Tree of Savior |OT| Free to Play Now Open


Any good? my friend was pretty hyped about this, and it looks rather pretty. just hope it's not a grind-a-thon.


just saw the token shit. completely lost interesting.
hope they reconsider to at least make it more appealing


Game does look interesting but the token stuff is pretty off putting. Anyone know if the Token Points have an expiry or something dumb? It looks like if you buy the $50 pack, you can get essentially 5 months of premium out of it? 1x60 days token and 650 TP to convert to 3x 30 day tokens with some TP left over.


The $9.99 seems to be enough to get you playing and /almost/ a month of token. Hmm. That's probably what I'll do.


My only fear going in to this is fucking up my character. Mis-allocating stat or skill points is one of my BIGGEST phobias no joke. It's that real.

I end up just never using skill/stat points.


My only fear going in to this is fucking up my character. Mis-allocating stat or skill points is one of my BIGGEST phobias no joke. It's that real.

I end up just never using skill/stat points.

In all honesty, you will do this. Learning the most efficient builds for a class is something you either do on the fly, trial and error style, or you go online and check out builds.

During the Beta they did have an item to reset but I think that may/already has been removed (Just for testing)

Actually, the build you start with might not actually be the one you end with, so I hope the reset item in there in some form.


Former RO player and was super hyped for this game, got into the beta but never got around to fully trying it and lost most interest somehow. Glad I did considering those paywalls seem fucking stupid.


So how much in real terms does a month cost? since the free version seems very limited.

$18 odd/mo. If they don't change the prices of the 30 day tokens you can pick up the founder packs and lower it to about $10/mo.

Not too bad thinking about it. But the chances of the community being dead/tiny in 2-3 months is kinda high IMO...

Sun Bear

Neo Member
In all honesty, you will do this. Learning the most efficient builds for a class is something you either do on the fly, trial and error style, or you go online and check out builds.

During the Beta they did have an item to reset but I think that may/already has been removed (Just for testing)

Actually, the build you start with might not actually be the one you end with, so I hope the reset item in there in some form.

There is both a skill and a stat reset item.


Took almost 40 minutes to get a Team name. All the ones I'd finally settled on got sniped, even ones I really didn't expect to lol. Still got one I use as a surname on occasion, though. Stuck in a queue for now, started in the 900s, currently in the 700s.

My only fear going in to this is fucking up my character. Mis-allocating stat or skill points is one of my BIGGEST phobias no joke. It's that real.

I end up just never using skill/stat points.

This game's system is particularly nasty for you then =/ The only way to even get a stat reset right now is in the $50 founder package. And it goes deeper than just skill points, since you're actually making numerous class selections as you go and those can never be changed. I do hope sometime in the future they offer some way, even if it's super limited to once every few months or something, to do a full on reset. Because we don't even have all the planned ranks and classes right now, and current endgame builds may prove to have zero synergy with later ranks, meaning completely broken characters. Not to mention future "balance" patches down the line.

The game doesn't seem particularly friendly for gearing up alts, either, with how trading and whatnot works. Boosted EXP for having a high level character only goes so far in a game with hundreds of levels.

There is both a skill and a stat reset item.

The only way to get the stat reset item right now is in the $50 founder pack. It's not a normal item, even in the cash shop. Unless they've added it in the international version, which I'm assuming they haven't since they even made a note about this fact in a post about the founder pack contents. Skill reset can be bought in the cash shop, though, but it only resets skill points, your class selections are permanent.


There is both a skill and a stat reset item.

Ahh good. They left them in then. The was a rumour is was beta only, just so people could play with resets. I found them super useful, since swapping out to full Dex for Monk was a great move for me. :D

Will hop back on when this appears but I am not sure I will drop money on it.

Sun Bear

Neo Member
The only way to get the stat reset item right now is in the $50 founder pack. It's not a normal item, even in the cash shop. Unless they've added it in the international version, which I'm assuming they haven't since they even made a note about this fact in a post about the founder pack contents. Skill reset can be bought in the cash shop, though, but it only resets skill points, your class selections are permanent.

Oh, my bad then. I thought they would be cash shop items since they were included in the founder's pack.


Is there a "go-to" good stat allocation plan for the classes?

Another thing I'm worried about is PVP. I like PvP but I don't want to suck in PvE because of that.


Tokens are just convenience. Nothing to get mad over.

Those benefits won't impact the experience of the game.

Is there a "go-to" good stat allocation plan for the classes?

Another thing I'm worried about is PVP. I like PvP but I don't want to suck in PvE because of that.

Str for Physical attack, Int for Magic Attack.

Stacking high Str and Int gives bonus of each respective stat, so focusing on them is the way to go for damage. Most build from the Korean server don't even put more than 30 into Con, and nothing else in dex and spirit because mana pots cover mp regen, and dex isn't good unless you want to crit.

Like for my Cleric magic attacker, I'm putting almost everything into int, and it'll be like 500+ int, 10 stats in everything else except maybe 30 con.


Tokens are just convenience. Nothing to get mad over.

Those benefits won't impact the experience of the game.

Eh... I'd argue not being able to directly trade, only having one market listing and even more limited dungeon runs will be a notable impact for some. While I'm sure for many the movement speed, tax cuts and exp boost are what stand out, I think the things I mentioned probably have the largest actual effect, at least they would for me.

But what's a non issue for some can be a huge issue for others. This is a matter of opinion, and there are always a lot of those =p


relies on auto-aim
This game's system is particularly nasty for you then =/ The only way to even get a stat reset right now is in the $50 founder package. And it goes deeper than just skill points, since you're actually making numerous class selections as you go and those can never be changed.

The only way to get the stat reset item right now is in the $50 founder pack. It's not a normal item, even in the cash shop. Unless they've added it in the international version, which I'm assuming they haven't since they even made a note about this fact in a post about the founder pack contents. Skill reset can be bought in the cash shop, though, but it only resets skill points, your class selections are permanent.
Jesus that's awful.
There's no way *people who don't look on TOSbase* are going into this is going to have an idea of what build they will be doing, stat ratios, going late game crit, full SPR viability, etc.

Not to even mention how the Class tiers work and how you can be pushed into options that are just flatly WORSE or you can just flush dozens of hours down the drain.

FWIW I respecced my C4.9 (quit right before C5) Archer like 8 times during beta. Felt bad after going ARcher C2, then felt like quitting after going for a while on Archer C3.
As WaterAstro said, Str for Physical attack, Int for Magic Attack.
Its still a preference but I think the PvP side is still in flux, so until someone figures out the best build ever (Which changes as they patch) just jump in and have fun.
What % of people went Int on caster builds? Didn't basically everyone go full SPR and take almost 0 additional magic because it scaled horribly vs casting 600% more spells?
Or maybe it changed this much, but I would never run an Int build on my Wiz. Which is counter intuitive to like, every game.


Is there a "go-to" good stat allocation plan for the classes?

Another thing I'm worried about is PVP. I like PvP but I don't want to suck in PvE because of that.

Unless you mess up stats totally, its a bit more gear and skill usage dependant than stat allocation.

As WaterAstro said, Str for Physical attack, Int for Magic Attack. You may and will deviate from these as you level up and as certain gear appears. I was Full Str and Con before getting an Item that made switching to Dex, Con way more viable.

Its still a preference but I think the PvP side is still in flux, so until someone figures out the best build ever (Which changes as they patch) just jump in and have fun.


Jesus that's awful.
There's no way anyone going into this is going to have an idea of what build they will be doing, stat ratios, going late game crit, full SPR viability, etc.

Not to even mention how the Class tiers work and how you can be pushed into options that are just flatly WORSE or you can just flush dozens of hours down the drain.

FWIW I respecced my C4.9 (quit right before C5) Archer like 8 times during beta. Felt bad after going ARcher C2, then felt like quitting after going for a while on Archer C3.

Well, I wouldn't say "anyone". I didn't play in any of the tests but I have my class and skill build pretty much solid. It probably won't be perfectly optimal, but it's the result of looking at over a dozen other builds with the same end goal.

But yeah, people that haven't done prior research and are going in blind are likely to have a rough time with this class system. I've explained it to a few people and generally point them to build discussions and skill editors and tell them to play around with it to get a grip on how the system even works.

Edit: 360 in the queue... Getting there...


Eh... I'd argue not being able to directly trade, only having one market listing and even more limited dungeon runs will be a notable impact for some. While I'm sure for many the movement speed, tax cuts and exp boost are what stand out, I think the things I mentioned probably have the largest actual effect, at least they would for me.

But what's a non issue for some can be a huge issue for others. This is a matter of opinion, and there are always a lot of those =p

Uh no one can trade. 1to1 trade won't be in the game.

Those things you listed actually affects everyone, no matter if they have Tokens or not.


Tokens are just convenience. Nothing to get mad over.

Those benefits won't impact the experience of the game.


Unfortunately I won't be able to play with my EU/NA friends since Japan gets its own game, IMC Games decided to lock us out. Not much info on how NEXON will do it though. Really curious to see how different it might be. ToS Japan seems to be pretty far behind. ( ._.)


Decided to just sleep through the night and play tonight, looks like I made the right decision!

Is there a "go-to" good stat allocation plan for the classes?

Another thing I'm worried about is PVP. I like PvP but I don't want to suck in PvE because of that.

People are still feeling out the game, lots of theory crafting so no, not really. PvP in Korea is currently dominated by CON Wizards, so take that as you will.

Uh no one can trade. 1to1 trade won't be in the game.

Those things you listed actually affects everyone, no matter if they have Tokens or not.

Have you confirmed that in game? Both things were given by IMC (can't trade vs token trade), but the latter was said the latest so I took that as the truth.

Not sure what you mean about the latter though. He definitely listed the benefits of tokens as described by IMC.


I'm basically living in the queue and my lodge lol. Haven't managed to do anything in the game at all. It's kind of amazing that I can't even properly control my character within the lodge itself @_@ Not moving, or constantly walking into walls etc lol.

Uh no one can trade. 1to1 trade won't be in the game.

Those things you listed actually affects everyone, no matter if they have Tokens or not.

Kyuur covered this, but IMC has stated trading is a Token benefit, it's even listed in the image for founder pack information. So, if it's not in right now, I'd hope it will be in the near future or someone's messed up somewhere.

And the other things I listed are also clearly Token benefits. Token users get 5 market listings compared to free users' 1. Token users get an extra dungeon run, hence "even more limited" for free players.


Long queues and lag. I'd stay away at the moment and advise any founders NOT to redeem their package until they're absolutely sure they're okay with the server they chose. I played a bit on Orsa but decided to wait until I'm back from work to see if more servers pop up, though I might wait until the weekend.


Long queues and lag. I'd stay away at the moment and advise any founders NOT to redeem their package until they're absolutely sure they're okay with the server they chose. I played a bit on Orsa but decided to wait until I'm back from work to see if more servers pop up, though I might wait until the weekend.

Well, there's at least one more server confirmed to be coming, but it's a temporary EU server. Still located on the east coast, but after f2p launch it's planned to be relocated to EU, so not really intended for others. We'd technically decided for Klaipeda to be the official GAF server for now, though. Hopefully the issues will get sorted.


What % of people went Int on caster builds? Didn't basically everyone go full SPR and take almost 0 additional magic because it scaled horribly vs casting 600% more spells?
Or maybe it changed this much, but I would never run an Int build on my Wiz. Which is counter intuitive to like, every game.

Much of it was because certain builds/skills were designed poorly. Int + Spr should be the ideal build but part of the fun was building something that was really off base and see if it works with certain gear equipped etc. Its one of the reasons I think the reset items should be more easily accessible.


1000+ queue... 45 minutes later i'm finally in game, and the game crashed.

Now i'm in a 1200+ queue T_T

I canceled my queue(was in the 500s, started in the 1200s ages ago) and tried another channel and got in instantly. Might be worth trying other channels.

Edit: Not quite sure how I ended up in channel 19, with 5 red dots, when I entered channel 60 something, though lmao.
I canceled my queue(was in the 500s, started in the 1200s ages ago) and tried another channel and got in instantly. Might be worth trying other channels.

Edit: Not quite sure how I ended up in channel 19, with 5 red dots, when I entered channel 60 something, though lmao.

Wow thanks, it worked !

And yeah, i tried to go in the channel 21 and i'm in the 47... ok i guess ahah


Anyone curious about the state of the cash shop:

* Token - 198 TP
* Skill Reset Potion - 88 TP
* EXP Tome - 9 TP
* Megaphone - 1 TP(10x 8 TP)
* Soul Crystal - 4 TP(10x 32 TP)
* Warp Scroll - 2 TP(10x 16 TP)
* Urgent Repair Kit - 3 TP
* Enchant Scroll - 8 TP(10x 64 TP)
* Normal Hairstyles - 15 TP
* Male Premium Hairstyles - 119 TP
* Female Premium Hairstyles - 178 TP
* Costumes - 129 TP

Gotta love that extra tax on female hairstyles, huh?

100 TP is supposed to be $9. I'm not sure if there's a way to directly charge TP right now or if it's just in the founder's packs. I don't see a purchase TP option anywhere, doesn't mean it doesn't exist though.


Kyuur covered this, but IMC has stated trading is a Token benefit, it's even listed in the image for founder pack information. So, if it's not in right now, I'd hope it will be in the near future or someone's messed up somewhere.

And the other things I listed are also clearly Token benefits. Token users get 5 market listings compared to free users' 1. Token users get an extra dungeon run, hence "even more limited" for free players.

Yes, but it's limited. You're only getting 30 1to1 trades a month.
That's basically like not having it at all and only using it for emergencies like helping a friend.

Their stance on it is to deter botting.


Is it enjoyable to play as without focusing on specific builds?

Yes and No.

Yes you can do what you like and make a fair amount of progress and have fun. Nothing really says you have to follow a build guide.

No, in that at some point some free choice builds start to perform badly. You find yourself either taking too much damage, no able to dish out enough damage or heal your way through encounters. In reality, most classes favour a certain build setup for an even experience.

As you learn the classes and also the quests and what zones to go to for maximum xp, you can start to play with different builds.


Yes, but it's limited. You're only getting 30 1to1 trades a month.
That's basically like not having it at all and only using it for emergencies like helping a friend.

Their stance on it is to deter botting.

That's 30x more than a non token user. 3000% increase. Your definition of "not having it at all" and mine, and I'm assuming many others, are vastly different lol.

I know their stance, it's still a benefit and I'm not sure why you're acting like it's somehow not.

There's also the Team Storage for transferring stuff between characters. That's also a Token benefit that I'm sure has some impact on people. Just because it's nothing in your opinion doesn't mean it's not to others.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Yes and No.

Yes you can do what you like and make a fair amount of progress and have fun. Nothing really says you have to follow a build guide.

No, in that at some point some free choice builds start to perform badly. You find yourself either taking too much damage, no able to dish out enough damage or heal your way through encounters. In reality, most classes favour a certain build setup for an even experience.

As you learn the classes and also the quests and what zones to go to for maximum xp, you can start to play with different builds.

I mean in a sense that for instance say I will play a damage build, I know what stats to pump but not the accessories or skills to put.


I mean in a sense that for instance say I will play a damage build, I know what stats to pump but not the accessories or skills to put.

The class system is structured in a way you'll likely want to have a general idea where you're going for synergy's sake and so on. Skills could be fixed later(albeit with cash) but class selections cannot. Currently classes go to Rank 7. You'll be making 7 choices(6 excluding your base class) over the course of your character, and they're somewhat big choices.

I'd recommend you play around with this skill builder a little to get a grasp on how the class system works, at least.


Anyone curious about the state of the cash shop:

Gotta love that extra tax on female hairstyles, huh?

Thanks for the list, will update OP in a bit.

The gender difference is stupid but relatively minor in terms of cash shop sins they've already committed, so whatever :lol:

I mean in a sense that for instance say I will play a damage build, I know what stats to pump but not the accessories or skills to put.

Gear is one spot where I don't think the community has any semblance of a clue on what is good yet, so I wouldn't worry to much about that.

I don't think you'll have a problem with skills as long as you tend to move 'forward' when selecting classes, ie. don't select a Rank 2 Circle 1 class when you're already at Rank 5 unless you have something very specific in mind.
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