One of the most popular cheerleaders at the school, bigots.

Josie Totah, the 18-year-old star of the short-lived NBC comedy series “Champion” will play the role of Lexi, a popular, sharp-tongued cheerleader who’s both loved and feared by her fellow schoolmates at Bayside High, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
Totah, who came out as transgender in an essay for Time in August 2018 will also serve as a producer in the show.
“My pronouns are she, her and hers. I identify as female, specifically as a transgender female,” she wrote for the Time’s Idea section, in a heartfelt piece entitled, “My name is Josie Totah, and I’m ready to be free.”

Trans actress Josie Totah cast in lead role of ‘Saved by the Bell’ reboot
We’re so excited! We’re so excited! The sequel to the hit comedy show “Saved by the Bell” has cast its lead. Josie Totah, the 18-year-old star of the short-lived NBC comedy …

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