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Transistor |OT| Super Giant Sword


Think about this game idea for a second.

Mix an old school RPG in the vein of Planescape Torment, Baldur's Gate II, or Arcanum with this battle system.

You would have different classes that specialize in 5 or 6 different attacks, when you have those classes in your party, they can share their abilities as upgrades.

The only thing that might be finicky is what the party does during the planning cooldown period.


Think about this game idea for a second.

Mix an old school RPG in the vein of Planescape Torment, Baldur's Gate II, or Arcanum with this battle system.

You would have different classes that specialize in 5 or 6 different attacks, when you have those classes in your party, they can share their abilities as upgrades.

The only thing that might be finicky is what the party does during the planning cooldown period.

Red needs food Badly


I think Supergiant are probably the most talented team of 12 out there. I agree with most of the criticisms in this thread, but the high level of overall quality they achieved shows an extreme level of skill AND care for their product. Seeing the entire credits fit into a single screen with titles really put into perspective the amount of work each individual put into this and I will continue to support anything this studio puts out. I think it's too soon to decide if I liked Bastion more, and I probably need to replay it a bit becuase it's been a while, but I think it will be close.

Such a great sound track. The songs have been in my head since Tuesday. Can't wait to wrap up this platinum.


Just finished.

Eh, the game was great, but I enjoyed Bastion a lot more. Combat got a little repetitive after a while, and the environments didn't have as much variety as Bastion did. Also I wasn't a fan of how obscure the story was. Felt unnecessary.

the final boss against Royce was fantastic.

Great game, well worth the pricetag.
All this Transistor is reminding me how much I want a new slightly seriously toned Reboot.

If you mean this ReBoot, then I have some news for you! You might want to sit down for this.

There's a company working on a new ReBoot. A ReBoot reboot, if you will. I don't know the details, but last I heard they were working on it. (But to be honest I think I heard the same thing several years ago as well).


Can someone explain to me what happened at the beginning of the game? Why did the
Camerata just leave after killing her boyfriend? If they wanted her dead and needed the Transistor, why did they just leave?


Can someone explain to me what happened at the beginning of the game? Why did the
Camerata just leave after killing her boyfriend? If they wanted her dead and needed the Transistor, why did they just leave?

Prob. because they
tried to control the Process from their base, and attempted to create another Transistor.


Prob. because they
tried to control the Process from their base, and attempted to create another Transistor.

No, they had to retreat to their base due to the Process becoming out of control after they lost the Transistor. Asher says they locked themselves in there at one point.

This was a mystery to me as well, something obviously happened as soon as the Transistor impacted Red's boyfriend. Maybe their best laid plans suddenly shifted once the Transistor shifted allegiances to someone noble enough to sacrifice themselves.


2 hours into this game and I'm not really digging it. The story is too obscure for my tastes, the narrator is getting on my nerves (can't stand that pretentious, short sentence noire style) and the gameplay goes between overwhelming (when I get a new power) to monotonous.

The presentation is gorgeous and I love the music, but that's about all I'm liking so far.


2 hours into this game and I'm not really digging it. The story is too obscure for my tastes, the narrator is getting on my nerves (can't stand that pretentious, short sentence noire style) and the gameplay goes between overwhelming (when I get a new power) to monotonous.

The presentation is gorgeous and I love the music, but that's about all I'm liking so far.

don't give up!


good man. i think you'll be satisfied by the time you finish it.

In some ways, all of the options in combat remind me of Platinum games. That being said, it's a little overwhelming off the bat, and I'm always horrible in games with a lot of decisions.

I strongly, strongly, dislike the talking sword, though. Going to be tough to push through with that.


2 hours into this game and I'm not really digging it. The story is too obscure for my tastes, the narrator is getting on my nerves (can't stand that pretentious, short sentence noire style) and the gameplay goes between overwhelming (when I get a new power) to monotonous.

The presentation is gorgeous and I love the music, but that's about all I'm liking so far.

Noir and hardboiled style is pretentious now? Since when?


2 hours into this game and I'm not really digging it. The story is too obscure for my tastes, the narrator is getting on my nerves (can't stand that pretentious, short sentence noire style) and the gameplay goes between overwhelming (when I get a new power) to monotonous.

The presentation is gorgeous and I love the music, but that's about all I'm liking so far.

At the same point myself, you summed up my thoughts nicely. Hoping it gets better, but it's especially hard for me coming off of Divinity Original Sin which has excellent combat. They're definitely different games, but still.


If you mean this ReBoot, then I have some news for you! You might want to sit down for this.

There's a company working on a new ReBoot. A ReBoot reboot, if you will. I don't know the details, but last I heard they were working on it. (But to be honest I think I heard the same thing several years ago as well).
That is the Reboot I've been talking about.

And I won't believe it until it's in front of me. I've been hurt before.


No, they had to retreat to their base due to the Process becoming out of control after they lost the Transistor. Asher says they locked themselves in there at one point.

This was a mystery to me as well, something obviously happened as soon as the Transistor impacted Red's boyfriend. Maybe their best laid plans suddenly shifted once the Transistor shifted allegiances to someone noble enough to sacrifice themselves.

It might have something to do with Cybil. When you're fighting her she keeps screaming "I SAVED YOU I SAVED YOU I SAVED YOU" over and over during her second phase


Beat it. It was...interesting. I'm not sure if I liked this or Bastion more.

The biggest and best improvement over Bastion are the challenges. Because they don't rely on what YOU have unlocked but instead limit/force you to try new things, it makes for a great way to discover new combinations.

I liked the story of Transistor much more than Bastion.
A few questions about the Risk trophy, is it 5 total sections cleared or in a row? Because I cleared 3 but this one section is near impossible with all 10 limiters, probably gonna have to disable that. Also, does it count if you clear a section but don't get to the next access point and then clear that section again? Does that count as 2 separate things?


No, they had to retreat to their base due to the Process becoming out of control after they lost the Transistor. Asher says they locked themselves in there at one point.

This was a mystery to me as well, something obviously happened as soon as the Transistor impacted Red's boyfriend. Maybe their best laid plans suddenly shifted once the Transistor shifted allegiances to someone noble enough to sacrifice themselves.

Ownership of the transistor was lost during the attack on Red, which is probably what made the process go crazy.


Wow the gameplay changes drastically once you get void, seriously I was having a serious challenge throughout the game until then, especially since I have been turning on all limiters as soon as I get them. Void has helped me so much!


How do you guys keep dogs off you while you're waiting in recovery?

You can put Jaunt into an upgrade slot for a function you use regularly. That way you can attack while waiting for your Turn() meter to refill. Or you can use Jaunt as a function and time it with their bark, dashing away unscathed. Me personally, I make them top priority, so I try to kill one of all of the Fetches on screen in one Turn().


For some reason I had real difficulties with the ui for assigning skills. Half the time I wouldn't want to move things about as I'd end up removing things then forgetting where I had them, or I couldn't tell where I had put an assigned skill without hitting remove first then going to the next screen. Maybe I was missing something.

Its probably just me but I feel that ui could have been a lot better using something like item comparing in diablo and making better use of the screens real estate.


Not this vapid "pretentious" crap again

Probably was the wrong word to use. I should have just said I didn't like it and left it like that.

I guess the way I define it is when a story tries to appear deeper than it is without giving the audience much to go on. Pretentious was a little knee-jerk.


Does the game have difficulty levels?

I am a strategy/tactics game god so I am concerned the game may be too easy?

No standard difficulty levels but a dynamic system. Over the course of the game you unlock so-called limiters (like the idols in Bastion) which increase difficulty in various ways while slightly increasing your XP gain as a reward. You can turn on as many of these as you like until you're comfortable with the challenge.


2 hours into this game and I'm not really digging it. The story is too obscure for my tastes, the narrator is getting on my nerves (can't stand that pretentious, short sentence noire style) and the gameplay goes between overwhelming (when I get a new power) to monotonous.

The presentation is gorgeous and I love the music, but that's about all I'm liking so far.

I'd like to know what you think is pretentious about it.

Also, do the back door challenges. They teach you how to look at each battle as a puzzle to solve I'm the most efficient way. The combat in this game is extremely good.


Two hours in but I'm not really feeling it. I find the narrator highly annoying. I tolerated him in Bastion but in this he's just grating. Reminds me of these terrible LPs where the LPer decides to comment on absolutely everything.
The combat is sorta okay. Sometimes it's just weirdly incosistent. Like, sometimes when I Crash and Breach twice a Creep from behind he will fly off after the first Breach which means my second Breach will miss and there's no rhyme or reason why this happens. The downtime between turns isn't particularly fun either because there's jack shit to do besides running around which is painfully slow.
Don't care much for the soundtrack either.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
forgive me if this question has been asked endlessly.

any word on a Mac version?


Any big Practice test records? 4782 here with Void and Cull on 4 Creeps. The Jaunt + Spark may have helped a bit, but I can't imagine much.

Oh, and this is pretty funny:

Not mine:


Not that hard - but you have to go a little through recursion.


I am currently
having just beat the spine and have shutdown one of the firewall terminals before asher

how much more is there?


Two hours in but I'm not really feeling it. I find the narrator highly annoying. I tolerated him in Bastion but in this he's just grating. Reminds me of these terrible LPs where the LPer decides to comment on absolutely everything.
The combat is sorta okay. Sometimes it's just weirdly incosistent. Like, sometimes when I Crash and Breach twice a Creep from behind he will fly off after the first Breach which means my second Breach will miss and there's no rhyme or reason why this happens. The downtime between turns isn't particularly fun either because there's jack shit to do besides running around which is painfully slow.
Don't care much for the soundtrack either.

If you stick with it, the space between turns will make much more sense. You need to take out certain enemies as a priority (Fetch and Hair, for example) so you can move between turns easier.

The powers functions will start to feel much more consistent as you progress too.

However, if you don't enjoy the soul of this game (the narration and music), then you'll probably have a hard time getting into the combat. Which is a shame, because it really is special.

My main issue with it is that it only really starts to come alive toward the latter part of the game, and you don't really get enough time to explore it before the game ends. Recursion mode definitely helps, and the backdoor challenges add a lot, but I'd still have liked to have had more time toward the end to explore the potential of the function system.

Does the game have difficulty levels?

I am a strategy/tactics game god so I am concerned the game may be too easy?

Limiters are the difficulty modes.

The game also teaches you via the challenge modes to look at the most efficient way to complete each battle. You can challenge yourself to complete it in the most efficient way, and exploring the function combinations to squeeze out a little more efficiency is a huge part of the draw.

Avoid reading about the combinations so you can explore them yourself. You'll get out what you put in.


I just beat my first play through and I'm not really sure how I feel about this game.

I think the music and art direction was fantastic.

The actual game mechanics are, well, somewhat inspired and somewhat annoying at the same time.

The pacing, forgettable characters and story I think are pretty weak.

This is a tough game for me to figure out because I don't really know what to even call it. As a straight up RPG I'd say it's terrible, extremely light on actual story, some really
anticlimatic parts(though in a way I think it's cool they go there)
, no real choices, it just doesn't fit what I'd call a RPG myself. It also doesn't really seem paced for it either, I beat the game under level 15, just taking a peak at the trophies for instance hints at level 24, you're still unlocking powers and copies of powers in the NG+, and already I'm about 1/4th of the way through again and am only level 16 so the experience drop off is pretty large, especially without all the limiters enabled. It feels like the game's not a RPG at all but that's just the window dressing for an action puzzle game. With the combat system still evolving well into the NG+, and the multiple ways of fighting battles and changing the enemy content, the speed in which you can go through the battles and by extension the story you're rarely far from a battle and you can make any battle life and death for yourself whenever you want, it really feels like that's the game. Taken like that I think it's a good action puzzle game I was just wanting something more RPG so I feel kinda bummed out.

But I think that's an important thing to talk about because I see a lot of people think the price is unfair and I think that's only partly true dependent on one's perception and wants. As a RPG the game's extremely short and unless at some point in Recursion mode it pulls a Neir and shows a different perspective of events I don't think someone looking for a strong RPG will be that happy. But the battles aren't bad at all and I can see myself going through the game several times just because of how short the story is just to level up and mess around with the combat system and different combinations just because you can.

I can say it's not a bad game for sure, whether it's good or not will depend on how you approach it, but, being that's it's so unique, stylish and the setting so fantastic I really wanted it to be great you know? Now I'm left wanting more.


Played two hours so far and I'm not really sure how I feel about the game. Some aspects are brilliant but some just feel like they don't mesh well together.

The talking sword itself kind of feel like being stuck in the backseat of a car with someone you have nothing in common with during a lengthy car ride. They comment on everything you do and see without really saying anything interesting to avoid things becoming too awkward but instead they just makes it worse.

The way they implemented death is cool in theory but I don't think it works out in practice. Since the combat already feels so puzzle based it seems weird that the game refills your health but takes away one of your skills. The game doesn't seem to care if I figured out the puzzle but instead lets me go on with a warning. This seems counter intuitive to what it feels like the game is going for. I would have preferred it if the game took one of your abilities and let you try the same encounter again or at least have that as an option like Bioshock did.

The enemy variety, skill system and music are where the game shines so far.


Just finished it and yeah it is really short, a little under 5 hours for me =/

I will give high praise to it's combat, unlike Bastion, and was suitably impressed by the depth of the systems in place with how each function can augment each other in various ways allowing different playstyles :)
At the same time, as much as this does allow for a lot of experimentation, I can't see anyone experimenting too much (other than the challenges I guess) once you've found a set of combos you like and are suitably effective. So towards the end of the game, combat was getting a little repetitive, but at least only at the end I guess.

Story, unlike Bastion, is where for me this game fell down and I've found myself quite disappointed. Maybe a bunch of it is hidden Dark Souls style in menus and descriptions, but I've never liked that style of storytelling frankly. The game begins in media res, and it never really got "on track" I think partly because of that. I have a vague idea of who people are, the world and motivations but I couldn't tell you in any detail. And the ending itself, although surprising, just left me wondering why it all happened the way it did. Tbh, I'd like to see someone else's assessment of it, cos I felt quite in the dark on that aspect.

If Supergiant could make a game of this combat system but with Bastion's storytelling, I'd have loved this to pieces but I'm left feeling a little cold =/


Just started. Messing around in the functions menu and it ONLY now hits me that you can combine them! Man, the look on my face once I figured what the hell was going on. Awesome feature, but it's not really explained (unless I missed it) that you can do that. Or maybe it's painstakingly obvious to most and I'm dumb.
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