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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


I can :p

Actually, I prefer QUILTBAG because it's more inclusive, I feel. Questioning, Undecided, Intersex, Lesbian, Transgender, Bisexual, Allied, Gay feels better than just Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender.

But that's just me.

The A in QUILTBAG is for Asexual. WHY ARE YOU EXCLUDING ME ;___;
To me, I don't find the term trap offensive.

Because, unlesss I'm wrong, a trap is a female who is actually a crossdressing male and a reverse-trap is the opposite.

That doesn't sound offensive to me.


there's ALWAYS ONE
I've been reading this thread for a while but never posted because it doesn't necessarily apply to me, but I just wanted to voice my support. Good luck talking to your mom Billie.

Honestly, I hope it doesn't, but only when used to refer to crossdressers and not transgender people.
Even if it's used to refer to crossdressers, it still implies that people crossdress as a person of another gender as a way to lure in people of their same gender, which is not only untrue but demeaning.


Rolling Girl
Got some big plans for when I get out of here next week! I'm finally going to pick one of the therapists I've jotted down and schedule an appointment and get things rolling for real. :)

I'm also pondering about coming out to the parents since I've been feeling pretty strongly about telling them recently. I'm not sure if I should though so it's puzzling. x:


Got some big plans for when I get out of here next week! I'm finally going to pick one of the therapists I've jotted down and schedule an appointment and get things rolling for real. :)

I'm also pondering about coming out to the parents since I've been feeling pretty strongly about telling them recently. I'm not sure if I should though so it's puzzling. x:

Good luck on everything, girl!
Got some big plans for when I get out of here next week! I'm finally going to pick one of the therapists I've jotted down and schedule an appointment and get things rolling for real. :)

I'm also pondering about coming out to the parents since I've been feeling pretty strongly about telling them recently. I'm not sure if I should though so it's puzzling. x:

Can't really say much other than good luck on everything. Just keep that confidence if you do decide to go through with coming out.


Rolling Girl
Good luck on everything, girl!
Thanks~! <3
Can't really say much other than good luck on everything. Just keep that confidence if you do decide to go through with coming out.

Yeah, I'm nervous about the therapist and such but I'm confident that I'll get that done just fine. I've been waiting to get to this for a long time and I'm not going to let my shyness stop me.

I don't know what brought on wanting to tell my parents though. Since I don't really get along with the folks I wasn't really planning on telling them at all, but a few days ago I just kinda went "I have to tell them." I think should mull on that for a bit longer before saying anything since the urge came so suddenly.


Yeah maybe. She's coming home on Thursday night so hopefully I can get the courage to do it this weekend.

Yeah, I'm nervous about the therapist and such but I'm confident that I'll get that done just fine. I've been waiting to get to this for a long time and I'm not going to let my shyness stop me.

I don't know what brought on wanting to tell my parents though. Since I don't really get along with the folks I wasn't really planning on telling them at all, but a few days ago I just kinda went "I have to tell them." I think should mull on that for a bit longer before saying anything since the urge came so suddenly.

good luck to the both of you! you can do it! you've both shown considerable drive, and I firmly believe both of you will turn out fine in the end.


Curse you, long legs! I can't get my thigh highs to stop rolling down when I walk.
My stupid fat thighs probably aren't helping
I don't know what brought on wanting to tell my parents though. Since I don't really get along with the folks I wasn't really planning on telling them at all, but a few days ago I just kinda went "I have to tell them." I think should mull on that for a bit longer before saying anything since the urge came so suddenly.

Yea... personally I'd rather mysteriously vanish to some far off place than ever come out to my family, but feel I owe it to at least my mom to come out at some point...


Hilarious news today

Software engineer claims generic version of Propecia turned him into a woman

This baldness cure was a bust.
For nine months, William McKee took the generic version of Propecia, the pills that promise to halt hair loss.
But the drug had radical side effects: Instead of becoming a better-looking man, he started becoming a woman, he claims.
“My rock-hard chest from the gym began to soften . . . reaching the point where I had noticeable ‘breasts’ even under my clothing,” he says.
Among other changes, the 38-year-old software engineer claims, “my shoulders were literally falling into a more feminine position, and my hips were loosening and becoming wider, as on a woman’s body.”’

McKee, who says he wasn’t inclined to cross-dress before, began feeling like a woman. He is now only attracted to men.
After overcoming depression and separating from his wife of 10 years, McKee goes by “Mandi.” He wears a blond wig, makeup and tight dresses. He plans to get a breast-enhancement job this year, and may undergo sex-change surgery.
“It felt like the ‘me’ that I’ve always known was not there any more,” he told The Post.
Propecia inhibits the conversion of testosterone, resulting in increased estrogen. Millions have used it since the 1990s, but it has been linked to sexual problems such as impotence, loss of libido and “genital shrinkage” as well as cognitive impairment, or “brain fog,” which McKee believes he also suffered.
Lawsuits filed in 27 states by men who say the wonder drug screwed up their sexuality have been centralized in Brooklyn federal court.
A spokesman for Merck, the drug’s maker, said, “No causal relationship has been established between Propecia and persistent sexual side effects.”
McKee, a former Silicon Valley entrepreneur and the father of a 5-year-old son, said he used to be “driven and athletic.” Baldness runs in his family; his hairline began to recede in his 20s.
After seeing Propecia ads for years, he ordered a supply in 2008 from an online pharmacy based in India.
He paid $99.50, including shipping, for pills of the generic finasteride.
He popped one pill a day for nine months. His hair growth was “minimal, if any,” he said, but the feminizing effects were “pronounced.”

“People were kidding me about my breasts,” he said.
His work suffered, too, he said. His last business, Tampa Bay Interactive, went bust in late 2010.
But McKee can’t join the mass lawsuit because the courts bar those who took the generic versions.
In frustration, “Mandi McKee” launched a blog to vent about her life.
Brooklyn attorney Marc Grossman, whose firm represents more than 300 former Propecia users, said many had breast growth.
He also said animal studies on Propecia showed an increased propensity for homosexuality.
Grossman estimates that more than 1,500 Propecia users will come forward but added, “Many men are embarrassed to reveal their problems to anyone, including their doctors, so thousands more will go on living with the condition in private.”

In other news, closet transwoman discover Holy Grail of HRT that changes bones 20+ years after puberty xD


The article said nothing about changing bones. Typical with taking estrogen, the shoulders tend to becomes less broad and hips become wider due to changes in muscle definition and where fat is reallocating.

Shoulders falling and hips loosening sounded totaly like bone change to me

But then again, this is not the only bizarre thing about this story =P
Shoulders falling and hips loosening sounded totaly like bone change to me

Yeah seriously, anyone who started hormones after puberty and says their hips changed in any way is seriously wishful. Mine barely changed and I started at the end of puberty. Didn't stop me putting on some, uh, hip padding, though :(


Bah, my dreams turned on me last night. Usually they're so nice to me, and I'm either female or some magical trans-thingy happens or somesuch (though they're rather abstract and sense of self is often shifting.) But then early in the morning I'm having some weird one and the dude in it (who didn't really make any sense in it in retrospect) read my mind or something and called me a "failed tranny" or something like that in front of people I knew. Stupid thing, but I woke up half restraining myself from punching a fictional character and half really unnerved. :(

On the other hand, I just got and read through the third volume of Wandering Son, which is soo soooooo good. The fact that they're putting out so slow is painful! (Why do I have to wait till next year for the next one?! I want to give you my money now!)


Since we’ve got some new faces around here, I thought that it would be a nice time to remind everyone that there’s an IRC channel, if anyone wants to talk in a more private setting. Given the sensitive nature of the topics discussed, we feel that it is best if it remains transgender people only. So if you’re transgender, and want to join, feel free to PM me, and I’ll help you get set up.


On the other hand, I just got and read through the third volume of Wandering Son, which is soo soooooo good. The fact that they're putting out so slow is painful! (Why do I have to wait till next year for the next one?! I want to give you my money now!)

Hey, when I first got into it, I tore through like the first seven volumes in a few days, and then had to sit around waiting for the slow trickle of new chapters. When you go through that much at one time, you expect to just be able to have pages and pages of more content waiting for you. *laughs*
Nothing pisses me off more than people who refuse to acknowledge my gender because I don't act like a girl.

I mean, ugh!

And the guys reasoning is even stupider than I don't act like a girl. It's "until you're more respectful, I will not acknowledge that".


What the Hell!


This could be a totally ridiculous question, but... in the facial changes that happen through fat redistribution and whatnot after getting onto hormones, do any changes occur to a person's lips?


Didn't saw anything related to that =/

In my searching I saw various things that kind of hinted both ways, so I wanted to see what people who actually had experience with that would say. I mean, I don't expect that they would, but on the other hand I'd like to dream that it's possible. *heh*


In my searching I saw various things that kind of hinted both ways, so I wanted to see what people who actually had experience with that would say. I mean, I don't expect that they would, but on the other hand I'd like to dream that it's possible. *heh*

I know the feel ... when I smile my lips dissapear =/

Those things are actualy very complicated because changing one thing in tha face changes everything because of proportions ... so you might have some change in face fat that makes you lips LOOK fuller while not being
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