Dear GAFfers,
Let me excuse myself in advance if this is an inappropriate question (and if so, do let me know!), but how is a binary gender-system being perceived here?
For instance, take a link like this one: . Although it could be any random other one, for that matter. Point being, the whole idea there is that a trans*-identity automatically opposes society's tendency of thinking in dichotomous genders (and I have to say, that's how I feel about gender and sex(uality) issues myself as well).
So basically the argument often is that a trans*-identity *proves* there is more to it than thinking in binary male/female. But I can imagine there might also be trans*-individuals that don't think there is 'need for more', as they tend to identify themselves within the dichotomous gendersystem anyway. After all, as much as (for instance) a cis woman might do so, the same could be done by a trans woman, right? (Disclaimer: obviously, both are as much of a woman as the other, but 'dividing' terms are used to make clear what I mean to ask). Both can identify as woman and might not need or want room for more 'queer' or androgynous terms, as that doesn't apply to them to their feelings.
In that sense, it could be perceived that 'using the trans*-argument' could be seen like 'kidnapping' these identities when proposing a broughter gender perspective, while maybe not all (or even not many at all) trans*-individuals agree with that sort of argument. So how, to your experiences or maybe your own beliefs, is that an issue (or maybe isn't)? Cause that's what I'm being curious about: am I 'misusing' trans*-identities when I use these as an example (among others) when proposing a broader gender-perspective? Like, how do you GAFfers think/feel about that?
Of course I shouldn't step on the trap of approaching the posters in this topic as a homogenous group, so let me state that I see comments on this question - if it's not a rude one; let me know if it is! - as individual replies. Again, I have to say that I'm sorry if I use inappropriate language, as I'm not well known with how everyone feels here.
Just a question out of mere curiosity, but would be great if it were answered. And this topic seems like the right place, in that case. Looking forward to any replies, as I hope to learn from them!
Best and thank you in advance,
(P.S. By using 'trans*' as a reference I try to include as many identities as possible without excluding any, so hope that makes my question more clear while using as appropriate language/discourse as possible).