Tiffani is still a milf, she could play the role of the hot mom for one of the new kids.NO KELLY NO DEAL
Tiffani is still a milf, she could play the role of the hot mom for one of the new kids.NO KELLY NO DEAL
Remember how the Nazi's used to vilify the Jews before WW2? SJWs do that about anything normal. Especially being white, male, and straight.Enough of this crap please! Every freaking show, movie, game has to have a trans or gay character. Why?
That will be in the opening theme montage!I give it two episodes before they the character is in a political charged episode about her identity and gender.
Remember how the Nazi's used to vilify the Jews before WW2? SJWs do that about anything normal. Especially being white, male, and straight.
Wat r sum examples of sjws doing this to straight white men ?
This question reminded me of the first season of "You" on Netflix. It had a trans female character, but everything was written like one of the character was dating a "normal" girl. Incredibly shitty thing to do if you ask me. I don't have a problem with trans folks, but if in real life a friend would set me up with a trans person and failed to mention who I'm dating I'd be super pissed.Is she playing a girl or a trans girl?
That will be in the opening theme montage!
This.I don’t like the tone of this thread.
Like, I don’t really see anything to make fun of unless you hate trans people? If she doesn’t do well in the role, then by all means criticize her acting when the show comes out.
I don’t like the tone of this thread.
Like, I don’t really see anything to make fun of unless you hate trans people? If she doesn’t do well in the role, then by all means criticize her acting when the show comes out.
how many kids are you adopting?We have got to stop being political correct. Study after study shows that being raised in a nurturing environment isn't enough. Take boys, every conceivable metric, from prison incarceration, high school graduation, poverty, homelessness, etc., Shows a huge gap between kids who's dad is married to their mom and lives with him and any other family arrangement. Single mom's with father figures, not good enough. Father's active in child's life but not married to mother, not good enough. Turns out the traditional family really is best at least when it comes to boys.
As more data is gained on non-traditional arrangements what do expect it to show? Personally I expect it to show the family arrangement that the vast majority of cultures adopted for 10,000 years to be the best.
It's about control and favoritism, not equality unfortunately.We have a word for this: tokenism. It used to be considered cynical, lazy appeasement from virtue signalling corporations, but nowadays it seems to be what the rainbow people want. Kinda makes one question whether it was ever about “equality” or if that was just a front.
"Guys, we hate trans people becuase we aren't excited for another reboot with a gimmick."I don’t like the tone of this thread.
Like, I don’t really see anything to make fun of unless you hate trans people? If she doesn’t do well in the role, then by all means criticize her acting when the show comes out.
Transgender lead, who is a cheerleader and most popular student at school."Guys, we hate trans people becuase we aren't excited for another reboot with a gimmick."
My question is why is an 18 year old nobody being chosen as a producer?
Lol at people going "she". He's a guy.
Anyone know if the lead actress is going to go after guys or girls?
Oh hey it's that guy that thinks Star Wars is only for men.
Gender aside, cheerleader?
Whats next? A skinny nerdy dude as the captain of the football team?
That's how it always is.
On one hand, LBGT want to be appreciated and part of the media and society without people ragging on them with stupid stereotypes.
Yet, it seems every time a TV show or movie writes one into the plot, they make the LBGT person outspoken and obvious. Whether it's talking gay or dressing in stereotypical quirky clothes, the media makes it worse by making said person more stereotypical like every LBGT person is an active participant in pride parade.
In real life, I'm pretty sure the avg LBGT person just looks and acts like your usual non-LBGT person getting through life and paying bills. And if anything probably keeps their personal sexuality more discreet than the usual coworkers gabbing about hot guys or chicks.
In the movies, you always know who the gay guy is as he'll laugh and snort, wear a purple shirt, and act girly. Then the lesbian will act more manly, have short hair or a shaved head, and just to make sure everyone knows she likes woman there's always that deal maker kiss.
Maybe I'm the naive one. I never knew every gay guy acts like a girl, and every lesbian kisses other lesbians every day just to make sure.
Remember when this was a TV transgender character? Goddamn Nip/Tuck was ahead of the curve
this person is probably a transtrender, not someone with actual gender dysphoria.
I don’t like the tone of this thread.
Like, I don’t really see anything to make fun of unless you hate trans people? If she doesn’t do well in the role, then by all means criticize her acting when the show comes out.
Should call the new show "Saved by the balls".
Tv execs using the name and former stars AC Slater guy and Elizabeth Berkeley to perk up the interest.Why reboot it and change shit? Couldn't they just do a show with the same kind of vibe as Saved by the Bell and include Josie as a character in it instead? The lack of creativity is so annoying in hollywood these days.
Damn she was so hot. Remember when actors weren't ugly as sin?Remember when this was a TV transgender character? Goddamn Nip/Tuck was ahead of the curve