A couple of quotes.
Full article at the link.
A couple of quotes.
His identity is wrapped around being a winner. If you challenge him, or if hes put into a losing position, now you begin to take Donald out of his comfort zone.
Some said Trump lacks the temperament to deal with setbacks and becomes instantly impatient with those who do not support or agree with him, while remaining resolutely loyal to those who do. Others described their former boss as a workaholic with few true friends, a man sometimes awkward in company outside the workplace.
He couldnt stand to see anything look bad, Sprague recalled. He used to call me up at night and say: Did you know that theres a soda bottle in front of Trump Plaza? and I would have to make sure it was picked up right away because he would drive past again to see that it was gone.
And yet Sprague remained in awe of her former boss (despite an acrimonious departure which resulted in her suing the company), recalling the times his obsessive attention to detail uncovered the misalignment of terraces during the construction of Trump Tower, or drove the renovation of Central Parks ice rink in 1981. Donald, in the end, did everything No matter how smart you might be, it was Donald, she said.
The micromanagement has seemingly continued throughout his life. Justin Goldberg, a former project director who managed the renovation of a property on Wall Street in 1995, recalled how Trump would personally call the painting company to negotiate a deal downwards after it had already been signed, and would point to the smallest details throughout the renovation.
This obsession with detail was accompanied by a relentless work ethic. Most interviewees estimated Trump wakes around 5am, starting his first meetings two hours later, taking sips of caffeinated drinks throughout the day to keep going.
He somehow requires far less sleep than I do, said Roger Stone, Trumps longtime friend and political adviser who spectacularly quit the campaign trail after a public dispute with the candidate in August last year. Even in the winter time, when he goes to Florida for the weekend, instead of flying back on Monday morning, he flies back on Sunday night so he can be at his desk on Monday morning. And he doesnt leave on Thursday, he leaves Friday night, after working a full day.
Because he doesnt listen to them, and then they leave. And if anybody is ever credited with doing anything good, he gets rid of them because he hates when anybody else gets credit.
Pinkett, too, was struck by the groupthink of Trumps inner circle in 2005. They tend not just to look like him but also think like him, he said. So it kind of reinforces his way of thinking.
I dont think I ever sat in a room with another person of color, he said.
Roger Stone argued Trump had far, far more women in positions of responsibility, and generally speaking the women are paid more than men. Like many of the dozens of former employees who declined requests for interviews with the Guardian, Stone cited a non-disclosure agreement with Trump when pressed on specifics.
Res, who was Trumps executive vice-president for construction until 1991, acknowledged that he treated men and women equally in the boardroom. But she added: Ive come to the conclusion that he probably liked having women around him because he felt better than them in some way or another. Maybe innately he felt better they were maybe less of a competition.
He loved and respected his father, said Sprague. You could be walking on a wire with nothing below you, with him [Donald] holding the other end of the wire. If his father walked into the room, hed drop it to go say hello.
Hes a billionaire without being elite, said Stone, recalling the 1988 Republican convention in New Orleans, where he claimed that he and Trump had decided against a black tie dinner with George H W Bush and chosen instead to seek out the best burgers in town. See if you can commandeer a limo, and lets go there instead, Trump told Stone.
Full article at the link.