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Truck plows into market in Berlin killing 12, injuring 48. Suspect shot dead in Italy

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Yeah, dude is a hero if true.

I still find it strange he was alive for so long though, you'd think the terrorist would have just killed him straight away. Dread to think what went on in those hours leading up to the attack.

You would think, I'm trying to figure out a possible reason why the Truck turned like the way it did, likely saving dozens of lives. It entered at the start of the market and could have taken out the entire market.


Yeah, dude is a hero if true.

I still find it strange he was alive for so long though, you'd think the terrorist would have just killed him straight away. Dread to think what went on in those hours leading up to the attack.

Because he needed him probably to drive the truck to the Christmas market through the city. Somebody who has never driven a truck of this size would never get through a city like Berlin.
Because he needed him probably to drive the truck to the Christmas market through the city. Somebody who has never driven a truck of this size would never get through a city like Berlin.

I hope nobody judges him if that is the case, he could have been stabbed and had a gun to his head the whole time. Then when the attack happened he took the chance. Poor guy.


I hope nobody judges him if that is the case, he could have been stabbed and had a gun to his head the whole time. Then when the attack happened he took the chance. Poor guy.

Nobody will, because he probably thought first it was "just" a robbery and when he found out, what was really happening, he fought back, even while he was already injured. So the guy is a hero, no doubt.


I hope nobody judges him if that is the case, he could have been stabbed and had a gun to his head the whole time. Then when the attack happened he took the chance. Poor guy.

The driver probably thought this is "just" a robbery/carjacking, no reason to risk your life for a truck. He reacted only when it turned out to be a terrorist attack.


Left and right wing demonstrations going on right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11JjoQ9mzF4

I do find it kind of telling that according to the video description the left demonstration is under the title of "Against the rightwing instrumentation and racist hate in the close vicinity of the place of attack". How about commemorating the victims first and foremost?

Then again it's german RT so who knows how accurate that is.


Unconfirmed Member
I do find it kind of telling that according to the video description the left demonstration is under the title of "Against the rightwing instrumentation and racist hate in the close vicinity of the place of attack". How about commemorating the victims first and foremost?

Then again it's german RT so who knows how accurate that is.
It's a counter demonstration against the nazi demo from what I understand


I do find it kind of telling that according to the video description the left demonstration is under the title of "Against the rightwing instrumentation and racist hate in the close vicinity of the place of attack".
again this is simply wrong. I know / guess that we both speak the same mother language so either you are posting purposly wrong information or .. I dunno.

It's a counter demonstration against the nazi demo from what I understand


again this is simply wrong. I know / guess that we both speak the same mother language so either you are posting purposly wrong information or .. I dunno.

Einerseits zum Protest von der rechten Gruppierung „Berlin wehrt sich – Gemeinsam gegen Asylmissbrauch“ gegen die Flüchtlingspolitik unter dem Motto: „Grenzen dicht machen – an Merkels Händen klebt Blut“, den auch die NPD unterstützt, und andererseits ein Gegenprotest des "Berliner Bündnisses gegen Rechts", das „ein Zeichen gegen die rechte Instrumentalisierung und rassistische Hetze in unmittelbarer Nähe des Tatortes setzen will“.

I do find it kind of telling that according to the video description the left demonstration is under the title of "Against the rightwing instrumentation and racist hate in the close vicinity of the place of attack". How about commemorating the victims first and foremost?

Then again it's german RT so who knows how accurate that is.

It's a counter demonstration against a demonstration trying to instrumentalize the attack. Which is pretty fucked up.

Too bad and to no one's surprise the Antifa is in the forefront of this.


The demonstration is titled (translated) "Berlin alliance against right-wing extremist" as it is absolutely clearly stated. There is nothing to read between the lines. It is literally stated exactly this way and its exactly that name and title.

There is a demonstration by right-wing extremists with the german NPD, AfD and others. Those people already started to abuse and instrumentalise this attack by spreading false news and making false claims. The anti-demonstration simply said that they want to stop this.
Or to keep it literally "want to set a sign against the rightwing instrumentation and racist hate in the close vicinity of the place of attack". Just in case you didn't notice: the Nazi demonstration is 50 meters around the corner.


It's a counter demonstration against a demonstration trying to instrumentalize the attack. Which is pretty fucked up.

Too bad and to no one's surprise the Antifa is in the forefront of this.

Yeah it's disgusting to think that instead of showing respect and commemorating the victims NPD nazis try to use this for their gain while Antifa will probably come throwing eggs and shit as usual. What a shitshow.


Yeah it's disgusting to think that instead of showing respect and commemorating the victims NPD nazis try to use this for their gain while Antifa will probably come throwing eggs and shit as usual. What a shitshow.

people from all cultures and religions have gathered at the scene of the attack and mourned and expressed their solidarity with the victims and their families. This is a political demonstration, and protesting against ISIS or terror seems kind of pointless


Yeah there doesn't seem anything wrong with that demonstration at all. Part of the battle is fighting against right-wing rhetoric, it's just the liberal government has to do more behind the scenes than just point out how bad the right-wing nasties are. They don't commit these crimes, they just fan the flames and/or inspire retaliation against innocents for the crimes. Bad in on itself, but as I said the liberal government just pointing the finger at the right wing is only part of the overall solution. In fact its actually a very small part of the solution are there is much more than can be done to marginalise right wing parties than just say how awful they are.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
A common observation among all attack perpetrators, but also the reason why it's hard to anticipate them. Most of them are just petty criminals who happen to browse islamist websites. You can't really lock someone up for that, or you'd have to stuff tens of thousands of people into jail.

Sounds like grounds for deporting.

If their country won't take them back, then don't accept any flights from said country until they relent.


Sounds like grounds for deporting.

If their country won't take them back, then don't accept any flights from said country until they relent.

Too little, too late - and Libya's leaders make way more from smuggling. Southern Europe has needed the EU for the past 10 years and got nothing. The only way this will get solved is if nations that aren't geographically vulnerable to the migrant crisis actually give a shit about the future of Europe before it's too late. Britons made a big deal about the Calais jungle story - even Douglas Murray, a Briton complained about the UK's complacency while noting to Sky News that there are more migrants that wash up on Italy's shore in a single day than that big controversy for Britain. Italy is in political turmoil, is facing 50% youth unemployment, and its banks are insolvent and in need of a bailout. This problem will spill over to the rest of self-interested Europe because it is an insurmountable task for the southern states to control this unending wave of migrants from the Mediterranean.

A new report has found Prime Minister of Libya, Fayez al-Sarraj, is directly benefiting from the migration from his country to Europe.

The research has suggested 300 million euros per year are generated from human trafficking and that amount represents the most substantial revenue to the cities controlled by Sarraj. Admiral Enrico Credendino, the commander of the mission Eunavfor Med, and author of the report said the smuggling of human beings guarantees a turnover of between 275 and 325 million euro per year.

Mr Credendino concluded the migration is a constant income for the Libyan leader while it remains a great strain on Italy.


Sounds like grounds for deporting.

If their country won't take them back, then don't accept any flights from said country until they relent.

Blocking all trade and tourism with a country because one guy used a fake ID ? That doesn't seem realistic.
Anyway in this specific case the guy was supposed to be deported already, the issue seems to be in the logistics of it, since it took too much time.
(but deporting someone isn't an absolute solution either, since there are many ways for him to come back, and not only because of migrant policies)


Blocking all trade and tourism with a country because one guy used a fake ID ? That doesn't seem realistic.
Anyway in this specific case the guy was supposed to be deported already, the issue seems to be in the logistics of it, since it took too much time.
(but deporting someone isn't an absolute solution either, since there are many ways for him to come back, and not only because of migrant policies)
He probably means until there is a general mechanism for the EU to send back everyone from that country when necessary, not one single guy. They don't arrange this person by person.
They're going off of this based on a left residence permit and nothing else? What if the perp planted that to throw a false trail?

I imagine there isn't any good surveillance footage.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Too little, too late - and Libya's leaders make way more from smuggling. Southern Europe has needed the EU for the past 10 years and got nothing. The only way this will get solved is if nations that aren't geographically vulnerable to the migrant crisis actually give a shit about the future of Europe before it's too late. Britons made a big deal about the Calais jungle story - even Douglas Murray, a Briton complained that there are more migrants that wash up on Italy's shore in a single day than that big controversy for Britain.

The EU already implements migrant quotas outside of the Common Travel Area (UK and Ireland) and Denmark.

All it does is encourage more migrants, especially as many of them want to live in France, Germany, Sweden, or the UK anyways.... That's the whole reason for the Calais Jungle's existence, trying to enter the UK instead of the nearest safe country as a refugee would...

Spreading Southern Europe's problem over the rest of the EU even more than it already is would not solve it... it would increase it.

Blocking all trade and tourism with a country because one guy used a fake ID ? That doesn't seem realistic.
Anyway in this specific case the guy was supposed to be deported already, the issue seems to be in the logistics of it, since it took too much time.
(but deporting someone isn't an absolute solution either, since there are many ways for him to come back, and not only because of migrant policies)

If countries regularly refuse to take back criminals, then there are political solutions to put pressure on those countries. The USA does it all the time and the EU has the same kind of sway...


He probably means until there is a general mechanism for the EU to send back everyone from that country when necessary, not one single guy. They don't arrange this person by person.

It will always be a case by case scenario, since the destination country can always deny a specific deportee to be one of its citizens. Which seems to have been the case here.


They're going off of this based on a left residence permit and nothing else? What if the perp planted that to throw a false trail?

I imagine there isn't any good surveillance footage.

That's possible, but why would the perp think he would make it out alive? Him managing to escape was pure luck. It's more likely he expected to die and wanted his name out there, or he just dropped the papers accidentally.


The EU already implements migrant quotas outside of the Common Travel Area (UK and Ireland) and Denmark.

All it does is encourage more migrants, especially as many of them want to live in France, Germany, Sweden, or the UK anyways.... That's the whole reason for the Calais Jungle's existence, trying to enter the UK instead of the nearest safe country as a refugee would...

Spreading Southern Europe's problem over the rest of the EU even more than it already is would not solve it... it would increase it.

If countries regularly refuse to take back criminals, then there are political solutions to put pressure on those countries. The USA does it all the time and the EU has the same kind of sway...

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/nov/03/eu-migrants--torture-beatings-illegal-deportations-testimony said:
The implementation of the EU ‘hotspot’ system, which forces all migrants to be fingerprinted on arrival in Italy, and the failure of the EU’s relocation scheme, which has meant more refugees are housed in Italy and Greece than most EU members, has stretched Italian resources and created a dynamic that encourages abuse, Amnesty said.

Since 2015, European leaders have forced Italy to register all arrivals from Libya, effectively making Italy responsible for their care, without welcoming any themselves. Just 1,200 refugees have been formally relocated from Italy to other European countries out of the 40,000 whom EU members initially promised to absorb.

The Italian prime minister, Matteo Renzi, threatened last week to veto the disbursement of EU funds to countries that failed to welcome refugees from Italy. “Italy cannot take another year like the one we’ve just had,” Renzi said.

Amnesty’s lead researcher on the project, Matteo De Bellis, said: “The hotspot approach, designed in Brussels and executed in Italy, has increased, not decreased, the pressure on frontline states. It is resulting in appalling violations of the rights of desperately vulnerable people for which the Italian authorities bear a direct responsibility and Europe’s leaders a political one.”


I think they have his DNA in the system, seeing how he was arrested before.

They know he is injured, probably from the blood they found in the truck. They were waiting on DNA results one or two days after the attack.

I'm not saying I know, but it's the most likely seeing how certain the German Police are.


That doesn't contradict what I said, though obviously it's unfortunate that Italy and Greece bear the brunt.

All it does is encourage more migrants, especially as many of them want to live in France, Germany, Sweden, or the UK anyways

The failed relocation system that ensures these migrants a life in the states they would rather live in, as you say, isn't working, nor are the migrants themselves seemingly interested in pushing into the borders of those states in any meaningful numbers themselves. They are content to remain there, and the numbers show this. If it were different, the EU wouldn't be so complacent, after all.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
The failed relocation system that ensures these migrants a life in the states they would rather live in, as you say, isn't working, nor are the migrants themselves seemingly interested in pushing into the borders of those states, themselves. They are content to remain there, and the numbers show this. If it were different, the EU wouldn't be so complacent, after all.

I'm afraid not.


The Calais Jungle was proof of this, as was the re-implementation of border controls by Denmark because so many were using it to get to Sweden...


Jesus christ that is scary. I hope that article is just particularly alarmist, because... yikes. A good friend of mine is Algerian and I'm a bit worried about her. She's a closest atheist/apostate too. :(

The Spectator is a fairly decent source, although that is a speculative piece. It is conservative leaning, but as bad as the current UK Conservative party are, The Spectator started ages back. Both the Labour party and Conservative party in the UK have taken historical turns of being absolutely terrible. The Tories are just on a home run right now where it goes from worse to worse. If Labour do attempt to bring back Tony Blair, then bloody hell, they'll be gunning for that badge of terrible from the current Tories. Not many of us have much sympathy for war criminals, regardless of how bad the Tories currently are.

Most notable writer is probably Douglas Murray - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_Murray_(author) He's probably the British Hitchens/Harris equivalent (I know Hitchens is British, but he really shot to fame in America and with American politics). Often misquoted and attacked, but usually fairly reasonable in putting points across even if you disagree with him.


I'm afraid not.

The Calais Jungle was proof of this, as was the re-implementation of border controls by Denmark because so many were using it to get to Sweden...

My gripe is with the conditions of immigration for more than a decade that the EU hasn't sought to address: not just 2015. Gadaffi, et all.

http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/special-features/2014/10/141031-italy-immigration-crisis-human-trafficking/ said:
Refugees have altered Italy's demographics. With Spain, Italy shares the European record for the greatest growth in the number of newcomers since 2000.
So, the source seems to be a Tunisian radio channel, but holy shit if true. Google Translate:

Terror Suspect Anis Amri was an acquaintance of the Tunisian police, which has a source within the security services said Wednesday in the country at the Tunisian radio station Mosaique FM. He committed a violent robbery in his country [Tunisia].

At the same station showed the father of the accused that his son left Tunisia seven years ago as an illegal immigrant. He also confirmed that Anis Amri in Italy four years in prison has been due to the burning of a school. According to his father, he left a year ago to Germany. Amri still had contact with his brothers but not with his father.

The source within the security services had also announced that Amri comes from the place Oueslatia in rural central Tunisia.

This guy burned down a school according to his father. And we still let him walk around here.

So we got armed robbery, arson, fake passports, trying to get a gun, assault and ties to a terrorist organization. And he was still allowed to walk around in Germany.

New York Times also reporting: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/21/world/europe/berlin-christmas-market-attack.html?_r=0

Mr. Mayer, the lawmaker, said the Tunisian man had spent a day in custody pending deportation, but because the authorities were unable to establish his identity “beyond doubt,” he was released. “This is a person who apparently was known to be potentially dangerous and who apparently was to be deported,” Mr. Mayer said.
Mr. Amri is believed to come from the impoverished south of Tunisia, on the edge of the Sahara. His father told a Tunisian radio station, Mosaïque FM, that his son left Tunisia about seven years ago and served four years in prison in Italy after he was accused of setting fire to a school. The son was sentenced in absentia in Tunisia to five years in prison for violent robbery, the radio station reported.
How did this get passed everyone? Are there no systems in place that put a big red flag up when you run his finger prints that says: convicted felon, please deport as soon as possible.
Welp, still im shock since i just read some Facebook posts. It's the government people. It was staged.
Why? Well, it was too quiet for too long. They need people to be scared. Proof? The identity card of course (why would he bring it?). The other terrorist attackts with identity cards were staged too.
Because governments want WW3.

The amount of people agreeing with these posts was quite shocking.


So, the source seems to be a Tunisian radio channel, but holy shit if true. Google Translate:


This guy burned down a school according to his father. And we still let him walk around here.

So we got armed robbery, arson, fake passports, trying to get a gun, assault and ties to a terrorist organization. And he was still allowed to walk around in Germany.

New York Times also reporting: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/21/world/europe/berlin-christmas-market-attack.html?_r=0

How did this get passed everyone? Are there no systems in place that put a big red flag up when you run his finger prints that says: convicted felon, please deport as soon as possible.

Christ, even if he somehow isn't the person who done this attack that is a heck of a rap sheet on its own. I echo my earlier sentiments, how wasn't this guy on house arrest/24/7 surveillance or with some sort of ankle bracelet? Without a doubt a failing of the German government they will have to answer for and try and explain why.

Welp, still im shock since i just read some Facebook posts. It's the government people. It was staged.
Why? Well, it was too quiet for too long. They need people to be scared. Proof? The identity card of course (why would he bring it?). The other terrorist attackts with identity cards were staged too.
Because governments want WW3.

The amount of people agreeing with these posts was quite shocking.

Wut? That reads like some far left equivalent of the far right. They say everyone Brown/Muslim is a terrorist, these people say any terrorist attack which has actually happened is staged? lol... Facebook, continuing to unveil the insanity of beliefs that are living around us.
That Polish driver is one unlucky guy. Apparently he was supposed to drop of his cargo that afternoon already, but it was delayed to the next morning, so he had to stick around in Berlin that day. It was his last delivery before going home for Christmas.


Welp, still im shock since i just read some Facebook posts. It's the government people. It was staged.
Why? Well, it was too quiet for too long. They need people to be scared. Proof? The identity card of course (why would he bring it?). The other terrorist attackts with identity cards were staged too.
Because governments want WW3.

The amount of people agreeing with these posts was quite shocking.

Well, wait. If the conspiracy nuts are right and it was staged by the government then wouldn't that absolve the refugees? But I bet they're still crying about them, too.

Conspiracy theories are so dumb.


That Polish driver is one unlucky guy. Apparently he was supposed to drop of his cargo that afternoon already, but it was delayed to the next morning, so he had to stick around in Berlin that day. It was his last delivery before going home for Christmas.

Shit like that makes it so hard for the family and friends. Given initial reports he should be remembered as a hero, not an unlucky dude. What I'm about to say next isn't suppose to minimize the loss of him as an individual, but just to point out if it weren't him it would have been someone else (that is absolutely no sort of consolation to the family, or anyone for that matter). This sick fuck had obviously made his mind up he was jacking a truck, and it was going to happen on the day it happened. Hence why we need to go to the German government and question why this sick fuck was still in the country first of all, and whilst he was there why he wasn't on 24/7 surveillance until he was dealt with? Maybe that would have prevented ANY truck driver from being killed, let alone a mass of civilians.
Well, wait. If the conspiracy nuts are right and it was staged by the government then wouldn't that absolve the refugees? But I bet they're still crying about them, too.

Conspiracy theories are so dumb.
I don't know what to think. I was amazed with the certainty these people were talking. So many...
You kinda lose hope for humanity.
Shit like that makes it so hard for the family and friends. Given initial reports he should be remembered as a hero, not an unlucky dude. What I'm about to say next isn't suppose to minimize the loss of him as an individual, but just to point out if it weren't him it would have been someone else (that is absolutely no sort of consolation to the family, or anyone for that matter). This sick fuck had obviously made his mind up he was jacking a truck, and it was going to happen on the day it happened. Hence why we need to go to the German government and question why this sick fuck was still in the country first of all, and whilst he was there why he wasn't on 24/7 surveillance until he was dealt with? Maybe that would have prevented ANY truck driver from being killed, let alone a mass of civilians.
Yeah, I agree. If it wasn't him, the terrorist would have gotten another truck. Just incredibly unlucky for him personally that if he could have just unloaded his cargo that day like planned, he would be home with his family now.

And it seems he saved a bunch of lives by trying to stop the terrorist during the attack. Definitely a hero for that and he should be remembered as such.


Yeah, I agree. If it wasn't him, the terrorist would have gotten another truck. Just incredibly unlucky for him personally that if he could have just unloaded his cargo that day like planned, he would be home with his family now.

And it seems he saved a bunch of lives by trying to stop the terrorist during the attack. Definitely a hero for that and he should be remembered as such.

Yeah I've been thinking about that, maybe it actually caused the terrorist to get out and flee? Usually they aim to keep driving for maximum causality. If the truck has swerved and lost control the guy might have "panicked" and fled the scene earlier than he planned. An investigation of the scene and when they catch the attacker might unveil more. I say when because as much as I'm railing on the authorities I hope they work hard now and manage to get the guy if he's still in Germany.

It's sadly rare these terrorists get brought in alive for interrogation, as they usually don't offer any other choice than a fatal end. I say sad, but it's what he deserves, and I only say that because at times you wish you could try and get info from his mouth.


I've just been to the scene. The NPD protest was one of the most shocking things I have experienced. in my live honestly. It was in very close proximity and the speaker was yelling of the top of his lungs and got more and more agitated. I couldn't even understand what he was on about. So vile next to a place that should be a scene of contemplation and solace.


I've just been to the scene. The NPD protest was one of the most shocking things I have experienced. in my live honestly. It was in very close proximity and the speaker was yelling of the top of his lungs and got more and more agitated. I couldn't even understand what he was on about. So vile next to a place that should be a scene of contemplation and solace.

It's beginning to sound like their party name is rather appropriate, narcissistic personality disorder...
I've just been to the scene. The NPD protest was one of the most shocking things I have experienced. in my live honestly. It was in very close proximity and the speaker was yelling of the top of his lungs and got more and more agitated. I couldn't even understand what he was on about. So vile next to a place that should be a scene of contemplation and solace.
Bunch of assholes trying to capitalize on suffering. Like they really care. I rather have the traditional parties starting to discuss how the prevent these things in the future, instead of some of these nuts yelling in the streets pretending they can do anything.

And just for completions sake after the last few reports about how the terrorist was already convicted earlier in Tunisia for armed robbery, and later did 4 years in prison in Italy. That last sentence wasn't just for arson, but also violence, bodily injury and theft.

In May 2015 he was released and moved to the deportation detention center in the central Italian city of Caltanissetta, from which he was released a few weeks later. The Italians had run Amri - just like the German authorities - because Tunisia Amri not officially recognized. Then he traveled to Germany.

According to information from the "World", the Italian authorities have fingerprints and photographs of Amri. Amri is considered "violent" and was thus also described by fellow prisoners.

If I understand right, because Tunisia refused to recognize him as one of their citizens, Italy just let him go, while he should have been deported. Afterwards he traveled to Germany and they did exactly the same. The EU countries need to change this, we are now just letting illegals stay here who have already proven to be violent, and there should be absolutely no reason for those people to walk free.


Bunch of assholes trying to capitalize on suffering. Like they really care. I rather have the traditional parties starting to discuss how the prevent these things in the future, instead of some of these nuts yelling in the streets pretending they can do anything.

And just for completions sake after the last few reports about how the terrorist was already convicted earlier in Tunisia for armed robbery, and later did 4 years in prison in Italy. That last sentence wasn't just for arson, but also violence, bodily injury and theft.


If I understand right, because Tunisia refused to recognize him as one of their citizens, Italy just let him go, while he should have been deported. Afterwards he traveled to Germany and they did exactly the same. The EU countries need to change this, we are now just letting illegals stay here who have already proven to be violent, and there should be absolutely no reason for those people to walk free.

Yeah the lack of doing anything like this (or doing something productively) is precisely what gives ammo to Euro-sceptics, in a bad way. Sure they inflate it, turn it to smearing and act like assholes, but it's depressing if there is a grain of truth in their rhetoric that life may have been lost due to many liberal governments mishandling of such a vile human being. At the very least as I said Germany should have had him on 24/7 surveillance if they were allowing him to stay in the country till supposed deportation. You cannot threaten a violent ISIS sympathiser with deportation and then just expect them to sit around waiting peacefully on said date.

Stories like this if it fully pans out like it seems to be is precisely why I am attacking liberal home base like I am. People are giving me flak, saying I'm being unfair and at times saying I should be more focused on the right. As I say all the time the right are gaining power, or more so what were once fringe right groups are precisely because in situations where blood is shed and it comes down on the fault of liberal governments. They don't self-reflect and try to improve, but keep insisting immigration isn't a topic worth discussing. It is. It's a complex and messy one and it's about time people stop pandering to anyone calling people racists, fascists and xenophobes for having genuinely reasonable discussions on immigration, vetting and so on. Save the name calling for the right, not those on the left trying to do something productive and have hard conversations. People have died because it looks like the German government has fucked up, that is more concerning that spending time taking pot shots at assholes on the right trying to take advantage.
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