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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


Rolling Girl
Then hurry up and move here! We've got very decent tacos as well!

Save me some good ones then! O: I'm actually considering going over sometime after I start my hormones so the possibility is up in the air at the moment~!

New life and new place~! Since I live around absolutely no one I'm close to at the moment it doesn't seem like a bad idea to just get a new start.


Holy shiiiiiiiit. I'm skinner than the before picture (but not by much). She's so cuuuuute.

Not a bad choice. Love the Terra avy too.
FFVI is the best! Thanks.

*resists urge to make a really bad joke* I'm not here by choice. >_>
It's okay, sis. We can get through this! After we graduate college. In a few years...

Then hurry up and move here! We've got very decent tacos as well!
I want to move anywhere but here!

Save me some good ones then! O: I'm actually considering going over sometime after I start my hormones so the possibility is up in the air at the moment~!

New life and new place~! Since I live around absolutely no one I'm close to at the moment it doesn't seem like a bad idea to just get a new start.
You said we would be pretty together! D:
*starts guzzling soy milk for estrogen*

It's because Billie is actually a femmebot



Holy shiiiiiiiit. I'm skinner than the before picture (but not by much). She's so cuuuuute.

Than you are lucky !

2. Fat cells secrete extra estrogen
Carrying a few extra pounds may also wreak havoc on your hormonal balance, leading to a variety of illnesses and health risks. Estrogen, the classified "female hormone," is a fat-storing hormone that is also naturally present in small amounts in men. But when you gain weight, estrogen levels rise and other health problems ensue.

Although estrogen is necessary in men, as it regulates a healthy libido, improves brain function (especially memory) and protects the heart, when the levels are too high, testosterone levels are reduced, and many men experience fatigue, muscle tone loss, decreased sexual function, and in some cases, enlarged prostates. In other words, there are no good side effects to increased estrogen levels in men.

Wich also means that you probably had less testoesterone to mess with your body in your development years ...

...the only problem is lossing the fat ... it is a good thing to do while you wait for hormones, since testosterone helps you to burn fat more than when you don't have it .. so run for your life and get healthy to/while you fix your body! xD


So if it (might) be a few years before hormones I should start losing weight now? Okay.

*starts using the treadmill in her house she hasn't used in months...*


Had a little moment that made me happy that happened as I was getting dinner from a drive thru. The cashier at the window called me Ma'am, which made me really happy since I wasn't even trying to hide my voice or do anything feminine to my outfit today. I guess with my hair growing out I look more girly or something. Still makes me giddy though


I had a dream Femme, Gravijah, and I all lived in a really awesome apartment and for some reason we were watching Transformers. I hate that movie!

EDIT: Yay psn friends with shidoshi~


I can't have kids and I dont have periods, but in every other aspect it's functionally the same as my girlfriend's who I was having sex with for 2 months before I told her I was trans. Nothing about my genitals clued her in on it before I told her. It smells, tastes, looks and acts comparably (can't really say "the same" as no two vaginas are).
No kids, no periods, everything else as expected? To me that sounds like a perfect combination.
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