Tree of Savior |OT| Free to Play Now Open


Just got back from dentist, 300 person queue. Not that bad.

Looks like they also opened an EU server?

The server is a special case. It's not really an EU server right now. It's still on the east coast. However, soon after F2P goes live the server is supposed to be relocated to an EU data center, so it's intended for EU players to use for now with the intention of getting moved to a proper location later.


So is it worth purchasing the $9.99 early access just to try the game, or will it still be too limited of an experience?

Will I be able to purchase the rest of the stuff later if I end up liking the game?
Ah, that makes sense. Luckily I'm US, so no worries for me. Shocked they didn't already have a EU server at launch though (and a BR one ~_~).

I've been stuck on current position: 5 longer than I was from 300 to 5...

Still cannot figure out my healer build though. I know I'm going C2 first... and Plague Doctor last... but no idea what to do in between, hah.


So is it worth purchasing the $9.99 early access just to try the game, or will it still be too limited of an experience?

Will I be able to purchase the rest of the stuff later if I end up liking the game?

The base version is enough to try the game for sure. The rest of the stuff don't affect the base game for the most part: I didn't even use the market at all during my time with CBT, and increased move speed / 2 attributes weren't even a thing. You can buy EXP tomes with the TP from that pack if you want to feel out the Token XP rate as well. Lack of trading sucks but people seem to deal with 99.9% account bound gear in modern games anyways, so maybe not a big deal.

You can purchase multiple DLC packs, yeah. If you can deal without them for a month, I'd wait until just before F2P for the sale they're going to have to buy.


Ah, that makes sense. Luckily I'm US, so no worries for me. Shocked they didn't already have a EU server at launch though (and a BR one ~_~).

I've been stuck on current position: 5 longer than I was from 300 to 5...

Still cannot figure out my healer build though. I know I'm going C2 first... and Plague Doctor last... but no idea what to do in between, hah.

On the BR topic, there's actually an official BR version going up via Level Up, translated and everything. International isn't blocking BR players, though, and a number of them decided they want to play here instead. That's probably part of why there's not and may never be an actual BR server in iToS.


The base version is enough to try the game for sure. The rest of the stuff don't affect the base game for the most part: I didn't even use the market at all during my time with CBT, and increased move speed / 2 attributes weren't even a thing. You can buy EXP tomes with the TP from that pack if you want to feel out the Token XP rate as well. Lack of trading sucks but people seem to deal with 99.9% account bound gear in modern games anyways, so maybe not a big deal.

You can purchase multiple DLC packs, yeah. If you can deal without them for a month, I'd wait until just before F2P for the sale they're going to have to buy.

Great, thanks for the info!


Welp, got disconnected while in queue and now cannot even reconnect to Klaipeda to get back in my lodge/queue.

Yeah the login servers are being hammered. I've been stuck here for a while. There's a post on the forums saying just hit enter once and wait, it seems.


Greetings Saviors!

We are aware that it is taking a while to log onto servers from the server list screen. This issue is caused be a few reasons which we have listed below.

Many eager Saviors creating Teams in the lodge
Excessive clicking of the 'Enter' button by eager Saviors
GM messages containing Unstable Service Compensation being sent at the same time
This situation will be sorted out eventually as the GM messages are processed. We would like to ask of you to click the 'Enter' button only once as clicking it repeatedly sends multiple requests to the servers increasing the waiting period.

Once again, we ask for your understanding and cooperation with this issue.

IMC Staff
Welp, got disconnected while in queue and now cannot even reconnect to Klaipeda to get back in my lodge/queue.

Same here :/

I have to say my initial experience is pretty sour so far. The game looks absolutely beautiful and is fun to play when it works as it hits all the right Ragnarok Online notes but it's pretty rough :/

I found the default keyboard and mouse control-scheme very weird, walking with the arrow-keys and attacking with Z? o.o The presentation is also a bit barebones unless my game skipped a intro-sequence which wouldn't surprise me since all NPCs lagged to hell and back. Also the performance was bad, I got 40fps in crowded areas while my CPU and GPU aren't even half under load but I guess that's a typical MMO problem :p I'll give the game a proper chance once the launch-rush fell off a bit.


The server is a special case. It's not really an EU server right now. It's still on the east coast. However, soon after F2P goes live the server is supposed to be relocated to an EU data center, so it's intended for EU players to use for now with the intention of getting moved to a proper location later.

So I'm not sure I understand but:
Should I continue on Klapedia? (I'm in EU)
Can I make characters with the same team on both servers?



Alright, I'm going to pick this up right now. Which server are we all on?

Everyone is trying to get on Klaipeda as far as I am aware, although EU gaffers may choose to go on Fedimian to avoid server transfer in the future. Either way, be ready for issues since the launch isn't going all that smoothly!


So I'm not sure I understand but:
Should I continue on Klapedia? (I'm in EU)
Can I make characters with the same team on both servers?

Team names are unique among all international servers, so you can't. If you're already playing on Klaipeda, you can stay there and make your decision later.

Later on, before relocating the EU server, players will be given an opportunity to transfer their team. So if you want to move to the EU server when it's actually moved, you'll be able to take your progress with you either way.

Edit: More precise details:

In addition, players who have already started progressing on Klaipeda or Orsha will be given a one-time Team transfer to Fedimian at the end of the Exclusive Access period. Server transfer to Europe will be completed in this order:

(1) Take requests from players on Klaipeda and Orsha who wish to transfer to the temporary EU server (Feminian) within a week after our transition to F2P.

(2) Transfer the Teams from Klaipeda and Orsha to Fedimian server first. This may take anywhere from the second to third week of May.

(3) Relocate Fedimian server from the US East Coast to Europe by the third week or so of May.

The dates stated are our rough estimates and may change depending on the circumstances.

Again, this server is going to be physically relocated to our future server in Europe, so if you get better connection from the US East Coast, please do not play on this server unless intended.
Super newbie Q: are the class level advancements tied to your character level advancement, i.e. "you get to go up in Class level/choice every X character levels" ? Or are they triggered by something else? I'd like to start playing around without worrying too much about the "end-point" of where I want the character to go, and if the class splits start happening later that'd be awesome, versus "one hour in and you're already specializing your class" where I really need to decide on an endpoint to work towards before I even start.

For example, i'm pretty sure I want to try an Archer to start, but Sapper, Fletcher, Wugushi, and Falconer all seem pretty interesting and I need to figure out how they might or might not fit together, and i'm kind of torn between Canoneer and Musketeer to polish it off (or maybe just finishing off in Fletcher or Falconer). Is it the case that i'm going to be stuck as a base Archer for a while so I don't need to worry about that right away?


Super newbie Q: are the class level advancements tied to your character level advancement, i.e. "you get to go up in Class level/choice every X character levels" ? Or are they triggered by something else?

I'd like to start playing around without worrying too much about the "end-point" of where I want the character to go, and if the class splits start happening later that'd be awesome, versus "one hour in and you're already specializing your class" where I really need to decide on an endpoint to work towards before I even start.

Character advancement is just additional stat points etc. Job level advancement triggers a job choice but you can choose to stay with your current job and level it up further.

In reality, you kinda have to pick your path early on, since getting those job levels gets longer and longer. Some builds might work better with a few advancements in the same job and then swap, or you could keep changing for each advancement.

Also, one you have done the starting ranks a few times, its really quick and efficient when you know what you need to do. Swapping classes is not that painful early on but you have to dedicate time if you want the higher end classes.
Character advancement is just additional stat points etc. Job level advancement triggers a job choice but you can choose to stay with your current job and level it up further.

Right, what triggers the job level advancement? I know there's 200-something character levels, and currently 7 job levels; are job levels tied to character levels? What triggers the job level up?



Everyone is trying to get on Klaipeda as far as I am aware, although EU gaffers may choose to go on Fedimian to avoid server transfer in the future. Either way, be ready for issues since the launch isn't going all that smoothly!

Nice, I'll join in on this queue. :eek:


I've moved from 1357 to 674 in almost an hour. Slowly but surely... I'd better not DC again soon after getting in lol.

Right, what triggers the job level advancement? I know there's 200-something character levels, and currently 7 job levels; are job levels tied to character levels? What triggers the job level up?

You gain class exp slower than character exp. Every class rank has 15 levels. When you hit that, I think you take a quest from the appropriate class NPC to advance to your next rank.

It's not really linked to character levels, but since you're gaining both types of exp at the same time there's likely a rough estimate of where they meet up.


Right, what triggers the job level advancement? I know there's 200-something character levels, and currently 7 job levels; are job levels tied to character levels? What triggers the job level up?

As you level kill monsters, bosses, advance quests etc, you will get Class and Job XP (in the form of useable scrolls), both level independently. If you just carry on as normal and do a good mix of quests, farming etc, you will get your first job change at about level 10+, if you get more Job than Class xp.

Most people save the Level Scrolls for when you need that last little bit to gain a job advancement level.

Its usually something like 15, 30 75 etc. They are actually tied to tiers of weapons and gear. Yu level up your job and it usually comes with a new set of gear available if you do things correctly.
Just created my char on Klaipeda. No queue at all, and the whole process was actually quite smooth. Shame I can't play until much later today :(


Does changing channels while in queue work, or do I need to exit queue first? It allows me to change channel, but I'm not sure if it'll take effect once I get in. Alternatively, can you change channels while in-game, without having to get back in queue?

Trying to get on the same channel as a friend.


Just created my char on Klaipeda. No queue at all, and the whole process was actually quite smooth. Shame I can't play until much later today :(

There's no queue for getting to the lodge and making a character. The queue is actually going into the game with the character. If you somehow skipped the queue when I'm still in it after almost 1.3 hours, there's something wrong lol.

Does changing channels while in queue work, or do I need to exit queue first? It allows me to change channel, but I'm not sure if it'll take effect once I get in. Alternatively, can you change channels while in-game, without having to get back in queue?

Trying to get on the same channel as a friend.

Not sure on part one honestly, everything acts weird when you're in a queue. But yeah you can change channels without a queue once you're already in the game.
There's no queue for getting to the lodge and making a character. The queue is actually going into the game with the character. If you somehow skipped the queue when I'm still in it after almost 1.3 hours, there's something wrong lol.

I got into the game as well. Even completed some quests.

Edit: maybe it is related to the exclusive access option. Which one did you get? I got #2.


I got into the game as well. Even completed some quests.

Well that's kinda messed up. Though I guess I probably did the same earlier somehow, but trying to replicate it this time failed. No one should be able to skip the queue, especially when there's over 1,000 people in it.

Edit: I also got #2. But like I said, I pulled something similar off earlier I guess. Queue was ~1500 but restarting and choosing another channel let me in instantly. But really that shouldn't be happening, it's probably hurting the people actually in the queue and part of why it's so agonizingly slow moving.
Well that's kinda messed up. Though I guess I probably did the same earlier somehow, but trying to replicate it this time failed. No one should be able to skip the queue, especially when there's over 1,000 people in it.

Edit: I also got #2. But like I said, I pulled something similar off earlier I guess. Queue was ~1500 but restarting and choosing another channel let me in instantly. But really that shouldn't be happening, it's probably hurting the people actually in the queue and part of why it's so agonizingly slow moving.

Yeah, I just tried to enter the game again and got into position ~1500 of the queue.

Maybe the queue skipping is related to creating a new character? I can't test it right now because I can't connect to server anymore lol.

Edit: Nevermind, you got in after creating a new character. Seems to be an issue with the queue then.


There's no queue for getting to the lodge and making a character. The queue is actually going into the game with the character. If you somehow skipped the queue when I'm still in it after almost 1.3 hours, there's something wrong lol.

Not sure on part one honestly, everything acts weird when you're in a queue. But yeah you can change channels without a queue once you're already in the game.

Nice, thanks! Didn't want to have to queue back up just to switch channels.


Neo Member
Position 1500+ in the queue on Klaipeda. Woke up early feeling excited for nothing! Oh well. Hope I can get some playing time in before I go to work.


Position 1500+ in the queue on Klaipeda. Woke up early feeling excited for nothing! Oh well. Hope I can get some playing time in before I go to work.

I wast at 1357 over 2 hours ago, finally down to 50... It's moving increasingly slowly as the day goes on =/


Seriously though how is it actually possible for performance to be this ridiculously terrible

It's an isometric low poly world with a couple of goddamn sprites and GameCube tier particles......


Ugh, I got booted from queue but rejoined and at 296.

EDIT: Friend just jumped from 1400 to 600. Maybe they're fixing things on their end.

EDIT2: My client crashed. Relaunched the game. Got in immediately. I'll take it.

EDIT3: Crashed again. Now I'm at 1680.

Pretty sure the crashes were due to me turning my headset on and off, because they happened simultaneously.

EDIT4: Restarted and got in right away. Nothing makes sense.

EDIT5: Didn't realize Team Name was your last name. I need to start over.

EDIT6: Maybe it isn't? I've already logged out again. I'm going insane.
Yes! Got my desired team name of Pantaloons. Now everyone shall fear the wrath of the dreaded archer Pamplemousse Pantaloons! And when I get sick of arching, i'll roll up Merric "the Cleric" Pantaloons!


Ugh, I got booted from queue but rejoined and at 296.

EDIT: Friend just jumped from 1400 to 600. Maybe they're fixing things on their end.

EDIT2: My client crashed. Relaunched the game. Got in immediately. I'll take it.

EDIT3: Crashed again. Now I'm at 1680.

Pretty sure the crashes were due to me turning my headset on and off, because they happened simultaneously.

EDIT4: Restarted and got in right away. Nothing makes sense.

EDIT5: Didn't realize Team Name was your last name. I need to start over.

EDIT6: Maybe it isn't? I've already logged out again. I'm going insane.

Team name is indeed your last name, if you have the full name displayed anyway. It's also what actually identifies you, it's what people add you as and so on.


That's 30x more than a non token user. 3000% increase. Your definition of "not having it at all" and mine, and I'm assuming many others, are vastly different lol.

I know their stance, it's still a benefit and I'm not sure why you're acting like it's somehow not.

There's also the Team Storage for transferring stuff between characters. That's also a Token benefit that I'm sure has some impact on people. Just because it's nothing in your opinion doesn't mean it's not to others.

Sure, whatever you want.
If you really think you're going to willy-nilly trade away like a normal MMO.

Trade doesn't exist. No market can exist on limited 1to1 trading. It's not going to benefit a player for "advantageous" reasons.
It's only convenient for emergency trades, like some crazy weapon drop or recipe. You're not going to trade a friend some warp scrolls.


Team name is indeed your last name, if you have the full name displayed anyway. It's also what actually identifies you, it's what people add you as and so on.

Thanks again. I think I'm going to spend the 150TP to change it.


I'm at work, but one of my pals said they just sped up the queue. Channels are packed now though, probably going to lag. Poor Femidian is queue free, maybe they'll start re-issuing DLC to people to get them moved over.

Ugh, I got booted from queue but rejoined and at 296.

EDIT: Friend just jumped from 1400 to 600. Maybe they're fixing things on their end.

EDIT2: My client crashed. Relaunched the game. Got in immediately. I'll take it.

EDIT3: Crashed again. Now I'm at 1680.

Pretty sure the crashes were due to me turning my headset on and off, because they happened simultaneously.

EDIT4: Restarted and got in right away. Nothing makes sense.

EDIT5: Didn't realize Team Name was your last name. I need to start over.

EDIT6: Maybe it isn't? I've already logged out again. I'm going insane.

Please keep us updated on your story of woe :lol:
Well, I think I'm done for now... this lag is making it really annoying to do stuff. Have to keep switching channels just to get NPCs to talk to me.

I'd consider re-rolling on a new server if they create a new NA one, but apparently the TP and token membership are all tied to a particular server? That's... not cool.


Decided to give this a go and went with Warrior.

I was able to get in but I can't do any combat or select quests apparently other people were having the same issue. Relogging didn't fix it either.

EDIT: You have to wait for the tutorial to appear. I don't have those problems anymore.


Sure, whatever you want.
If you really think you're going to willy-nilly trade away like a normal MMO.

Trade doesn't exist. No market can exist on limited 1to1 trading. It's not going to benefit a player for "advantageous" reasons.
It's only convenient for emergency trades, like some crazy weapon drop or recipe. You're not going to trade a friend some warp scrolls.

Erm... where did I ever say it was that important? I said it's an advantage and a benefit. And it is, by definition, an advantage and it's a benefit of using the Token. You're going off on some weird crazy tangent here and putting words in my mouth.

I merely pointed out that there are advantages. Things that aren't "nothing" to many people. If you think they are, cool, but you don't get to decide how other people feel about stuff. Neither do I, my whole point here hasn't been changing your opinion, it's been to make you realize other people have their own and you need to accept that.

I'm not sure how you're managing to think I'm the one sounding unreasonable here, lol. Hell, I even commented on the fact that trading isn't something that's gonna be super common in this game a couple pages back. That doesn't change the fact it's something token users can do and non token users cannot. And some people will be upset by that.
Ugh, I got booted from queue but rejoined and at 296.

EDIT: Friend just jumped from 1400 to 600. Maybe they're fixing things on their end.

EDIT2: My client crashed. Relaunched the game. Got in immediately. I'll take it.

EDIT3: Crashed again. Now I'm at 1680.

Pretty sure the crashes were due to me turning my headset on and off, because they happened simultaneously.

EDIT4: Restarted and got in right away. Nothing makes sense.

EDIT5: Didn't realize Team Name was your last name. I need to start over.

EDIT6: Maybe it isn't? I've already logged out again. I'm going insane.

That might be it, I had my crash when my gamepad disconnected :/


Erm... where did I ever say it was that important? I said it's an advantage and a benefit. And it is, by definition, an advantage and it's a benefit of using the Token. You're going off on some weird crazy tangent here and putting words in my mouth.

I merely pointed out that there are advantages. Things that aren't "nothing" to many people. If you think they are, cool, but you don't get to decide how other people feel about stuff. Neither do I, my whole point here hasn't been changing your opinion, it's been to make you realize other people have their own and you need to accept that.

I'm not sure how you're managing to think I'm the one sounding unreasonable here, lol. Hell, I even commented on the fact that trading isn't something that's gonna be super common in this game a couple pages back. That doesn't change the fact it's something token users can do and non token users cannot. And some people will be upset by that.

You don't need 1to1 trading to have as much fun as a Token user.

That's all there is to it.
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