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Trailer for "10 Cloverfield Lane" (aka Cloverfield 2) airs before 13 Hours

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Well Lussier is such an encapsulation of everything wrong with movie blogging that he almost single handedly turned me off of reading them. I'll be unsurprised when MEW leaves the bunker and bigger things happen in the film.

Likely she's only described the first act with the bunker stuff.


Precautionary Spoiler Warning: Collider had a story up with some plot details from a cast member

First a JJ Abrams quote:

Some plot details from Mary Elizabeth Winstead:

She told us the story revolves around a woman who wakes up in a cellar where she’s being kept by a stranger, played by Goodman. The actress elaborated a bit on the plot by saying the following:

“He tells me that basically the world is over outside because there’s been a nuclear fall-out. It does have similarity to Faults, in some ways, because you don’t know who’s telling the truth or who to believe. There’s a lot of, who’s manipulating who, and all of that. Tonally, it’s very different, but it has some of those same themes.”
This quote says that it's
nuclear fallout
, and another synopsis/interview/article I've read from when it was still Valencia says it's a
chemical attack

So basically either a) M.E.W. misspoke or b) they're lying to cover the fact that it's monsters.
I hope they release no more trailers and say nothing else about the film lmao.

That first Thursday night preview would be INTENSE.


Saw this with 13 Hours tonight and was blown away. Liveblog of the event:

"This looks cool"

"Wait, what the hell is this?"

"They're making another Cloverfield?!"

That would be absurdly strenuous on a low budget.

If we're already operating with the conclusion that Bad Robot hid the true nature of this project, and accept that they possibly cut together two enitrely different versions of the film for the sake of a shock reveal... Can we rule out them understating the budget of the project as a whole?

Probably not by a massive degree (The original was made for $25M, I doubt this is on the same scale) - but enough to flow under the radar?


That info is literally in the first post. Haha

Precautionary Spoiler Warning: Collider had a story up with some plot details from a cast member

First a JJ Abrams quote:

Some plot details from Mary Elizabeth Winstead:

She told us the story revolves around a woman who wakes up in a cellar where she’s being kept by a stranger, played by Goodman. The actress elaborated a bit on the plot by saying the following:

“He tells me that basically the world is over outside because there’s been a nuclear fall-out. It does have similarity to Faults, in some ways, because you don’t know who’s telling the truth or who to believe. There’s a lot of, who’s manipulating who, and all of that. Tonally, it’s very different, but it has some of those same themes.”



I would assume that putting Cloverfield in the title means the chemical attack is just what Goodman tells her to protect her from the truth (monster).

Soapbox Killer

Grand Nagus
In a world with social media, TMZ and very few surprises to be had, I thank you whoever put this together.

JJ Abrams is climbing up the ladder of greatest humans ever rather quickly. It's time to watch Cloverfield one more time. We have to go back.


Its releasing in IMAX so either way some crazy shit has to be going on outside that bunker.


Come on folks. It's releasing on IMAX. The world's BIGGEST movie screens. This won't be a little film focusing on people in a bunker for 2 hours.


How the heck do you hide a Cloverfield sequel? They made this without ANYBODY leaking what it was? That's impressive.

Honestly, people really forgot about Cloverfield after it came out, and after 8 years we all kinda gave up hope. It probably wasn't as difficult for the actors to hide this secret than we think it may have been.


Every Cloverfield movie should just be a different premise, characters etc with scifi shit surrounding it. Hell it doesn't even need to be the same monsters.
i remember looking at release schedules for movies coming out and brifefly saw a tidbit about a movie called The Cellar/Valencia being a mysterious Bad Robot project with Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Goodman and i was like "hey that sounds neat" and forgot about it for awhile

DID NOT expect it to a sequel/spinoff/spiritual successor to CLOVERFIELD. i loved the first one as well as the whole mythos they built around it. So hyped for this, even if it's not a "direct sequel" i'm interested to see how it being a "blood relative" entails, can't wait to see how its connected. Someone pointed out how it's releasing in IMAX, which means some rad as hell stuff probably has to happen in the movie to deserve a big screen IMAX release. Cast is great too, I love MEW <3 and Goodman is always the goddamn man.
Bright side, people only have 1.8 months to say this totally doesn't have monsters in it before they're proven wrong

Gonna have to work overtime if they want to top Voltron or Lion at this rate


Saw the trailer this morning when I screened 13 hours and it's had me waaaaay too excited all day! Can't wait to hear more about it.


The dude on Twitter that saw the Valencia preview is saying that the first half is the bunker stuff and a play on Misery, and then turns into something else. He does say it's low budget, so the $5 million estimation might be correct.

If he's to be believed, at least!


Wait, you knew? And you didn't tell us? Now we know who the real monster is in this story.

I did post about it! It was just in a 13 hours thread heh. I was more thinking about the trailer than I was the movie I was watching honestly. I loved the hell out of Cloverfield so once that title popped up I kinda lost it.


No doubt in my mind this is connected to Cloverfield/sequel/different group's perspective of the events:


JJ Abrams:“The idea came up a long time ago during production. We wanted to make it a blood relative of Cloverfield. The idea was developed over time. We wanted to hold back the title for as long as possible.”

The unfiction forum you should follow. They're already trying to "get the band back together" lmao.


The Kree

I'll tell you what, though. That's a good way to keep an audience interested. Give them time to miss you and don't promise to ever come back.

I bet these people live in a Dharma Initiative bunker.
The dude on Twitter that saw the Valencia preview is saying that the first half is the bunker stuff and a play on Misery, and then turns into something else. He does say it's low budget, so the $5 million estimation might be correct.

If he's to be believed, at least!
Can't they just be lying about the budget? I mean, it's a surprise out-of-nowhere Cloverfield sequel. If they can hide that, I'd say any info prior to now should be taken with a grain of salt
Valencia had a $5 million budget. And was finished over a year ago.

Lord knows what 10 Cloverfield Lane's got. At this point, I don't know what the fuck to believe.

(except for the fact this is set in the same universe as the first film in some way, because otherwise, putting the word Cloverfield in the title and having a large thudding thing shake the walls in your trailer is a reeeeeeeeeaaaalllly bad call)


The dude on Twitter that saw the Valencia preview is saying that the first half is the bunker stuff and a play on Misery, and then turns into something else. He does say it's low budget, so the $5 million estimation might be correct.

If he's to be believed, at least!

Which is why I'll wait for more concrete info and sources...


What a awesome thing to wake up to

JJ Abrams master of misdirection, keeps the world so busy with Star Wars, that they could film this and no one would even notice.
Can't they just be lying about the budget? I mean, it's a surprise out-of-nowhere Cloverfield sequel. If they can hide that, I'd say any info prior to now should be taken with a grain of salt

Say what you want about JJ Abrams - dude has lied through omission, he's covered stuff up, he's kept mum on several things, but he's never actually just presented a straight up untruth.
Valencia had a $5 million budget. And was finished over a year ago.

Lord knows what 10 Cloverfield Lane's got. At this point, I don't know what the fuck to believe.

(except for the fact this is set in the same universe as the first film in some way, because otherwise, putting the word Cloverfield in the title and having a large thudding thing shake the walls in your trailer is a reeeeeeeeeaaaalllly bad call)
Don't forget that IMAX release


Can't they just be lying about the budget? I mean, it's a surprise out-of-nowhere Cloverfield sequel. If they can hide that, I'd say any info prior to now should be taken with a grain of salt

I'm hoping they are lying about the budget and that the second half is completely bonkers.

But at the same time, this supposed Valencia movie could be given the Cloverfield name in the attempt of getting more eyes on it, too, and is vaguely connected somehow.

I'm hoping it's the first one!
I'm hoping when she leaves the bunker there are multiple monsters ravaging what's left of the world. I'd love more than one new creature to be in it. Basically, monsters have taken over the world and humans are forced to only live underground.
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