Tree of Savior |OT| Free to Play Now Open

Oh man. It's been an hour already and the stat points still ain't being given.


This is awesome. Best Bug in the entire game.

One quest (main story one at that) did not give me an item required for another quest (which gives a minor HP boost). LOL.

Sent a ticket just because it annoys me. >___>
I just played for two hours straight, this game is a lot of fun. I love the graphical style, the music, and the action RPG combat. I didn't get too far because I caught myself grinding to edge out "just one more level". Old habits of RO I suppose.

I chose a Cleric as I like support classes. I got Heal up to level 5 but then it was locked, probably for a job advancement that the game will show me later.


Just started this today, up to level 17 and enjoying it. Using a controller but it's still a little messy for certain UI things so I have to use the mouse and keyboard for those.

It looks great though, lovely style to it.

I've put pretty much every stat into Strength and I'm destroying everything.


Based on what I'm reading on reddit/forums, swordsmen classes are simply not competitive/viable as DPS classes, right (compared to archers/mages)?

Also, what's the consensus on dex vs str for Archers? I see some saying 2dex:1str with 40-ish con.
I tried Swordsman and Archer last night, really digging how punchy it all feels. Kind of like an Ys MMO, without quite the same level of skill required. The lag is still a bit problematic, and the game hitches from 60fps to 20fps randomly depending on what's going on, likely server-side polling, but the music is ace. Especially that trance track in the early prison dungeon - it's such a nice change of pace from the bland orchestral 'fantasy' stuff in every MMO lately. Depending on how it gets supported, I might have found my new MMO.
Fuck, i lost every gem i had.

Time to rage quit

Not like they're very important. Most Gems, you just feed to other gems.

Most people even stop at Lv4/5 Gem since the amount required to level them becomes horribly high. Even people at current end-game stopped at Lv7-ish. Not to mention the stupid "Lv-1" when you remove them from equipment.

Plus there's a Lv100 daily (party quest) that gives you 3, 4, 5, or 10 gems per cube. That's at least 15 gems per day if you can be bothered to do all 5 daily.


Some tips:

If you're going for Cleric class (whether support or damage, even "OMG Imma damage class called Monk not support, i don't heal -> get party wiped out"), do consider Cleric Circle 2, especially if you want a filler class at lower ranks.

ClericC2 provides you:
-Safety Zone Block Count attribute
Lv1 SZ + max attribute = 22 blocks already. Twice as strong as Lv5 SZ of a Circle 1-only Cleric. +2 more block with Divine Might.)​

Makes quests easy, works on boss ( not sure if it on pets, but since Revive does, I think this one does, too )
Caution: If you Fade mid-boss fight and the boss has nothing to attack, it will start to recover to full HP after 5~10s(?). If you are a Dievdirby, you can leave a statue for the boss to attack and it won't recover HP as it will still be "in battle".
Not-well known but really really good function: It will allow you to completely avoid "ground-based" attacks and effects. Siauliai Mission Golem ground smash is one; magic circles and "object aura" are supposedly included.
Makes support life way easier.
Bonus: Makes getting to the boss in DG boss rush way easier (more so if you don't have much CON).​
-Divine Might
General usefulness is very good, honestly.
Effect may vary but it will never fall off with how current Class Lv/Skill Lv works; works on party. Circle 3 skills are probably the one that gets the most advantage as those are only usually 5 levels. Quarrel Shooter 3, for example (auto-attack build) gives running shot approximately 10% more damage.
-Heal Lv10
Allows you to play support no matter your build. Heal tiles lasts 40s and it has 22s CD. I usually have 44 Heal Tiles on the ground most of the times. It actually allows you to "heal better" than Full BotterSupport Priests3Chaplain (or any priest that don't have Cleric2).​
started in orsha got to just under 40 and it was like a dead end...looks like you are supposed to do both main quests but...seems like game is really designed to start in Klaid...sigh


Server lag really sucks. I had a quest last night where an npc is missing but his icon eas on the map. Tons of people were just sitting around chatting asking where the npc is.
started in orsha got to just under 40 and it was like a dead end...looks like you are supposed to do both main quests but...seems like game is really designed to start in Klaid...sigh

LOL, if they ever implement an "ending" to this game, I wish it'll be different for those who started in Orsha than Klai. Opening scenes between Orsha and Klaipeda are different.

I vastly prefer Orsha than Klaipeda (or Fedimian) as a home base. Better layout for everything you need (except maybe the Collection girl).


Oh wow. This game is f2p now?

May give it a try. But let me guess: game is currently really laggy or hard to get into right now?



The SEA servers restricts anybody who hasn't payed the early access. The fuck is this.

Even the new SEA server is affected.
Can anyone suggest a good wizard build? Does it matter what skills I take (can I respec later?)

I just want a build that's good to follow until I get the hang of the game and make an alt with a different build later
Can anyone suggest a good wizard build? Does it matter what skills I take (can I respec later?)

I just want a build that's good to follow until I get the hang of the game and make an alt with a different build later

If you want AoE damager, try Wizard C3 Elementalist C3. Rank 7 is up to you but most go for Warlock.

If you want "full" support, go full CON Cryomancer C3 Chronomancer C3.

Wizards in general go full CON or at least very high CON due to how the mechanics work. Even as a Wiz3Ele3, you don't even lost much of your damage due to how stats work.

Edit: to answer your other questions: yes, it matters what skill you choose, but it matters more what class you choose. Skill Reset is buyable in cash shop, but no Stat Reset (founder's pack only so far). Class reset does not even exist.


And I do suggest that everyone to also follow a cookie-cutter/meta build for their first character (at least until they get the mechanics of the game).

I expected this game to have "bad" balance due to the sheer amount of classes alone, and it kinda does.

One such "too good" meta build is the CryoC3ChronoC3. Unless they nerf it, it is pretty much indeed "Future Proofed" as people claim it to be. It is pretty much all utility (low damage).

Cryomancer C3 does not fall off due to its crowd controls. Ice Pillar is extremely good as not only does it function as a CC, it also gather all nearby enemies into one place, which helps damagers focus their attacks in one area and more so on area-locked damagers like Pyro or Dievdirbys. (Good for Dungeon and grinding, etc) Snow Rolling is also CC+enemy gather albeit the enemies "scatter away" at the end of it. One thing Cryo do is snow roll a bunch of enemy and then bring them in front of my Owl Statue as snow-rolled enemy can still get damaged by other skills.

Chronomancer is just plainly stupidly OP. Haste grants a lot of movement speed (helps positioning in boss fights, grinding speed, very convenient in general) while also providing up to 100 Evasion. Quicking grants attack speed AND 25% critical rate for physical attacks for entire party. Slow Skill can "nullify attacks at 30% rate" of enemies while also uhh... slowing mobs*. Reincarnate can work on bosses (double item drop inc. cubes, also works on World/Field Bosses) at a low rate, as well as "shining" mobs (blue shiny + Reincarnate = double EXP explosion; gold = lol double mega item drops).

And of course the most OP skill of them all: Pass. It reduces the entire party's CD by 25s (or 30s with Divine Might?). That's a lot. It basically doubles the DPS of anything that has 25s CD or below.

It is full support that starts out as a CC-er then goes to buff+more CC. It supposedly has a hard time leveling pre-200 until 217, but by then you probably understand enough of the game to plan for saving your EXP cards/etc.

this can actually help a lot. My Dievdirby has Carve Laima Statue which gives -20 Movespeed to any enemies including bosses. And slow bosses basically can't chase anybody anymore unless they have a dashing/hop-type skill.


For those who play/know about high lvl Archers, what's the consensus on Cannoneer? Like is that amount of AOE even necessary at higher levels, or am I better off sticking to say Musketeer/Fletcher?

Also, how exactly does Falconer's Circling skill work? The description seems to imply that it debuffs an area so that targets inside take more damage from AOE skills, yet from some forum posts I'm seeing it seems to increase the amount of targets your skills hit?

Probably something like Ranger C3 -> Fletcher C3 -> Cannoneer.

Err that build isn't possible since you start with archer, and you need to go Fletcher at Rank7 to get C3.

I believe the cookie-cutter build is Archer 3 - x (scout?) - Fletcher 3.


Running shot is ridiculously OP

That is all
No AOE until rank 6/7 though. :(

And with the servers occasionally struggling, it's really hard to play classes that depend on charged skills or auto-attack with high ping.

For those who play/know about high lvl Archers, what's the consensus on Cannoneer? Like is that amount of AOE even necessary at higher levels, or am I better off sticking to say Musketeer/Fletcher?

Also, how exactly does Falconer's Circling skill work? The description seems to imply that it debuffs an area so that targets inside take more damage from AOE skills, yet from some forum posts I'm seeing it seems to increase the amount of targets your skills hit?

Err that build isn't possible since you start with archer, and you need to go Fletcher at Rank7 to get C3.

I believe the cookie-cutter build is Archer 3 - x (scout?) - Fletcher 3.
Circling lowers a stat called AOE defense ratio. While some skills can't hit multiple targets at all, others skills have a limit which can be changed by either lowering the AOE ratio on the enemy or raising it on your character. For instance, my Multishot with the Circling debuff can hit a ridiculous number of targets at the same time like this .


I can't find a Team name that isn't already taken. Just spent a half hour trying every possible MMO name I have ever used with zero success. Are these team names unique to each of the servers or overall?


Neo Member
What's a good cookie-cutter build for a rogue/assassin? Or I must choose one of the "last" classes?
Also they really need to fix the stuttering (and lag too) because the game seems nice but it's barely playable imho


I can't find a Team name that isn't already taken. Just spent a half hour trying every possible MMO name I have ever used with zero success. Are these team names unique to each of the servers or overall?

They're unique overall -- no duplicate team names across all servers.

What's a good cookie-cutter build for a rogue/assassin? Or I must choose one of the "last" classes?
Also they really need to fix the stuttering (and lag too) because the game seems nice but it's barely playable imho

There isn't really, it's a highly specialized type of character and even completely different base classes depending on what you're looking for in the character (dual wield -> Swordsman, everything else -> Archer).


Started this game yesterday. The only experience I have is that I played Ragnarok like 9 or 10 years ago so I don't remember a lot of things.

Have a swordman level 15. I just level up stats like STR, CON and DEX, have it like 19-13-10 at the moment, is that ok? Planning to advance to Highlander, so I don't know precisely what I'm looking for.


Canadians burned my passport
Started this game yesterday. The only experience I have is that I played Ragnarok like 9 or 10 years ago so I don't remember a lot of things.

Have a swordman level 15. I just level up stats like STR, CON and DEX, have it like 19-13-10 at the moment, is that ok? Planning to advance to Highlander, so I don't know precisely what I'm looking for.

Just be aware that right now, all the swordsman classes are not good for dps if that is what you are looking for. It's mainly good for tanking which almost requires at least one circle of Peltasta to be any good. They need to buff this class pretty badly right now.

Or nerf wizards


Just be aware that right now, all the swordsman classes are not good for dps if that is what you are looking for. It's mainly good for tanking which almost requires at least one circle of Peltasta to be any good. They need to buff this class pretty badly right now.

Or nerf wizards

I want to make a tank swordman, can you recommend me a guide? (i searched for some but while they tell you the skills you should use I have no idea what should I do with the stats).


Circling lowers a stat called AOE defense ratio. While some skills can't hit multiple targets at all, others skills have a limit which can be changed by either lowering the AOE ratio on the enemy or raising it on your character. For instance, my Multishot with the Circling debuff can hit a ridiculous number of targets at the same time like this .

Ah ok, that explains it, thanks.

I guess I'll go for something like this then:

Thinking of pure/mostly dex for now, since the base damage on cannon skills are really high to begin with.

Feels kinda bad relying on Oblique Shot to level till QS 3 though, since its pretty close to Stone Shot lvl 1 in damage while costing way less SP, and its the only reliable AOE until cannoneer, lol.

Maybe instead of A2 I could for got Fletcher1 to get a spammable aoe?
I'm thinking of a 'Summoner' build, because that's the type of playstyle I've always wanted to try in an MMO but never did.

Is it viable in this game? I noticed the Sorcerer, Necromancer and Warlocks from the Wizard tree all can summon.


Canadians burned my passport
This PDF "manual" for the game was very helpful for me in understanding the many obtuse and counter intuitive elements of the game

Like I didn't understand just how pointless physical and magic defense was in this game before I read that.

I want to make a tank swordman, can you recommend me a guide? (i searched for some but while they tell you the skills you should use I have no idea what should I do with the stats).

I can't really offer you any good builds since I don't play swordsman and there's like a war currently going on over on the ToS forums over what constitutes a good swordsman tank lol. Peltasta c2 + Rodlero c2 + Fencer c2 seems like a good build.

Peltasta C3 + Catapract C3 is also good, and might be a less miserable levelling experience.

I think you are probably safe dumping most of your stat points into CON, supplementing with some STR or DEX

Also, tanking in this game is far less of the "stand there and absorb damage" variety and much more of the "draw mob aggro while kiting so your party can dish out damage unimpeded" variety. Especially the way durability works in the game, your equip will break very fast if you are absorbing damage. A way around this is to go for the evasion tanking build with Fencer.


They're unique overall -- no duplicate team names across all servers.

What a shame. I still haven't been able to beat the Team Name boss and I am trying stuff that only 4 other people on the planet would even like or think of. Not a good start lol.


So do you purchase the monthly subscription or even the founders packs? Or are they not available yet/anymore?

I was thinking on playing on Telsai (SEA) since its locked out to the F2P players at the moment, but I don't see the option to buy either subscription or the early access packs on the website nor on Steam.


Best bet is probably to report it on the forums with your specs. I haven't seen that bug myself, watching friends or any other streams / footage.

seems to be an issue with AMD CPUs and it's a bug that's been reported over 9 months ago and still not fixed, I have little faith they care about it at this point.


Canadians burned my passport
I don't really see how defense is pointless? Very few skills deal nuke damage in the game, which is where they fail. A point in defense is just as good as a point in offense, otherwise.

Late game mobs do thousands of damage, so mitigating that by a hundred is not very significant. Just having more HP scales better.
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