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Tribes: Vengeance beta open to all later today.

5PM (dunno what timezone, although, I'm going to guess pacific), it'll be open to all. Sucks that I'll be away from my computer ALL WEEKEND a;sldkjfasdkfa.


GAF's Bob Woodward
IJoel said:
Blizzard has my soul on a tight grip for the next week.

Me too. I paused my Tribes download to finish my WoW one, and now I'll be far too busy playing it till next Friday. After that, though, I look forward to some Vengeance :)


i don't know how to feel about this new tribes.. i like it but at the same time i'm unhappy how it's less stragetic then the first two. one man can basically keep capturing the flag and score without any assistance and the game is much much muchh faster.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I just grabbed it and tried it for a few...

I'll put it through its paces tomorrow, but so far, I'm not sure what to think. It really feels very different to me. I haven't dug into the gameplay, obviously, but the sense of scale is just gone. Tribes 1 and 2 had maps that just felt absolutely MASSIVE in scale. I mean, when you looked over the edge of certain bases...you would get dizzy. The limits of the Unreal engine are alive and well (though, I must admit, they DID do a pretty good job considering the technology). Interestingly enough, it loads and runs faster than Tribes 2 does on my current machine. :p

The grappling hook is very fun and seems to move you across the map very quickly. Still, the reduced world size allows you to make that journey across the map a little TOO quickly. In the older games, dying would often mean a long journey to the other base and forced you to rely on vehicles and MPBs. That doesn't seem to be the case here.

I didn't get a chance to look through the weapons, but I am curious if the ELF gun remains. That was a weapon I ALWAYS carried with me. Disc, ELF, and Chain Gun + Energy pack made you quite a powerful force in T2.

I'm curious to see how it plays out. I have a feeling that the 1.5 years I put into Tribes 2 (playing on a Tribe is large tourneys) will result in my dislike of many of the changes.
Its pretty good so far, but i'm finding it very hard to kill anyone. Once I stop sucking maybe I can give some actual impressions.

BTW, there really should be a way of stopping people just coming into your spawn area and killing everything in there


Tag of Excellence
I'm enjoying it, it doesn't blow me away with it's gameplay but what it has is really fun. So far no one is a team player but I'm sure that'll change shortly.


Let's setup a GAF game.

I'm LOVING T:V. I played the original tribes for about a year, then tried to get into Tribes 2 but like many many people found it lacking in a lot of categories. Namely the ones that dark10x applauded heh. Let's setup a nice 5v5 game or something.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The game is quite good, though my complaints still stand.

One thing that I initially failed to notice, but am now quite disappointed in, is the interface. Laugh if you must, but I really enjoyed how many features Tribes 2 interface offered. The default interface combiend with add-ons basically turned the main menu into the "Tribes OS" or something. You have T-mail, news, IRC, and plenty of other options built in and you could switch between them with a taskbar like function. Add in the instant message functions, MP3 player, and other improvements and you would never need to leave the game. It was like building the community into the game itself! I mean, after you finished up a tourney match, both teams could go meet up in designated rooms and chat it up (among other things). I hope these features return to the game...as it was nice having everything built in.

ANOTHER concern is the way maps work. While they obviously modified the engine, I'd imagine it still requires specific maps to be built and downloaded. With T1 and 2, people could create massive (and creative) maps from various assets and everyone could play these maps with no additional download required.

Ah well, I can accept change in the face of a good game. Vengeance plays very well and is a blast to play. I'll certainly be picking this up on day 1!


Time ta STEP IT UP
dark10x said:
The game is quite good, though my complaints still stand.

One thing that I initially failed to notice, but am now quite disappointed in, is the interface. Laugh if you must, but I really enjoyed how many features Tribes 2 interface offered. The default interface combiend with add-ons basically turned the main menu into the "Tribes OS" or something. You have T-mail, news, IRC, and plenty of other options built in and you could switch between them with a taskbar like function. Add in the instant message functions, MP3 player, and other improvements and you would never need to leave the game. It was like building the community into the game itself! I mean, after you finished up a tourney match, both teams could go meet up in designated rooms and chat it up (among other things). I hope these features return to the game...as it was nice having everything built in.

ANOTHER concern is the way maps work. While they obviously modified the engine, I'd imagine it still requires specific maps to be built and downloaded. With T1 and 2, people could create massive (and creative) maps from various assets and everyone could play these maps with no additional download required.

Ah well, I can accept change in the face of a good game. Vengeance plays very well and is a blast to play. I'll certainly be picking this up on day 1!

Ah well it's still in Beta, and it's only 75% done so hey, maybe that interface issue will be fixed.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Badabing said:
Ah well it's still in Beta, and it's only 75% done so hey, maybe that interface issue will be fixed.

Yeah, that's kinda what I'm hoping. I mean, the main menu only has two options...so it might just be totally stripped down for beta purposes.

:crosses fingers:


Time ta STEP IT UP
By the way, what's everyone getting in terms of FPS? I have:

Pentium 4 2.8ghz HT
Radeon x800 PRO
1 gig o' Dual Channel RAM

Running the game on Ultra-high detail gets me to about 30-60fps, not too bad, considering that it's still in beta and all. Not to mention that I've also got 4xAA and 8xAF cranked up.

Game looks gorgeous with AA and AF on... makes a big difference in the way it looks.


I'm really wanting to like this because Tribes made me its bitch looooooooong ago. But there are two things that I am finding it hard to get over:

* maps are small
* player counts per server are smaller (a disturbing trend - have yet to see any 64 players servers on a new game)

The game feels very different from 1&2, but since this is likely to be my Tribes fix for several years, I'll have to adjust. I'm sure the modders will get things back in order :)


Time ta STEP IT UP
The only real dissapointment I have is that Vehicles spawn now, which is lame. I want to buy my own vehicle at my leisure, and not have to wait for one to respawn.

I don't really like the new vehicles either... the bomber is OK, but it should have a spot for the heavy-armor dudes to hurl mortars from, like in Tribes 2. Every other vehicle is lame, though.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Phoenix said:
The more I play of this game, the more I want to play Tribe2.


I played on a bunch of servers today and came in first place (score wise) EVERY time (except the VERY first match, where I joined during the last two minutes). The fact that I attacked the enemy by simply rushing the flag was very disappointing. In Tribes 2, that just wasn't entirely possible. Setting up a massive force to attack an enemy, relying on MPBs and other vehicles, as well as using teamwork was a major part of the experience. The maps were large and on-foot travel was slow...which is why you needed your team. Also, getting the flag in many maps was not something that one person would normally succeed at (well, at least in the tourney games which I normally played in).

This game is fun, but it feels like Tribes + Unreal Tournament. Yeah, I know a lot of people will totally dig that...but it's a huge disappointment to me. The thing I love about Tribes just aren't here (and there are just A TON of things I could list)...

Ah well, what can you do?


dark10x said:
The fact that I attacked the enemy by simply rushing the flag was very disappointing. In Tribes 2, that just wasn't entirely possible. Setting up a massive force to attack an enemy, relying on MPBs and other vehicles, as well as using teamwork was a major part of the experience. The maps were large and on-foot travel was slow...which is why you needed your team. Also, getting the flag in many maps was not something that one person would normally succeed at (well, at least in the tourney games which I normally played in).

AHHHHH *pulls hair out* This is EXACTLY why Tribes 2 sucked HUGE ASS DONKEY BALLS!!! Sure when you were playing at a high level of competitiveness these things actually made sense, but ever try getting that level of coordination on a pub? HA! Tribes 2 was absolutely unplayable on a casual basis because teamwork was IMPOSSIBLE to achieve. Getting 16 people to coordinate effectively is difficult enough when you actually practise, but in a public game it was sooooo frustrating and annoying.

And if you want to compare competitive communities Tribes 1 competition that was far more "cowboyish" had WAAAAAAAY more teams than Tribes 2 ever hoped for.

And dark10x, try going into the 5150 servers and see how well you do (go to 5150 Nazi rules non passworded).

Anyway let's totally set a match up!! I'll kick all of your asses :)


I have a real problem with the design and much of it stems from the sutpid map design/engine choice.

All the vehicles suck donkey balls, vehicle spawns are the dumbest idea in gaming ever. The spinfuser is the ONLY weapon that I actually like, stealth tactics are gone as are sachel charges, the turrets are mostly ineffective, the mines are now ginormous removing them as a reasonable deterrent, sliding is just busted, the bases are TINY, the defense turret AI ranges from omnipotent to useless, there is no reason to use any form of tactics, the trails get really annoying with a lot of people on the screen, the range of the long range weapons is too short, there is no more spotting for artillery, etc.

All in all this just fell off my purchase list. This is like UT with jump packs and new skins. I don't like it - don't like it at all.


Tre said:
I dig it much. Much, much better than Tribes 2 in every way. I've got to purchase it now, like ASAP.

Sure, if what you really wanted to play was unreal tournament 2K4 :)
I played T2 competatively for three yers on TWL. Hell, I even wrote a guide on how to use the shocklance effectively. The fact that they took that weapon out....I talk to my friends who were great LD, and they tell me people play far more carelessly in TV, the game allows for that now since you don't have to worry about a lance.

Add into that them taking away the cloak pack...I'm avoiding this game like the plague. I'm sure its very fun for what it is, but its not what I want.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
rastex said:
AHHHHH *pulls hair out* This is EXACTLY why Tribes 2 sucked HUGE ASS DONKEY BALLS!!! Sure when you were playing at a high level of competitiveness these things actually made sense, but ever try getting that level of coordination on a pub? HA! Tribes 2 was absolutely unplayable on a casual basis because teamwork was IMPOSSIBLE to achieve. Getting 16 people to coordinate effectively is difficult enough when you actually practise, but in a public game it was sooooo frustrating and annoying.

And if you want to compare competitive communities Tribes 1 competition that was far more "cowboyish" had WAAAAAAAY more teams than Tribes 2 ever hoped for.

And dark10x, try going into the 5150 servers and see how well you do (go to 5150 Nazi rules non passworded).

Anyway let's totally set a match up!! I'll kick all of your asses :)

Tribes 2 DID NOT SUCK. First of all, I played the game for well over a year...and most of that was spent playing in tournaments and practicing up with my Tribe (for TWL matches). It was a great community and is the best memory I have of playing games online (even though our team wasn't really that great...we still had fun everytime). I LOVED the features of the game and it made for something NEW AND UNIQUE. You want casual play? That wasn't your game. Tribes 2 was good because it was different.

The fact of the matter is, when your team practices with each other for weeks (all via voice chat), putting your strat into practice is an absolute blast. The game was very complex, and most people never got past that learning curve (and you're right, a lot of that was due to the difficulty of playing on casual servers).

Still, Tribes 1 offered a lot of the things that made T2 great as well. I LOVED those GIANT floating bases surrounding by tons of landscape. Have you ever been participated in a truly well planned battle? It was exciting as hell! Raiding an enemy base with a small, cloaked squad was absolutely thrilling. The bases would be massive structures with tons of security, so it was not uncommon to send in a squad with the sole purpose of disabling certain equipment...while other squards worked on various other battle aspects. Damn, just thinking about this is seriously making me nostalgic. I LOVE TRIBES 2!!! Best damn online gaming experience I've ever had.

This is like UT with jump packs and new skins. I don't like it - don't like it at all.

Yep, that's EXACTLY how I feel. Damn it, so much was removed that I can't even quite take it all in. I didn't even NOTICE the lack of cloaking. Damn it, they removed so much. :( It still seems like a good game, but it isn't Tribes.
"Sure, if what you really wanted to play was unreal tournament 2K4"

If I really wanted to play UT2K4, I'd play UT2K4. What I *don't* want to play is Tribes 2, and thank god T:V isn't anything like T2.


Pheonix said:
I like Tribes 2!!!!!

*bangs head against desk* Listen. Tribes is about SPEED, SKILL and ACTION. All the things you complained about are the antithesis of that. Overpowered turrets? Ya, that's fun! Damn you T2 people!! Listen, T2 was a defense oriented game, meaning the defense had a big advantage on both sides. You know what this meant? A lot of boring and frustrating gameplay. How many times were you in a 0-0 tie on a public game? Hell, the devs themselves knew this and so instituted the whole "flag touches" give me an f'n break.

Seriously, go watch some movies from the old Tribes days and compare them to the movies from Tribes 2, they dont' even compare!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Tre said:
"Sure, if what you really wanted to play was unreal tournament 2K4"

If I really wanted to play UT2K4, I'd play UT2K4. What I *don't* want to play is Tribes 2, and thank god T:V isn't anything like T2.

Well that's good for you, but there ARE huge fans of Tribes 2 out there (yes, really). I'm f*cking disappointed...

I didn't want to play an Unrealified Tribes...

Seriously, go watch some movies from the old Tribes days and compare them to the movies from Tribes 2, they dont' even compare!

GUESS WHAT?! That's not what Tribes 2 is about!

It's a great game, just not necessarily the game you wanted to play. That does not suddenly mean it sucks...though your comments suggest that YOU sucked at Tribes 2.
Tribes 1 was in fact a hell of a lot more fast paced than T2. That's why so much of the community threw a pissy fit when they found out skiing was so nerfed in T2.


dark, did you ever play Tribes 1 competitively?

Competitively, both games are awesome in their own ways. If you think T:V is going to be lacking in strategy then you're sorely mistaken. It probably won't have as much obvious strategy as Tribes2 simply because there are less packs and all that crap, it's far more about your skill as an actual player. To be a good capper you're going to have to know some routes, know how to use the grappler effectively and be able to maintain 200+ mph consistently. To be an effective LD, you're gonna have to know those same routes and have damn good aim with your chaingun.

Despite what Dave Georgenson would like you to think, Tribes is not about slow methodical matches, it's about balls-to-the-walls speed and action. Clusterfucks, skiing, MAs and motion.
T2 classic made the game much faster paced, while keeping the packs, weapons, armors, and strats that made T2 unique. Its a shame more peopel didn't catch on to it.
I have heard that allot of teh skill based combat has been taken out of the game. The chaingun was one of the easiest weapons in T2 to use, so much that you always giot the "chainwhore" call on it. They took out the most skill based weapon, the lance. The buckler is supposed to be the replacement for the lance, but its limits make it impossible to compete with that weapon.

I don't know, I'm just severely dissapointed they took allot out of what made T2 great. But, I guess they wanted to cater to a different audience then allot of avid T2 players.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
dark, did you ever play Tribes 1 competitively?

To a mild degree, and I did enjoy it. However, I found the massive influx of strategy required to play T2 skillfully to be absolutely amazing.

Regardless, I don't feel that T:V can match T1 either. MANY of the features I loved in T2 were a part of the core engine that was built for T1. This new games shares none of those features.

The fact is, they should have looked at the best features oF Tribes 1 -AND- 2 and attempted to meld them together into something truly wonderful.

I have heard that allot of teh skill based combat has been taken out of the game.

Well, it still requires skill (of course), but it has changed. My entire loadout has been ruined, basically.

The more I think about the changes made to Tribes Tournament 2004, the more angry I become. Alas, just as T2 was not for everyone...T:V is not for me. Considering that Irrational was responsible for one of my favorite PC games (SS2), I'm kinda sad.


Of course they wanted to cater to a different audience than the T2 crowd, because T2 was a failure. The T2 audience was very small, heck it was close to around the same size as the T1 audience when that game had been around for 3 years already. So why would the new devs want to repeat the same mistakes just because there's a few outspoken supporters of the messed up system?
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