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Uggh, the controls for the editor are so frustrating. It's the only thing that keeps me from actually trying to create a map.

Well yeah, they sure are not great. But it's like the best editor for consoles out there I think.

I already have an amazing idea for a third track.. hope nobody beats me to it :p


I honestly think the editor is so fantastically intuitive outside of the camera, which there's no real good solution for TBH. Maybe if it was Forge-like, but even still I feel the compromises are justified.
The camera is what I'm talking about. Half the time I'm kinda flopping around trying to get into a position to place a certain object. Controls like in Halo's Forge would've been so much better, at least for flying around,


They should add one more click in the cycle for the left stick that puts you in a fly-through mode that moves fluidly and which is just for moving/looking (i.e. no object picking).


The camera is what I'm talking about. Half the time I'm kinda flopping around trying to get into a position to place a certain object. Controls like in Halo's Forge would've been so much better, at least for flying around,

Remember you can click in the left analog stick to switch to another type of camera system. Switching between the two now and then is the way to go. The camera system is still a bit fiddly though, especially when moving items.


Woo Hoo! Spotted myself :p

Going for 56.8

Edit: Just got 56.6 :D

56.5 - your move


I can't figure out how some riders get over the second ramp in Elevation - I can't do it with the 450cc and this is what it looks like everyone is using. There's some technique I'm not aware of that gives further distance on some ramps. It's not weight shift forward as I'm doing that.


56.5 - your move


I can't figure out how some riders get over the second ramp in Elevation - I can't do it with the 450cc and this is what it looks like everyone is using. There's some technique I'm not aware of that gives further distance on some ramps. It's not weight shift forward as I'm doing that.

I have been trying and trying to accomplish that, just can't....
Are there any other cool/exciting trials similar to Terminator 2? Gameplay-wise it wasn't great, but the presentation was pretty awesome.

I'm working on a level centred around an asteroid attack that is mostly about exciting presentation and set pieces rather than skill/stunts. Should be finished tomorrow.


Going so hard at Trials Evo I felt compelled to go back and get the last achievements on Trials HD I never bothered with. 0 faults on Barrel of Laughs with the Micro Donkey? Done! Beat the last two extreme levels from Big Thrills DLC? Fuckin done (Even though I accidentally hit back button on the last obstacle of Pilgrimage after 22min and 350 faults.. Second run still took another 20 minutes)!

Marathon? Yeahhhh this might take me a while. Got it down to 12 faults or so (once I get that first one I kinda slack off big time) but I'm reaching the point of physical exhaustion. Cramps in my hand and wrist. I'm actually starting to develop a blister from the analog stick.. don't think I've had a video game blister since like the N64. This game does something scary to me. It's like the bad kind of drugs D:


Super Sleuth
is trials HD worth getting after playing this first?

Yes. The level design is probably better (in my opinion of course). There is no real variation in setting, but that doesn't bother me at all. Trials HD is awesome. Evo is better overall because of Track Central, but HD is amazing.


Also, can someone give me any tips on technique for Elevation? It feels like you should be able to clear the second little ramp by jumping from the first, and get a good downhill run to cross the water (and top replays show that too). But I can't pull it off. I've tried doing a left/right flick but it doesn't seem to give me the distance needed.

its definitly an advanced technique. you might want to skip trying to clear it for now. what you could do instead is to just try to land on top of the second ramp and just drop or front flip off.

to clear it, you have to ride on the back wheel for part of the first ramp and be pressing forward, so you get a higher jump but you keep your forward momentum.

its hard to do, but if you watch some good replay's you'll see what i mean. takes a lot of practice to get it down. but that's a perfect spot to practice (at the beginning of a track is a great place to learn new techniques.)

that and the shortcut at the end on the elevator are the keys to a decent time on that track.

He was DNFing while we were all still racing, nobody had finished yet

never seen that happen. too many faults... maybe? dunno.

scoring has to do with time and faults. i think the biggest negative modifier for faults is three, but iirrc if there is a big enough time gap some points will be deducted as well.

basically you want to fault as little as possible and come in as close to first place as you can. (obviously) the more you fault and the farther behind you are, the more points get deducted.

Marathon? Yeahhhh this might take me a while. Got it down to 12 faults or so (once I get that first one I kinda slack off big time) but I'm reaching the point of physical exhaustion. Cramps in my hand and wrist. I'm actually starting to develop a blister from the analog stick.. don't think I've had a video game blister since like the N64. This game does something scary to me. It's like the bad kind of drugs D:

its harder than every achievement in either game by far. took me a long long time to beat. good luck!


Party Pooper
Gigatrack/Storm Drain are the last 2 plats I need in med/hard... and I'll probably get Storm Drain done first.

then I can really move on to improving my Extreme/Tourney scores

still haven't managed to get back in the top 1k globally, always end up around 10xx at the end of the day.


Yes. The level design is probably better (in my opinion of course). There is no real variation in setting, but that doesn't bother me at all. Trials HD is awesome. Evo is better overall because of Track Central, but HD is amazing.
Buy the DLC if you have the points. Great tracks in there.


i have like 10 plats on Hard tracks and 2 on Medium tracks. lol i dread going back to the easier tracks for plat after doing beginner and easy.

Hard is SO much more fun.

Gigatrack/Storm Drain are the last 2 plats I need in med/hard... and I'll probably get Storm Drain done first.

then I can really move on to improving my Extreme/Tourney scores

still haven't managed to get back in the top 1k globally, always end up around 10xx at the end of the day.

i hate to say this, and it's pure speculation because i havent done the math, but ive been wondering if our scores are glitched at all.

apparently on night #1 when the servers went haywire, there were a lot of scoring issues and many scores got atificially inflated. the guy who is #1 on the leaderboard has a glitched score and apparently lots of other people do too.

like i said, pure speculation at this point, but its entirely possible that we have been affected by the issue. (i have a guy on my friend list with way more medals than i and he is a lot lower on the scoreboard than i am. not that that proves anything.)

also today i realized that i have gold on the first three tourneys but i dont have a time on the leaderboard at all. i re-did the first tourney, got gold and jumped 100 places on the global leaderboard...

that seems like a different issue though. probably happened on the same day though i think.

anyways, i guess we will find out for sure when the patch to fix all this crap comes out.


also today i realized that i have gold on the first three tourneys but i dont have a time on the leaderboard at all. i re-did the first tourney, got gold and jumped 100 places on the global leaderboard...

I noticed this on one of the hard or extreme tracks for you as well. Might want to go back and check. That was a day or two ago though, maybe you've played it again since then.

Hopefully if there are some leaderboard issues they get ironed out. Considering at least for me personally it's practically THE reason I play the game to get better times, if there are people with illegitimate scores it kinda sours a lot of it.
is trials HD worth getting after playing this first?

YES! Don't let the lack of multiplayer or curved lines lines throw you off. So far I even think Evos curved lines somerimes hurt the game more than help it. There are some GREAT tracks in HD and I think they might be more consistent overall.


Super Sleuth
YES! Don't let the lack of multiplayer or curved lines lines throw you off. So far I even think Evos curved lines somerimes hurt the game more than help it. There are some GREAT tracks in HD and I think they might be more consistent overall.

Sometimes? The curved lines are always terrible, except with how it lets you make Gigatrack.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
Here's your track of the week ;)


But in all honestly, can you put this in the OP whitehawk? It's my second map called Trials Raider!

Everybody take a look ^_^.

Credits to T4Kshadow on the RedLynx boards ( he's taking video requests of all custom maps etc ).

Pffft, I already uploaded it yesterday and it was at the top of the previous page. :p

I really like this track but feel it needs just a little fine tuning but overall it's decent.

Uploaded a direct feed vid of it here. (And no, I didn't film the Easter Egg route).


Super Sleuth
Two golds left in extreme, Inferno and Out of the Pit. Been a productive Trials night. Still cant no fault the stupid tournament for the achievement.

Suite Pee

Willing to learn
I sat down 3 1/2 hours ago to try out the game for the first time.

I now have more than 135 medals.

I have two sessions logged, though. My friends and I had a lot of fun with the supercross right after I bought it.


This game has a weird "sweet spot" for me, where I really enjoy myself on the hard tracks. The beginner/easy tacks don't really do it for me, some of the medium tracks are fun, but I'd be fine with a million more Hard tracks. It's the perfect balance between skill, speed while having to be careful of faults for me. Extreme tracks are cool, too, but I don't have the time to really invest myself in mastering them for now.

is trials HD worth getting after playing this first?
If you crave more well made singleplayer tracks, I'd say so, yes.


This game has a weird "sweet spot" for me, where I really enjoy myself on the hard tracks. The beginner/easy tacks don't really do it for me, some of the medium tracks are fun, but I'd be fine with a million more Hard tracks. It's the perfect balance between skill, speed while having to be careful of faults for me. Extreme tracks are cool, too, but I don't have the time to really invest myself in mastering them for now.

yeah I think the medium/hard is really fun, extreme is just painful for now I have only been able to pass 2 of them


Finally passed Inferno 3,....with 114 faults/6:32.458

I got right near the finish line with like 70 faults then for some reason couldn't jump onto it.
Any tips for that second last jump on The Wreck?It's the one with the box at the top of the ramp and explosive barrels at the bottom.
saw the times on the leaderboards and was shocked. then i looked at my brother and seen him blow past me and everyone of our friends. so now im looking for tips please. whats the fastest bike? and is it better to ride on the back wheel or on both when possible?


This game has a weird "sweet spot" for me, where I really enjoy myself on the hard tracks. The beginner/easy tacks don't really do it for me, some of the medium tracks are fun, but I'd be fine with a million more Hard tracks. It's the perfect balance between skill, speed while having to be careful of faults for me. Extreme tracks are cool, too, but I don't have the time to really invest myself in mastering them for now.

If you crave more well made singleplayer tracks, I'd say so, yes.


I also find the easy supercross tracks boring, I like the hard downloadable ones as that means more crashes = more laughs
Any tips for that second last jump on The Wreck?It's the one with the box at the top of the ramp and explosive barrels at the bottom.

I spent over one thousand faults on that. Got a tip here to roll back a bit on that checkpoint then go full throttle and attempt a bunny hop up top. I thought I was doing that during all those faults but some how I did it on my first attempt when I went back after reading GAF. Thank you GAF?


GB Quicklook Supplemental.

It's great that Brad realizes how great the game is and scores it accordingly, but fuck is he just teeerrrrible at it. Like, watch one replay of the hurdle you can't get over to see what people are doing for crying out loud. He has amazing patience to get that far with that skill level, I have to say.

Well to be honest, it takes a while to build the skill.. I have been getting better but I am still nowhere close most of the people in this thread platinum everything in sight.


Well to be honest, it takes a while to build the skill.. I have been getting better but I am still nowhere close most of the people in this thread platinum everything in sight.

I certainly don't platinum everything. I did in HD...well, most of it, but I'm rusty. I was right back in my groove of not even bothering continuing if I screwed up without starting over when I started Evolution until I got to the Hard stuff. Just can't abide it. It does take a lot of practice, but honestly, watching how others do it really helps you out, and not just on the track you are having trouble with.


Getting closer and closer to getting some more of the Extreme tracks on Platinum. Right now I've got Out of the Pit at 1 fault and The Wreck at 4. I love the fact that about a week ago I had a really hard time on The Wreck and now I can do it almost without any faults. This game is so good.


GB Quicklook Supplemental.

It's great that Brad realizes how great the game is and scores it accordingly, but fuck is he just teeerrrrible at it. Like, watch one replay of the hurdle you can't get over to see what people are doing for crying out loud. He has amazing patience to get that far with that skill level, I have to say.

That was very funny in a 'i feel your pain' way. Kind of felt for them when they didn't notice you can view replays, but not for friends

I like how they sum it up at the end. 'it's the game of the year, and the worst game ever made'.


Party Pooper
starting to notice graphical glitches in the sky = I need to stop playing this xbox until the new thermal pads + heatsinks for ANA Chip, Southbridge, etc, show up in the mail.

so another couple days without Evo =/


The Phoenix is wayyyy hard to drive. Back to the Scorpion. Phoenix has no weight to it.

I had that same issue, until you get used to it, is way easier to make better times in a lot of mediums with the phoenix and you'll need it for hard tracks.

If you crave more well made singleplayer tracks, I'd say so, yes.

I bought it on xbox.com looking forward to try it out while also playing Evo, is the DLC any good?
That was very funny in a 'i feel your pain' way. Kind of felt for them when they didn't notice you can view replays, but not for friends

I like how they sum it up at the end. 'it's the game of the year, and the worst game ever made'.

You can view replays of friends as long as the time is in the top (I believe) 10,000.


Once I figure out how to get the extra distance off the ramps (like in Elevation) then I should hopefully get down into the 54's. Where are you in the overall world ranking for Roller Coaster?

Hah! Yeah he is only ranked number 1.
He is number 2 but the number 1 time is glitched
GB Quicklook Supplemental.

It's great that Brad realizes how great the game is and scores it accordingly, but fuck is he just teeerrrrible at it. Like, watch one replay of the hurdle you can't get over to see what people are doing for crying out loud. He has amazing patience to get that far with that skill level, I have to say.

I can totally relate watching that video. I don't really think I'm that good at the game, but I will myself to finish the tracks. I've almost unlocked the Extreme tracks at this point.

edit: Actually, after watching that entire video, I think I'm definitely more skilled than Brad at this game. He doesn't slow down when he should, and realize the mistakes he's making. He just keeps jamming that throttle and blowing up. Pretty painful, and annoying to watch.
Watching Brad's new Quick Look and I also can't understand why he is THIS bad for as much as he plays (Trials and games in general). Watch the top replays or even the replays in the top thousands!

He does virtually no body shifting in the air and that is clearly the biggest thing he needs to learn. He has no idea how to land jumps of any size. With that said, it's still fun to watch. :)
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