Tree of Savior |OT| Free to Play Now Open


Something really did click with me with this game. I haven't been enjoying the MMO genre for a while now. FFXIV was great though but despite playing since 1.0 I've never hit the max level. I almost did with my Paladin job and then the expansion came out!

Also, I thought the game would automatically switch you to a weapon/shield when you used a skill that required it and the weapon/shield was in your weapon swap slot. Or did I dream that up? I've got rank 3 yesterday, got Barbarian and a two handed weapon and I thought it would just switch me to sword shield combo whenever I would use taunt or a shield skill. Apparently not? I didn't see a way to trigge swap weapons on a controller. Is there one?

They do actually go a little deep technically in that blog post. A significant reduction in draw calls but I'm surprised it was allowed to launch in that state. Performance already seemed pretty sketchy while playing alone and starts to tank quickly with a party. Hopefully it helps with the overall performance and they can start looking into latency issues.

They need to address those latency issues. At least the game is still fun even when the latency hits hard.


Something really did click with me with this game. I haven't been enjoying the MMO genre for a while now. FFXIV was great though but despite playing since 1.0 I've never hit the max level. I almost did with my Paladin job and then the expansion came out!

Also, I thought the game would automatically switch you to a weapon/shield when you used a skill that required it and the weapon/shield was in your weapon swap slot. Or did I dream that up? I've got rank 3 yesterday, got Barbarian and a two handed weapon and I thought it would just switch me to sword shield combo whenever I would use taunt or a shield skill. Apparently not? I didn't see a way to trigge swap weapons on a controller. Is there one?

They need to address those latency issues. At least the game is still fun even when the latency hits hard.

If you have the weapon swap attribute place said sword/shield combo in the quick swap slots.


I do have that. I have a shield and sword and a two hander in quick swap slots but using a shield skill doesn't switch me over.

Ah misread. Apparently that is how it's intended to work, but only work in specific situations thus far. 2H Bow/Musket to Xbow, 2H Doppel skills to 2H Spear skills. The rest are stuck with the clumsy manual switch at the moment.
OK, I've started playing this today (F2P, obviously). I cut my MMO teeth with Ragnarok Online back in 2001, so it feels a bit like coming home. :D

I have a couple technical questions though:
1) I'm using a controller but the buttons are all misconfigured. the face buttons are switched around, Select and Start behave like L2 and R2, etc. Anyone else has this issue?
2) Fullscreen mode is pretty shit: it's actually windowed fullscreen, but the Windows taskbar actually overlaps part of the game window, including the menus. It also feels like it's not rendering at the full resolution (1080p) but subsampling and uprezzing. Again, I tried forcing actual fullscreen via the xml files, but then the mouse cursor stops showing where the mouse should be, and there's other assorted issues. Again, anyone else have this problem?


I heard auto swap was broken for swordies or something

Ah misread. Apparently that is how it's intended to work, but only work in specific situations thus far. 2H Bow/Musket to Xbow, 2H Doppel skills to 2H Spear skills. The rest are stuck with the clumsy manual switch at the moment.

At least I've found how to switch weapons using the controller now, so it's not bad.

OK, I've started playing this today (F2P, obviously). I cut my MMO teeth with Ragnarok Online back in 2001, so it feels a bit like coming home. :D

I have a couple technical questions though:
1) I'm using a controller but the buttons are all misconfigured. the face buttons are switched around, Select and Start behave like L2 and R2, etc. Anyone else has this issue?
2) Fullscreen mode is pretty shit: it's actually windowed fullscreen, but the Windows taskbar actually overlaps part of the game window, including the menus. It also feels like it's not rendering at the full resolution (1080p) but subsampling and uprezzing. Again, I tried forcing actual fullscreen via the xml files, but then the mouse cursor stops showing where the mouse should be, and there's other assorted issues. Again, anyone else have this problem?

Odd, I don't have either of the problems. I'm using DS4 as a controller and I have a proper fullscreen.

what server is gaf on ?

I'm on the only EU server - Fedimian.

Actually, is anyone else on Fed?


Temporary Access Limitation
Greetings Saviors!

We are temporarily limiting access to new players.

Please check our You can check the details of why we are doing so on our official website for more details.

As always, thank you for your continued support, love and enthusiasm for Tree of Savior.

IMC Staff

Awwww I was going to download it and check it out tonight but now I can't :(


How have I not heard of this? I love Diablo, I love MMOs, and the character models look like final fantasy tactics!


How have I not heard of this? I love Diablo, I love MMOs, and the character models look like final fantasy tactics!

It does remind of Diablo, especially since the game encourages rerolling different builds. At least you can reset your skills but not stats (99% sure that's coming later to the cash shop as the item already exists) or circles/class choices.


Given the following build:


What would you guys suggest I go for at rank 4/5 for the last class?


I'm looking for 1 circle to provide more dps/filler attack skills, so those are the only 3 options I have. Like, is Sorc1 even viable without C2 for the command skills?


Almsot 1 month with no reply.

Is this dead to gaffers?

The game just has too many problems. So many restrictions in the name of the taking down gold sellers that don't even work and so many bugs. Not to mention the fact that Swordsman are useless.


Canadians burned my passport
Almsot 1 month with no reply.

Is this dead to gaffers?

You end up hitting a wall at the end where there's not much to do since the game is kind of incomplete, so barring starting a new character (I have several), there's nothing to really do.


Almsot 1 month with no reply.

Is this dead to gaffers?

I'm still playing and enjoying it. Got a few characters in 40-60 range and my swordie is currently 150.

The biggest issue right now, is that patches from kToS are not being implemented to iToS. There are still patches, it's just they are not balancing patches, PvP arena or events. That's a bit worrying. The RTM restrictions do not even bother me, they feel futile but are yet to actually affect me.


Almsot 1 month with no reply.

Is this dead to gaffers?

After having reached rank 7 on two characters, my playtime consists of mostly merc missions and dungeon runs. There are so many games coming out now I just can't devote as much time to ToS as I'd originally thought. I'm still in, but for now I'm waiting for more content to show up.


remember me
I was a huge fan of RO back in the day, especially the war of emperium. Ran one of the top guilds on US Loki. Is the guild pvp stuff in this game any good?


Looks like I'll be going Fencer C3 after all. High DEX validated!

I was a huge fan of RO back in the day, especially the war of emperium. Ran one of the top guilds on US Loki. Is the guild pvp stuff in this game any good?

Err, not so much at the moment. It's pretty unbalanced. Magic is just too good. Maybe someone has other impressions though.
I was about to find a server of Ragnarok Online to play and stumbled on this. I'm sad to see so many bad reviews on Steam, and bad impressions in here. Not sure if I should even bother....but it looks so good.


I was about to find a server of Ragnarok Online to play and stumbled on this. I'm sad to see so many bad reviews on Steam, and bad impressions in here. Not sure if I should even bother....but it looks so good.

It's fundamentally a good game with lots of issues, such as ineffective RTM restrictions hurting normal players. You've got nothing to lose but your time, so give it a go. The class system is pretty unforgiving, so make your research well before committing to a progression path (there are still lots of viable combinations). Although considering that there's only Earth Tower and PvP at the end...does it really matter much? I enjoy the leveling in this game more than I did in others.
Well, I gave it a try and ended up playing 3 hours first night. Trying an Archer. Definitely a really fun game. It does something really great that I hate other MMOs for failing to do---it makes it feel like I'm playing with my friend instead of playing near him. I can see what mission he is doing when we're in a party, and we can work towards quests together.


Good thing they added a R8 for Swordsmans, hopefully I can repare my messed up Highlander C3 build.
Well, I gave it a try and ended up playing 3 hours first night. Trying an Archer. Definitely a really fun game. It does something really great that I hate other MMOs for failing to do---it makes it feel like I'm playing with my friend instead of playing near him. I can see what mission he is doing when we're in a party, and we can work towards quests together.

I felt that way in RO, which I played like 10 years ago. I'd like to play this one with a friend, but the only one that is interested in playing this has a below-average laptop that can't handle the game :(


Well, I gave it a try and ended up playing 3 hours first night. Trying an Archer. Definitely a really fun game. It does something really great that I hate other MMOs for failing to do---it makes it feel like I'm playing with my friend instead of playing near him. I can see what mission he is doing when we're in a party, and we can work towards quests together.

The only problem is that they introduced a bug a while ago that whenever there's a quest cutscene and you are in a party your character has a chance to get stuck, unable to move. You will need to log out to fix your character. Seems like should be a priority but apparently it's not!


Archer Rank 8:

Some highlights:
Falconer C3

Schwarzer Reiter C3

Musketeer C2

Cannoneer C2

Hakkapalle C1

Mergen C1

Cleric Rank 8:

Druid C3

Oracle C3

Plague Doctor C2

Kabalist C3

Inquisitor C1

Taoist C1


The Japanese open beta finally started today and currently there are no plans to wipe the data between the beta and release.

Since the game has been out for a while in English, I was wondering if anyone has any tips and trick or just general advice to share, aside from what's listed in the op?

Also, the monetization will probably mimic the English version - is it worth getting the monthly pack for 198 TP?


The Japanese open beta finally started today and currently there are no plans to wipe the data between the beta and release.

Since the game has been out for a while in English, I was wondering if anyone has any tips and trick or just general advice to share, aside from what's listed in the op?

Also, the monetization will probably mimic the English version - is it worth getting the monthly pack for 198 TP?

By monthly pack do you mean the Token? 198 TP was the old price for it, it was changed to 99 TP later on. It's definitely worth it, later you can just buy it with silver depending on your income. It gives you a faster movement, 30% exp from mob killing, upping dungeon entry limit from 2 to 3 and dungeons give you loads of exp, makes trading a market... useable. Layer on rushing dungeon for boss cubes will be part of your daily routine, as you would need some drops from bosses for BiS items. So running 3 times is important to beat the rng earlier. You can also pay to reopen a boss cube with silver and you get an extra roll with token I think. It is pretty expensive.

My quick advise would be. Start in Klaipeda, you get better gear along the way but Orsha is a much better laid out town. I'd alternate between Klaipeda and Orsha quests. The quest lines are done as separate arcs, they unlock with level, rather than you have to do 1 to unlock the other. Definitely do all the Relevation quests as they give you 3 stat points at the end of it. Some other quests do it as well. Don't bother saving level 1-3 cards, just use them to keep yourself within 5 levels of the map to get the best exp from mobs. (Exp range is getting increased on kToS) do your dungeons when you can. Doing level 50 one 3 times should get you to 60, etc. You get more exp when using looking for group functionality than if you create a party of your own.

I would research what build your want to go for and what stats and skills it needs. In terms of stats and skills those can be reset. Skill reset potion can be bought with TP and stat reset came with an event in iToS, so I'd imagine it'll be a similar story for jToS.

If you are rolling a Swordsman I'll be able to give you some advise. Just use a class simulator tosbase to play around with skills, etc and post it here.




Just to remind everyone, Rank 8 has been officially been launched. I've got my Fencer to C3 and it's pretty amazing. The new maps are pretty hard to solo though, not sure when I've got enough courage to do them. Need to stash boss cards and blessed shards somewhere, since you lose unequipped ones upon death, same as with gems. Well, I still need to get my farming Scout to C3, 2 more levels left.

In another news, it'll be finally possible to queue up for dungeons in a group in a next patch... on kToS.

I'm still playing and excited about the game, IMC are slowly improving the game (but it's still too slow). Still want to level a Lancer, Inquisitor and Murmillo. So many classes, so little time.


New player here... can someone give me some advice?

- Is it legal to use mods? I've saw one about listing quests...
- Is it possible to buy silver?
- Why guides say "it's best if you keep in the range of 10 lv+/- of the map you are going?
- Can I keep leveling up? For example... Demon Gesti gave me a beating, even though I'm lv. 42 and it says something like lv. 45 recommended.



New player here... can someone give me some advice?

- Is it legal to use mods? I've saw one about listing quests...
- Is it possible to buy silver?
- Why guides say "it's best if you keep in the range of 10 lv+/- of the map you are going?
- Can I keep leveling up? For example... Demon Gesti gave me a beating, even though I'm lv. 42 and it says something like lv. 45 recommended.


- In general yes, you are allowed to use addons. I'd check out the addon manager, all addons there won't get you into trouble. IMC also said they would warn people if they were going to ban the use of any current addons.

- You can buy TP items and sell them on the Market. Premium token, hats and costumes can be traded on the market. You can also buy enchant scrolls and try your luck on enchanting head gear, which may give up to 3 random stats. You could git jackpot or get nothing good, so I wouldn't recommend.

- This is because, previously, if you were 5+ below or above a monster you would get 20% less exp. They've changed it now to 20 levels.

- Yes, you could check out the other starting town's quests, both Orsha and Klaipeda quests run in parallel until around level 100. You can buy a teleport scroll from the item merchant. Also, don't forget that you can get x3 Exp chards for exploring the map to 100%. Might be a good idea to make sure you explore the map to 100% before leaving. Generally not worth it for the low level maps but if you are short on levels might be a good idea.


Any guides to get this running a bit better? My PC is decent, but the frame rate is all over the place, the player character glitches out sometimes(where their head is always facing a certain direction).

I really want to enjoy the game, but I want to get it running at at least a solid 30fps. Unless it handles 60fps just fine.


Any guides to get this running a bit better? My PC is decent, but the frame rate is all over the place, the player character glitches out sometimes(where their head is always facing a certain direction).

I really want to enjoy the game, but I want to get it running at at least a solid 30fps. Unless it handles 60fps just fine.

There's an add-on that allows you to toggle effects, which might help during grinding and competitive bosses.

The only other thing that truly helped me, unfortunately, was upgrading my machine (suspect it was the CPU jump that really helped the game).

Don't overlook add-ons, some of them are awesome.

My musketeer said goodbye to the EU server this week, after 1000+ hours. At least for now. I loved my time in ToS and recommend it, despite a few issues. I think it people can get a lot out of the game.


Any guides to get this running a bit better? My PC is decent, but the frame rate is all over the place, the player character glitches out sometimes(where their head is always facing a certain direction).

I really want to enjoy the game, but I want to get it running at at least a solid 30fps. Unless it handles 60fps just fine.

FPS goes up and down depending on a situation. You could try FPSavior addon and set it to low. It helped me run the game on my ancient laptop, when I didn't have access to my PC. The game is very CPU bound though, so upping your CPU will give you the most improvement. Sadly the game will still struggle at times. IMC are optimising the game but extremely slowly, there has been a dev blog post a while back regarding the next optimisation change.


I played for an hour. Gorgeous game and works well with XB1 pad. Great music too. Not sure if there is any substance though..

The controller works great for Swordman and archer classes.

If by substance you mean the end game, well, there's some of that but it's not really amazing. I find levelling up different characters to be the main draw of the game.
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