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TRUMP 2016: "The Winston Churchill of Our Time"

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I wonder what the GOP would even do if he won the nomination?

Refuse to back him and give all the money to house/senate candidates?


I'm starting to get afraid he actually has a shot at winning. All of the Republican voters I know have been talking about him and it sounds like he's getting their votes.

lol, no.

Remember last race? Republicans flirted with every crazy they could find before finally centering on Romney at the last minute. There was a long while where Herman Fucking Cain was in the lead by a lot. This will pass. It's still hilarious as it's happening, but Trump's not winning.


Democracy wins the day Donald Trump wins the nomination.

He is the perfect representative for the modern Republican Party.
Wealth, style, and an air for theatrics. Charming as well.


I wonder what the GOP would even do if he won the nomination?

Refuse to back him and give all the money to house/senate candidates?

If and I mean a big IF he got nomination the party is exactly going to do that. Publicly they would begrudgingly be behind him but privately they would cut their losses and save their House and Senate majority. Even their best effort in such a scenario would be fruitless.

Trump would simply be Goldwatered, McGoverned, or Mondaled. Pick your choice.





So basically the Republican Party hates him because he is too blatant. I mean policy wise he isn't actually saying much that diveates from their party.

How come none of the media have picked this up yet?

However, given a choice of three candidates - Bush, Trump or Florida Senator Marco Rubio - Bush had a comfortable lead at 42 percent among the respondents in the Reuters-Ipsos Republican poll, compared to 28.4 percent for Trump and 20 percent for Rubio.

So basically the base will rally around Jeb when the field starts to thin, like expected. Trump is speaking to that vocal minority in the Republican Party, but he will never get the nomination


Lindsay Graham coming out against it relatively hard I think. It's a start I guess.

Sen. Lindsey Graham channeled Miley Cyrus on Sunday in his attack against Donald Trump’s recent immigration comments – deeming his fellow presidential hopeful a “wrecking ball” on the verge of dismantling the Republican Party.

“I think he’s hijacked the debate,” Graham said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “I think he’s a wrecking ball for the future of the Republican Party with the Hispanic community and we need to push back.”

Regarding Trump’s controversial remarks in which he called some Mexican immigrants “rapists,” Graham said repeatedly that “we need to reject this.”

“If we do not reject this … we will have lost our way,” Graham said.

The South Carolina Senator called Trump “uninformed” on the topic of immigration and expressed concern over essentially letting the candidate get away with spreading false information about the Hispanic community.

Should the Party refuse to reject Trump, Graham warned, “we will lose and we will deserve to lose.”

This isn’t the first time Graham has sounded off on Trump. On Friday, he said Trump’s comments are going to “kill” the Republican Party.

“Well, I think he said something that has brought people who are frustrated about our immigration system to light, but he also said it in a way that’s going to kill my party,” Graham said.

More at Link


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Not sure about the validity of this one.

Online polls can work if the sampling is good, assuming it's not a poll just posted on a random website.
If anything it might over-sample the younger audience. It might actually understate Trump since the elderly might be less likely to have a device capable of taking the poll.

Lindsay Graham coming out against it relatively hard I think. It's a start I guess.

More at Link

The next few days will be telling, will he walk back the comments from blowback?
Nevermind, that last sentence basically shows he thinks he's not wrong, he's just saying it wrong.


get some go again
I'm starting to get afraid he actually has a shot at winning. All of the Republican voters I know have been talking about him and it sounds like he's getting their votes.
he won't win but if he continues to stick around he's going to end up wrecking the hopes of many other serious candidates. in a way he's almost guaranteeing that jeb bush is the republican nominee since donald is taking away all the crazy tea party votes.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
"You can't just say what we think as a party! You have to dogwhistle it!"

This is literally true, sadly.

Problem is that the Republicans have made their base fertile ground for trumps direct racism by dog whistling for 30 years.

Graham is reaping what he personally has sown.
Lindsay Graham coming out against it relatively hard I think. It's a start I guess.

More at Link

I have some sympathy for Graham but he isn't really doing himself any favors. He is arguing that what Trump is saying is true...they just have to say it in a nicer way without any change in policy. lol

Your party deserve what is coming to it, Graham.
"You can't just say what we think as a party! You have to dogwhistle it!"

This exactly. Trump is what the Republican message looks like without the thin veils. He is a great asset for the Dems. Hell, I might get me a 'Trump for Prez' bumper sticker.
"You can't just say what we think as a party! You have to dogwhistle it!"

You start out in 1954 by saying, “N----r, n----r, n----r.” By 1968 you can’t say “n----r”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “N----r, n----r.”

Lee Atwater on the Southern Strategy.
If and I mean a big IF he got nomination the party is exactly going to do that. Publicly they would begrudgingly be behind him but privately they would cut their losses and save their House and Senate majority. Even their best effort in such a scenario would be fruitless.

Trump would simply be Goldwatered, McGoverned, or Mondaled. Pick your choice.



Given party polarization these days he'd probably do a bit better than those guys, but it would still be quite a thrashing. Republicans must be in a hurry to turn Georgia and Arizona blue.


If and I mean a big IF he got nomination the party is exactly going to do that. Publicly they would begrudgingly be behind him but privately they would cut their losses and save their House and Senate majority. Even their best effort in such a scenario would be fruitless.

Trump would simply be Goldwatered, McGoverned, or Mondaled. Pick your choice.



Who wins in Trump vs Sanders?


Water is not wet!
lol, no.

Remember last race? Republicans flirted with every crazy they could find before finally centering on Romney at the last minute. There was a long while where Herman Fucking Cain was in the lead by a lot. This will pass. It's still hilarious as it's happening, but Trump's not winning.

Why did Herman Cain drop out of the race? It was cause his fucking around came to light. Dropped out later that week.

If and I mean a big IF he got nomination the party is exactly going to do that. Publicly they would begrudgingly be behind him but privately they would cut their losses and save their House and Senate majority. Even their best effort in such a scenario would be fruitless.

Trump would simply be Goldwatered, McGoverned, or Mondaled. Pick your choice.
No way. They will fall in behind Trump no problem. Already you have the largest mouthpieces of the GOP (Limbaugh and Hannity) going on about how brave Trump is and how the country needs a businessman. You think they are going to stay home when either Hillary fucking Clinton (and her husband Slick Willie) or Bernie "Im a Democratic Socialist" Sanders is in the running. Regardless who gets the GOP nomination there wont be a single Republican that wont vote R this upcoming election.


Taking to Twitter on Sunday, Donald Trump used the escape of notorious drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman this weekend to criticize Mexico, the Media and fellow candidates for president.

The mogul/reality TV host turned candidate for president, wrote: “Mexico’s biggest drug lord escapes from jail. Unbelievable corruption and USA is paying the price. I told you so!”

He continued his posts through the day: “Now that the Mexican drug lord escaped from prison, everyone is saying that most of the cocaine etc. coming into the U.S. comes over border!”

“…..but that’s what I’ve been saying. Very unfair treatment by the media!”

The escape of Guzman through a prison shower area has caused a massive manhunt in Mexico and provided Trump with another chance to criticize Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush.

“Can you envision Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton negotiating with ‘El Chapo’, the Mexican drug lord who escaped from prison? ….”

“…Trump, however, would kick his ass!” he tweeted.


Unconfirmed Member
Lol at him actually saying "I told you so" usually candidates find a more tactful way of ... Oh, forgot who we were talking about.


I hope Trump gets raped by millions of Mexicans.

Well, if he ever gets to an actual election, he will certainly be figuratively raped by millions of Mexicans not voting for him.
I hope Trump gets raped by millions of Mexicans.

Well, if he ever gets to an actual election, he will certainly be figuratively raped by millions of Mexicans not voting for him.

You got so much ammo to use against Trump and you go with this?

Edit: Banned. That was quick.
That escalated quickly.gif


Trump should know better than to talk shit about a drug lord. They don't play around.
As someone who does not live in the United States I would like to see El Trump Dawg win it all. I would like to see him get things done, and the reception to the things he gets done. I'm fairly sure people would wish for a real-life undo button with a hurry.
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