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Trailer for "10 Cloverfield Lane" (aka Cloverfield 2) airs before 13 Hours

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Junior Member
This was like some legit magic trick level deception, right? JJ on this side of the stage making all this noise and shit with a giant Star Wars movie, drawing everyone's attention so they don't notice the damn Cloverfield sequel getting made on the other side of the stage.

I think in today's market is is easier to hide things with the way the internet is right now. Fact finding is still a challenge with all the noise thrown around nowadays.


Homeland Security Fail
It was an amazing cinema experience.

Even the teaser trailer alone was an amazing cinema experience. There was no name given, just the trailer. Everyone talked about it after the movie finished, trying to figure out what it was.

Still by far, my favorite teaser trailer.

Cloverfield was a blast in the theaters and, haters be dammed, one of the best found footage horror movies to come out in the past decade.

I'll watch this for MEW.
That trailer looks incredible. I haven't been this excited about a movie in a while, although that's mostly because I fucking love weird surprises like this.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
They hid in plain sight. Sold the film as "Valencia" - an original thriller produced by Abrams & Bad Robot. Big name cast, though still pretty secretive. From the outside, this just looked like an indie horror drama that BR was making on the cheap, with two big stars.

And then somehow Paramount managed to completely stick the landing, and now there's a fucking CLOVERFIELD SEQUEL coming out in two months.

Yet people say there's no magic left in the movies.
Some might argue it's more magical to get original movies than sequels.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
The premise of this movie sounds like they're making a better version of that movie with Michael Biehn. I think it was called "The Divide" or something.
They hid in plain sight. Sold the film as "Valencia" - an original thriller produced by Abrams & Bad Robot. Big name cast, though still pretty secretive. From the outside, this just looked like an indie horror drama that BR was making on the cheap, with two big stars.

And then somehow Paramount managed to completely stick the landing, and now there's a fucking CLOVERFIELD SEQUEL coming out in two months.

Yet people say there's no magic left in the movies.

Best part is, nobody questioned it because of Star Wars. Everybody was so busy looking at Star Wars, nobody noticed how odd it was that Bad Robot, a company known for producing blockbusters, was producing this weird indie micro-budgeted thriller.
I am so fucking hyped for this. They filmed the entire thing and they're stealth releasing it within 2 months? Fucking incredible. The first movie they hid the monster til release, this time the whole fucking movie! Trailer looks awesome!


So I think it's safe to assume that even though JJ called it a "blood relative" it's probably the same universe as the original, the "post-apocalyptic" part is caused by the monster, and it's probably been years since then? I find it hard to believe they'd put Cloverfield in the title and not have it at least be the same universe.


Man, I can't believe its been 6 years already.

Ok, prediction time:
this takes place in upstate new york sometime after the first film, and there are new hybrid 'clovers' spreading all over the place.
Some might argue it's more magical to get original movies than sequels.



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So I think it's safe to assume that even though JJ called it a "blood relative" it's probably the same universe as the original, the "post-apocalyptic" part is caused by the monster, and it's probably been years since then? I find it hard to believe they'd put Cloverfield in the title and not have it at least be the same universe.

This is my thought.
So I think it's safe to assume that even though JJ called it a "blood relative" it's probably the same universe as the original, the "post-apocalyptic" part is caused by the monster, and it's probably been years since then? I find it hard to believe they'd put Cloverfield in the title and not have it at least be the same universe.
I wonder if the post-apocalyptic part is caused by those baby spider monsters and the weird infection in their bite


I saw the original Cloverfield in the screening theater at Pixar before it released in theaters. That theater is incredible and probably the best way to have seen that film-incredible sound etc.

I know someone who works at Bad Robot and I just texted him to see if he knew about this at all.


They hid in plain sight. Sold the film as "Valencia" - an original thriller produced by Abrams & Bad Robot. Big name cast, though still pretty secretive. From the outside, this just looked like an indie horror drama that BR was making on the cheap, with two big stars.

And then somehow Paramount managed to completely stick the landing, and now there's a fucking CLOVERFIELD SEQUEL coming out in two months.

Yet people say there's no magic left in the movies.
Damn, I remember hearing about that. This just blew my mind so much that I didn't even think about it.
Some might argue it's more magical to get original movies than sequels.

Honestly? No. It really isn't.

Small original horror stuff like 'Valencia' gets made frequently, it typically just never sees a major studio release. Yes, high-quality original sci-fi/horror flicks often don't get the attention they deserve. But we still see them, and fairly frequently.

You know what I haven't seen in a while, though? A surprise at the movies. This generation learns about movies YEARS before the first trailer. People start speculating about a film the second a studio options the film rights. Then you dicess them announcing a director, announcing cast members, the leaked set pics, the leaked comic-con trailer, the first teaser trailer, the Super Bowl ad, the fifteen 'Official Trailers' that play before every other film, the early reviews...

By the weekend the film is out, I'm sick of it. Because I've drowned in it for years.

In a shittier world, we heard about a Cloverfield sequel with this team ages ago. Then after a year, this trailer hits and we're all underwhelmed.

Instead, it comes out of nowhere and floods everyone with elation. Stuff like this doesn't happen often, and it's why Cloverfield was as big as it was. The fact they pulled it off a second time, is ASTONISHING.

This trailer is a miracle. I'm not letting you take it from me.


I wonder if the post-apocalyptic part is caused by those baby spider monsters and the weird infection in their bite
Well Mary Elizabeth Winstead said in an interview that Goodman's character claims it was a chemical attack or something. Now, that may have been a cover since this interview was done before the title reveal, OR it may be a combination of the monsters and military counter-attacks on the monsters (like how they were ready to level NYC in the original to kill it).

But yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if she sees through the door that makes her cover her mouth is a ton of the small parasite monsters.


I wonder if the post-apocalyptic part is caused by those baby spider monsters and the weird infection in their bite

I always imagined that the spider-like parasites used their bite to impregnate their hosts, given the [Cloverfield spoiler]
way that Marlena's torso burst open
. From that, you can easily get an uncontainable amount of monsters running around.
When he said "Don't open that door, there going to get out" followed by "Somethings coming" I'm guessing maybe a pissed off Mommy is coming back for her babies taken for scientific research? Or something along those lines! Can't wait, first movie on a large screen and decent sound system was a blast!
Where the FUCK is this trailer?

I love that somehow a trailer made it to theaters, completely bypassing the internet. I love that Dan Trachtenberg actually got his shot. I love that we're getting a fucking Cloverfield sequel.

For real. I'm geeking out more about how this happened more so than the actual movie.
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