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Trailer for "10 Cloverfield Lane" (aka Cloverfield 2) airs before 13 Hours

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I always imagined that the spider-like parasites used their bite to impregnate their hosts, given the [Cloverfield spoiler]
way that Marlena's torso burst open
. From that, you can easily get an uncontainable amount of monsters running around.

I just thought it was a very deadly bite. Some kind of weird venom reaction. Made the creatures seem extremely fucking threatening.
Damn, I remember hearing about that. This just blew my mind so much that I didn't even think about it.

My initial reaction to the leaked trailer was that it had to be a hoax. That somebody found the trailer for 'Valencia', and cut it up with a Cloverfield logo. But then I saw all the other reports, and the pieces fell into place. It's REAL.



Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I worked at A Regal Cinema when the first movie came out and I remember how many people would puke every showing. It was too the point where we were considering offering small pop corn bags as barf bags.

Also it really needed to be seen in the big screen with a good sound system. The impact was totally lost watching it on a lap top or regular TV on a sunny afternoon. You were able to focus on the characters and that is where the movie really couldn't hold up.
Man, I didn't realize this many people liked Cloverfield.
It's my favorite in the found footage/handheld genre and my favorite giant monster movie.

It does the street level perspective so well, completely sells what being trapped in that situation would be like



semen stains the mountaintops
Man, I didn't realize this many people liked Cloverfield.

I fucking loooove Cloverfield. Everything from the lead up to the actual movie was fun as hell.

Been waiting for a sequel ever since someone (JJ?) said there might be one in the future. It had been so long that I just figured nothing was happening, I'm glad that wasn't the case.


Holy shit, yes!

My prediction: This one takes place months after the first film, after the awakening of the last monster sent a chain reaction which woke its siblings. Either that, or the death cry of the monster from the first film awakened its mother.


I didn't like Cloverfield, but damn, that's some incredible misdirection to hide this movie from existence all the way until now. Bravo, Bad Robot.

This scene and the Smallville sequence from Man of Steel remain the gold standard for what if monsters/gods were dumped in the "real" world!

For me anyway.

Ha. I feel the same.
Yup, love that scene. The way the calm is just shattered by the monster and then the missile shrieking by overhead, and then it's just absolute chaos, and you're right in the middle of it all

Imagine a Cloverfield VR tie-in game...



Man, I'll see this. This is such a weird announcement to come out of nowhere, two months before release. Sweet.


I saw Cloverfield 2 and I clicked even though I had no intention of watching it.

Then I saw John Goodman. Sold.

Solid marketing guys.
That trailer is really good. I have high hopes for this, even though I liked the first movie a lot less than I was expecting to going into it. It's funny to think how terrified and intrigued I was by that original trailer, but going back to it, it really hasn't aged well in my opinion. The sounds in particular are so, so goofy, especially the way they're mixed.

Still, there was something powerful about the mystery and tone when this first happened, so I'm kinda curious to see if this movie is good. That trailer is great.
It felt like a good amount of mystery and hype over the teaser from the first one dissipated by time the movie actually came out, so I would guess that's why they've held off on the announcement until practically the 11th hour.
I just hope to God that they worked on making characters that we will actually care about this time.

First Cloverfield was well made, but damnnnnnnn when everyone gets rekt by the end you felt nothing.

Actually, nah I was salty Hud and Marla got it in the worst ways possible but the main couple get bombs dropped on them.


I always thought they would just have another meteorite/egg hitting the golden gate bridge as the west coast watched the east coast get demolished


Thank goodness this is coming out so soon. I don't think I could take another extended ARG.

You guys have no idea how nuts that was.

The speculation. People coming up with random ass phone numbers, then calling them. The other ARG for an angel PnP RPG that somehow got connected with the Cloverfield ARG. The guy who was convinced a barking dog in the trailer was the monster laughing. The guy who thought he saw cat headed demons in the trailer.

The fake whale monster pic. The insane manga. The fake news reports to piece together. Slusho. Freaking Voltron and lions.

It was a hell of a ride.
That trailer is really good. I have high hopes for this, even though I liked the first movie a lot less than I was expecting to going into it. It's funny to think how terrified and intrigued I was by that original trailer, but going back to it, it really hasn't aged well in my opinion. The sounds in particular are so, so goofy, especially the way they're mixed.

Still, there was something powerful about the mystery and tone when this first happened, so I'm kinda curious to see if this movie is good. That trailer is great.

I think for a lot of people it was the sort of first person feel of being trapped in a building as the world comes down around your ears that really fucked with people. There were a ton of comparisons to 9/11 at the time, I remember.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Holy shit, yes!

My prediction: This one takes place years after the first film, after the awakening of the last monster sent a chain reaction which woke its siblings. Either that, or the death cry of the monster from the first film awakened its mother.

Everything is inside John Goodman's head. He lost his kids to the monster attack and locked himself inside a bunker where he thinks his kids are still alive and can live an ideal life. His kids trying to escape is his guilt manifesting itself and his subconsciousness trying to get him to forgive himself in order for him to move on.


I always imagined that the spider-like parasites used their bite to impregnate their hosts, given the [Cloverfield spoiler]
way that Marlena's torso burst open
. From that, you can easily get an uncontainable amount of monsters running around.

I believe they're basically just doing what mosquitoes do to animal hosts when they bite them - stimulating blood to bring it to the surface. The problem is their dosage is meant for a 1000-ton deep sea creature, and when they try it on a human...


I believe they're basically just doing what mosquitoes do to animal hosts when they bite them - stimulating blood to bring it to the surface. The problem is their dosage is meant for a 1000-ton deep sea creature, and when they try it on a human...

That's how I always read it.

Now the real question; is more ARG-type stuff out there for us to find right now?

I can't

I can't


I always thought they would just have another meteorite/egg hitting the golden gate bridge as the west coast watched the east coast get demolished

I like the setup already.

They're obviously afraid to go topside and in a bunker. Goodman's character is holding them against their will? For their protection? Looks like he might be a scientist experimenting on the parasites? Loud noises/ground shaking-multiple monsters? Military still trying to fight Clovey off?

Lots of cool directions this could go but the trailer already looks ace! YES YES YES!!

Give me all of it!!!


Holy shit talk about out of nowhere.

From the bits and pieces that have been revealed so far by Abrams and the actors, shit sounds amazing.
I'm going to miss the handheld perspective though. That's what made the first movie work as well as it did, give it a sense of scale and intensity since you were there in the middle of it all, as this monster towers over you and everything is just destruction and chaos


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I believe they're basically just doing what mosquitoes do to animal hosts when they bite them - stimulating blood to bring it to the surface. The problem is their dosage is meant for a 1000-ton deep sea creature, and when they try it on a human...

It makes sense, but why wasn't it instantaneous?


Until Star Wars TFA, Cloverfield was the only movie that had me anticipating it like no other. I would watch the trailer every single day. I would analyze the trailer and look for clues. I have no idea why I did that looking back now, the movie isn't that great and I haven't seen it since, but I find it crazy how JJ was behind both.

Did we really know nothing about this until now? That's so fucking weird. Feels like it a straight to netflix junk but you can tell it has production.

Fuck now I wish I would've seen this at the theaters. I would've been shocked.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Cloverfield haters can suck my balls. One of the most awesome experiences I've had at the theaters. Day 1 for the sequel.
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