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ManaByte said:
If you plan on getting ESPN at a EB, be sure to check the price. Some EBs are trying to mark it up to $34.99.

Nice note here: if that same markup was done in proportional fashion to EA's offering, Madden 2005 would be a whopping $87.50.


You now belong to FMT.
GG Ramirez.... My pass defense is suspect, it was their second game, give them time..... Gunther Just grabbed the reigns.....


tonight was an extremely frustrating night for me.. couldn't get anything to connect.... Man, i hope they fix this soon....


i finally got to play a game tonight against Kruza. everything worked fine but at first we couldnt connect just like with Drey. so I decided to sign off and turn off my Xbox. when I came back it worked perfectly. I did nothing different from the previous challenges he had sent me. it might have something to do with the VIP file. the only time I notice that it loads is when you first boot up the game.

Kruza mentioned that in offline games you can view replays of every play that happened in the game by going to the gamecast play by play and selecting a play and viewing the replay. I didnt know this but I wish you could do it for online too.

I wish this game had the ability to invite someone to a voice chat in-game. the messaging is nice but clunky and I was just told by the game that my message contained inappropriate language and would not be sent. it didnt bother to tell me what part was inappropriate though and I didnt feel like retypin the whole thing so i cancelled it.

.....cant get to My Leagues ........sigh
Wow, ugly game between me and matrix. GG man

And I think there is a bug with sacks that gives the negative yardage to your back. Somehow Holmes was at -45 yards...


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Cloudy said:

Its almost impossible to play decent D or hold a lead with the Texans in this years version :\ I love my Texans,but shit my record is now 3-7 and its kinda getting frustrating playing the Bucs,Colts,Cheifs..its friggin hard to sustain them a whole game :(

I mean I was beating Cerebral 14-0 and all the sudden my team cant do shit.I was shutting down Holmes*he really wasnt using him much :p * and he brings in his second string HB and the dude just eats me alive :(

Ughhh I'm never going to win a league game,all the Texans have is Johnson and his miracle catchs.

Oh well I'm going to keep practing and take my beatings like a man.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
DMczaf said:

Matrix = Kings

Choke choke choke choke choke... ;)

Tell me about...wtf the curse of houston is all over this game.
Matrix said:
Its almost impossible to play decent D or hold a lead with the Texans in this years version :\ I love my Texans,but shit my record is now 3-7 and its kinda getting frustrating playing the Bucs,Colts,Cheifs..its friggin hard to sustain them a whole game :(


I mean I was beating Cerebral 14-0 and all the sudden my team cant do shit.I was shutting down Holmes and he brings in his second string HB and the dude just eats me alive :(

Well, Holmes was having no luck, so I figured Johnson wouldn't be such a fucking cry baby if I gave him some play time. :) For what it is worth, you played great D man. I don't even know how I was still in the game midway through the 3rd quarter. It was that huge pass to the X-Factor, aka Human Joystick, that got things going for me. In any event, it seems the Texans at least have better defensive formations in their book than last year.

Ughhh I'm never going to win a league game,all the Texans have is Johnson and his miracle catchs.

He is damn fast though.

Oh well I'm going to keep practing and take my beatings like a man.

That's the spirit!


I pulled a Matrix :(


There I am with a 6 pt lead on hg's Cowboys and he has the ball with 1 min left and KJ somehow makes 2 catches in triple-quadruple coverage to save TWO 4th and 10s for him. Then with 4 secs left on the 8 he throws a fade route pass to Glenn in the corner for the 7-6 win :(

But the TD pass didnt make me mad, it was the TWO KJ 4th and 10 catches in the middle of the million man march! After the first one I was like "Ok, he got one on me...i can take it!" after the second one I felt like smashing my head :(


Cerebral Palsy said:
Wow, ugly game between me and matrix. GG man

And I think there is a bug with sacks that gives the negative yardage to your back. Somehow Holmes was at -45 yards...

you dont know what an ugly game is!

me and DM just finished a game and I beat him 7-6 on a pass play with like 6 seconds to go. I think the closest I had gotten the whole game was around the 38 yard line. he was driving the ball the whole game but had to settle for 3 FG attempts 1 of which he missed early in the game from like 44 yards with Gramatica. I pretty much thought the game was over when he started pounding the ball with Alstott in the 2nd half. it was first down after first down until he got in the red zone. I think he ended up with like 150 yards rushing. I just got luck on some 4th down conversions on that last drive to get the win but it was one uglyyyyyyyyy game.

haha! DM I remember him making maybe one catch in triple to quadruple coverage but one of them he was ONLY double covered. :lol


Ahhh! I forgot about my missed FG...arrrggg, who knew that FG would bite me in the ass at the end, oh wait I know...



Well at least the game was pretty much settled before I UNLEASHED THE BOLLER.

9-2 now. :)

By the way, the quicktourny is now full. I will create a thread for it as to not confuse the people who come to this thread for the league information. Feel free to set up your games in it.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I just lost to Gunstar 38-35..I cant win with the Texans :|

Feel free to add me to your friends list as I plan on getting into some games this year in football. My tag is the same as my GAF nick, Blackclouds. I'm hungry, like Starvin' Marvin Harrison!

Much love to ESPN and that new cheap price, comming thru when I am broke as @&%&%!


You now belong to FMT.
Great Game Cerebral.... if I had to lose to one team, it would have to be the Chiefs... 4th and 2..................
Malleymal said:
Great Game Cerebral.... if I had to lose to one team, it would have to be the Chiefs... 4th and 2..................

I felt bad when I saw you pick the cruddy Rams. :( Almost backed out... I should have. Now I feel guilty.

GG man


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I need a mic too.I heard Konex say "Matrix"...Konex you sound like a surfer dude :)


Cerebral Palsy said:
I felt bad when I saw you pick the cruddy Rams. :( Almost backed out... I should have. Now I feel guilty.

GG man

Rams are cruddy this year too? What are their ratings?


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.

That's my squad. First game I stomped the Cowboys 56 | 14. They're pretty good, but their rating went down somewhat. Marshall is stil the threat.


You now belong to FMT.
I had a bad string of games last night..... Ramirez/Cerebral/DM all got their jollies off on me... GG's guys, but get ready, I have my squads doing 3 a days getting ready for the season, the tides will turn.....


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I have a modded XBOX (un)fortunately.

Gameplay aside, I have a few gripes...

Why does the game engine jump from 30fps to 60fps so frequently. I don't remember this being the case last year. The ony 60fps action is when playing (which is most important), but cutscenes/crowd shots are all 30fps. Kind of kills the fluidity.

Also, the movies in the game are compressed and all artifacted. I know last years version did have that issue.


GG last night Malley,I had a lot of lucky stuff go my way though...I still feel the Steelers are under rated :( How can the almost exact same Defense as last year that held is in so many games be rated a 78?!BAH! :p
lets take a look at that great steelers D with a recap of week 10 from last year:

Rattay: 21/27, 254 yards, 2 touchdowns, 0 INT's
Barlow: 8 rushes, 98 yards (didn't even play the 4th quarter)

wow, great steelers D! they got torched, and they will be torched again!


That was that Monday Night game wasn't it?That was over as soon as T.O. got that huge ass TD on like the first play,lmao.

I'd like to think of our D as at least an 83,but I guess with Polamalu and Colclough possibly starting I can see where they get the 78 :p


keep your strippers out of my American football
I finally won a game. Now I am 1-2! Sorry Cloudy. I forgot the final score, but I think it was 31-6. I was the Redskins and Clinton Portis was tearing it up. I will be back online later tonight. Probably around 8 Central.


Looks like VC still hasn't learned

FMT tells me franchise mode still has a bunch of little bugs that hurt the game.


Musashi Wins! said:

He only told me a couple so far

If you sim a season with a 3-4 defense, the game still plays 4-3 so only 3 of your LBs have good stats.

He also said the CPU trades are a joke.

I'll let FMT make a post about the rest of the problems
i will elaborate myself. ESPN's franchise mode is useless and almost 100% pure garbage. here's why:

- Trades are ridiculous. I have seen the following trades happen at various times:

* Brett Favre for Michael Strahan
* Ricky Williams for Ty Law
* Charlie Garner for Keyshawn Johnson

i've also seen some other weird ass trades/cuts happen but i can't remember them all. it's ridiculous. you also can't turn off CPU trading.

another bug i found (this was mentioned at OS and i tried it out for myself) is that if you are simming the game of a defense who runs a 3-4 (for instance, pittsburgh steelers), the computer stat tracking system will treat them as a team who runs a 4-3. what i mean by that is lets say you have 4 linebackers, joe, john, bob and marty. well, if you sim the game, only joe john and bob will have registered stats. it will be as if that team was running a 4-3, and marty was riding the pine. wtf

then there's the clipping bug. lets say i get an 80 yard touchdown run, but it is called back for clipping. if i go to my rushing stats, i will have 1 rush for minus 80 yards. lol...

this game is an awesome game, but sometimes i have to wonder what kind of effort VC is putting into the little things about the game. how could this get past QA? we've only played this game for 3 days and we already have a huge list of bugs that should have been ironed out MONTHS ago. early release or not this isn't acceptable. they need to patch this shit up pronto


keep your strippers out of my American football
One little thing I noticed is if you play the 25th Anniversary classic games, a close play will be reviewed by the replay booth, lol. I was playing the Ice Bowl and a close play out of bounds was reviewed!
I think the clipping thing happened during my game with Matrix the other night. Holmes somehow got slapped with -45 yards. Annoying. As for the franchise problems... I will never even touch anything besides online play.
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