Darryl M R
One more LOL
One more LOL
Ah so also describing a guy as "Florida Man" is sexist as well since he was reduced to his sex and state of origin?
Kinda. But don't you understand how it's different when we reduce a women's opinion down to her gender and hair colour, and this with all the history associated with how blond women are looked upon, and a news report reporting about a man from Florida? For me one is not like the other.
I think her opinions are idiotic, and the reference to her skin colour in the context of the interview is valid too. But I'm not sure how you go from that to the blonde women part without being sexist.
"I don't see color."
"Black men are 18.5 times more likely to shoot a police officer."
Oh I see, she doesn't see color she just reads about it in bullshit statistics.
It sounds like you are ignoring the context of the involvement of blonde women in Conservative politics to attract views and rile up a base of supporters that tune in for their attractive looks and "tell it how it is" attitude.
"I don't see color."
"Black men are 18.5 times more likely to shoot a police officer."
Oh I see, she doesn't see color she just reads about it in bullshit statistics.
at this point i think i subconsciously assume that every blonde woman i see is a massive bigot
thanks conservative television!
Kinda. But don't you understand how it's different when we reduce a women's opinion down to her gender and hair colour, and this with all the history associated with how blond women are looked upon, and a news report reporting about a man from Florida? For me one is not like the other.
I think her opinions are idiotic, and the reference to her skin colour in the context of the interview is valid too. But I'm not sure how you go from that to the blonde women part without being sexist.
I'd love to see the full details of this statistic and how it compares to White people killing police officers
I'd love to see the full details of this statistic and how it compares to White people killing police officers
I think the stat she said what that black men are 18 times more likely to shoot a police officer than the other way around. It's probably bullshit too, but I had a bigger problem with Trevor not going for the obvious counter that when black people kill police officers they go to prison
As in, I think these are Bullshit numbers just like the 90% black on black shootings number is, in that...White people kill each other at similar rates as black people kill each other.
Likewise, my guess would be that white people are 25 times more likely to shoot a police officer than the other way around
"I don't see color."
"Black men are 18.5 times more likely to shoot a police officer."
Oh I see, she doesn't see color she just reads about it in bullshit statistics.
Notice how the new tactic of the Right is to connect every dissenting Black person in America with the BLM movement and, more importantly, blame BLM every time a Black person attacks a police officer. Its a blatant effort to designate BLM as a domestic terror organisation. In that context, any Black person that speaks out against police brutality is a BLM advocate and, by default, a "terrorist sympathiser" and an enemy in the "war on police."
Tomi Lahren is an idiot, but she's an important piece in a more cunning, sinister Right wing agenda.
Colbert did it first and better.
Colbert did it first and better.
I'm disappointed he even gave her the time of day (and publicity) to be honest.
"African man attacks White women."
What amazes me about Tomi is that I hadn't heard of her until John Oliver pointed out that I probably hadn't heard of her, yet her videos were wildly popular on more conservative peoples social media.
Algorithmically optimized content really mean you make your own bubble. There's a whole world of media out there that one half of the political spectrum sees, and then we have things like unprecedented election upsets when it seems like very few people support X.
I just wish he pushed harder. When he got her fumbling responses he changed gears too quickly.
She's the epitome of "make a statement loudly and without room for dissent, and people will think you're telling the truth".
Her joke was that Trump should grab Clinton's pussy because Bill doesn't do it anymore.
She joked about sexual assault.
As in, I think these are Bullshit numbers just like the 90% black on black shootings number is, in that...White people kill each other at similar rates as black people kill each other.
Likewise, my guess would be that white people are 25 times more likely to shoot a police officer than the other way around
Apparently Tomi Lahren was supposed to be on the Breakfast Club on New York's Power 105.1 radio station this morning for an interview but the Blaze pulled her after her performance in this interview.
Is this the new normal? People like Tomi Lahren moving away from the fringe, and not tempering her message in the slightest?
Trevor Noah said:Thank you for being my guest Tomi. Our goal should be to destroy these "bubbles" not each other. You're always welcome on my show.
Disappointed in Trevor. She got the best of him in this debate
I am full of shit.
Rich, smooth, creamy shit.
(Today, 07:48 AM)
Apparently Tomi Lahren was supposed to be on the Breakfast Club on New York's Power 105.1 radio station this morning for an interview but the Blaze pulled her after her performance in this interview.
I have a problem with this tweet. This woman promotes views that are malicious, damaging & socially regressive. Why is he acting like this is some kind of casual disagreement? The lady supports unarmed Blacks being shot by cops & distorts history to push White supremacist propaganda. This isnt a game & this is not a matter of casual disagreement to be laughed off. And no,we dont have treat "respect" the opinions of the alt-right. This is yet more normalisation of them.
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I would have loved for Crissle from The Read podcast to confront her.
That was by far Trevor Noah's best interview. She looked like a complete idiot. I still for the life of me can't understand how people agree with anything she says.
I have mixed feelings about this interview. I'm happy to see Trevor try and engage her so earnestly, but he really didn't do enough to call out her hypocrisy. Really, this interview just re-demonstrated the problem liberal media has with confronting these conservative types: a lack of force.
Charlemagne would have destroyed what fragments of her soul she still has left....
For real? She might have a pretty face, but all I can think of when I look at her is that she wouldve created a Rosewood or an Emmett Till in a different time & place.Nah, they're friends and they text each other so he'd let her live and tear her up off-screen.
Also props to Trevor man, he's really stepped it up with The Daily Show but this interview's probably been his best and it's further proof that he's the right guy for the job.
I have a problem with this tweet. This woman promotes views that are malicious, damaging & socially regressive. Why is he acting like this is some kind of casual disagreement? The lady supports unarmed Blacks being shot by cops & distorts history to push White supremacist propaganda. This isnt a game & this is not a matter of casual disagreement to be laughed off. And no,we dont have treat "respect" the opinions of the alt-right. This is yet more normalisation of them.