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Trump Fires James Comey

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Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
No that's not my argument. Nice strawman attempt though, or maybe you just don't understand. Here, let me simplify this for you. Comey had 2 choices:

1. Write a private letter that was never supposed to leak stating that he is doing the job he's supposed to be doing to Congress.


2. Don't write the letter. Don't do his job. And let NYPD cheif hold a public press conference mischaracterizing the emails as "staggering" and "stomach-churning"

Comey made the right call.

"Don't do his job."
Lol, what a loaded post.


You can actually. Your attitude towards the truth allows lies to fester. Supporting false narratives against Comey hurts the Liberal cause.

And Yes you can be outraged against the Comey firing and also hate Comey. Never said you couldn't. What I'm saying is that your Comey hate is unwarranted. And not only that, it supports the would-be dictator and his legion that you are so against.

What about the false narrative that we hate him rather than the truth which is just that many of us are just pissed off with him?

Does that narrative hurt the Liberal cause?


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
You haven't addressed the content of the letter itself. Which was almost deliberately ambiguous and suggestive compared to the reality clarified soon after.

The content of the letter that was never supposed to be released publically in the first place? The content which stated that HRC emails in an unrelated case were found (FACT) and that they'll require review to determine whether classified emails exist in them (FACT), and also stated that they didn't know whether the Emails would be relevant to the investigation (FACT).

WOW! What a scathing takedown of HRC. A 6 sentence, 3 paragraph letter that states nothing but facts of the situation.


And, again, it should have been extremely obvious that Chaffetz would immediately do that, so it was dumb of Comey to behave like that wouldn't happen. I don't even think he says in his testimony that it wasn't his fault because he didn't know Chaffetz would make the letter public, because he knows it's a terrible defense.

Again, the alternative is hiding it until it eventually leaks, or is brought up at a later date. Not a good outcome either way, but one seems worse to me.
You can actually. Your attitude towards the truth allows lies to fester. Supporting false narratives against Comey hurts the Liberal cause.

And Yes you can be outraged against the Comey firing and also hate Comey. Never said you couldn't. What I'm saying is that your Comey hate is unwarranted. And not only that, it supports the would-be dictator and his legion that you are so against.

Who the fuck are you even talking about? Where is this seething hate that you keep referencing?

Why are you shitposting about this when it has nothing to do with the thread. You are buying into the 'false narrative' and spreading it.


Death Prophet
Your missing the fact the correction is about the SOURCE of the emails whether through personal device backup or through forwarding. That is the "lie" that you are so outraged about. Which was corrected. Comey states that the majority of the 49,000 emails found were forwarded. In actuality it was only a handful of the 49,000 emails that was forwarded. Most of the 49,000 emails were due to Blackberry back up.
It's nuanced but a completel mischaracterization of events. Saying Huma forwarded "hundreds to thousands of emails" to her husband makes her look incredibly careless and makes Comey's case for the letter more understandable. If she's just carelessly forwarding emails to her husband... well that seems very strange. What were in those emails? A device backup is much more understandable in how thousands of her emails ended up on her husband's computer.
So what exactly do you want to attack Comey over for this? Because he got the source wrong?
Yes, pretty important to get these details right.

Just more juicy talking points for Trump and Trumptards to push in defence of the Comey firing. Trump thanks you for your help.

Do you REALLY think that this is going to sway the election? REALLY? Is the liberal treatment of Comey that important? The WH's excuse for firing Comey does not pass the sniff test. If someone really cannot see past that they are NEVER going to not vote for Trump. It's delusional to think otherwise. If it hadn't been this it would have been something else. "He has the right and I respect it!"

To be clear, I do not hate Comey. I do think the made poor decisions. Your interpretation of the man is looking at every decision in the best possible light. I really have more of a problem with the "Stupid liberals!! You're gonna lose in 2020 because of this!!!" bullshit than your positive portrayal of PATRIOT Comey.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
You're the one that came in here screaming about the liberal boogeyman once again being to blame for the depravity of the Right. You're the one demanding we respond in a CORRECT way.

Let me just be clear with this then. Because it's obvious that anything that goes against the liberal narrative here (hating Comey) must unfettered defence of the evil Right and Trump.

My argument is in defence of Comey. NOT Trump. NOT the GOP. And it doesn't blame all Liberals. Just some Liberals who would rather base their judgements on EMOTION rather than facts and reason.
My argument is in defence of Comey. NOT Trump. NOT the GOP. And it doesn't blame all Liberals. Just some Liberals who would rather base their judgements on EMOTION rather than facts and reason.

Who the fuck are you talking about, where are those liberals? You have successfully derailed a thread, congrats.


Let me just be clear with this then. Because it's obvious that anything that goes against the liberal narrative here (hating Comey) must unfettered defence of the evil Right and Trump.

My argument is in defence of Comey. NOT Trump. NOT the GOP. And it doesn't blame all Liberals. Just some Liberals who would rather base their judgements on EMOTION rather than facts and reason.


So where are those liberals? Not seeing them here.


The content of the letter that was never supposed to be released publically in the first place? The content which stated that HRC emails in an unrelated case were found (FACT) and that they'll require review to determine whether classified emails exist in them (FACT), and also stated that they didn't know whether the Emails would be relevant to the investigation (FACT).

WOW! What a scathing takedown of HRC. A 6 sentence, 3 paragraph letter that states nothing but facts of the situation.

1) The letter wasn't confidential. It contained no confidential information. Chaffetz didn't "leak" it. So it doesn't matter that Comey didn't release it "publicly." It became public the moment he wrote that letter.

2) The letter also didn't include that the FBI at the time had no reason to suspect that these were new emails (FACT), or that they had yet to look through the emails (FACT), or that they hadn't even yet obtained a warrant to look at the emails (ALSO FACT).

3) The entire scandal over Comey's letter was that he worded it in a way that would lead people to believe that the investigation was reopened (it was never "closed") or that they had discovered something new and damning. He could have written a more neutral letter. You're being obtuse if you don't acknowledge this.
Just did. All I see is some bizarre attack against liberals.

The President of the United States just fired the man responsible for the investigation into the President of the United States colluding with a hostile foreign power and you are more concerned with defending Comey against a liberal boogeyman. Makes ya think.

Sorry Bernie lost, bro.

You guys are still on this bullshit about Bernie losing? I'm right with you on feelings about the firing and such and then you throw in some sort of unnecessary garbage at other liberals who dared support someone wasn't a milquetoast establishment candidate in the primary?

Focus on Republicans and this stuff instead of continuing to try to split the party for no reason. You're falling into the GOP playbook by continuing to foster this shit.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
So You simply refuse to actually address what people are actually criticizing comey for.

A press conference where he threw Hillary under the bus despite no charges was not typical fbi procedure. It was giving into partisan pressure.

Thing thing with the letter.

What are people critizing Comey for? Giving into partisan pressure or being a partisan hack in bed with the GOP against HRC? Cause that latter narrative is the more predominant one, and its NOT supported by the facts. Is it not at all possible that Comey thought a detailed and lengthy press conference which concluded the investigation against HRC was the correct way to put it to bed for the American public?

Did ANYONE on these boards watch the HOURS and HOURS of Comey sitting infront of GOP hacks trying to get him to charge HRC criminally which he relented from over and over? Or are we just going to cry forever and blame the PATRIOT for killing HRCs campaign?

boiled goose

good with gravy

1) The letter wasn't confidential. It contained no confidential information. Chaffetz didn't "leak" it. So it doesn't matter that Comey didn't release it "publicly." It became public the moment he wrote that letter.

2) The letter also didn't include that the FBI at the time had no reason to suspect that these were new emails (FACT), or that they had yet to look through the emails (FACT), or that they hadn't even yet obtained a warrant to look at the emails (ALSO FACT).

3) The entire scandal over Comey's letter was that he worded it in a way that would lead people to believe that the investigation was reopened (it was never "closed") or that they had discovered something new and damning. He could have written a more neutral letter. You're being obtuse if you don't acknowledge this.

E. Fucking. XActly


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
Who the fuck are you even talking about? Where is this seething hate that you keep referencing?

Why are you shitposting about this when it has nothing to do with the thread. You are buying into the 'false narrative' and spreading it.

Where the fuck have you been since the election? Comey hate is alive and well on the Liberal side and has been since the HRC email investigation.

This thread is about COMEY. I am talking about COMEY. Sue me.

boiled goose

good with gravy
What are people critizing Comey for? Giving into partisan pressure or being a partisan hack in bed with the GOP against HRC? Cause that latter narrative is the more predominant one, and its NOT supported by the facts. Is it not at all possible that Comey thought a detailed and lengthy press conference which concluded the investigation against HRC was the correct way to put it to bed for the American public?

Did ANYONE on these boards watch the HOURS and HOURS of Comey sitting infront of GOP hacks trying to get him to charge HRC criminally which he relented from over and over? Or are we just going to cry forever and blame the PATRIOT for killing HRCs campaign?

If only you knew my thoughts on HRC. Lol.
You're projecting your own biases onto people disagreeing with your refusal to accept clearly articulated issues with how Comey handled shit in ways that were not standard fbi protocol.


I saw someone else lamenting how much shit the GOP gave Susan Rice for her Benghazi "it was about a movie" talking points, compared to how they're acting in this case.
Where the fuck have you been since the election? Comey hate is alive and well on the Liberal side and has been since the HRC email investigation.

This thread is about COMEY. I am talking about COMEY. Sue me.

1) You don't see the difference between being bitter that Comey pushed the scales with his Oct letter and hating the man. That is telling enough. Comey can be many things at once, it isn't binary.
Show me the hate, go ahead. Show me in this thread and in general. You have created such a wonderful caricature.

2) No, this thread isn't really about Comey. It is about Trump, specifically the unparalleled decision of a POTUS firing the director of the FBI, especially when that director is currently carrying out an investigation of said POTUS and his campaign.


Again, the alternative is hiding it until it eventually leaks, or is brought up at a later date. Not a good outcome either way, but one seems worse to me.

What if there's a third option where Comey reveals the investigation but does so in a way that acknowledges the reality of the situation and seeks to make the irrelevance of the new emails clear?


Sure hope this thread will be back on track by the morning.

If a thread is talking about how Ja rule fucked up his festival and someone comes into the thread talking about his music it doesn't make you on topic just because Ja is the topic.

Dude...you're derailing the thread and you could make one to talk about whatever it is you're on. Why the hell can't you make a thread about your topic and stop derailing this one.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
It's nuanced but a completel mischaracterization of events. Saying Huma forwarded "hundreds to thousands of emails" to her husband makes her look incredibly careless and makes Comey's case for the letter more understandable. If she's just carelessly forwarding emails to her husband... well that seems very strange. What were in those emails? A device backup is much more understandable in how thousands of her emails ended up on her husband's computer.

Yes, pretty important to get these details right.

Do you REALLY think that this is going to sway the election? REALLY? Is the liberal treatment of Comey that important? The WH's excuse for firing Comey does not pass the sniff test. If someone really cannot see past that they are NEVER going to not vote for Trump. It's delusional to think otherwise. If it hadn't been this it would have been something else. "He has the right and I respect it!"

To be clear, I do not hate Comey. I do think the made poor decisions. Your interpretation of the man is looking at every decision in the best possible light. I really have more of a problem with the "Stupid liberals!! You're gonna lose in 2020 because of this!!!" bullshit than your positive portrayal of PATRIOT Comey.

So if Comey has said Huma backed up hundreds to thousands of emails on Weiner's laptop through her BlackBerry and forwarded some, months after the investigation has closed that changes what exactly???? NOTHING. And doesn't change Comey's character either. It's a nothing burger and a Trump talking point that you are now parroting for the benefit of Trump.

Do I think it'd sway the election? No. Did I state that it would? NOPE. Would it sway SOME supporters? Yes, if they run out of bullshit talking points (conventiently supported by Liberals too now). Will that help get him impeached. I think so. Does ANY of this matter when discussing and defending Comey's character? NOPE.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
One of the things Hitman is missing is that Comey could have done nothing. Then if someone in New York went public he could have come out and said that their statement was inaccurate and inappropriate, which would have been true.


Kills Photobucket
Third option was to also mention publicly that Trump's campaign was under investigation, and try to balance out the fallout instead of specifically targeting once campaign in a deliberate effort to damage it. But he chose to cover that up.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
1) You don't see the difference between being bitter that Comey pushed the scales with his Oct letter and hating the man. That is telling enough. Comey can be many things at once, it isn't binary.
Show me the hate, go ahead. Show me in this thread and in general. You have created such a wonderful caricature.

2) No, this thread isn't really about Comey. It is about Trump, specifically the unparalleled decision of a POTUS firing the director of the FBI, especially when that director is currently carrying out an investigation of said POTUS and his campaign.

I see warranted bitterness (against Trump's firing) and unwarranted bitterness against Comey. That needs correction. This thread is about Trump firing of Comey. With that, comes posts of Comey.

Or if you really really want we can make it ONLY about Trump. As if talking about how evil, and ignorant Trump is needs any more witty comments.
I see warranted bitterness (against Trump's firing) and unwarranted bitterness against Comey. That needs correction. This thread is about Trump firing of Comey. With that, comes posts of Comey.

Or if you really really want we can make it ONLY about Trump. As if talking about how evil, and ignorant Trump is needs any more witty comments.

Whatever, I'm done contributing to this shit. You do you, this is beyond absurd.

Cannot believe a 9000 post thread jumped into shitville.


Death Prophet
So if Comey has said Huma backed up hundreds to thousands of emails on Weiner's laptop through her BlackBerry and forwarded some, months after the investigation has closed that changes what exactly???? NOTHING. And doesn't change Comey's character either. It's a nothing burger and a Trump talking point that you are now parroting for the benefit of Trump.

Forwarding hundreds to thousands of emails to your husband seems reckless. It just does. And yes, I do think it paints Comey's decision to take unprecedented action in a better light.

Do I think it'd sway the election? No. Did I state that it would? NOPE. Would it sway SOME supporters? Yes, if they run out of bullshit talking points (conventiently supported by Liberals too now). Will that help get him impeached. I think so. Does ANY of this matter when discussing and defending Comey's character? NOPE.

You have a lot more faith in republicans in congress than I.


The day Republicans run out of talking points is the day I get stranded on an uncharted desert island with Idris Elba, Chris Evans, Brad Pitt, Michael B Jordan, Chadwick Boseman...

...Chris Hemsworth, Zac Efron, Chris Pine, The Rock, The Main Character in American Gods, Michael Fassbender...

The point is Republicans don't require our help to construct bullshit talking points.


You guys are still on this bullshit about Bernie losing? I'm right with you on feelings about the firing and such and then you throw in some sort of unnecessary garbage at other liberals who dared support someone wasn't a milquetoast establishment candidate in the primary?

Focus on Republicans and this stuff instead of continuing to try to split the party for no reason. You're falling into the GOP playbook by continuing to foster this shit.

Well you sure came to a lot of unwarranted conclusions about one little quip. Maybe direct your accusations of trying to divide the party and falling into the GOP playbook toward more apt targets. Hint:
one of them is currently derailing the thread.


I think Andrew Coyne's take is pretty decent. I normally dislike the stuffy Canadian conservative, but this really captures my view of the mess.

Edit - I really like this view.
Snooty Tory Bastard said:
Those fine minds who think the really essential point to make at this moment is that it is “perfectly legal” for Trump to fire the FBI director, or that the Democrats didn’t care much for Comey either, might wish to consider how they became so blind to context. Whatever Trump’s powers, whatever Comey’s mistakes, for the president to fire the FBI director in the very middle of an investigation into his administration — an investigation that, whatever his protestations, is very likely to touch upon the president himself — is self-evidently unacceptable.


The day Republicans run out of talking points is the day I get stranded on an uncharted desert island with Idris Elba, Chris Evans, Brad Pitt, Michael B Jordan, Chadwick Boseman...

...Chris Hemsworth, Zac Efron, Chris Pine, The Rock, The Main Character in American Gods, Michael Fassbender...

The point is Republicans don't require our help to construct bullshit talking points.

Fassbender, really?
Christ, can you guys just end this? Do we really need yet another thread religiating the election??

I've got to agree. Whatever mistakes Comey made for HRC, his firing has nothing to do with them. That Trump fired him at all is extremely troubling and we should all be concerned him.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Third option was to also mention publicly that Trump's campaign was under investigation, and try to balance out the fallout instead of specifically targeting once campaign in a deliberate effort to damage it. But he chose to cover that up.

Or Comey's motives last year were less than pure but enough people whose opinions he valued told him he was fucking up that he started flying straight again.
Or he saw what a disaster Trump was turning out to be and had a change of heart.
If Comey was willing to throw an election for Trump, why wouldn't he give him his loyalty? Comey would have thrown an election for a man he knew was being investigated for Russia shit too. It makes no sense he would do one and not the other.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
One of the things Hitman is missing is that Comey could have done nothing. Then if someone in New York went public he could have come out and said that their statement was inaccurate and inappropriate, which would have been true.

Comey was investigating HRC emails to determine if there was improper handling of classified materials. This, no matter how much it will pain Liberals to hear is his JOB. IF NYPD Cheif went public with a press conference (on top of the already public statements he made about the emails) Comey would have been left with NO ANSWER. Because in order to say "innaccurate and inappropriate" he would have had to actually see and analyze those emails in order to make that call.


Hitman's not attacking Liberals guys, stop reading that into his posts when every single one has an attack on Liberals in it, totally not what he is doing. Gosh.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
If Comey was willing to throw an election for Trump, why wouldn't he give him his loyalty? Comey would have thrown an election for a man he knew was being investigated for Russia shit too. It makes no sense he would do one and not the other.

True. Which means Comey is NOT a partisan hack. But people would have known this sooner if you know they looked at the context and facts surrounding the HRC letter.


If Comey was willing to throw an election for Trump, why wouldn't he give him his loyalty? Comey would have thrown an election for a man he knew was being investigated for Russia shit too. It makes no sense he would do one and not the other.

I'm pretty sure he was just covering his ass with the Email letter and didn't expect it to land so thunderously as it did.

Besides he did recently say the idea he helped Trump win made him nauseous.
Love Don Lemon coverage at times.

Brinkley knows what is up, it is all Trump and his ego. He cares sure, but he is willing to do whatever it takes to deflect attention. Trump is like some religious figure, if it is good news it is all thanks to him. However, if the news is bad it is always someone else to blame. It really is amazing.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Comey was investigating HRC emails to determine if there was improper handling of classified materials. This, no matter how much it will pain Liberals to hear is his JOB. IF NYPD Cheif went public with a press conference (on top of the already public statements he made about the emails) Comey would have been left with NO ANSWER. Because in order to say "innaccurate and inappropriate" he would have had to actually see and analyze those emails in order to make that call.

If they were throwing out shit like Comet Pizza as fact then nope.


If Comey was willing to throw an election for Trump, why wouldn't he give him his loyalty? Comey would have thrown an election for a man he knew was being investigated for Russia shit too. It makes no sense he would do one and not the other.

These aren't mutually exclusive. You can act to influence in the election to help the Republican party and also not want to pledge loyalty (and become a stooge) to the President.
Well you sure came to a lot of unwarranted conclusions about one little quip. Maybe direct your accusations of trying to divide the party and falling into the GOP playbook toward more apt targets. Hint:
one of them is currently derailing the thread.

You're complaining about people derailing the thread and you threw in something inflammatory that served no purpose in relation to the topic just like he is.

Not sure what you expected.
If Comey was willing to throw an election for Trump, why wouldn't he give him his loyalty? Comey would have thrown an election for a man he knew was being investigated for Russia shit too. It makes no sense he would do one and not the other.

Personally I think Comey was looking out for #1 and knew he would be asked to resign by Obama/Clinton had she won. I think he wanted to help the Senate GOP rather than Trump but his letter being leaked hit harder than expected.
Fassbender, really?


I'd let him impregnate me from behind.

By the way, why are we talking about e-mails again?
I'm pretty sure he was just covering his ass with the Email letter and didn't expect it to land so thunderously as it did.

Besides he did recently say the idea he helped Trump win made him nauseous.

Im in the "Comey is politically inept, but not a bad man" camp personally.

Didn't Obama also want him to stay silent on Russia because he didn't want It to looks like Dems were being partisan going after Trump while he was still in office?
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