's pretty obvious that this bunker is right below the stone fort thingie the last two people in Cloverfield hide in. They get let into the bunker and live long happy lives as a family.

It all makes sense, Goodman is their son!


I wonder how much of the movie is the trailer since it kinda depicts good times leading to mistrust in a bunker.

Could be more of a psychological thriller.


Why do people keep saying Kaiju? The Cloverfield monster is Lovecraftian right?

Why would it be Lovecraftian, was it shouting "IA IA" or something?
That term REALLY gets thrown around far too loosely.

I mean it was a giant beast from the stars, that is the extent of any kind of link to Lovecraft.
So were about quite a few of the creatures from the Godzilla canon.
When Clovefield was in the very early leaking stage, there was a rumor that it was going to be a Call of Cthulhu movie thing but that was shot down as more information came.


I am confused about what is a rumor and what is confirmed. There is a quote in the OP from Abrams saying that they intentionally hid the title of this movie for as long as possible and that the idea for it to be set in the Cloverfield universe was set a long time ago.

Why are there people arguing about them taking a completely unrelated movie and changing the title to capitalize on the brand?


I am confused about what is a rumor and what is confirmed. There is a quote in the OP from Abrams saying that they intentionally hid the title of this movie for as long as possible and that the idea for it to be set in the Cloverfield universe was set a long time ago.

Blood relative can mean a lot of things.
I am confused about what is a rumor and what is confirmed. There is a quote in the OP from Abrams saying that they intentionally hid the title of this movie for as long as possible and that the idea for it to be set in the Cloverfield universe was set a long time ago.

Why are there people arguing about them taking a completely unrelated movie and changing the title to capitalize on the brand?

I'm not sure either. He's quoted as saying this was the plan from very early on in production. They didn't slap the Cloverfield name on an unrelated movie.


I really really hope the bunker stuff gets resolved in like the first 30 minutes and it's not the whole movie except for the last 10 minutes or something.

Also, this ^^

it feels like its going to be an hour and a half of tension in the bunker with maybe 30 mins of the reveal. If they don't show giant monsters in the first 45 mins, you might as well watch

The Divide again where REAL bunker shit goes down.


Braced knee, would not call.
She's using a crutch in one scene, maybe the beginning if she's injured.

I thought that was a boot with laces. I think it's the angle of the shot

Also, this ^^

it feels like its going to be an hour and a half of tension in the bunker with maybe 30 mins of the reveal. If they don't show giant monsters in the first 45 mins, you might as well watch

The Divide again where REAL bunker shit goes down.

It doesn't feel like that at all to me. Going by the marketing they are going for here, they are trying to keep everything underwraps and keep us guessing. I feel like no trailer is going to show anything past the first act, which is the bunker.


Braced knee, would not call.
She's using a crutch in one scene, thought it could be near the end but maybe the beginning if she's injured.

I suspect the scenes with her knee are from the start of the movie when she awakens there, suspects she's been kidnapped and tries to escape. Later when she's doing the puzzles, looking content are after she's looked outside the window and realized there's no hope out there.


I think I missed the JJ quote where he said

All I saw in the OP was the blood relative quote.

Eh, not that important.

It's in the same sentence..


“The idea came up a long time ago during production. We wanted to make it a blood relative of Cloverfield. The idea was developed over time. We wanted to hold back the title for as long as possible.”


OK I finally heard back from my friend who works at Bad Robot. Even he was not aware that this was coming out as a Cloverfield movie. That said-he works on the TV side, but he still is aware of the upcoming productions and stuff. Pretty amazing.
So my guess is that the monster or race of monsters has basically won. The outside world is a post apoctalyptic waste because of the nukes used to attempt to fight them off.


OK I finally heard back from my friend who works at Bad Robot. Even he was not aware that this was coming out as a Cloverfield movie. That said-he works on the TV side, but he still is aware of the upcoming productions and stuff. Pretty amazing.

Man. That's pretty impressive.


Was he aware of the movie at all? With the fake title?

I texted him again-but I'm not clear. He just said he didn't know about it. For all I know it might be common for one hand to not know what the other hand is doing. He keeps pretty busy working on the TV stuff.
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