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I havent had any problems getting games yet, only that screen showing up saying it cant verify my rosters or something... that shows up sometimes but then goes away.
My stats aren't updating... I have two wins, which it shows the scores for, but it says I only have 1 win. The other stats have never updated, besides saying I run 100% running plays... At least I'm not having any trouble playing games.


hgplayer, for some reason i can't connect to you at all, i click join game under your name, and I just go to the challenge screen where it says waiting for opponent... not sure if it's going to work.


yeah it doesnt seem to be working well right now. whenever i do an optimatch, the majority of the games that come up have bad pings (all red). when I create a public match and my game shows up on the list, it shows my ping is bad. why would it show that? im pinging myself and its bad?

anyways for those of you wanting to see what your record is you just have to create a public game and when you see your game on the list youll see what your record is.

hopefully in a couple days all this will be solved. or if its like last year on PS2 we'll be waiting and waiting..............

Musashi Wins!

Where are FMT impressions? I demand the TRUTH! Just trying to play offline right now and learn the controls....this so makes up for NCAA so far.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Man gg DM,except for that dumb ass play where you faked punted on 4th and 1 already up 14-0 >_< :(

I couldnt run for shit last year even with all the broken tackles and this year HAHAHA no comment.So far I'm 2-0 against strangers and 0-2 against Dm's Bucs :(

I also cant connect to stooge :(


Matrix said:
So far I'm 2-0 against strangers and 0-2 against Dm's Bucs :(

well, my impressions of this game are quite simple.

I love it.

everything seems just so much better from last year.

my only gripes, which are real minor, is when its snowing and u pull the camera all the way back, the framerate drops to ass...

and if you have the camera setting on "pull back when throwing" or whatever, the framerate will be ass in the snow when u drop back to pass.

also the fact that they didnt make the stadiumcustommusic have a reverb type effect on them.
I was assuming there was gonna be some stadium effect added to the customstuff, but no.
It makes everything sound odd, luckily i can make my own files with the effect since I have the equipment, but still....it would take time i dont feel like sparing. VC should release a patch that adds this effect.

this game gets the Jgar


seal of quality!

here are some quick plus and minuses:

+ Awesome running game. no more suck in tackles, or a fucking DLineman being engage in a block but somehow he still tackles you (cough ncaa)

+ Awesome passing game. when i first played bob, i was in the "ncaa" frame of mind. what that means is i didn't make my reads, i didn't let the pocket form around me, i didn't take the correct drops steps. in the second half, when bob witnessed the real power, i began to do those things. here's a tip: let the CPU do the drop back for you, by the time you come out of your drop, you should have read the D enough to pick the correct receive to throw to.

+ Defensive zones are at least 50% improved, possibly 75%, and maybe 100% improved. I've seen some of my lower rated players do stuff that not even a blind retard would do, but i guess ratings are ratings and you have to make some players sorrier than shit. But, the normal-good rated players make nice plays on the ball (although i could have had a few picks my guys didn't go after)

+/- Xbox controller takes some getting used to for me. but after 4 games, i have the hang of it. if you are having problems, dont fret, your time will come controlling the game.

+ Graphics are nuts. this game LOOKS like espn no doubt, but the little things are amazing. when i first saw espn screens i said "ok, those look nice, but who plays from those views??" the answer is no one and it doesn't matter because the game looks incredible from playable views as well.

+ the new momentum is awesome. there are actually cut backs, not much turning on a dime (without paying for it) and the hits are brutal because of it

+ the hits are awesome. i'm still getting used to the defense hot routing and stuff, but so far thumbs up on the defensive end.

+ Playing on xbox live is hassle free and a lot better than NCAA; also, on a related note, no slowdown or lag.

+ Players catch the ball when they're open

well it cant all be peaches and cream, here are some things that concern me:

- somehow, with the first roster update, they have LOWERED The 49ers ratings! come on man we were already down in the dumps with a 74 offense and now it goes even lower? thanks a-holes

- QB running is STILL too fast. rex grossman ripped off a 15 yard run on me. come on dude, rex grossman couldn't rip off a ralphs coupon. also, fifty said Boller, kyle FUCKING boller, had over 70 yards rushing! unacceptable!

- i know i said it before, but holy shit some DB's are fucking DUMB. to the point where not only would you question their nfl talent, not only would you question their college talent, you would question their high school talent!

so far thats all i can talk about having only played 4 games. i would say to anyone with $20, buy this game. even if you dont like football, buy this game, because you will like it.

p.s. for those of you who are still stubborn, the game has the following demos included on the disk in playable form: halo 2, paper mario, final fantasy 12, true fantasy live online, guilty gear X3, street fighter collection, doom 3, madden 2005, tales of lymphonia (sequel to ToS), sonic adventure 3, burnout 3, devil may cry 3, espn nfl football 2006, and many many more. so come for the demos, stay for the game.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
p.s. for those of you who are still stubborn, the game has the following demos included on the disk in playable form: halo 2, paper mario, final fantasy 12, true fantasy live online, guilty gear X3, street fighter collection, doom 3, madden 2005, tales of lymphonia (sequel to ToS), sonic adventure 3, burnout 3, devil may cry 3, espn nfl football 2006, and many many more. so come for the demos, stay for the game.

Don't bother, that 2k5 halo demo sucks balls.
Something is missing though, online team gameplay. The thought of gathering three of my friends online and playing against four team players in a exhilirating grid iron match.

Seth C

I got my copy. Now I just need to register for a new Live account. *sniff* Kind of sad now that I let my beta test login expire.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Waaaaaaaaaa Cerebral beat me with a GW FG :( Final score 13-11...damn GG and damn is it hard to win with houston...I cant get shit on the ground.
Matrix said:
Waaaaaaaaaa Cerebral beat me with a GW FG :( Final score 13-11...damn GG and damn is it hard to win with houston...I cant get shit on the ground.

Great game. Though I made some braindead plays. When I went for it on the 4th down I had a better chance of making a fieldgoal. When I noticed that I almost through my controller at the wall.

Speaking of fieldgoals... That is my only problem with ESPN so far. Fieldgoals are too damn easy. Anything under 50 I nail. Only one I have missed was a 51 yarder, and just barely at that.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
What I found odd is that we both missed some easy wide open catchs.....NCAA STILL HAUNTS ME :p

Yea Fg's are pretty damn easy,then again the wind wasnt really a factor at all in that game.


Gold Member
If you plan on getting ESPN at a EB, be sure to check the price. Some EBs are trying to mark it up to $34.99.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
ManaByte said:
If you plan on getting ESPN at a EB, be sure to check the price. Some EBs are trying to mark it up to $34.99.



LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.

*Grabs shotgun and points it at Dm's copy of NFL2K5*


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
You better believe it! whooooooo!

God Im watching my bro lose to David Arquette...I want to punch Arquette's face in!!!!! arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Matrix said:
You better believe it! whooooooo!

God Im watching my bro lose to David Arquette...I want to punch Arquette's face in!!!!! arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Jamie Kennedy keeps calling me :(

"What's up braaaaaaaa!?"

Musashi Wins!

Well, tried to play JediMike online, but either my router sucked or we had a bad connection. Either way Jedi, that last adjustment I made was worse than ever so I took the disconnect. I'll only be playing friends anyway. I'll try to optimize it here.

Crag Dweller

aka kindbudmaster
I just checked my tracking page again and my copy is still sitting in Tennesee. They fucking brought it within 50 miles of my house and then put it on a plane and sent it to Memphis. The gaming gods weren't good to me today. :(


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
DMczaf said:
Jamie Kennedy keeps calling me :(

"What's up braaaaaaaa!?"

HAHA I have Carmen calling me still,Ive yet to play her and I'm afraid to lose to a girl :(


I'm gonna practice before I play Electra...that way I can say "I raped Carmen Electra!" and I wouldn't be lying.

also the fact that they didnt make the stadiumcustommusic have a reverb type effect on them.
I was assuming there was gonna be some stadium effect added to the customstuff, but no.
It makes everything sound odd, luckily i can make my own files with the effect since I have the equipment, but still....it would take time i dont feel like sparing. VC should release a patch that adds this effect.

According to my little bro, he says they boosted the mid-range, cutoff some bass, and added reverb as well as a touch of delay to make it sound realistic. I didn't notice it but then again I had the volume turned down coz I was playing it late last night. Maybe he's delusional...or maybe it's just too subtle?


Crazy day. I think I played 6 or so online games today. I haven't seen this many people online, on one game, from my friends list in....well, ever. Good games: Biff, Bob, CK, FMT, DMC



GameFan Alumnus
Played 3 games total and am 3-0, but haven't gone online yet. I get the feeling I suck at this game. Beat my roommate and then played Funkmaster Flex twice. Both times I beat him by a field goal. I don't know if it's that his all-star team is so much better than the Bears or what, but I can't get any big plays off. Biggest passing play is like 20 yards and biggest run is maybe 6. My crib is pretty barren. :( Any idea how to earn fast crib points?

I like that my crib, though barren, looks great with the hardwood floors and the decorating. I customized all the music in-game and in the crib/game menus (jukebox).


I can connect to people (took me removing my router to get it to work) but now i cannot finish a game. I keep getting this message half way through about how the game is to laggy to continue. Apparently its my connection since it seems like most other people are playing just fine. I get alot of random freezes though, it does not make sense considering every other online game i own works.


First tragedy, then farce.
I think I added most of you, but in case I havent, my gt is stooge. send me an invite, if nothing else I seem to be a pretty easy win :p

Also, all of you without a mic, http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/product/237650.asp Its really shitty, but its 5 damn dollars. Please get one, it makes the games SO much more fun. This is what I use (the official one has a problem with breaking, Ive been through two of them, there is this little plastic clip that goes flying off if you have a large head) and it gets the job done.

So far I've gotten absolutely slaughtered twice, picked up one close win, two close losses (lost one because of a botched punt return) and one blowout win versus some cheeser. The good thing is all of the cheesers Ive heard about are getting destroyed.

The game decided to cocktease Matrix and I though.. we would get about halfway through the first quarter and the game would kick us both out.. which sucks because we had two really good games going (and one that never got started really). Eventually I will take the Texans down.

My one complaint so far is that I have to adjust.. Im still stuck in 2k4 mode, and overselling to stop the run.. Im getting burned downfield, and I have yet to find the right defense to effectively stop the pass... the packers dont seem to match up with anyone man to man very well, and there are a few people here that have torn my zones a new ahole. What I like most about it though, is even when Im losing it feels like my fault.. either I called the wrong play, or he beat me through a hole in my zone.. not some jackass breaking through 8 tackles on his way to paydirt.

This game owns me.


You now belong to FMT.
If the router is the problem, I am going to be pissed, because I just bought a router so that I could play this game and be online at the same time..... this would really be upsetting... also lets get some games in tonight fellas... did the tournament fill up yet?
malleymal me and you have the same exact router. you can possibly activate the DMZ settings on it (i never had to but who knows). this is the case with most sega online games. PM gunstar about it because he couldn't play online before he did it either.

like i said, we have the same router and i've never had any problems.


You now belong to FMT.
FrenchMovieTheme said:
malleymal me and you have the same exact router. you can possibly activate the DMZ settings on it (i never had to but who knows). this is the case with most sega online games. PM gunstar about it because he couldn't play online before he did it either.

like i said, we have the same router and i've never had any problems.

Cool, thanks alot man... I will hit Gunstar with a PM, but you are saying that you never had to right?? I actually played a game online that was smooth as hell, so I am probably jumping the gun about the router issue...

great, first huge bug found. the "QB SPY" defensive hot route doesn't work. i don't mean its uneffective, i mean it literally doesn't work. i followed the manuals directions exactly on the process of setting up a QB spy, but he doesn't respond to it. i can get every other defensive hot route to work, so i'm pretty sure it's not some mistake on my end. i hope VC patches this or misprinted the manual or something because there are also no designated spy plays. Joe Nobody QB can run all over you whenever he wants without a spy play... unless you jeopordize your defense by always sending blitzers from all sides. come on VC, don't make QB running the super running back of 2k5!
malley i've had the router for about 8 months now, and the first time i hooked it up i had to call tech support because something wasn't responding. took about 5 mins as they walked me through it, and i never had to change any settings or anything. if i recall correctly, all i did was poke a pen in that small hole on the front that says "reset", and then went on as normal. if it comes down to it, you could always call tech support, but odds are someone here can save you that call


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
Malleymal said:
Cool, thanks alot man... I will hit Gunstar with a PM, but you are saying that you never had to right?? I actually played a game online that was smooth as hell, so I am probably jumping the gun about the router issue...


I figured out why I couldn't join anyones games. I remember last year ESPN 2k4 had a hard time playing behind a router. So I had to set my DMZ on my router to my Xbox IP. For those that don't the DMZ on your router, I would recommend hooking your Xbox directly into your cable modem, until Sega says what ports to open.

Yeah Malleymal, I don't have the router that you and FMT have but you should have an option to set your Xbox IP to DMZ mode. You need to get your IP for Xbox in the Dashboard.
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