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TRUMP 2016: "The Winston Churchill of Our Time"

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And he calls the FBI after El Chapo's son tweeted a threat at him. I don't know if that's actually his son's account, but that's what people are reporting.




Is this real life?!
Conservatives do like trump though, I deal with these comments everyday.

"Well at least he will make decisions regardless of whether it hurts peoples feelings"
"He's rich and knows what businesses needs to get this country productive again"
"Trump isn't afraid to be bold'

All of that is coded language, obviously.
Lol at him actually saying "I told you so" usually candidates find a more tactful way of ... Oh, forgot who we were talking about.
It's not even a real "I told you so." A Mexican criminal escaped from a Mexican prison and is in Mexico. It has nothing to do with exporting criminals to the US.

And I'm sure the coke that's coming in requires red-blooded, American assistance at the border.
I can't help but sit back and enjoy the shitstorm republicans have created for themselves by appealing to the furthest right they could for votes. The drive to out conservative each other has basically left them with little else but diet racism/homophobia and false history grand-standing to get the bigots to the polls. Instead of having an honorable public face, they adopted rhetoric of their lunatics thinking it was what the constituents wanted.
Pretty sure Trump is just the most well financed troll in the world

I was convinced when he joked about taking out ISIS so fast like it wasn't nothin
When is the first republican debate anyway?

I hope Trump goes as far become the Republican nominee

I need the comedy. Jeb will be boring


In political elections you typically start by catering to your base. Once you get the nomination you drift more towards the middle to grab the moderates and independents.

I for one cannot see how Trump can ever drift to the middle. Dude is just going all in, in a way I have never seen before. It is fascinating.
In political elections you typically start by catering to your base. Once you get the nomination you drift more towards the middle to grab the moderates and independents.

I for one cannot see how Trump can ever drift to the middle. Dude is just going all in, in a way I have never seen before. It is fascinating.

he did accuse Bush and Graham of just wanting to continue bombing everyone and engage more war

so you if read between the lines, he seems to put a cost onto war and not think it is worth going around bombing everyone like the Bushes have


Can Donald "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese" Trump smash Walker? I looking forward to it if/when it happens :D
You know, given the high number of candidates in the Republican Primaries, a Smash Bros-style Battle Royale sounds like a great idea. Your post gave me the mental image of Donald Trump-punching Scott Walker and now I want to see everyone face off in a ring. At first glance I'd bet on Chris Christie for sheer power but he'd probably tire out easily.

I think I'd bet on either Marco Rubio or Ben Carson. But all in all no matter who wins at least America would finally get to see its dream of Ted Cruz getting punched in the face.
We all laugh at this guy. But does he actually have a real chance?

Of course not and he knows it, which is exactly why he's doing it and doesn't care how much of an ignoramus he looks like while doing it. We're looking at him and that's all that matters.
I think you are all underestimating Mr Trump.
When he announced, he wasn't supported by the GOP, he wasn't seen as a real candidate, it was assumed this was going to be media stunt for his business.

Look at him now! He is apparently polling very high and I would say this is by design, not accident.

Now he is getting more coverage than anyone else and the GOP is taking notice. And not because he is 'alienating the latino vote', but because he is completely free of donors and interest groups and he apparently the GOP leadership too.
If he continues this momentum, and it is possible btw, he could lift the carpet on both parties whose politicians are as compromised as each other.

On immigration he said he wants to make the process easier for people to enter the country, but he is against illegal immigration.
And he used colorful language to describe what makes up some illegal immigrants and no one will let it drop.
I wonder why no one wants to talk about his opinion in legal immigrants.

Mr Trump is very happy to run with it too, because its giving him publicity that money cant buy.

At present his war is against the establishment and he is using a very effective strategy to get to the finals. Then we could see a different Mr Trump who has to appeal to the whole country and go after Clinton.
He has a packed GOP field to get through first and he could, potentially, be landing bombs on flip flopping politicians at the debates.


He's not polling "very high" he's at like 10% in a ten person race. With 60% of the party against him becoming the nominee.

And he's arguably the biggest flip-flop target, that Anderson Cooper interview just scratched the surface. Trump used to be a pro-choice, pro-gay-rights, pro-wealth-taxes, anti-gun and pro-universal health care. This changed faster than Mitt Romney did.


Don't care about rolling polls from one pollster. A Trump boomlet fits the pattern of polling: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/ep..._republican_presidential_nomination-3823.html

55-60% of the party has said they'll never vote for him or have unfavorable views and that's been consistent across a number of polls. Not even Jeb! and Christie have numbers that negative.

And independents?

I do agree with you on the immigration thing though, it's the defining issue of the primary unless something happens with Iran. (And this is probably why Trump is going hard on it.)
I am proud to say that I know many hard working Mexicans—many of them are working for and with me…and, just like our country, my organization is better for it.

Is this the new "I have black friends" excuse? Lol


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
At least this one was not remotely intentional.
I think you are all underestimating Mr Trump.
When he announced, he wasn't supported by the GOP, he wasn't seen as a real candidate, it was assumed this was going to be media stunt for his business.

Look at him now! He is apparently polling very high and I would say this is by design, not accident.

Now he is getting more coverage than anyone else and the GOP is taking notice. And not because he is 'alienating the latino vote', but because he is completely free of donors and interest groups and he apparently the GOP leadership too.
If he continues this momentum, and it is possible btw, he could lift the carpet on both parties whose politicians are as compromised as each other.

On immigration he said he wants to make the process easier for people to enter the country, but he is against illegal immigration.
And he used colorful language to describe what makes up some illegal immigrants and no one will let it drop.
I wonder why no one wants to talk about his opinion in legal immigrants.

Mr Trump is very happy to run with it too, because its giving him publicity that money cant buy.

At present his war is against the establishment and he is using a very effective strategy to get to the finals. Then we could see a different Mr Trump who has to appeal to the whole country and go after Clinton.
He has a packed GOP field to get through first and he could, potentially, be landing bombs on flip flopping politicians at the debates.

Read this and see if you change your mind:

This is surface level Donald Trump. The man is an embarrassing narcissist who can't behave himself.

edit: somehow I didn't notice that you refer to him as 'Mr Trump'. Do you work for him or something?
I think you are all underestimating Mr Trump.
When he announced, he wasn't supported by the GOP, he wasn't seen as a real candidate, it was assumed this was going to be media stunt for his business.

Look at him now! He is apparently polling very high and I would say this is by design, not accident.

Now he is getting more coverage than anyone else and the GOP is taking notice. And not because he is 'alienating the latino vote', but because he is completely free of donors and interest groups and he apparently the GOP leadership too.
If he continues this momentum, and it is possible btw, he could lift the carpet on both parties whose politicians are as compromised as each other.

On immigration he said he wants to make the process easier for people to enter the country, but he is against illegal immigration.
And he used colorful language to describe what makes up some illegal immigrants and no one will let it drop.
I wonder why no one wants to talk about his opinion in legal immigrants.

Mr Trump is very happy to run with it too, because its giving him publicity that money cant buy.

At present his war is against the establishment and he is using a very effective strategy to get to the finals. Then we could see a different Mr Trump who has to appeal to the whole country and go after Clinton.
He has a packed GOP field to get through first and he could, potentially, be landing bombs on flip flopping politicians at the debates.

This is the part where you get tripped up because any competing candidate will absolutely paint him with these comments.

You can't swerve from primary to national these days, because everything is recorded. The things Republican candidate do to appeal to the base make them un-electable on the national stage.
I mean he' s a joke candidate. He's gonna say and do everything stupid and get away with it. Only difference is that there's no laugh track.


Trump files:
Today, Donald J. Trump filed his Personal Financial Disclosure (PFD) forms with the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

This report was not designed for a man of Mr. Trump's massive wealth. For instance, they have boxes once a certain number is reached that simply state $50 million or more. Many of these boxes have been checked. As an example, if a building owned by Mr. Trump is worth $1.5 billion, the box checked is “$50,000,000 or more.”

Mr. Trump stated, “First people said I would never run, and I did. Then, they said, I would never file my statement of candidacy with the FEC, and I did. Next, they said I would never file my personal financial disclosure forms. I filed them early despite the fact that I am allowed two 45 days extensions. Now I have surged in the polls and am fighting to Make America Great Again. I look forward to the challenge of winning the presidency and doing a fantastic job for our country. I will make the United States rich and strong and respected again, but also a country with a 'big heart' toward the care of our people.”

Mr. Trump's net worth has increased since the more than one year old financial statement produced at his presidential announcement. Real estate values in New York City, San Francisco, Miami and many other places where he owns property have gone up considerably during this period of time. His debt is a very small percentage of value, and at very low interest rates. As of this date, Mr. Trump's net worth is in excess of TEN BILLION DOLLARS.

Mr. Trump's income for the year 2014, as reported in the PFD statement, is $362 million dollars (which does not include dividends, interest, capital gains, rents and royalties).

In addition, he was successful in choosing multiple stocks which were sold in January 2014. Even though stock market purchases are not something that Mr. Trump has focused on in the past, and while only a small part of his net worth, 40 of the 45 stocks purchased went up in a relatively short period of time, creating a gain of $27,021,471, not including those stocks still remaining in the portfolio which currently have an unrealized gain of over $22 million (schedule attached).

Mr. Trump showed almost 500 business entities of which 91% are owned 100% by him. Mr. Trump wrote Trump: The Art of the Deal, one of the bestselling business books of all time, and numerous other bestsellers over the years.

NBC/Universal renewed, at the upfronts this year, The Apprentice (for a 15th season), but Mr. Trump decided to turn them down in order to run for President of the United States. NBC was not happy. During the 14 seasons of The Apprentice, Mr. Trump was paid $213,606,575.
caps are in his statement


No Scrubs
"Mr. Trump would also like to release a penis size disclosure form."

"It's the biggest, classiest penis in the world. Not just anyone can have a penis like mine, it takes a lot of hard work and determination to get a penis like this. I mean, look at it. It's emblazoned with my name and diamond encrusted, I've pleasured a lot of women with this penis. They love it! The ladies love it!" --Donald Trump


"It's the biggest, classiest penis in the world. Not just anyone can have a penis like mine, it takes a lot of hard work and determination to get a penis like this. I mean, look at it. It's emblazoned with my name and diamond encrusted, I've pleasured a lot of women with this penis. They love it! The ladies love it!" --Donald Trump
I got chills, read this entirely in his voice.

Though it's missing YOUUUUUUGGGEEEEE and a reference to some random once famous person.


No Scrubs
I got chills, read this entirely in his voice.

Though it's missing YOUUUUUUGGGEEEEE and a reference to some random once famous person.

I think I can fix it.

"It's the biggest, classiest penis in the world. Not just anyone can have a penis like mine, it takes a lot of hard work and determination to get a penis like this. JFK jr. wishes he had a penis like mine. I mean, look at it. It's huge. It's emblazoned with my name and diamond encrusted, I've pleasured a lot of women with this penis. They love it! The ladies love it!" --Donald Trump

How's that?


Welp, there goes any doubt that he would back out before he had to disclose his financials. Guess he is serious this time.

I think any doubt of that went out the window once he doubled down on his immigration statements and started gaining in the polls.

He's going all out.
Doing whatever it takes to get that sweet, sweet campaign money. At this point he might as well go out, it wouldn't make sense for him to back off now that he's lost all the business and he's leading the polls.


Unconfirmed Member


Trump fires back at Johm McCain:
Donald Trump said:
John McCain has called his own constituents who want a secure border “crazies.” No one in the news media or the establishment, including the Republican National Committee, criticized the senator for those comments.

Now, as respected reporter Sharyl Attkisson has proved point by point, the news media are also distorting my words. But that is not my point. McCain the politician has failed the state of Arizona and the country.

During my entire business career, I have always made supporting veterans a top priority because our heroes deserve the very best for defending our freedom. Our Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals are outdated dumps. I will build the finest and most modern veterans hospitals in the world. The current medical assistance to our veterans is a disaster. A Trump administration will provide the finest universal access health care for our veterans. They will be able to get the best care anytime and anywhere.

Thanks to McCain and his Senate colleague Bernie Sanders, their legislation to cover up the VA scandal, in which 1,000+ veterans died waiting for medical care, made sure no one has been punished, charged, jailed, fined or held responsible. McCain has abandoned our veterans. I will fight for them.

The reality is that John McCain the politician has made America less safe, sent our brave soldiers into wrong-headed foreign adventures, covered up for President Obama with the VA scandal and has spent most of his time in the Senate pushing amnesty. He would rather protect the Iraqi border than Arizona’s. He even voted for the Iran Nuclear Review Act of 2015, which allows Obama, who McCain lost to in a record defeat, to push his dangerous Iran nuclear agreement through the Senate without a supermajority of votes.

A number of my competitors for the Republican nomination have no business running for president. I do not need to be lectured by any of them. Many are failed politicians or people who would be unable to succeed in the private sector. Some, however, I have great respect for.

My record of veteran support is well-documented. I served as co-chairman of the New York Vietnam Veterans Memorial Commission and was responsible, with a small group, for getting it built. Toward this end, I contributed over $1 million so our warriors can be honored in New York City with a proper memorial. I also helped finance and served as the grand marshal of the 1995 Nation’s Day Parade, which honored over 25,000 veterans. It was one of the biggest parades in the history of New York City, and I was very proud to have made it possible.

I will continue to fight to secure our border and take care of our veterans because these steps are vital to make America great again!
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