Tree of Savior |OT| Free to Play Now Open


Did they patch the game or did Nvidia make driver update for TOS?

Before the update my fps was going from 30-50. Now it's even going 90-100 with v sync off.


Get an addon called LKChat.

And maybe the latest batch of excrulon's addon.

I don't really see how defense is pointless? Very few skills deal nuke damage in the game, which is where they fail. A point in defense is just as good as a point in offense, otherwise.

Late game mobs do thousands of damage, so mitigating that by a hundred is not very significant. Just having more HP scales better.

Status/Itemization right now is pretty much bullshit.

Right now, CON scales too well compared to all other status. Easily seen with Wizard builds. Full CON wizard (42k base HP) loses about only 30%~40% damage when compared to a Full INT wizard (5k base HP). Even if you choose equips for HP and get 5k more HP, that's still 4x HP than the other guy while not even losing more than 50% damage. That and Full CON automatically makes your build work on PvP/GvG, while Full INT loses further since damage is mitigated by 50% in PvP. LOL.

Itemization for damage is fuckton better than HP. There's Max/Min Attack (affects both MATK and PATK), PATK, MATK, STR, INT, and Elemental Damage. "Additional Damage for _____ (medium size/beast/etc)" works like Elemental damage. Then there's also Crit Attack and Crit Rate for physical.

An example of itemization bullshitry is Gems. Lv4 Red Gem (reasonable level) gives 180 HP (about 2.5 CON) while Lv 4 Blue Gem gives 19 MATK which is equal to about 9~10 INT for a full CON Rank7 Wizard (or 6~8-ish allocated INT for a Full Int Wizard).

I've never seen an item with more than 2000 HP (~23 CON) while a Lv75 Arde Dagger adds 178 Fire Damage. Not to mention that with little CON, you also risk getting critical attacks due to lack Crit Resist (Mission + 10 level difference + very low CON = makes the 4k damage become 6k which may or may not OHKO you if you don't have enough HP/CON equips).

CON scales so well that having a small amount of CON has noticable effect in surviving than the same amount of INT does in damage. (General recommendation is 50-ish CON by Lv200.)

Then there's STR/DEX. Some people did calculations (never looked into them in detail since not planning to make phys class soon) but the summary was supposedly there's not much difference between full STR and full DEX and that some ratio of STR/DEX gives best damage.

That kinda makes DEX-leaning build better than STR-leaning build since DEX also gives Evasion. Maybe lose some 10% damage (not sure), but dodge all physical attack, anyone?

Then there's also the fact that the developer themselves admitted that SPR is a fucking useless stat by making quests give mana potions. It's a stat that only works if and only if you have a skill that makes use of it. Even its MDEF is shit since it only gives 0.2 MDEF per point. (Stone Skin + Plague Doctor is apparently so fucking OP that the top 100 PvP players in Korea is composed of 40-ish Cleric classes, 40-ish probably Full CON Wizards). Stone Skin was recently nerfed in PvP -only (400 base + 4x SPR to 400 base + 0.5 SPR).

Anybody got em cookie cutter build for swordies? Currently level 30 as a pesomething.

You got Peltasta, you're set for life lololol. Seriously, at least Peltasta 1 will make your build about 1000000000x more viable in party/missions/dungeon/grinding (almost anything that isn't solo ?) than those without.

Shield Block (press C) is too useful in not only blocking physical damage but also making bosses stationary (which can increase DPS if you have lots of ground-based damagers). Rodolero also get shields, but no Swashbuckling.

You should read Cathexis's thread on official forums. Especially regarding the "tanking dilemma". Take note of how to use (and when to turn off if the others will be tanking) Provoke attribute, when to shield and when to attack while tanking. But ehh, that's what I think is important in swordie as a non-swordie user. I never got my Pelt past Lv40 lol.

Honestly, I think Cleric and Wizard classes are more well defined, while Swordsman and Archer are too same-y save for a few classes (Pelt, Squire, Templar). At least, it is easy to see which is which in Archer, but the only ones I really take notice in Swordsman class in partying/DG/Mission (only recently got to Rank 6) is Swashbuckler
and Cataphract. Oh, and Corsair coz Pirate Flag.

IMC may have planned to make the 4 basic class maintain their "basic" functionality regardless their class progression, but failed to communicate it well.

Cleric: Healer
Wizard: AoE magic damage
Archer: Physical damage
Warrior: Tanking/aggro mobs

The only one who really got away with ditching the basic functionality is Wizard, due to the existence of support classes in its rank. Linker, Thaumaturge, Cryomancer, Chronomancer, etc. Warrior still has more base HP + Provoke passive.


Fucking lol...

Looks like the queue system got disabled somehow and Varena is only showing 1 channel now. Never mind that your potions are delayed by like 3-5mins or that warping/turning in quests doesn't work either.
So wait. I don't understand.

1. Are you saying (as an Archer right now) I should invest in CON/DEX only? Since there is some overlap with str/Dex?

2. Don't put any points in spr because potions take care of that?

1. No. I'm just saying how DEX-leaning (higher dex than str) build is more rounded. Like I mentioned above, I didn't check the exact details of the DEX vs STR argument. Most advice archers to get some 30~50 CON by Lv 200 (then some more by 280, I guess?), then split between STR and DEX to your liking. Go 1:1 STR-DEX if you like, or 2:1 STR-DEX or 1:3 STR-DEX.

STR gives you Critical Attack (Critical Damage = Original Damage x 1.5 + Critical Attack.. or something), Max Weight, and Physical Attack. Weight is a "useless" stat unless all equips start weighing like that stupid Mummyghast Mail.

DEX gives you Evasion, Critical Rate, Accuracy (which is different from that actual crit rate, btw). Accuracy is the "useless" stat in this case since you supposedly only need good Accuracy gloves in PvE. Different story for PvP, of course.

Some class prefers STR over DEX. Wugushi poison damage increases with STR but cannot crit. There is also some classes that can buff your Critical Rate. That and actual critical rate caps out at 100% of course, at which point, STR gets you more damage.

Another thing to worry about is skill base damage might get exponentially stronger at higher ranks (Rank8 or higher). If they keep the current status/damage formula as is, that +50% damage from crit at 100% chance might overshadow the advantage Physical Damage + Critical Damage gives.

(Though there is a damage cap right now at 99,999 damage in a single hit. lulz.)

Again, it's better to consult the actual STR/DEX debates on official ToS forums (or maybe reddit?) at this. But I do keep seeing "not much difference" in terms of damage. (Which is where I get my conclusion that DEX-leaning stats i.e. 2:1 DEX-STR is better as it also provides better Evasion.)

2. Yes. SPR is useless unless your class happens to have a skill that takes SPR into account.


Sawwweeet write up ATX! Thanks man. Don't know what I'd do without you if I fucked up my stats. (Although I assume there is a way to respec?)


I'm getting 300ms ping in Klaipedia and terrible stuttering. I'll try this again in a few months.

yeah same here. the game seems very rough right now.... I guess I see why they delayed the release but there is so much more they could have done. The game is pretty poorly optimized too. I cant even get a constant 60fps but I mostly hover around it on a 970


Heh, anyone else bothered to do the Collection stuff? Some of the items have ridiculously low drop rates, Crystal Mines 3F is probably the worst offender so far with its shitty spawn rate, small map and it requires a rare drop from a mob that only spawns every 10mins or so. Seriously wtf is up with that.


Heh, anyone else bothered to do the Collection stuff? Some of the items have ridiculously low drop rates, Crystal Mines 3F is probably the worst offender so far with its shitty spawn rate, small map and it requires a rare drop from a mob that only spawns every 10mins or so. Seriously wtf is up with that.

Vubbe Fighter Blood? Yeah it's one of the rare ones along with the Shredded Cloth. I figured I'd just farm silver and buy them off the market.


Canadians burned my passport
Heh, anyone else bothered to do the Collection stuff? Some of the items have ridiculously low drop rates, Crystal Mines 3F is probably the worst offender so far with its shitty spawn rate, small map and it requires a rare drop from a mob that only spawns every 10mins or so. Seriously wtf is up with that.

You would be crazy to put that blood on the collection when it's selling for millions lol
Any other set items I should be on the look out for? I've been using Cafrisun ever since and I'm already level 55.

Yes. A full set of Arde dagger for your off hand, off hand, off hand and off hand. The effect comes in effect when you have Arde Dagger in your off hand.
Any other set items I should be on the look out for? I've been using Cafrisun ever since and I'm already level 55.

Depending on your class, Cafrisun can easily be used up to 150+. But keep in mind that Cafri is only worth it coupled with Pardoner Buffs, Arde Dagger (Or any similar equipment), or Both. Cafri by itself is pretty meh.


Save yourself time... Do not fully explore low level maps(or annoying quests). Those exp cards become useless after certain lvls.

And no, you won't need to grind until 210+


So uh...for quarrel shooters, we're going to have to use Grand Cross until lvl 220, right? (where we can get the upgraded Grand Cross) Or does the higher base damage on lvl 140+ weapons outweigh the +2 to running shot?


Getting annoyed as hell with my whole DS4 connection situation on PC. Finally going to buy a bluetooth adapter, because I just can't go back to keyboard with this game.


So uh...for quarrel shooters, we're going to have to use Grand Cross until lvl 220, right? (where we can get the upgraded Grand Cross) Or does the higher base damage on lvl 140+ weapons outweigh the +2 to running shot?

I guess it depends how much STR you have (does RS factor in damage like Arde Dagger too?). Without its influence, even some Level 70 weapons do better.


I guess it depends how much STR you have (does RS factor in damage like Arde Dagger too?). Without its influence, even some Level 70 weapons do better.

Elemental damage don't do scale with RS I think.

I'm pure dex so far (93 dex, 10 str), currently with a +6 Grand Cross, 195-215 patk. Pure str builds can probably last longer with an upgraded Grand Cross yea.
BTW, some helpful link (esp. for your EXP Tomes).

According to Doddler, the "monster generation" on iToS is still two minutes. "Monster respawn" (check if a monster is needed to respawn during monster generation) is 15~30s.

In a patch a few weeks ago for Korea TOS, they supposedly turned monster generation down to 60s. In the latest Korean patch, it is now 45s.

I think it is the biggest reason why Chrono 3 is a "must-have" in high level grinding party. There's Pass (more DPS for skill based characters), and then there's Haste (need to move around the entire map because the monster generation is two goddamn minutes).
Just recently tried this after Doom and the game constantly stutters every few seconds, it's too annoying to continue playing. That's on a i5 4690, 970, 16GB ram + Evo 850 SSD.


Just recently tried this after Doom and the game constantly stutters every few seconds, it's too annoying to continue playing. That's on a i5 4690, 970, 16GB ram + Evo 850 SSD.

I have a very similar computer and I come across the stuttering but im inclined to believe that this is a server problem and not so much a computer problem though the main hub sometimes dips into the 10s. Which is unreal considering the graphics for the game


BTW, some helpful link (esp. for your EXP Tomes).

I think it is the biggest reason why Chrono 3 is a "must-have" in high level grinding party. There's Pass (more DPS for skill based characters), and then there's Haste (need to move around the entire map because the monster generation is two goddamn minutes).

Good, because this is my alt and I'm almost at Chrono 3.


Grinded to lvl 70.5, decided to spend my lvl 2 and 3 cards to hit rank 4 since leveling as a Quarrel Shooter at Circle 2 is painful. Running Shot is boss. Still have 198 lvl 3 cards left for the lvl 84->86 phase.

Question, what's a good way to earn silvers at my level (80+)? I need another 650-750k to buy an Arde Dagger, which is my biggest priority right now (using a +6 Grand Cross).


Grinded to lvl 70.5, decided to spend my lvl 2 and 3 cards to hit rank 4 since leveling as a Quarrel Shooter at Circle 2 is painful. Running Shot is boss. Still have 198 lvl 3 cards left for the lvl 84->86 phase.

Question, what's a good way to earn silvers at my level (80+)? I need another 650-750k to buy an Arde Dagger, which is my biggest priority right now (using a +6 Grand Cross).
If you're not a token user, I don't know. You can only list one market item at a time and there's a heavy tax on top of it. Much less frustrating with a token but you could always look for materials that are used in popular/quest recipes. There are rare expensive items like Vubbe Fighter Blood and Brandish/Battle Bracelet/Boater recipes that are available at lowish levels but then you're potentially running around in dull zones. Maybe grind in zones with high mob density that you've noticed it dropping a good amount of vendor gear (like Tenet Chapel/Nevellet Quarry/maybe Royal Mausoleum Constructors' Church?) or quickly go through quests while avoiding dumping too much silver into attributes.


Grinded to lvl 70.5, decided to spend my lvl 2 and 3 cards to hit rank 4 since leveling as a Quarrel Shooter at Circle 2 is painful. Running Shot is boss. Still have 198 lvl 3 cards left for the lvl 84->86 phase.

Question, what's a good way to earn silvers at my level (80+)? I need another 650-750k to buy an Arde Dagger, which is my biggest priority right now (using a +6 Grand Cross).

Buy a token first (350k in klaipeda). Then an Arde.

Always make token your priority. They're actually helpful.


Canadians burned my passport
Tokens are like 700k in klapedia now

Also the server has been on fire or something the past day given the lag


Spent about 2 hours yesterday. The game is pretty fun and great looking. Reminds me of some older MMOs. Can you reallocate stats, skill points or class advancements. Been playing as a swordsman but I'm just dropping skills all over the place without much thought! Just wonder if I need to be careful to be "viable" later on or I can just respect everything if I wanted to?


Canadians burned my passport
Spent about 2 hours yesterday. The game is pretty fun and great looking. Reminds me of some older MMOs. Can you reallocate stats, skill points or class advancements. Been playing as a swordsman but I'm just dropping skills all over the place without much thought! Just wonder if I need to be careful to be "viable" later on or I can just respect everything if I wanted to?
You can only respect skill points, not stats, or class choices. Got kind of have to plan your class path or you will screw yourself over later


You can only respect skill points, not stats, or class choices. Got kind of have to plan your class path or you will screw yourself over later

Ye, I've figured it out. Had a look at classes paths and I just need to decide what to do at rank 5.

Played some more today with a couple of friends, exploding mobs left and right, hehe. Good fun.


Just curious.

1) When does it starts to get really grindy ( eg. 2-3 levels every 5-6hrs of playtime ), level wise? 100?

2) How long would it take a dedicated player to reach end game, given 8-9 hrs of playtime per day?
Just curious.

1) When does it starts to get really grindy ( eg. 2-3 levels every 5-6hrs of playtime ), level wise? 100?

2) How long would it take a dedicated player to reach end game, given 8-9 hrs of playtime per day?

1. It depends on how you play.

You can skip Lv1/2 Exp Card maps/quests aside from main quests if you want to speed things up, but I won't recommend it for your first character. You want as much Lv3/4 cards to reach Rank3 and the Lv50 to do the Lv50 Dungeon. With a Token, it'll get you to 65~ in a few hours (3 dungeon full clear runs which may or may not be 1 hour each run. Cry if you don't have Cleric in your party).

After that, your next "rush" would be to get to Lv75~ (Rank 4), which you'll more or less feel a power spike. Next is rush to 90 to do Lv90 Dungeon. 3 runs should get you to 100+.

Then that's where it changes a bit due to how you play. If you're busy and only do daily missions/dungeon (no quest), you may want to skip some quest (and maybe just come back for them later). I pretty much Daily'd my side character to 160. At 160, it was more efficient for my Alchemist to just do Lv7/8 EXP Card quests/maps and skip Lv5~6 EXP Card maps in a rush to Rank 6.

tl;dr = if you play a lot per day, it's better to do all quest since EXP cards are usually far efficient than grinding (and DG/Mission has limit). If you're busy and only do daily (no quest), some cards eventually become "not-so-useful" at 150+.

Oh, and ALWAYS try to use party search on DG/Mission. It gives 600% EXP regardless of Party Comp. Party with four different base class is only 450% EXP, IIRC.

Edit: I forgot to say that there are no more quests at Lv230+. So that's where your grind to death starts.

2. 8~9 hours a day is honestly a lot. It will also depend on your build in case you want to grind. The classes in ToS are balanced by someone whose only gameplay analysis ability is to use Microsoft Excel.

Oh, and pray for server stability. You need to sacrifice half the world's population because the server/netcode/whateverfancyword is bad in general. Though supposedly less bad in Klaipeda/Orsha Servers.

3. Get a Token. The +1 to Dungeon and Mission vastly helps especially if you don't want to dump hours.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Does the game 100% support gamepad? I've been fiddling around with it as a swordsman and combat and talking with NPCs is fine, but I'm finding myself using the keyboard and mouse to navigate menus. Am I missing something in terms of going into menus with the gamepad? Edit: Just read that UI still needs kb/m, which is a bummer.

In other news, what is a good class to go into for tanking? It sounds like there are a number of ways to go with that role. I've looked at Swordsman > Peltasta but not much beyond that. If I want to go for high defense with lots of damage mitigating abilities are there any classes that are particularly good for this? Judging by their pictures hoplites and squires seem to fit the bill. =\


Canadians burned my passport
Does the game 100% support gamepad? I've been fiddling around with it as a swordsman and combat and talking with NPCs is fine, but I'm finding myself using the keyboard and mouse to navigate menus. Am I missing something in terms of going into menus with the gamepad? Edit: Just read that UI still needs kb/m, which is a bummer.

In other news, what is a good class to go into for tanking? It sounds like there are a number of ways to go with that role. I've looked at Swordsman > Peltasta but not much beyond that. If I want to go for high defense with lots of damage mitigating abilities are there any classes that are particularly good for this? Judging by their pictures hoplites and squires seem to fit the bill. =\

Hoplite is more offense. If you want defense, Rodlero has one of the few skills that can block magic damage. Although you will need to invest two circles for it. Later, you can tank with a few classes, like Fencer or Squire or even Shinobi supposedly. Catapract also makes a pretty good tank, since mobility will let you dodge a lot of things. Regardless, you're going to have to depend on pardoner buffs to level because your damage will be garbage.


I plan on making a mage alt that uses the Rune of Ice - Icewall - Psychic Pressure combo, so far I've settled on WIz3>Cryo1>Kino1>Runecaster for the first 6 ranks, unsure on what to pick up for the last rank though.

I'm considering either Cryo2 (which I can then push to Cryo3 with rank 8) or Pyro1 (For an additional combo component for psychic pressure). Some have suggested Warlock, but that's pretty much just for Pole of Agony, right? The other skills don't really do much in the way of dps or cc/utility.

Also, how good is Kino3 for pve? Gravity Pole seems like it would do decent damage on top of providing CC by keeping the mobs tied to a line.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Did last night's maintenance do something to address latency in the game? Previously I'd experience noticeable lag fairly regularly, but today things seem quite a bit better.
Did last night's maintenance do something to address latency in the game? Previously I'd experience noticeable lag fairly regularly, but today things seem quite a bit better.


It depends on your server. Frankly, they forgot to reset the SEA/Telsiai Server.

Which is ironic, considering most people pretty much want to have two Server Maintenance in a week now just for the sole reason that mainte = server machine reset
(considering that there is some sort of resource leakage being caused by the game)
. THAT and the fact that they announce Telsiai server capacity to be "sufficient enough" to be opened to F2P.

Some place honestly feels like Lag-opolis. Forest of Prayers is currently unbearable, although it didn't used to be that bad. Dina Bee Farm has always been a cancer place.

The parts that makes players feel aggravated the most is the Instance Dungeon servers being fucked up. You only get 3 chances to do that shit.

The game is also designed around the perfect internet (and game servers). One really REALLY REALLY fucking annoying thing is the 'runaway' lag. The game insists on telling you EVERYTHING that has happened (even after more than 3 minutes lag-gap which HAS happened to me) when servers are choking. I don't care what happened in those 3 minutes. It has already lapsed. If I am dead, I am dead. Just let me go on my fucking game already. Stop requesting to server what happened 4 minutes ago. I am so fucking sure I don't want or NEED to know what transpired. Both me and my party needs in the present, not in the past.

Server summary:
SEA servers: Fucked up
SA servers: Fucked up (apparently due to DDoS)
NA/EU servers: fine? (Sorry, I'm not up when it's at peak and I don't see as much complaints)
For all intents and purposes, Telsiai was a way better experience when its servers were located in the US. We still have relatively high ping after the move (300ms to 200ms in their echo servers, 200ms~700ms from 300~800ms) but before the servers were at least stable. Some people are still using WTFast/Mudfish/whatever.

Also LOL:

"We open Telsiai to F2P players!!!"
2 days later
"We close game to new players!!!"


Was tempted to try the game but complaints toward rampant bots and popularity towards solo play has put me off, unless it's not as bad as it sounds.


Question: Are there any trade limits to tokens?

Like, can I buy a token off the market and trade that with someone? Or does the token become bound after I buy it?


Canadians burned my passport
Question: Are there any trade limits to tokens?

Like, can I buy a token off the market and trade that with someone? Or does the token become bound after I buy it?

Yeah it has a one trade limit including market transactions


Ahhh, to go for a Fencer or to go for Cataphract? That is the question! I like the idea of both. An evasion Fencer tank and a mounted spear user, how many games have that!

I feel like going Sw->Pel->Hop->Cat3->Drg instead of Sw->Pel->Bar2->Cor2->Fen would make the leveling experience a bit easier but I don't know.

So, how is this game? Worth getting into? What are the best fun classes to play?

It's my personal "addicton" at the moment. Though it doesn't make a good game, just a game that I'm enjoing quite a bit.

I've only got a Cleric and a Swordsman to around level 40 so far (which is basically nothing) but here's what the game has going for itself:

  • Great 2.5D Graphics.
  • Fun Action Combat System - Stuff explodes left and right. It feels really satisfying.
  • Great Class Build Variety - There are a lot of diffirent builds due to how character progression works. Every 15 class levels you can either promote one of your existing classes within an archetype (Cleric, Swordsman, Archer, Wizard) or aquire a new class. See
  • It has a potential to be really great.

Now it has a fair deal of negatives as well:

  • Free 2 Play has a lot of annoying limits - It doesn't directly affect your character damage or viability but it does affect your ability to make money
  • You can't even buy premium currency at the moment outside of bundles that don't contain much of it but contains other premium items you may not even want!
  • While there's a great combination of classes, skills and attributes, it also means it's easy to arrive to level 200 and find that your choices sucked. You can reset your skills and attributes but that costs premium currency which you currenty can't get without spending real money. It's also impossible to redo your class choices, which one one hand makes kind of sense but on the other means you can miss an optimum build quite easily. You need to read a guide before starting the game. You don't have to but it helps a lot.
  • If you want to DPS, you better play an Archer or a Wizard. Swordsman and Cleric does have a few interesting builds though but at the moment they won't match Archer's and Wizards damage.
  • Right now, the game is quite laggy but somehow it's still enjoyable. But it is very laggy at times.
  • Bots and goldsellers are all over the place.
  • There's no real end game at the moment.
  • PVP is very unballanced.
  • Game can be rather choppy, whether that's because of the server issues or because it's poorly optimised I don't know.
  • I feel the game's potential is being wasted.

Now I'm enjoying the game but it's really rough. Maybe it'll get better or maybe it'll crash and burn at the moment.


Canadians burned my passport
Yeah, this game could be amazing a year from now. I just got to some of the later game maps and they seem pretty unfinished.


The TP bundles are now available and there is a breakdown about their progress in improving client performance on the main tos page.


They do actually go a little deep technically in that blog post. A significant reduction in draw calls but I'm surprised it was allowed to launch in that state. Performance already seemed pretty sketchy while playing alone and starts to tank quickly with a party. Hopefully it helps with the overall performance and they can start looking into latency issues.
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