Hey all, just looking for some advice (once again). I'm sorry that I get so long-winded with these things...
Basically, my friends are awesome! They have begun to use my preferred name and pronouns without any prompting from me. When I first came out to this particular group (about 6 months ago), one member of it said that they talked and wanted to know if I wanted to be called anything other than <boyname>. I told her that I'd rather not for the time being, mostly because I was worried about a) complicating things when friends that I'm not out to are around, and b) I was still worried about the dissonance from presenting as male and being referred to with my preferred name and pronouns.
Fast forward to early June, and the same friend and another confront me while we're out partying and we have a good talk about everything. In the end, they decide to start using my preferred name and reaffirm that they're all there for me if I need anything. I learn that being referred to as my preferred name feels REAL good, better than I had ever expected, and it starts making hearing my old name really tough. This is a problem as most people are still referring to me as such, and of course my other two friends still are while around people I'm not out to. I began to completely shut down if I hear male pronouns or my old name too much and my friends must have taken notice, because it's been all "Audrey" for the last week.
As a result, my mood has been phenomenal. I've finally been able to speak with them about my transition comfortably and I've felt super happy in general. I'm more motivated than ever to work towards completing my transition. However, it's still frustrating when other friends are around that don't know. These are friends that I KNOW will be cool and supportive, but I haven't told them because I haven't figured out a good way to. I'm tired of hiding around them and it's frustrating because I don't feel like I even have a good reason to.
I spoke a few weeks ago about some other people in my life that I'd like to tell, but can't figure out the best way to. At this point, I'm considering making a new Facebook account and simply adding everyone I want to tell along with a coming out letter of sorts. It isn't super elegant, but it seems to make sense in my head.
My only doubts come from worrying that it may be too soon for some. I don't want people not understanding why it's taking me so long to present as female when I've just started HRT and still have my job to consider, as well as several things that I see as major physical roadblocks (neck, gut, facial hair, hairline). Everyone I've spoken to has been awesome so far, but I'll be stepping out of best friend territory and into good friend territory here and don't know what to expect.
Basically, does anyone see this Facebook plan as a bad idea? Anything I'm not considering here?