In the eyes of many liberals, yes he "got" her, but in the eyes of her followers or anyone possibly on the political fence I'm not so sure.Watching. Wow is she full of shit. Trevor savaged her.
Trevor is getting a lot better at interviews, he's come a long way since his first awkward episode of The Daily Show.
All this interview does is further point out that you really cannot have a level headed conversation with people like her because it leads nowhere. You also can't have a blunt conversation with them either because they immediately became defensive and shut off any attempts to hear what you're saying. If Trevor would have shut her down in the way people suggest, all it would do is cause people who already don't like her to high five each other, which ultimately doesn't change anything.In the eyes of many liberals, yes he "got" her, but in the eyes of her followers or anyone possibly on the political fence I'm not so sure.
Trevor didn't really challenge any of the bullshit stats she threw out and didn't press her for evidence when she made wild claims of BLM protesters everywhere telling everyone to attack whites.
She also gets extra points for entering the "lion's den" as she put it.
Trevor tried to have a calm and level headed discussion with her and you just can't do that with these people because they don't believe in facts or they twist facts to confirm what they believe. He tried to trap her with her hypocrisy of condemning the BLM message because of the words of a few but supporting Trump despite all the Nazi's that love him, but her kung fu was greater than his kung fu.
It's weird people talk about how much of a bubble forms with social media and yet there are also huge threads talking about that racist shit your uncle shares, etc. Unless all of your friends and family have the same view the only way to actually create a bubble on Facebook is a pretty pointed effort. You have to literally hide content from specific people over and over to clean up your feed.
I had to go into a bubble like that not too long ago because I was just suck of having to argue with racist bullshit every few minutes.
For real? She might have a pretty face, but all I can think of when I look at her is that she wouldve created a Rosewood or an Emmett Till in a different time & place.
Yeah, Charlamagne went on her show and afterwards they became cool with each other. Although he disagrees with every point of hers he's still friends since, I assume, it's because he gets a direct view of the opposing side.
Here's their 18min long interview
Charlamagne wrecked her too.
She's trolling man. You don't engage trolls, she shouldn't even have been given the publicity.
I used to laugh at forum members getting sucked into discussion with trolls. Now it's amazing to see grown ass adults on television and politics getting sucked in the same way. Trolls succeed is because trolling itself is kind of amusing, so the troll always has some people on their side
That was by far Trevor Noah's best interview. She looked like a complete idiot. I still for the life of me can't understand how people agree with anything she says.
Man, I'm one of those people in the middle. I see truth and flaws on both sides of the fence, but I've enjoyed Trevor's show. Yet, when she declared "I don't see color"? I thought, "it's a wrap."
Man she's really buying into the "shake up/turn Washington on it's head" crap, even after all these Trump cabinet picks.
I love how she went on a huge rant about how we have to group the rioters and police shooters in with the rest of the BLM movement, and then literally not two minutes later she says we have to separate the alt-right from Trump supporters at large. It was almost poetic how that played out. You could even hear some audience members mumbling to each other at that moment.
Yeah, Charlamagne went on her show and afterwards they became cool with each other. Although he disagrees with every point of hers he's still friends since, I assume, it's because he gets a direct view of the opposing side.
Here's their 18min long interview
Charlamagne wrecked her too.
Trevor should've pushed harder when she attempted to push back. Instead, he switched subjects. Otherwise, it was a good job staying calm. It feels like a lose/lose tho. You stay calm and don't challenge them enough, or you be aggressive and they use that against you as reasons why discussions can't be had.
FYI Tomi, it's not called a comeback, because you have to leave first.
People like this women that are my generation exist??
"What did the KKK do??!"
How fucking clueless is this women.
FYI Tomi, it's not called a comeback, because you have to leave first.
Getting that very real and well documented story through the surface tension of the conservative bubble needs to happen."It's called voting, which the Republican Party is working as hard as they can to reduce the occurrence of."
As well as the cognitive dissonance. Trump was supposed to be a hard-ass and penalize companies threatening to offshore their jobs, not offer them up sweetheart deals at taxpayer expense.I see how the Carrier talking point has already taken hold, as if back-door dealing/exuberant tax relief is a sustainable way to keep jobs in America. People are delusional if they think that is the case - the problem is only going to get worse.
Man she's really buying into the "shake up/turn Washington on it's head" crap, even after all these Trump cabinet picks.
As someone else said, it was probably no-win situation for Trevor, but I unfortunately had the same impression after watching the interview. Before I just considered her annoying, but the Daily Show segment left me genuinely scared that the alt-right has such an effective weapon in their media arsenal.I mean I dont agree with her but I really don't see how Trevor owned her. She held her own and I would not want to get stuck in a debate with this girl lol.
In the eyes of many liberals, yes he "got" her, but in the eyes of her followers or anyone possibly on the political fence I'm not so sure.
Trevor didn't really challenge any of the bullshit stats she threw out and didn't press her for evidence when she made wild claims of BLM protesters everywhere telling everyone to attack whites.
She also gets extra points for entering the "lion's den" as she put it.
Trevor tried to have a calm and level headed discussion with her and you just can't do that with these people because they don't believe in facts or they twist facts to confirm what they believe. He tried to trap her with her hypocrisy of condemning the BLM message because of the words of a few but supporting Trump despite all the Nazi's that love him, but her kung fu was greater than his kung fu.
In the eyes of many liberals, yes he "got" her, but in the eyes of her followers or anyone possibly on the political fence I'm not so sure.
Trevor didn't really challenge any of the bullshit stats she threw out and didn't press her for evidence when she made wild claims of BLM protesters everywhere telling everyone to attack whites.
She also gets extra points for entering the "lion's den" as she put it.
Trevor tried to have a calm and level headed discussion with her and you just can't do that with these people because they don't believe in facts or they twist facts to confirm what they believe. He tried to trap her with her hypocrisy of condemning the BLM message because of the words of a few but supporting Trump despite all the Nazi's that love him, but her kung fu was greater than his kung fu.
Yeah, and Trevor didn't check her on that. He explicitly said he wasn't affiliated with BLM and has his issues with the movement.She kept repeating the lie that the Dallas cop shooter was affiliated with BLM. He was actually pretty clear he had nothing to do with BLM & didnt like them because of their non-violent stance.
Yeah, and Trevor didn't check her on that. He explicitly said he wasn't affiliated with BLM and has his issues with the movement.
There wasn't any real material gain from this interview imo. Maybe just don't give white supremacists a platform.
I don't see color is the most priviledged sentence in existence, having heard it multiple times growing up it still infuriates me to hear it to this day.