Alfarif said:They know that you are a big ball of sexy, that's what they know!
This. And you're gonna slay that job interview. Good luck to ya.
Alfarif said:They know that you are a big ball of sexy, that's what they know!
I think it was you who posted a pic on a bridge in a Zoo and it cracked me up.Alfarif said:To what do I owe this esteemed honor, good sir?
Davedough said:If you were truly sorry for the hijack you'd make it up to your favorite poster by forking up the pic.![]()
Jeff Albertson said:This is going to ruin my macho image portrayed in my avatar but:
Jeff Albertson said:This is going to ruin my macho image portrayed in my avatar but:
Instigator said:Looking forward to it. Too bad you're the only one.
It seems controversial/adversarial posts get more attention here. I'll keep that in mind.
zoukka said:Well I can say that theå only problem you have is between your ears. And I don't mean your noseSo stop worrying about those looks and prepare for the summer... I bet you're the target of mass ooglin on the streets.
Hottest girl-user on GAF easily.
Oh and I have a transgender fellow student and It's been really interesting to see him transfer from a girl to a boy in just six months or so. Amazing what science can do.
Aigis said:come home I find my browser exited and my MSN signed out and my Steam group chat exited. Apparently the guys commented on how I was gonna get my identity stolen :| Hopefully they didn't take a detailed look at how I have the trans thread on SA open, or the fact that my name on MSN is Justine. Or what some of the guys in that Steam chat talk about... :lol
At least they got to see my pretty wallpaper. But still I don't appreciate them messin' with my shit. Hopefully next them they just open google or something, damn.
Exhumed said:I understand now that this is about how you see yourself. Time will yield wonderful results I'm positive, you seem to have an excellent plan.
lexi said:I am feeling awful. I've been walking through the city to my job interview and I hate it. I feel like everybody knows and I am a wreck.
Alfarif said:I was going to do a weekly post with that face but I don't know if that would go over so well.
Jeff Albertson said:This is going to ruin my macho image portrayed in my avatar but:
Jamie xxoo said:LOL I thought you were the guy in your avatar again and went through the whole "Wait - he's WHITE??? BETRAYED!!" routine before I remembered we've done this before.
Jamie xxoo said:LOL I thought you were the guy in your avatar again and went through the whole "Wait - he's WHITE??? BETRAYED!!" routine before I remembered we've done this before.
Nice one! (And no more or less than you deserve) But it sounds like you wouldn't want to work there anyway, sounds like they run a pretty shabby place.lexi said:Update on interview.
I waited half an hour and the interviewer didn't show. I thought half an hour was a polite time to wait before actually contacting them and asking them where were they. I called and he apologized and came down to meet me. (This means he should be getting in my good graces, right?)
So the interview progresses as normal and he says he'll be interviewing 5 more people for the role and I should know by this afternoon. I'm not hopeful, the whole thing is a shambles, he asked me to email him some additional references etc and it seems his email DNS is down.
Positive of the day: Got maam'ed by the Sushi chef while buying lunch.
NewGamePlus said:Master Chief is like a transexual. Seems like a guy but always has a girl's voice in his head telling him what to do. I think he's overcompensating.
Himuro said:Have any of you had trouble at the workplace while in transitioning or after transition? Any discomfort or discrimination?
What was it like changing your id's or names? Get any weird faces? How do you do with all that?
Davedough said:In an effort to avoid future confusion.... I am not the same person as my avatar.
Jamie xxoo said:Those photos were hilarious. Do it!
Whoompthereitis said:Question for you, Lexi...
How has this thread compared to the expectations you had when you first created it?
I think you accidentally a word.Alfarif said:In an effort to continue confusing people, I definitely all the person in my avatar.
NewGamePlus said:I think you accidentally a word.
Himuro said:Interesting article.
Lonnnng article.
You know, it was cool when everyone came out, like suddenly realizing that I wasn't as alone as I thought. But at the same time, it was a bit disconcerting when I realized that everyone who I had ever seen defending transexuals on this board were in fact transgendered. Luckily we've had an outpouring of support since then, but at first I was like -_-lexi said:It's wayyyy bigger then I thought it would be. First of all I didn't know GAF had such a high proportion of transgirls (no transguys yet).
I expected the thread might fritter away after a few bitchy / whiny posts from me and maybe an occasional post from the only 2 other transgirls I knew of on GAF at the time.
NewGamePlus said:You know, it was cool when everyone came out, like suddenly realizing that I wasn't as alone as I thought. But at the same time, it was a bit disconcerting when I realized that everyone who I had ever seen defending transexuals on this board were in fact transgendered. Luckily we've had an outpouring of support since then, but at first I was like -_-
Thank you, I really liked that. I myself, was beginning to notice how transwomen always seem to be portrayed as immature, emotional messes. Ok, it might not be completely unfounded, but it is especially annoying when I've seen the opposite with transmen. They can often be grounded and level-headed. *Sigh* but maybe that's just the media's way of trying to be supportive. See these people are totally crazy just like REAL girls, and these people over here totally cool just like REAL guys.Himuro said:
This blog is a nice critique of the Glamour article and an excellent companion to it.
Hey, but you function, right? You're not antisocial and you went to a job interview today. I bet a concerned cisgendered friend or a therapist didn't even have to convince you to go. But I digress, I thought the Glamour article was good too and pretty positive overall.lexi said:I probably don't do us collectively as a group any favors in that regard.
Jeff Albertson said:This is going to ruin my macho image portrayed in my avatar but:
Yeah, that in itself probably has a lot to do with why I'm reluctant to identify as female. Bleh, you know I just had a lot to say, but now I've completely derailed my thoughts.Himuro said:There's also the stigma that just because you identify as a female, you're supposed to act feminine.
Super-awesome, just like youJamie xxoo said:Also how awesome does the girl in the story look?
Jamie xxoo said:I can see though how the article could be quite isolating for transwomen who do not identify with the gender binary though, and I know how frustrating it is to have assumptions made about you that aren't true.
Part of what is being discussed is that the article mentions that she acted like a girl pre-transition. Not all transwomen do. There are some that just can't develop a male persona (read: children with GID), but many (if not most) do. They'll be completely convincing males just never truly identify as such. Err, I'm trying not to use myself as an example since I don't feel like fit the binary well, but also to your point I couldn't actually tell you what specifically constitutes a male versus a female persona. Wow, I really I can't think straight tonight. My thoughts are like all over the place. Could that like be related to the hormones?Alfarif said:I haven't been able to read the article because I'm at work, but how much of that is transwomen and how much of it is just being a woman? I mean... women don't play games, or enjoy computers, or like science, or doing yard work, or working on cars, or....
lexi said:It is a womens fashion magazine, if they did a story on me I'd probably look just as good.
Jamie xxoo said:It's *supposed* to be about living as your most authentic self.
If you aren't a bombshell, you are just a normal person. Welcome to the club!tehAinsley said:Article just reinforced what a waste of time this is. Unlike Lexi and Jamie, I'm butt ugly. I'm overweight. Have physical birth defects, aside from being trans. I've no hope. And shit like that article makes it perfectly plain. If you aren't a bombshell, you're just a freak. I can do that just fine without spending so much damned money. I've lived 30 inside myself. Whats a few more gonna hurt. So why bother I say.
Replace Amiga with Mac Quadra and you have me too. Then since there was never anything else on the Mac except Myst, I fell in love with consoles. Oh, SNES how I love you so.lexi said:I mean, I never wanted to play with dolls, and I hated sports and physical activity too. I was content playing prince of persia on an amiga.
Himuro said:Have any of you had trouble at the workplace while in transitioning or after transition? Any discomfort or discrimination?
What was it like changing your id's or names? Get any weird faces? How do you do with all that?
Yeah! Like fear of needles. Huh, huh who's with me... anyone? Ooook *goes back to cleaning up*Jamie xxoo said:Thanks Wendi. I didn't really convey the blinding fear i felt all the way through it though lol. Transition is really all about facing fear.