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Trump Fires James Comey

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Curious: Any liberals left that hated Comey for the HRC emails? Thanks for giving Trump the talking point he needed to defend the Comey firing.
That "talking point" doesn't have a shred of credibility or even an air of believability amongst sane-minded people. He may as well have said he fired Comey based on a reading of his monthly horoscope. He wanted Comey gone so bad he was willing to use any asinine reasoning, no matter how untruthful and far fetched.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
If they were throwing out shit like Comet Pizza as fact then nope.

He wouldn't. He would only imply that the emails contained "staggering" and "stomach churning" content (like he already did publically). Then you take the fake news russian propaganda blogs that will take those vague statements and run with it until HRC is a baby eating demon.

MSM would be left asking the question "What's in those HRC emails, are they as nasty as NYPD cheif charactizes them?". Indenpendents would be swayed. HRC still hurt. Comey also hurt.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
That "talking point" doesn't have a shred of credibility or even an air of believability amongst sane-minded people. He may as well have said he fired Comey based on a reading of his monthly horoscope. He wanted Comey gone so bad he was willing to use any asinine reasoning, no matter how untruthful and far fetched.

Sure. To a reasonable person. To his supporters and those on the fence? It's a reasonable talking point. "OH look Dems and GOP want Comey gone, I guess Trump's move makes sense"


Im in the "Comey is politically inept, but not a bad man" camp personally.

Didn't Obama also want him to stay silent on Russia because he didn't want It to looks like Dems were being partisan going after Trump while he was still in office?

Yeah, but that was about protecting the Dems, the email thing was about protecting himself first and foremost and it backfired.
These aren't mutually exclusive. You can act to influence in the election to help the Republican party and also not want to pledge loyalty (and become a stooge) to the President.

The Loyalty comment is directly related to the Russian investigation. Comey would have helped trump win while e was being investigated about Russia. So why not give trump assurances after the election if he didn't care before?

Otherwise I would agree

Personally I think Comey was looking out for #1 and knew he would be asked to resign by Obama/Clinton had she won. I think he wanted to help the Senate GOP rather than Trump but his letter being leaked hit harder than expected.

That's a dangerous game he would have played considering he knew about the Russia shit


Sure. To a reasonable person. To his supporters and those on the fence? It's a reasonable talking point. "OH look Dems and GOP want Comey gone, I guess Trump's move makes sense"

Those people are divorced from reality and the facts. Why are you arguing for them?

I mean sure, to some people everything Trump does will be a masterstroke of genius. Doesn't make it so.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
Hitman's not attacking Liberals guys, stop reading that into his posts when every single one has an attack on Liberals in it, totally not what he is doing. Gosh.

I'm a Liberal. I was bitter about Comey's HRC letter in October. I read more about the HRC letter situation and got a full understanding of the situation. I watched hours of Comey's testimony on HRC letters. I concluded CORRECTLY that he is NOT a partisan hack in the face of all the facts and evidence. It should be obvious to EVERYONE that he is NOT in bed with the GOP and Trump at this point. But that doesn't seem to be the case.

I am now a defender of the patriot Comey. Take it as an attack on Liberals if you want. But it's not true.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
Those people are divorced from reality and the facts. Why are you arguing for them?

I mean sure, to some people everything Trump does will be a masterstroke of genius. Doesn't make it so.

Not all of them are. And because in my way of fighting back and stopping Trump I think the most practical way is winning the minds and opinions of his supporters. Of which I have done successfully by engaging with and debating with Trump supporters on the subject of Russia. Not "arguing for them" like you have stated. And not sitting in an echo chamber of unfettered Trump hate which doesn't move the needle at all.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I'm a Liberal. I was bitter about Comey's HRC letter in October. I read more about the HRC letter situation and got a full understanding of the situation. I watched hours of Comey's testimony on HRC letters. I concluded CORRECTLY that he is NOT a partisan hack in the face of all the facts and evidence. It should be obvious to EVERYONE that he is NOT in bed with the GOP and Trump at this point. But that doesn't seem to be the case.

I am now a defender of the patriot Comey. Take it as an attack on Liberals if you want. But it's not true.

If it should be obvious to everyone then why wasn't it obvious to you?
Also opinions aren't facts.


I'm a Liberal. I was bitter about Comey's HRC letter in October. I read more about the HRC letter situation and got a full understanding of the situation. I watched hours of Comey's testimony on HRC letters. I concluded CORRECTLY that he is NOT a partisan hack in the face of all the facts and evidence. It should be obvious to EVERYONE that he is NOT in bed with the GOP and Trump at this point. But that doesn't seem to be the case.

I am now a defender of the patriot Comey. Take it as an attack on Liberals if you want. But it's not true.

You're not wrong. Comey is a naive patriot who was protective of the FBI. It was a difficult one for him to make. Imagine if he said nothing and the country elected her, only for the new investigation to find something worthy of charging her; the credibility of the FBI, the Justice Department, and the Obama administration would have been in the gutter. Going public was the only viable option.

I completely recognize that his letter led to a Trump victory, but it truly was the only option given the uncertainty of how long the new investigation would last. That said it was extremely naive of him to believe that the GOP and the public would not go nuts over the letter.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
If it should be obvious to everyone then why wasn't it obvious to you?
Also opinions aren't facts.

Because not all facts and evidence were out on the Comey/HRC letter situation in October. They are now, and have been for a long time. But it seems people would rather hold onto a false narrative then admit they were wrong about Comey.

Here, let me get the party started: In October, I WAS WRONG ABOUT COMEY.

Maybe others can hop on the bandwagon instead of giving Trump the convenient talking points he wants to defend the Comey firing.


Have the rumoured Ryan and Priebus tapes been brought up at all?

Yes, they've been brought up but aren't worth discussing since Mensch and Taylor have no legitimacy, especially after today's tweets about BIG THINGS HAPPENING which turned out to be nothing.


It's ultimately not... It's sourcing NPR, which is sourcing NY Times and CNN.

It's just not clear who's doing what on the tapes.

It seems all the authors knows is that these kinds of conversations would normally be taped, and doesn't have any info of any specific tape. I'd like to be wrong.

Yes, they've been brought up but aren't worth discussing since Mensch and Taylor have no legitimacy, especially after today's tweets about BIG THINGS HAPPENING which turned out to be nothing.
Pretty sure they had the info on the grand jury supoenas a week early though.
True. Which means Comey is NOT a partisan hack. But people would have known this sooner if you know they looked at the context and facts surrounding the HRC letter.

Comey isn't a partisan hack. He is someone who, when cornered, chose to defend public perception of the FBI over the basic tenants of our democracy.

Anywho, instead of wasting time somehow blaming liberals for everything Trump does, we should probably be talking about this


CBS News said:
Within the FBI, the Russia investigation is considered to be "a crisis," the source said, and "there is a whole lot of interfering." The succession of events surrounding Comey's firing is not considered to be a coincidence by the agency. In the week before he was terminated, Comey asked Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein for additional resources to pursue the Russia investigation.
Can we please stop arguing over literally pointless shit and refocus on aggregating news, commentary, updates, behind the scenes ect ect so the thread doesn't get locked? This has been the most fascinating thread since buzzfeed leaked the dossier and I'd hate to see it go away.


You're not wrong. Comey is a naive patriot who was protective of the FBI. It was a difficult one for him to make. Imagine if he said nothing and the country elected her, only for the new investigation to find something worthy of charging her; the credibility of the FBI, the Justice Department, and the Obama administration would have been in the gutter. Going public was the only viable option.

I completely recognize that his letter led to a Trump victory, but it truly was the only option given the uncertainty of how long the new investigation would last. That said it was extremely naive of him to believe that the GOP and the public would not go nuts over the letter.

Comey's credibility now: he attracted the hate of BOTH parties and was then fired in disgrace.

I really don't understand all this concern over the optics of Comey doing his job and conducting the investigation in silence. He created a false binary choice that ultimately led to him making a worse version of the very mistake he was trying to avoid: concealing a criminal investigation of the current President and their administration.

Like, that still happened.


It seems all the authors knows is that these kinds of conversations would normally be taped, and doesn't have any info of any specific tape. I'd like to be wrong.

Right. It's a factual article, appropriately sourced... It's just an issue that it's not breaking news that we didn't already know.

But isn't fake news. People are too eager to say this. It's citing reporting by NPR/CNN/NY Times.

My bad for posting the link in the first place though.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
Yes, they've been brought up but aren't worth discussing since Mensch and Taylor have no legitimacy, especially after today's tweets about BIG THINGS HAPPENING which turned out to be nothing.

Nothing happening today? What about FBI raiding a GOP fundraising/consulting firm with ties to Manafort and Stone?

What about Claude's tweets about Grand Juries that were confirmed a week later by MSM?
Can we please stop arguing over literally pointless shit and refocus on aggregating news, commentary, updates, behind the scenes ect ect so the thread doesn't get locked? This has been the most fascinating thread since buzzfeed leaked the dossier and I'd hate to see it go away.

Yep, couldn't agree more. This was that, an aggregation of all things "Trump Fires Comey", it has been an amazing ride and I cannot wait till tomorrow. It gives me a quick check at work.

I would just tell people to ignore the poster who wants to take a 9k post thread and all the sudden turn it into something different. Worked for me. Going to sleep, hopefully the thread is here tomorrow or work is gonna be meh.
Can we please stop arguing over literally pointless shit and refocus on aggregating news, commentary, updates, behind the scenes ect ect so the thread doesn't get locked? This has been the most fascinating thread since buzzfeed leaked the dossier and I'd hate to see it go away.

News slowed and we're discussing Comey in a thread about Comey regarding a topic trump tired to use as a reason to fire Comey. It's not like we started talking about how badly Houston got their ass handed to em tonight


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
You're not wrong. Comey is a naive patriot who was protective of the FBI. It was a difficult one for him to make. Imagine if he said nothing and the country elected her, only for the new investigation to find something worthy of charging her; the credibility of the FBI, the Justice Department, and the Obama administration would have been in the gutter. Going public was the only viable option.

I completely recognize that his letter led to a Trump victory, but it truly was the only option given the uncertainty of how long the new investigation would last. That said it was extremely naive of him to believe that the GOP and the public would not go nuts over the letter.

Agreed. Even on the naivety. Still, Comey is a patriot. Without him, Trump's dictatorship is pretty much a LOCK.


Not all of them are. And because in my way of fighting back and stopping Trump I think the most practical way is winning the minds and opinions of his supporters. Of which I have done successfully by engaging with and debating with Trump supporters on the subject of Russia. Not "arguing for them" like you have stated. And not sitting in an echo chamber of unfettered Trump hate which doesn't move the needle at all.

Okay but so we're clear right now you're parroting Trump admin talking points to a liberal leaning forum by saying we're to blame for Trump's ineffective smokescreen for his indefensible actions.

Also, you're sucking all context out of the evolving situation. So yeah, Democrats thought Comey fucked up during the election and there is no question he swung the election for Trump, but many months later once the damage was done nobody wanted him fired while was directing an ongoing investigation into Trump-Russia collusion.


Professional Schmuck
Serious, Don Lemon's panel with Gergan, Brinkley and Naftali (Nixon Library guy) was seriously on point. CNN panels are normally shit-tier.

Agreed. Great panel. Sobering as hell. I don't know how anyone can watch something that riveting and not come away thinking that this is a White House that cannot last the summer.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
Okay but so we're clear right now you're parroting Trump admin talking points to a liberal leaning forum by saying we're to blame for Trump's ineffective smokescreen for his indefensible actions.

Also, you're sucking all context out of the evolving situation. So yeah, Democrats thought Comey fucked up during the election and there is no question he swung the election for Trump, but many months later once the damage was done nobody wanted him fired while was directing an ongoing investigation into Trump-Russia collusion.

No. I'm saying some Liberals were wrong on their judgements of Comey's character and their read of the HRC email situation. I'm saying this incorrect narrative gave Trump additional and more credible talking points to defend the Comey firing. I'm saying Comey is being unfairly attacked.


No. I'm saying some Liberals were wrong on their judgements of Comey's character and their read of the HRC email situation. I'm saying this incorrect narrative gave Trump additional and more credible talking points to defend the Comey firing. I'm saying Comey is being unfairly attacked.

Trump immediately bungled the firing, though, rendering any talking points surrounding the handling of Hillary's e-mails pretty irrelevant.


It seems all the authors knows is that these kinds of conversations would normally be taped, and doesn't have any info of any specific tape. I'd like to be wrong.

Pretty sure they had the info on the grand jury supoenas a week early though.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Nothing happening today? What about FBI raiding a GOP fundraising/consulting firm with ties to Manafort and Stone?

What about Claude's tweets about Grand Juries that were confirmed a week later by MSM?

Poor choice of words. I shouldn't have said nothing happened. Rather they both intimated that something big was going to go down today and there wasn't anything I would call "big". The raid was potentially significant, but we don't know for sure if it was even connected to the Trump/Russia investigation.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
Trump immediately bungled the firing, though, rendering any talking points surrounding the handling of Hillary's e-mails pretty irrelevant.

Sure. Except right now his Supporters are posting memes and quotes of Liberals wanting Comey gone as if it supports the firing. Also, his talking point would have never flew with Liberals. But with independents and his supporters, it allows him to hang on to his mind control over them. It's not all about how we, Liberals think of Trump. If that was the case, he wouldn't be in office in the first place.


Agreed. Great panel. Sobering as hell. I don't know how anyone can watch something that riveting and not come away thinking that this is a White House that cannot last the summer.
I can't see how anyone can fully believe Trump will serve his full term. Look at where we are after just 6 months. He still has to get through the rest of the year. I can't fathom him making it through 3 more after that.
I was listening to npr and someone was mentioning that just getting a special prosecutor up and running could take nearly a year on its own. That's basically before even starting the investigation. They have to pick people to run it, set aside funding, set up offices and supplies to work in, etc. People have said it before, but we're in for the long-haul here.
News slowed and we're discussing Comey in a thread about Comey regarding a topic trump tired to use as a reason to fire Comey. It's not like we started talking about how badly Houston got their ass handed to em tonight

Yes, of course news slowed down. It's nighttime. But how verbally angry should democrats have been at Comey in October" is literally the most pointless discussion I can imagine and letting it drag on for 20 pages with everyone repeating the exact same points over and over again gets threads locked even if it's on topic.

Serious, Don Lemon's panel with Gergan, Brinkley and Naftali (Nixon Library guy) was seriously on point. CNN panels are normally shit-tier.

Is there a link?


Sure. Except right now his Supporters are posting memes and quotes of Liberals wanting Comey gone as if it supports the firing. Also, his talking point would have never flew with Liberals. But with independents and his supporters, it allows him to hang on to his mind control over them. It's not all about how we, Liberals think of Trump. If that was the case, he wouldn't be in office in the first place.
The electoral college and intense gerrymandering is technically why he's in office. Less Americans voted for him.

Poor voter turn out is obviously to blame as well.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Poor choice of words. I shouldn't have said nothing. Rather they both intimated that something big was going to go down today and there wasn't anything I would call "big". The raid was potentially significant, but we don't know for sure if it was even connected to the Trump/Russia investigation.

That depends on result of the raid, of which we don't know yet. But if they predicted something like this to happen today and it did. Plus the Grand Juries thing. Plus the FISA thing. Plus the Trump-Oligarchs plane thing. I don't know how people can just dismiss Mensch and Taylor as having no credibility.
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