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Tribes: Vengeance beta open to all later today.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
rastex said:
Of course they wanted to cater to a different audience than the T2 crowd, because T2 was a failure. The T2 audience was very small, heck it was close to around the same size as the T1 audience when that game had been around for 3 years already. So why would the new devs want to repeat the same mistakes just because there's a few outspoken supporters of the messed up system?

Yeah, but they have simplified the game to a point where it isn't even Tribes anymore. They have removed almost every unique feature from the game. Rather than looking at the good ideas found in both games and using them to their fullest, they completely did away with everything that made the games special. I mean, large maps were present in Tribes 1 too...so right from the beginning, they chose a poor engine to build the game on. T:V has become Unreal Tournment - Tribes Edition.

You also ignore one major factor in the failure of Tribes 2. While the mechanics had a few issues that many people didn't care for, the largest problem was the god awful launch. The game was virtually unplayable for months. I knew several people who purchased the game at launch and simply gave up on it due to the problems. They never returned to the game after that...

I firmly believe that Tribes 2 was an incomplete masterpiece. They were heading in the right direction, but some major screw-ups ruined that chance. Irrational should have built upon that and created a success out of the failure instead of abandoning everything unique about Tribes.
Well, "Messed up system" is your opinion. Not mine, or allot of people I played with. The main draw for me was that Tribes 2 was very different. The various packs, the team based combat...I still haven't played anything to this day that was as engrossing as it was.

Honestly, its sounding like they made TV more like everything else out there. I'm sure its very fast, and very beautiful. I'm sure the gameplay is good. However, I can say that about a few online shooters that are more the quick paced, one man gameplay type.

I'm not trying to impose my opinion, simply to voice it. I think its unfortunate they went the route of making the game like everything else out there when it was so unique before.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Biff Hardbody said:
Well, "Messed up system" is your opinion. Not mine, or allot of people I played with. The main draw for me was that Tribes 2 was very different. The various packs, the team based combat...I still haven't played anything to this day that was as engrossing as it was.

Honestly, its sounding like they made TV more like everything else out there. I'm sure its very fast, and very beautiful. I'm sure the gameplay is good. However, I can say that about a few online shooters that are more the quick paced, one man gameplay type.

I'm not trying to impose my opinion, simply to voice it. I think its unfortunate they went the route of making the game like everything else out there when it was so unique before.



What you guys seem to be ignoring is that Tribes pretty much INVENTED the whole class based system and bases and all of that, that games nowadays are using. The only other game at the time that I can think of that had class-based multiplayer was Team Fortress Classic and that came out 1 year after Tribes (which I dont' think is coincidental ;) ) So T:V is just continuing the trend that Tribes started, not stealing from other games, geez...

And if you'er going to have an opinion at least make it an informed one. T:V is NOT like every other game out there, not at all. Seriously, you guys keep on making these sweeping remarks, PLEASE show me how T:V is similar to other games currently out.
rastex said:
What you guys seem to be ignoring is that Tribes pretty much INVENTED the whole class based system and bases and all of that, that games nowadays are using. The only other game at the time that I can think of that had class-based multiplayer was Team Fortress Classic and that came out 1 year after Tribes (which I dont' think is coincidental ;) ) So T:V is just continuing the trend that Tribes started, not stealing from other games, geez...

And if you'er going to have an opinion at least make it an informed one. T:V is NOT like every other game out there, not at all. Seriously, you guys keep on making these sweeping remarks, PLEASE show me how T:V is similar to other games currently out.

That really isn't my argument. Frankly, it doesn't matter to me who created what. What matters to me is how the game plays. From the various impressions I have read, T2 plays drastically different from TV. That is my main gripe with it.

My gripes with it...

They took away the shocklance. Unless you played as long as I did with the lance, you can't really appreciate how much of a blow this is. No FPS out there had a weapon like it. It opened up such a wide variety of play styles. Cloak pack could take on a fully armed heavy energy or medium shield, but it required nerves of steel and a drastically different playing style. A game where a melee weapon could compete with the big guns only if you spent time dedicated to it...unreal. I've never played a game like that, and taking it away makes the game that much more ordinary and like everything else out there in my book. This is a tremendously bad move.

Cloak pack, see above.

No transport. The game is changed from one directed towards team based combat to individual gameplay. Again, this makes the game more like everything out there. Sure, there ar emany team based games out there...nothing compared to T2 though. When you cut away a piece of equip like the transport, it says to me we are doing away with what made T2 THE multiplayer game.

No siege gameplay type. Oh fuck. This one really hurts. The reason I loved onslaught in UT2K4 was because it had allot of similairity to siege. Not as good, but close to it. Now I hear TV doesn't have anything like that in there. Terrible.

They make a mod for the cloak pack, lance, and siege gameplay type. I'm there.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
OK, so it still has the core Tribes gameplay, and even controls a bit better...but the problem is that they have removed a shit ton of features and seriously reduced the map size. This is to Tribes 1 & 2 as Deus Ex Invisible War is to Deus Ex. Both of the newest installments share many core components with the originals, but MANY MORE features were removed, the map sizes were seriously reduced, and the games became way too streamlined for their own good. That's actually a good way to put it. DXIW was critisized for removing additional layers of complexity and reducing the size of the game world...and that is exactly the case here. Sure, they are very different games...but I'm getting sick of devs removing anything remotely complex in order to make a game easy for everyone to play.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't know quite what to think, I've been following this thread trying to get the "OMFG a new Tribes game ohfuckhellyeah" feeling going yet still haven't downloaded the beta :/

I loved Tribes 1, and played competitively in the UKTL (for TEK, the Tribes Eternal Knights) followed every release by script writers such as Cowboy, Crunchy & Writer etc. for any hint of a legal advantage. I was a heavy fan, not a lame mortar spammer, a precision mortar user, using mortars in heavy defense in competitive play was a risky knife-edge of a tactic, get it right all the time & you were fine, fuck up once and you risked being kicked from your tribe, more than once and that exile was a guarantee.

I liked Tribes 2, in fact once the patch that solved the majority of the UE's came along 6 months down the line I started to love T2, as a heavy defender I'm sure you could understand why, in T1 a one-on-one between a Heavy and a Light was skewed heavily in the lights favour (75/25 I'd say) in T2 however a one-on-one was a lot more even, Heavy's needn't cry in despair at the first sight of a light any more.

Now, The last time I looked into T:V many many moons ago I heard that they'd removed Heavies, this killed all interest in the game for me, and only recently did I hear that they were back so decided maybe I should go catch up and find out if maybe, just maybe Tribes really was still alive.

I have UT2k4, I love it and will be back to playing it once I've finished Doom 3, but it's no Tribes, and if T:V is so UT-like that it's just UT-with-jetpacks then Tribes may as well be dead as far as I'm concerned.

I guess I'm just going to have to bite the bullet, download and find out for my own goddamned lazy self :p
Another thing is this. I really want to enjoy Tribes Vengance. I'll probably buy it since I just built a kick ass new pc. However, hearing they took away the stuff I loved about T2, combined with various other things I hear (like dark saying the maps are smaller, I've heard this elsewhere)...its very disheartening. I'm not trying to hold onto the past or just be elitist, its that the changes actually dissapoint me.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Anyone else remember the MPB toss from T2? Park an MPB, drop as many EMP grenades underneath it (100s of them, if you wanted), and then have someone climb in...

That baby would take off into orbit and fly WAYYYYYYY out of bounds. Always good for a laugh, though we actually used this successfully in a game one time by figuring out EXACLTY how much of a blast would be required to get the thing over near the enemy base. :p Worked like a champ too (as the MPB would usually survive the blast somehow). It was pretty difficult to pull off, though, so we only really used it for that one time. After the game, our opponents were quite baffled.
I do indeed, it was great. Seeing this thread has reminded me...I still play T2 all the time. If you do, look for "kamikaze samurai". That's my handle there.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Biff Hardbody said:
I do indeed, it was great. Seeing this thread has reminded me...I still play T2 all the time. If you do, look for "kamikaze samurai". That's my handle there.

Well, all this Tribes talk has me itching to install the game once more...

If I do indeed load it back up, perhaps I'll search for you and we'll play a game. :) How's the community holding up anways? It's been a while...
Cool, let me know. Xfire name- kamisami

The community is still actually very strong with the classic rules CTF scene, public and official. I was a siege player, but the leagues died through that very quickly. The result is my favorite game type, siege has been dying off for some time. There was one dedicated siege sever called "the pond" where I spent most my time, but it hasn't been up for the past week or so. I still play official CTF matches often, every other week or so. But , siege is my favorite game type. Ussually its empty, but if a few people join a whole slew of old regulars ussually jump on.


And its not just the stuff that they took out, the feel ... the impressiveness of certain things is just gone. Artillery duels are complete suck now. The range is shorter so they aren't duels so much as they are more powerful grenade launchers. Then the actual explosions themselves are lame. In Tribes2, the actual look of opponents getting caught in a mortar blast was impressive. Here its just like anything else.... the other player does some stupid ass 'I'm spinning out of control" animation (most of the time). Man I hate that spinfusors don't skim off the water anymore. I haven't yet found a way to reliably down aircraft or vehicles either.

In Tribes2 that was a HUGE HUGE draw. When you knew vehicles were coming you really had to get your shit together, get out there with a missle launcher and try to down a plane, transport, or tank. Lord help you if its a transport carrying heavies - best hope that your intercepting planes or forward deployed turrets can put that baby in the dirt quick. There was such an epic feel to everything.

Tribes2 felt like 'combat'. This just feels so ... quakish.

Now I'm not entirely negative on the game - don't get me wrong. Its definitely not a game for me.... but I don't think it sucks. The flamer has grown to become one of my preferred weapons. Good for building a permieter or slowing people chasing my flag carrier. The grappling hooks bring me back to my Quake2 multiplayer days.... good times.

I like that they took some things into consideration such as emergency packs for when the generators are down, repair packs being seperate from the weapon in use (they aren't a gun) so you don;t have to be defenseless when repairing - though that was part of the fun IMO, and a few other things that make it 'playable'. I like some of the art.

I think I would say that this is like taking Operation Flashpoint and turning it into Medal Of Honor multiplayer. You're still doing the same stuff... but its so streamlined and dumbed down that the audience appeal is gone. Now if you think that Tribes:V is going to go streamlined and pull people from HL2, UT2K4, etc. then I think you're nuts. The only reason to make a Tribes '3' was to grow the Tribes brand and expand on that uniqueness. You don't do that by making something like everything out and about to come out.

I just can't comprehend why some of these design decisions were made.


Holy shit, I thought the Vengance beta was pretty cool, but you guys are making me want to go out and buy both T1 and T2. Are either of them still popular today?


i dunno i still play tribes one and it seems like there is enough people still playing aslong as u know what servers to play. I play nappy check them out.


Unconfirmed Member
...Artillery duels are complete suck now. The range is shorter so they aren't duels so much as they are more powerful grenade launchers.

Tribes2 felt like 'combat'. This just feels so ... quakish.

I think I would say that this is like taking Operation Flashpoint and turning it into Medal Of Honor multiplayer. You're still doing the same stuff... but its so streamlined and dumbed down that the audience appeal is gone.


*cancels Beta download*

Shorter range mortars??? Powerful grenade launchers???? As a fervant HD those lines were the last straw.

I hope that some do enjoy it, as it would mean Tribes lives on, but I know enough about Tribes gameplay of the past, and now have read enough beta T:V feedback both here and at TribalWar to know it's not for me.

Oh well, got plenty on my "to-play" and "will-be-playing" list to keep me busy for months, but damn :/


Slo said:
Holy shit, I thought the Vengance beta was pretty cool, but you guys are making me want to go out and buy both T1 and T2. Are either of them still popular today?

My personal preference right now-
T:V > T1 >>> T2 > Legends

I can't wait to see what the final version of T:V is going to include :)

edit: Freeburn!! WTH is wrong with you? Just download the damn game and try it yourself, don't let some small changes deter you. You might end up hating it, or you could end up loving it, just give it a shot. I say you have to play until you're proficient with the grappler until you can make a valid opinion.


hahaha true true.

Little tidbit of info, I actually met one of the developers of the original Tribes, he's a very very cool person. He told me how the company was SOO chill during the development of the game and everybody was loving it and having a great time making a game they were really passionate about. I feel this really comes through in the game, it has a ton of personality.

For people who know about the history of Tribes 2.. .well, it's a much different story unfortunately.


Unconfirmed Member
As my main joy in Tribes was mortaring an escaping capper at 200-300 metres, the changes seem fatal to my enjoyment, the feeling of waiting 10-20 seconds for your shell to fall and then seeing the kill pop-up, knowing that at that point the capper was just beginning to feel he had a chance at a cap was unmatched for me in any other area of Tribes play. This was a true HD/Mortar role that had no equal in ANY other team-based game, and from all accounts this is exactly what has gone...

Maybe I'll kick the D/L tomorrow off when I've chilled out a bit, but right now all I can see is a shell of a game for those who loved lights & airdisks.


dark10x said:
Understatement of the year? SMALL CHANGES? That's a flat out LIE, rast.

Doesn't mean it isn't worth a try, though. :)

I will agree with that. Try it for yourself - you don't have anything to lose :) After hearing about the changes I felt that I needed to know for myself if it was just the truly hardcore Tribes players or if the game really was 'different'. You need to make that determination for yourself.


We can be assured it will be up there. (hopefully). I never got to play T1, but after playing T:V extensively, I can udnerstand how some people didn't like T2..mainly the speed.

That aside, buckler and a shield pack, now thats one way to block cg whoring lol.

As for MAing, maybe they should also give pts for MAing with grenade launchers, heck maybe mortars as well..just the spinfusor won't be enough imo.
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