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I have just released my second track!!!
I have put countless hours into it, and now it's finally released!!

It's called Trials Raider and it's a small nod to Tomb Raider obviously even going by the description.

Gamertag : MMaRsu NL
Track Name : Trials Raider
Gametype : Trials
Tags : High-Speed, Scenic, Multiple Routes, Themed
Difficulty : Hard
Description : Can you find the treasure hidden deep in the temple? It's Trials Raiders!!

I would highly recommend everybody to play this, I have put quite a lot of hours into this map, and finally it's finished! Imo one of the better custom tracks even though I made it myself lol.. Not a lot of weird camera angles or twists and turns. There are multiple routes to take once you get inside the temple and even then there is a hidden path to take somewhere! I wont spoil the surprise but I hope you all enjoy it!

Please download it, rate it and let me know what you guys think!! :D

Cool stuff dude. First half I really liked, reminded me of Crysis actually with the full on tropical setting. I've only taken the bottom route in the cave so far but I like what I've seen so far.

But that camera angle on the incline after the waterfall is pretty bad.. and that's a big gap to jump without being able to see where you're landing. I think I'm more sensitive to it than others so maybe that's just me.

Overall though it's definitely better than anything I'll likely put together.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
I have just released my second track!!!
I have put countless hours into it, and now it's finally released!!

It's called Trials Raider and it's a small nod to Tomb Raider obviously even going by the description.

Gamertag : MMaRsu NL
Track Name : Trials Raider
Gametype : Trials
Tags : High-Speed, Scenic, Multiple Routes, Themed
Difficulty : Hard
Description : Can you find the treasure hidden deep in the temple? It's Trials Raiders!!

I would highly recommend everybody to play this, I have put quite a lot of hours into this map, and finally it's finished! Imo one of the better custom tracks even though I made it myself lol.. Not a lot of weird camera angles or twists and turns. There are multiple routes to take once you get inside the temple and even then there is a hidden path to take somewhere! I wont spoil the surprise but I hope you all enjoy it!

Please download it, rate it and let me know what you guys think!! :D

I really like this track but feel it needs just a little fine tuning but overall it's decent.

Uploaded a direct feed vid of it here. (And no, I didn't film the Easter Egg route).


I think I've hit my personal wall, just got to Death Valley and I don't think I can get much farther. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

What is this crazy talk?

If you had said you were not enjoying the game then I could understand but because you hit some imaginary brick wall?

I'm sure others can attest to the fact that you'll be surprised how you can finish a stage soon if you keep at it. You might fault 200 times trying the 1st time. The 2nd time I can guarantee you that you'll get less faults...Eventually you will get that bronze/silver/gold.

There is no better feeling than when you overcome these sorts of challenges...

I'm stuck on the 2nd Extreme stage but everytime I load up the game for a try I get further and less faults...I still haven't cleared it but I know if I put in the time I will eventually pass it.


Thanks for the kind words guys, I have my record set at 0 faults at 1:28.

But almost all replays are bugged on my track :(((( sucks!!!!!! Please fix this asap RedLynx!


First tier of hard platinums done. Beat my Home Run time. I dare you. (looking at you DrivingBj) ;-)

Me and my girl looking for more trials evo times to compare. Plenty of space on both accounts GT: JAYPAH GT: EmWii thanks!

Sent one to both of you.


Thanks for the kind words guys, I have my record set at 0 faults at 1:28.

But almost all replays are bugged on my track :(((( sucks!!!!!! Please fix this asap RedLynx!

Looks like the cause is either the big ramp before you land on the bouncy bridge, or the actual bridge itself. Annoying that this happens with certain tracks.

Edit: Actually, some other replays break at other spots in the map. Really strange how that happens.


I have just released my second track!!!
I have put countless hours into it, and now it's finally released!!

It's called Trials Raider and it's a small nod to Tomb Raider obviously even going by the description.

Gamertag : MMaRsu NL
Track Name : Trials Raider
Gametype : Trials
Tags : High-Speed, Scenic, Multiple Routes, Themed
Difficulty : Hard
Description : Can you find the treasure hidden deep in the temple? It's Trials Raiders!!

I would highly recommend everybody to play this, I have put quite a lot of hours into this map, and finally it's finished! Imo one of the better custom tracks even though I made it myself lol.. Not a lot of weird camera angles or twists and turns. There are multiple routes to take once you get inside the temple and even then there is a hidden path to take somewhere! I wont spoil the surprise but I hope you all enjoy it!

Please download it, rate it and let me know what you guys think!! :D

I'm getting really terrible screen tearing playing your level... :( The whole cave section in fact.

I just removed the four people on the NeoGAF Trials friend list who have played Evolution for less than an hour since release. This was the second wave of removing people, having last week removed those who had not purchased the game. Next weekend I will remove the four 6 people who have under two hours played, if that is still the case.

We need to make room for people who actually want to compete on the leaderboards and there are several out there waiting who are actively playing the game and are contributing here on the forum.

If you have been on holiday or tied up otherwise and simply have not been able to play, that is fine. Just post here as evidence you are actually following the GAF Trials community, and send another request to NeoGAF Trials. I'll add you back in.

Those at risk of removal for next week are:

PiratePwnsNinja 1h7min
edit: June8407 1h10min
Shurs 1h25min
daFeef 1h31min
Bryehn 1h44min
Zack Money

NeoGAF Trials account has openings. Post here first, then send a friend request to be added.

I've just noticed i've been added to list (thanks for that!) Unfortunately though my LIVE account was hacked the day after I got trials so I may not be online for a week or two so I may end up being removed but as soon as I have LIVE back I will be on it a fair bit! I'll have some catching up to do I think..
I think I've hit my personal wall, just got to Death Valley and I don't think I can get much farther. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

When I started Trials HD back when it came out, I failed out of some of the Extreme tracks more than once (500 faults/30 minutes). Figured they were impossible for me. Kept at it. Went back to some Hard tracks and kept learning. Eventually I beat Inferno 2 with 5 faults in like 2 minutes. This is a game that demands practice and persistence.


Finally beat the fucking Wreck! 12 mins and 120+ faults but a marked improvement over the 400 odd I got through the first time I tried.


Me and a good friend have a crazy rivalry going on this game. We continue to one up each other's scores over and over. Currently I have him beat on all but one track on beginner and all but one on easy. So much fun to play the really easy tracks just to see what kind of time you can post.


I finished Inferno 3 yesterday and I'm still feeling pretty stoked about it. It really got down to the wire though, I had I think 457 faults and was over 28 minutes.

I was worried I was gonna time out when I was stuck on the last tractor tire and just couldn't quite get the momentum to make the last little jump to the finish. Most of my time and faults came from the 3 boards, slipping off the third board was heartbraking, haha. The next obstacle with the 2 barrels on top of the steep ramp was almost just as bad for me too. I'm just proud that I actually made it through.

I still need to finish Dark City, The Wreck and The Way of the Ninja
What if these guys stopped when they hit it for the first time?

Keep at it.

What is this crazy talk?

If you had said you were not enjoying the game then I could understand but because you hit some imaginary brick wall?

I'm sure others can attest to the fact that you'll be surprised how you can finish a stage soon if you keep at it. You might fault 200 times trying the 1st time. The 2nd time I can guarantee you that you'll get less faults...Eventually you will get that bronze/silver/gold.

There is no better feeling than when you overcome these sorts of challenges...

I'm stuck on the 2nd Extreme stage but everytime I load up the game for a try I get further and less faults...I still haven't cleared it but I know if I put in the time I will eventually pass it.

At one point I was at 125 medals and thought I would never get to 135. "Impossible!" Now I'm closing in on 190 medals.

When I started Trials HD back when it came out, I failed out of some of the Extreme tracks more than once (500 faults/30 minutes). Figured they were impossible for me. Kept at it. Went back to some Hard tracks and kept learning. Eventually I beat Inferno 2 with 5 faults in like 2 minutes. This is a game that demands practice and persistence.
Thanks for the pep talk guys. OK I'll give it another crack.


469 faults, 27 mins but Inferno 3 done!!1!

My wrists hurt, my hands feel odd, but I fucking did it. Fuck yes. I totally did this when I trickled over the finish line:


Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
I'm starting to think my pad is broken. It doesn't work like the pads the guys at the top of the leaderboards use. :p


Time to try and recreate the warthog run part of the last level of Halo 1 in Trials. Wish I could properly control the camera though. How do you deal with that, MMaRsu?


How do the guys at the top of the leaderboard get so much air off of some of these jumps? It's ridiculous. I see them doing front flips and such, I guess to give more distance to the jump? I never even come close to that kind of distance though....grr


Cool stuff dude. First half I really liked, reminded me of Crysis actually with the full on tropical setting. I've only taken the bottom route in the cave so far but I like what I've seen so far.

But that camera angle on the incline after the waterfall is pretty bad.. and that's a big gap to jump without being able to see where you're landing. I think I'm more sensitive to it than others so maybe that's just me.

Overall though it's definitely better than anything I'll likely put together.

yeah I had the same issue with that, or at least a checkpoint right after that jump.. but yeah pretty impressive work and I enjoyed it, I'll have to come back and try to lower my faults in it


it's a shame that all the created minigames rankings are stacked in "who resist the most" even in minigames where the main goal it's to clear a race with the lowest time...
My buddy and I were going at it on Ridinghood lol I can't remember the time, but ended up at 608 ranked last night :D

My right index finger was hurting


Party Pooper
finished up getting golds in the extreme tracks

back to the platinum hunt, need 1 more medium (gigatrack), and 6 more hard

then to try and claw my way back to top 1k =/


Just started my quest for golds in Extreme.

Spent all night on The Wreck. 6 Faults, 54 seconds. Mind: blown. The constant ability to progress in skill at this game is amazing. Last week I ranked myself as a 3 out of 10 Trials player but I've made a massive improvement, I think. I can't get enough.

Inferno 3 is stopping me from finishing the Extreme tournament. I know I've had some pretty good runs on it, but I just fail every time on the series of graduated steep wooden planks.

Finally got this. Add me if you want someone to beat. GT: RebornYeti

I need to start adding folks who play. I'm ZethGAF on xbl, so I'm hoping people will accept, lol.


I just removed the four people on the NeoGAF Trials friend list who have played Evolution for less than an hour since release. This was the second wave of removing people, having last week removed those who had not purchased the game. Next weekend I will remove the four 6 people who have under two hours played, if that is still the case.

We need to make room for people who actually want to compete on the leaderboards and there are several out there waiting who are actively playing the game and are contributing here on the forum.

If you have been on holiday or tied up otherwise and simply have not been able to play, that is fine. Just post here as evidence you are actually following the GAF Trials community, and send another request to NeoGAF Trials. I'll add you back in.

Those at risk of removal for next week are:

PiratePwnsNinja 1h7min
edit: June8407 1h10min
Shurs 1h25min
daFeef 1h31min
Bryehn 1h44min
Zack Money

NeoGAF Trials account has openings. Post here first, then send a friend request to be added.

I'd really like to get in. I play a lot. Will try sending a request today. gt: ZethGAF


How do the guys at the top of the leaderboard get so much air off of some of these jumps? It's ridiculous. I see them doing front flips and such, I guess to give more distance to the jump? I never even come close to that kind of distance though....grr

Any tips?
Definitely. I can still cut down my time in the very beginning, just need to nail the jump after the very first gap.

Any tips for landing on the downside after the last big jump?

Do you mean the jump over the huge stone just before the finish line?

Don't go over that, land on top and ride forwards off it
Gah, I hate playing on my friends account and getting a better score than on my main account.

Also, I downloaded the Extremely Extreme track last night, which was made by a fellow Gaffer. Hilarious track, and I actually managed to get into the top 5 on the leaderboards. Probably the best I'll ever do on any Trials track, haha.


If anyone feels like checking out a track (I made) and give me feedback, that'd be great. I believe it's a pretty solid track, I didn't try to do anything crazy, just concentrated on getting the basics right and then filled out the visuals.

GT: Rotavelle
Track: The Lot
Difficulty: Medium

The editor is quite something. I'm impressed.

Also, regarding Ridge Tracer-- I'm in the same boat as a few here. I can NOT get the platinum time. I've plantinumed the other tracks in 'Walk in the Park', but this one....ooof. I just can't get the air to clear the last little ramp, even when it seems I hit the downslope prior to it just right.


Also, I downloaded the Extremely Extreme track last night, which was made by a fellow Gaffer. Hilarious track, and I actually managed to get into the top 5 on the leaderboards. Probably the best I'll ever do on any Trials track, haha.
Whoo I made that!

Is this worth it without xbox live gold?
Yes. You'll still have access to all the custom tracks and leaderboards without xbox live gold. Only thing you'll miss is the multiplayer, which is honestly the weakest part of the game in my opinion (not saying it's bad, but everything else is just really really great).


Yes. You'll still have access to all the custom tracks and leaderboards without xbox live gold. Only thing you'll miss is the multiplayer, which is honestly the weakest part of the game in my opinion (not saying it's bad, but everything else is just really really great).

Oh, thats great. I simply assumed that no gold = no custom tracks. Thanks!
I'm playing multiplayer and sometimes when I win, it doesn't add it to my overall record. I've won 5 online matches but it says I've only won 2 on the leaderboards.
Any idea why that might be?


I'm playing multiplayer and sometimes when I win, it doesn't add it to my overall record. I've won 5 online matches but it says I've only won 2 on the leaderboards.
Any idea why that might be?

Multiplayer leaderboards and rankings are broken. Will be fixed in the first patch (whenever that comes out).

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
If anyone feels like checking out a track (I made) and give me feedback, that'd be great. I believe it's a pretty solid track, I didn't try to do anything crazy, just concentrated on getting the basics right and then filled out the visuals.

GT: Rotavelle
Track: The Lot
Difficulty: Medium

The editor is quite something. I'm impressed.

Also, regarding Ridge Tracer-- I'm in the same boat as a few here. I can NOT get the platinum time. I've plantinumed the other tracks in 'Walk in the Park', but this one....ooof. I just can't get the air to clear the last little ramp, even when it seems I hit the downslope prior to it just right.

Some good ideas man, couple of alternate, yet simplistic paths for people who might not get the momentum. Now all you need to do it create your own environment.

Uploaded a direct feed here for people who aren't on their consoles. http://youtu.be/Pt3aiQ8vnNY
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