Tree of Savior |OT| Free to Play Now Open


Can’t stump the diablos
Day Token needed for storage, player to player trade and other basic stuff like going to more than one dungeun per day ?

Is this true ?


And those tokens are crazy expensive.
I read the game died in Korea due to these bizarre decisions.

I enjoyed my time with the betas but I will be holding off before attempting this one based on the smell of P2W.


Is this a huge grind fest? I don't mind, but not sure how much time i would have to dedicate to it.

Depends what you mean I guess. In terms of how long to takes to get some progression (ie, a level) you move fairly quickly. There are quests and other methods that keep you going.

But the game is very much about progression, and the level cap is most certainly going to be raised. So if your question is 'how much time is spent building a character vs end game pvp/pve activities', most of it.

Is there some recommendations in terms of classes from veteran players or tips about ones to avoid (whether due to being too advanced, or problems linked to ping, etc)?
I usually prefer melee classes, but if ranged ones are good there too, I'd be happy to try those too.

Ping wise most classes should be okay, the main problem is with auto-attacking builds or 0CD skills, but the majority of classes have other options available in addition to those. Archer tree would probably be the worst offender with their plethora of Attack Speed steroids and Fletcher (who's kit is mostly 0CD), other trees are okay.

Other then that, I would avoid most of the 'special' classes like Alchemist, Squire, etc for a first character. Everything else is fairly workable, Swordsman is probably the way to go for melee.


Much respect for the OP, Kyuur. I'm likely going to gravitate towards the second listed server. Anyone GAF guilds planned?


Depends what you mean I guess. In terms of how long to takes to get some progression (ie, a level) you move fairly quickly. There are quests and other methods that keep you going.

But the game is very much about progression, and the level cap is most certainly going to be raised. So if your question is 'how much time is spent building a character vs end game pvp/pve activities', most of it.

Ping wise most classes should be okay, the main problem is with auto-attacking builds or 0CD skills, but the majority of classes have other options available in addition to those. Archer tree would probably be the worst offender with their plethora of Attack Speed steroids and Fletcher (who's kit is mostly 0CD), other trees are okay.

Other then that, I would avoid most of the 'special' classes like Alchemist, Squire, etc for a first character. Everything else is fairly workable, Swordsman is probably the way to go for melee.

Thanks for all this info! :)


I'll be starting tomorrow but holy fuck those token-related limitations are bumming me out. I thought the lower movement speed was baffling when I read about it a while ago, then I saw the full list......


Much respect for the OP, Kyuur. I'm likely going to gravitate towards the second listed server. Anyone GAF guilds planned?

I'm leaning toward the Klaipeda server. It seems EU(until EU servers are live) and BR(those who've decided to play on the international servers instead of their own upcoming version anyway) players are mostly going with Orsha. Dunno for sure where I'm going, though.

The guild system in general for this game is kinda crazy. I'm sure someone will end up making a GAF guild eventually though if there's enough people to support it. Requires serious time investment from the founder to even make it happen, though, since it's tied to a rank 7 class.


How so?

Isn't archer still just a spam machine (oblique shot lvl 1 or 10 + SPR build)?

In general, they categorized most arrow skills as a new type of damage called 'Missile' that has a piercing-stack mechanic. They also adjusted a lot of skill cooldowns/SP/etc.

(That being said, I'm still planning a Archer/Ranger/Rogue spam machine using Kneeling Shot/Crit Shot/Burrow)

Much respect for the OP, Kyuur. I'm likely going to gravitate towards the second listed server. Anyone GAF guilds planned?

Thanks! Orsha was my pick too, but I'm willing to change my mind if there's reason to! I'd love a GAF guild but I don't think a Templar is quite on my radar of characters to make yet, so someone else would have to create!


Can someone compile a list of shit I can't do unless I pay? So far it seems like I have:

- Storage
- Quick movement speed
- More than one dungeon a day


Can someone compile a list of shit I can't do unless I pay? So far it seems like I have:

- Storage
- Quick movement speed
- More than one dungeon a day

The list of Token benefits is here:


Edit: Normally you can only have one item listed on the market, Token boosts that to 5. Normally market tax is 30%, for Token users it's 10%. You're able to do direct 1:1 trades 30 times a month as a Token user, not at all without to my knowledge.


The list of Token benefits is here:

Edit: Normally you can only have one item listed on the market, Token boosts that to 5. Normally market tax is 30%, for Token users it's 10%. You're able to do direct 1:1 trades 30 times a month as a Token user, not at all without to my knowledge.
Wait, so not only is trading locked behind the $18/month premium subscription, but it's still limited even with that?
Wait, so not only is trading locked behind the $18/month premium subscription, but it's still limited even with that?

This is the result of the devs trying to limit/eliminate gold selling tactics if I remember correctly. Its weird in that they designed a limiting mechanic to stop a people problem, but its a problem that is arguably important enough to design for. Either way, the only real reason to trade is to trade for either not money, or not items (aka, services/item swapping). And the only reason people usually do that is to get things they don't have easy access to (crafting stuff, drops, etc). I don't really know if we need trading in MMO design, but it should definately be in or out, not a premium service with limited uses. If feels like they are trying to get the best of both worlds, but slapping people in the face at the same time.

As for the game itself, I lost a lot of interest reading about all of the balance issues during kobt and obt, especially for classes I was looking forward too. Lots of strange decisions were made in my opinion. I'd assume the balance has chnaged a bit, since I noticed Cyromancer got a fairly useful buff at some point, but I don't know how my interest fairs now. May give it a shot when it drops.


Wait, so not only is trading locked behind the $18/month premium subscription, but it's still limited even with that?

Yeah. Though I'm honestly not sure just how much direct trading will be going on in the first place. Unfortunately, I managed to miss out on the previous tests, either by not getting in or missing the window entirely, so I don't have firsthand experience. But from what I've seen, there are a lot of things related to the economy that would likely cut down on trades. For example, trading and selling items apparently costs some of the item's Potential, which could be spent actually improving the item instead. This means by trading a piece of equipment, directly or through the market, you're reducing how much it can be improved. There are sinks for items, like leveling up gems by feeding them other gems and items. And so on. There are reasons not to trade.

Obviously materials and potions and so on are going to be exchanged, gear too despite the loss, but I dunno just how much demand there'll be for direct trading. I've also heard you can't use silver, the game's currency, in direct trades.

Edit: For the record, I'm not particularly fond of the limitations either. Just trying to get more info out there.


I was genuinely looking forward to this, but I *really* hate pay to win. It's an absolute slap in the face for players in the hopes of a short-term cash grab.


Well, if there is a GAF server, I'll join that one. I'm thinking of rolling a healer, so... will be happy to group up.

Still not sure what I'm playing, probably a Wizard of some sort first. I'd also be happy to group up with some gaffers, though I'll probably spend time, especially at the start, solo to get a grip on things. I may end up getting a bit heavy into leveling and progress, though haha.

I'm probably going to be playing on Klaipeda, though. Partly because it's the original starting city and whatnot, and because I think it's the city I'll choose as well. Partly because it's the first that was listed, so it'll probably be more populated. And partly because it seems a number of regional communities are aiming to use the other server either for temporary use, like EU players waiting for regional servers to open up, or BR players trying to keep their community on the Steam version together.

Feels like the community reaction has Klaipeda serving as the "main" server and Orsha serving as an "other" where people that want to otherwise be separated from that, for various reasons, are going. In the end, when more servers are implemented down the line, we'll be given the opportunity to relocate though. If GAF decides to go with Orsha I may follow. I don't especially have a preference, and both servers will begin growing at the same time. But I'll be picking when the game goes live, so hopefully if a decision is made, it's made before then haha.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
Hopefully this lasts longer than devilian


This games class system is awesome, but it gives me a major case of analysis paralysis. I know I want to be a wizard but... after that what do I do?
I know i'm going to regret it, but... screw theorycrafting on my first character. I'm just going to mess around and have fun, then use my second char for min-maxing theorycraft nonsense.


I know i'm going to regret it, but... screw theorycrafting on my first character. I'm just going to mess around and have fun, then use my second char for min-maxing theorycraft nonsense.

In a game with a level cap of 280 and a class system as crazy as this? You are a braver man than I.

Though I'd be more worried about general synergy than actual min/maxing. For example, why would someone take Wizard C3 on a build where nothing they use has a casting time. Rather a waste, since that would make the primary reasons for grabbing Wizard C3 useless.


I have to wait till april 28th to play this? what a sham! I want to play this now. There are so many ways that I want to waste time and I need this in my life right now!


I have to wait till april 28th to play this? what a sham! I want to play this now. There are so many ways that I want to waste time and I need this in my life right now!

You could play it in less than 4 hours if you dropped $10(or more) on a founder pack. Otherwise, see ya then =p


So is there a gaf server? Thinking about the $9.99 option.

Not yet. Looks like Kyuur has expressed interest in Orsha but also said they'd be willing to change, I'm leaning Klaipeda and have already made posts for my reasoning, but: Feels like Orsha is the go-to for EU, BR and I'm assuming some other groups as well and Klaipeda is fairly popular otherwise, though I wholly expect people to go to both in large numbers in general. Wouldn't be surprised if we get a third server soon, either. They've said they have some on standby I believe. But we've got the two to choose from right now.

Probably wouldn't hurt to get some kind of a consensus I suppose?


We have some "Initial Patch Notes" slightly scary part with "Prices for items in the TP shop have been changed" among others.

I hope our prices didn't somehow become worse despite the other regions being published by Nexon @_@

can we get a server poll

would be greatly appreciated :)

Well, here's a thing. Quote to reveal link I guess?



relies on auto-aim
Yikes at F2P, given I played way too much of the beta before rates got better and the lack of depth I'll pass. It's pretty comfy though.

Didn't hear good things about it possibly being rushed out either.


Just an hour to go now. Klaipeda is winning in the poll right now for the server choice. Quote to reveal link to cast your vote.

For yet another quick rundown, Klaipeda seems to be the most popular in general from the conversations and polls I've seen. Orsha isn't far behind, and seems to be where regional communities like EU players, until EU servers open up, and BR players are primarily going.

Hopefully we'll be happy with the poll's results and be able to hang out and play together.

Edit: As far as technical details go, both servers are located in the US on the East Coast, so not much to say there.



Neo Member
Dipped in at the tier 3 level for now, as I had a pretty fun time at the tail end of the beta. So, is everyone leaning towards the Klaipeda server for the GAF players?


Dipped in at the tier 3 level for now, as I had a pretty fun time at the tail end of the beta. So, is everyone leaning towards the Klaipeda server for the GAF players?

Right now the poll in my previous two posts has Klaipeda winning 6:0, so it's looking like that's where we'll be heading unless it takes a sudden shift, so long as we're going by the vote.

Edit: I'm just kind of assuming we're going to go with the results on the poll at the moment, not that I have any special say in the matter lol. I dunno if Kyuur will be here by launch or not to throw their opinion in. But I'm assuming we'd all like to have an idea where we're going when the game goes live.


Was napping beforehand so I wouldn't die at work tomorrow :lol:

20 minutes to go, Klaipeda it is!

I figured that was the case, I usually pull a nap before late releases too haha. Never know, though =p

And there we have it folks. To Klaipeda we go!
I would really like to play this but unfortunately I found out today that they are region locking it. :( I live in Hong Kong and won't be able to play on international servers. Sigh.


Is there a plan for a Gaf guild?

Edit: Started up the game with a freshly brewed coffee just to find out an empty server list and read about the delay...


Alright. Server list is up, cannot connect just yet. Game is schedules to go live in a couple minutes.

Klaipeda's the server chosen by popular vote for GAF. There is currently no GAF guild. If we do get one in the future., it won't be for a while because simply making a guild requires someone make a character with that intention. Making a guild requires someone be a Templar, which is a Rank 7 class.
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