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TRUMP 2016: "The Winston Churchill of Our Time"

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Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Winston Churchill of our time indeed. Every time he opens his mouth it sounds like the rant of someone drinking a bottle of Scotch a day


No Scrubs

Reading Luntz's revelation makes me feel like he still doesn't entirely get it. Like he sees the results and realizes how bad the are for the GOP, but he completely misreads the situation and what it means. Yes the grassroots have abandoned the GOP, but it isn't because the elites weren't listening to them. The GOP elite created this image of a perfect candidate: a successful businessman who is a Washington outsider that says what he wants without caring about what others think--mostly insulting Democrats and other progressives--while still being able to connect with them on a personal level. This is what they look for because this is what the GOP has been telling them is good for America. The GOP has been saying it so long that it's basically become gospel for their base, much like the idea of liberals running the media. They've forgotten where they got the idea from in the first place. Trump is just the idealized version of the candidate the GOP has been selling their base. That's why they can't hurt him.
Everyone who thinks Trump would be a good president is a moron. And they should be embarrassed. Dumber than Palin people.

I expect most Palin supporters then are Trump supporters now, so the fans themselves are about the same, but even I'd feel way better about Trump being president than Palin.


Rodent Whores
This is why Trump isn't rushing for specifics. He doesn't need them. You can see that, for stupid people, being non-specific works just fine.
It's not just stupid people. People whom you might consider normal or even smart tend to insert their own ideal version of what those details could be, on their own. It's a common aspect of human psychology, and one of the tools of persuasion and selling.
Reading Luntz's revelation makes me feel like he still doesn't entirely get it. Like he sees the results and realizes how bad the are for the GOP, but he completely misreads the situation and what it means. Yes the grassroots have abandoned the GOP, but it isn't because the elites weren't listening to them. The GOP elite created this image of a perfect candidate: a successful businessman who is a Washington outsider that says what he wants without caring about what others think--mostly insulting Democrats and other progressives--while still being able to connect with them on a personal level. This is what they look for because this is what the GOP has been telling them is good for America. The GOP has been saying it so long that it's basically become gospel for their base, much like the idea of liberals running the media. They've forgotten where they got the idea from in the first place. Trump is just the idealized version of the candidate the GOP has been selling their base. That's why they can't hurt him.
+1. Trump is terrible, but he is the candidate the GOP deserves.

Glass Joe


This is the same Frank Luntz who had a focus group on Fox News immediately after the Republican debate. As you may recall, it was a suspect panel in that it was full of people who said he lost badly. In reality, his numbers went up and Fox News took a lot of heat for bias against Trump.

In his line of work, it's really easy to paint a false picture if he was so inclined. IMO we already have an instance of him deciding on a narrative beforehand. Therefore, him finding someone who's voting Trump over a hat and painting that as an average supporter is just him following his agenda.

However, since it's the type of thing you want to hear, you eat it right up. Much like how that lady's voting Trump over a slogan on a hat... The slogan is what she wanted to hear, so she's eating it right up.
He wrote a book called The Art of the Dell for a reason. He knows what he is doing and the reason he is so much better then the right of the right's field is because he IS sellsman. Politicians are shysters too, but Trump is a different type. With that said, I'd trump to stick around as long as possible, up until election. He has had an overall good effect to politics. The usual rhetoric that the right tries hasn't been working, and it is deconstructing their party.

Also, Frank Luntz is a shyster too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=If9EWDB_zK4


Reading Luntz's revelation makes me feel like he still doesn't entirely get it. Like he sees the results and realizes how bad the are for the GOP, but he completely misreads the situation and what it means. Yes the grassroots have abandoned the GOP, but it isn't because the elites weren't listening to them. The GOP elite created this image of a perfect candidate: a successful businessman who is a Washington outsider that says what he wants without caring about what others think--mostly insulting Democrats and other progressives--while still being able to connect with them on a personal level. This is what they look for because this is what the GOP has been telling them is good for America. The GOP has been saying it so long that it's basically become gospel for their base, much like the idea of liberals running the media. They've forgotten where they got the idea from in the first place. Trump is just the idealized version of the candidate the GOP has been selling their base. That's why they can't hurt him.

I think this is mostly correct, but I don't actually think it contradicts Luntz's point.

The base was convinced by the GOP that they want true believers. The thing is that the GOP never intended to provide true believers -- because true believers are terrible at politics. They intended to provide a bunch of pragmatic politicians who would claim to be true believers and then turn around and pass rich people tax cuts, slash entitlements, etc.

But because they convinced the base they want true believers, the base started actually nominating and electing true believers, which is really bad for the GOP, because true believers can't compromise and so can't get anything done.

Trump is just the ultimate extension of this process. He's a true believer in himself.

Glass Joe

He wrote a book called The Art of the Deal for a reason. He knows what he is doing and the reason he is so much better then the right of the right's field is because he IS sellsman. Politicians are shysters too, but Trump is a different type. With that said, I'd trump to stick around as long as possible, up until election. He has had an overall good effect to politics. The usual rhetoric that the right tries hasn't been working, and it is deconstructing their party.

Also, Frank Luntz is a shyster too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=If9EWDB_zK4

I happen to be flipping through it now and some of what he wrote in 1987, you can clearly see him doing now in his Presidental race:

"One thing I've learned about the press is that they're always hungry for a good story, and the more sensational the better."
"The funny thing is that even a critical story, which may be hurtful personally, can be very valuable to your business."
"When a reporter asks me a tough question, I try to frame a positive answer, even if that means shifting the ground."
"The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That's why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It's an innocent form of exaggeration -- and a very effective form of promotion."
Just now, walked by a tv in the office and it was a MSNBC breaking news conference of Trump talking to the press about something related to Rick Perry, and when it came time for taking questions, Jorge Ramos of Univision was forcefully hauled off by security.


Video: https://twitter.com/CNNSitRoom/status/636310210257121280

Trump told him to "go back to Univision" and then later in the presser, said that he didn't know who Ramos was.


This is why Trump isn't rushing for specifics. He doesn't need them. You can see that, for stupid people, being non-specific works just fine.
It's got nothing to do with stupidity: people in general want to know that the problems they find important are acknowledged and someone is doing or planning to do something about them. Whether any of the proposed solutions are workable aren't particularly important at the end of the day. Otherwise anyone advocating trickle-down economics would have been laughed out of their jobs decades ago. Trump has been able to tap into this populist vein in a way perhaps never seen in modern American politics which is why he has a real shot at the Republican nomination.

Reading Luntz's revelation makes me feel like he still doesn't entirely get it. Like he sees the results and realizes how bad the are for the GOP, but he completely misreads the situation and what it means. Yes the grassroots have abandoned the GOP, but it isn't because the elites weren't listening to them. The GOP elite created this image of a perfect candidate: a successful businessman who is a Washington outsider that says what he wants without caring about what others think--mostly insulting Democrats and other progressives--while still being able to connect with them on a personal level. This is what they look for because this is what the GOP has been telling them is good for America. The GOP has been saying it so long that it's basically become gospel for their base, much like the idea of liberals running the media. They've forgotten where they got the idea from in the first place. Trump is just the idealized version of the candidate the GOP has been selling their base. That's why they can't hurt him.
I like this post a lot. Trump is exactly the kind of person that the Republican elite have said will make everything better. That's why their attempts to take him down have failed so far. The real question is how Trump's supporters will act when the Republicans start putting up procedural obstacles in his path.
Just now, walked by a tv in the office and it was a MSNBC breaking news conference of Trump talking to the press about something related to Rick Perry, and when it came time for taking questions, Jorge Ramos of Univision was forcefully hauled off by security.


Video: https://twitter.com/CNNSitRoom/status/636310210257121280

Trump told him to "go back to Univision" and then later in the presser, said that he didn't know who Ramos was.

Spin: Trump will handle IS just like he handled Jorge Ramos.


Just now, walked by a tv in the office and it was a MSNBC breaking news conference of Trump talking to the press about something related to Rick Perry, and when it came time for taking questions, Jorge Ramos of Univision was forcefully hauled off by security.


Video: https://twitter.com/CNNSitRoom/status/636310210257121280

Trump told him to "go back to Univision" and then later in the presser, said that he didn't know who Ramos was.

Post-racial candidate.


Just now, walked by a tv in the office and it was a MSNBC breaking news conference of Trump talking to the press about something related to Rick Perry, and when it came time for taking questions, Jorge Ramos of Univision was forcefully hauled off by security.


Video: https://twitter.com/CNNSitRoom/status/636310210257121280

Trump told him to "go back to Univision" and then later in the presser, said that he didn't know who Ramos was.
Come on Trump, you can go farther than that. What a lightweight; a total loser.


Just now, walked by a tv in the office and it was a MSNBC breaking news conference of Trump talking to the press about something related to Rick Perry, and when it came time for taking questions, Jorge Ramos of Univision was forcefully hauled off by security.


Video: https://twitter.com/CNNSitRoom/status/636310210257121280

Trump told him to "go back to Univision" and then later in the presser, said that he didn't know who Ramos was.

He's really working for 0% of the Latino vote isn't he?


Am i the only one or does trump remind me of the great Senator armstrong from metal gear rising? Make america great again is an actual quote in the game
Was Trump a College Football player?

Possibly high school.

Donald Trump was an energetic and bright child, and his parents sent him to the New York Military Academy at age thirteen, hoping the discipline of the school would channel his energy in a positive manner. Trump did well at the academy, both socially and academically, rising to be a star athlete and student leader by the time he graduated in 1964.


America, stop paying attention to the trainwreck.
The trainwreck is not only making more news than the rest of the Republican field, he's also the frontrunner. Besides, Trump isn't particularly worse than most (all?) of the other GOP candidates.

Am i the only one or does trump remind me of the great Senator armstrong from metal gear rising? Make america great again is an actual quote in the game
"Let's make America great again" was Reagan's 1980 campaign slogan.


I like Trump. He takes shit from no one. Own it America - everyone in the world already thinks you are like Trump already, Hillary ain't changing that mentality, just own it and become the super power you're supposed to be.


I love Trump's media saturation and social media accessibility. It's like being pursued relentlessly by a potential suitor, it's at least flattering. And millennials love accessibility, I keep tweeting him egging him on in hopes of getting retweeted.


"I like the bible" - Trump 2015

Trump only "likes" the bible?? What will his religious supporters think of that lukewarm praise when he "loves Mexicans" (after saying illegal immigrants are rapists) and has "a great relationship with the blacks" (after saying laziness is a trait in blacks)...
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