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Trump Fires James Comey

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Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
The electoral college and intense gerrymandering is technically why he's in office. Less Americans voted for him.

Poor voter turn out is obviously to blame as well.

Poor Voter Turn Out because why? Because Trump/Russia/Fake News was able to convince a large portion of the population that "Both are equally bad" so why turn out at all. No matter how stupid and non-sensical we think the Trump talking points are, they DO have an effect on others.


MSNBC just broke that NBC News is reporting that sources within the FBI have disputed Trump's claim earlier today that Comey invited Trump to dinner where he told him that he wasn't under investigation. The White House requested the dinner, and Comey refused to tell Trump he wasn't under investigation.

I'd link, but it's not yet on the site.

EDIT: Beat by Unison


Poor Voter Turn Out because why? Because Trump/Russia/Fake News was able to convince a large portion of the population that "Both are equally bad" so why turn out at all. No matter how stupid and non-sensical we think the Trump talking points are, they DO have an effect on others.
I agree.


Death Prophet
I will say my perspective on Comey has softened... I do think he was in a particularly bad situation but I don't really agree with the idea that it would have swayed a significant amount of Trump supporters if the talking points didn't exist. I mean as it stands they barely exist. They have hitched their wagon to Trump and will remain immovable in their defense. They are confident the media is lying about everything.

Dude Abides

Comey was investigating HRC emails to determine if there was improper handling of classified materials. This, no matter how much it will pain Liberals to hear is his JOB. IF NYPD Cheif went public with a press conference (on top of the already public statements he made about the emails) Comey would have been left with NO ANSWER. Because in order to say "innaccurate and inappropriate" he would have had to actually see and analyze those emails in order to make that call.

First of all, the NYPD has nothing whatsoever to do with this. At all. Second, the head of the NY Bureau of the FBI would not have held a "press conference" about the Abedin emails under any circumstance. If the existence of those emails was made public, it would have been a leak. Comedy could have responded to any such leak by saying "we have learned of the existence of some additional emails which we are looking into." That would have not created nearly as huge a shitshow as the way he went about it did. Comey's handling of this was ham fisted and self-aggrandizing, no matter how much it will pain you to hear it.
Not all of them are. And because in my way of fighting back and stopping Trump I think the most practical way is winning the minds and opinions of his supporters.

But that's a stupid idea because it's highly impractical and inefficient to the point of being counterproductive. It's a losing strategy and a waste of time, which is why most presidential candidates never bother with it.

If you used the same persuasive techniques to convince Trump supporters that you're using here, you probably didn't do nearly as good a job as you think you did.

Agreed. Even on the naivety. Still, Comey is a patriot. Without him, Trump's dictatorship is pretty much a LOCK.

Why are you so hung up on Comey's patriotism? George Bush is a patriot, John McCain is a patriot, would you defend them with the same reasoning? Patriots are still capable of being idiots who are bad at their jobs.

Also, you realize that you're playing into the conservative narrative that liberals are crying wolf by calling Trump a dictator, right?


No. I'm saying some Liberals were wrong on their judgements of Comey's character and their read of the HRC email situation. I'm saying this incorrect narrative gave Trump additional and more credible talking points to defend the Comey firing. I'm saying Comey is being unfairly attacked.
And i'm saying you're wildly misreading the current situation if you think that has somehow given Trump a more credible avenue for firing Comey. Everything bears that out to not be true.

Reading between the lines, it seems like you could be suggesting Comey might not have even been fired if Democrats didn't say mean things about him last year. Do you believe that?


Apparently by publicly talking about the Comey dinner, the WH loses executive privilege, the ability to block Comey from testifying about what he told trump in those meetings.


Poor Voter Turn Out because why? Because Trump/Russia/Fake News was able to convince a large portion of the population that "Both are equally bad" so why turn out at all. No matter how stupid and non-sensical we think the Trump talking points are, they DO have an effect on others.

So the solution is what?

Not say anything about anything ever? Because anything can be seized upon and used as a talking point. Anything at all.

These are people who talk pizza orders and turned it into a pedo ring.

Your anger is completely misplaced, blame Trump for Trump.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Trump immediately bungled the firing, though, rendering any talking points surrounding the handling of Hillary's e-mails pretty irrelevant.

The talking point was pre-bungled when Trump made kissy faces at Comey months ago for the very thing he claimed to fire him for later.


NBC News said:
Despite what President Donald Trump said earlier in the day, James Comey did not seek a dinner with the president to retain his job, one current and one former FBI official close to Comey told NBC News Thursday evening.

You know why, Donald? It's possible because not everyone's a bitch quivering when they see you waddle towards them, so get ready to scream at the television every night when more people come out of the woodwork. Fuck you. You're a shitstain and you're confusing machismo New York real estate nonsense for real power.


I can't see how anyone can fully believe Trump will serve his full term. Look at where we are after just 6 months. He still has to get through the rest of the year. I can't fathom him making it through 3 more after that.

That makes me think... we should make bets on this (how much longer in power, complete term).

I personally think he makes it to 2020 at least


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
First of all, the NYPD has nothing whatsoever to do with this. At all. Second, the head of the NY Bureau of the FBI would not have held a "press conference" about the Abedin emails under any circumstance. If the existence of those emails was made public, it would have been a leak. Comedy could have responded to any such leak by saying "we have learned of the existence of some additional emails which we are looking into." That would have not created nearly as huge a shitshow as the way he went about it did. Comey's handling of this was ham fisted and self-aggrandizing, no matter how much it will pain you to hear it.

NYPD Cheif states publically that the emails were staggering and if Comey didn't act he would hold a press conference. So yes, NYPD was in the picture and should be considered when analyzing the Comey HRC letter Situation. And Comey essentially did state that additional emails were found, significance of emails were not known, and that they are looking into it. He essentially did what you suggested he do. Was the press conference self-aggrandizing? Maybe? That's up to interpretation. Comey ALSO could have thought that a press conference that was detailed and played to BOTH sides (Dem and GOP voters) would be the perfect way to put to bed a "scandal" that was in the minds of Americans for months at that point.


Poor choice of words. I shouldn't have said nothing happened. Rather they both intimated that something big was going to go down today and there wasn't anything I would call "big". The raid was potentially significant, but we don't know for sure if it was even connected to the Trump/Russia investigation.

The raid today has ties to Manafort and Stone. Also ties to the Mercers and Bannon.

I'd say pretty likely.


Most of his supporters won't turn and haven't. Some will, if the argument is strong enough against Trump. Liberals wanting Comey fired as well lessens the effectiveness of the argument against Trump firing Comey.



If the argument that an incompetent, unqualified, sexually assaulting, lying, cheating, racist, mysoginst guy who demands loyalty oaths and goes on insane Twitter rants while colluding with Russia to sway a presidential election in his favor isn't strong enough, what the FUCK do you think will be?


"I need to know you're loyal to me." He watches too many movies. Either that or he's taking how to govern tips from Putin.




If the argument that an incompetent, unqualified, sexually assaulting, lying, cheating, racist, mysoginst guy who demands loyalty oaths and goes on insane Twitter rants while colluding with Russia to sway a presidential election in his favor isn't strong enough, what the FUCK do you think will be?

Trump becoming Pro-Choice?


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
NYPD Cheif states publically that the emails were staggering and if Comey didn't act he would hold a press conference. So yes, NYPD was in the picture and should be considered when analyzing the Comey HRC letter Situation. And Comey essentially did state that additional emails were found, significance of emails were not known, and that they are looking into it. He essentially did what you suggested he do. Was the press conference self-aggrandizing? Maybe? That's up to interpretation. Comey ALSO could have thought that a press conference that was detailed and played to BOTH sides (Dem and GOP voters) would be the perfect way to put to bed a "scandal" that was in the minds of Americans for months at that point.

If claims have already been made about the contents of new e-mails then confirming the existence of new e-mails (and ongoing investigation) and not commenting on the contents just feeds that.
Yes, of course news slowed down. It's nighttime. But how verbally angry should democrats have been at Comey in October" is literally the most pointless discussion I can imagine and letting it drag on for 20 pages with everyone repeating the exact same points over and over again gets threads locked even if it's on topic.

So you're a dirty 50 ppp person ehh?

Hyperbole aside, it's a little more than tangently related to topic, and I found it worth discussing.

Whatever though, if it's an issue, it's not one I'm going to push so ... cheers I guess
Apparently by publicly talking about the Comey dinner, the WH loses executive privilege, the ability to block Comey from testifying about what he told trump in those meetings.

We should be praising whatever deity/god/eldritch Old One/etc is out there that this administration is so damn incompetent and run by an insane narcissistic rather than people who didn't shoot themselves in the foot on a daily basis
Apparently by publicly talking about the Comey dinner, the WH loses executive privilege, the ability to block Comey from testifying about what he told trump in those meetings.

You're right, but I don't think that matters much in practice. If Comey wants to testify before Congress, I don't think POTUS can exercise executive privilege on Comey's behalf, especially now that he's out of office and no longer under POTUS command.


Fail out bailed
This is easy friends. Comey wasn't a PATRIOT beyond reproach or a villain. He was Comey. He was a man.

I am capable of multitudes including including thinking he handled a lot of shit wrong while also thinking he was fired for the wrong reasons at the wrong time. I'm not responsible for the bullshit racists on Twitter spew.

Furthermore if additional details come to light making me wrong about Comey, that is also (pretty conveniently) not my fucking problem.


Apparently by publicly talking about the Comey dinner, the WH loses executive privilege, the ability to block Comey from testifying about what he told trump in those meetings.

Oh? I mean, isn't he supposed to RSVP for a shindig by Tuesday? Ahem. I'm still really unconvinced that Comey will. If there was a case for him to pursue, it's in the Bureau's hands and that farewell message pretty much left me with the impression that he's closed the shutters on that.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
But that's a stupid idea because it's highly impractical and inefficient to the point of being counterproductive. It's a losing strategy and a waste of time, which is why most presidential candidates never bother with it.

If you used the same persuasive techniques to convince Trump supporters that you're using here, you probably didn't do nearly as good a job as you think you did.

Why are you so hung up on Comey's patriotism? George Bush is a patriot, John McCain is a patriot, would you defend them with the same reasoning? Patriots are still capable of being idiots who are bad at their jobs.

Also, you realize that you're playing into the conservative narrative that liberals are crying wolf by calling Trump a dictator, right?

Impractical to change the minds of voters? Isn't that what ALL politicians do? Isn't that the whole point of their existence to gain votes? I'm not here to toot my own horn, but I've followed the accounts of people I've debated with. And I see their posts AFTER engaging with me on Trump-Russia. I know how they've changed after the fact. It is EXTREMELY tough though I will agree. And for that reason, I've stopped doing it as much as I used to.

I'm hung up on Comey being blamed and derided for things that aren't TRUE. I'm sure many have done the same in defence of HRC or Bernie on these very forums. The only reason my posts stand out is because it goes against a popular narrative. Maybe you do think he's "bad at his job." Sure, go ahead and think that, although I doubt anyone here actually understands the ins and outs of being an FBI director to be able to even make that call. But lets not pretend like that's why I'm talking about here. Comey is NOT partisan, he's not crooked, he's not in bed with GOP. That wasn't true during the election and its definately not true now.

I DO think Trump is a would-be dictator, although I would never argue as if I knew that as a fact. I don't see the Conservative boy who cried wolf on that particular subject in defence of Trump. Send me a link. But if that narrative did exist, I'd still think it.


You're right, but I don't think that matters much in practice. If Comey wants to testify before Congress, I don't think POTUS can exercise executive privilege on Comey's behalf, especially now that he's out of office and no longer under POTUS command.

They tried to with Yates after her firing.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
This is easy friends. Comey wasn't a PATRIOT beyond reproach or a villain. He was Comey. He was a man.

I am capable of multitudes including including thinking he handled a lot of shit wrong while also thinking he was fired for the wrong reasons at the wrong time. I'm not responsible for the bullshit racists on Twitter spew.

But he has a 17 Patriotism stat. That means he can make almost all of his saving throws against partisanship.
Sure. Except right now his Supporters are posting memes and quotes of Liberals wanting Comey gone as if it supports the firing. Also, his talking point would have never flew with Liberals. But with independents and his supporters, it allows him to hang on to his mind control over them. It's not all about how we, Liberals think of Trump. If that was the case, he wouldn't be in office in the first place.

I think you're worried about some mythical minority of Trump supporters that are somehow simultaneously able to be reasonable and keep an open enough mind to potentially turn against Trump but also are fucking stupid enough to not realize that it is bad that Trump fired a guy that was investigating him. I mean I'm not going to say that such a person cannot exist but... therearedozensofus[them].gif


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.


If the argument that an incompetent, unqualified, sexually assaulting, lying, cheating, racist, mysoginst guy who demands loyalty oaths and goes on insane Twitter rants while colluding with Russia to sway a presidential election in his favor isn't strong enough, what the FUCK do you think will be?

Proof of corruption and Russian collusion. Of which none has been provided yet. And which what has been provided can be defended and mentally gynmasticked away with convenient talking points like "Liberals want Comey gone too!" SEE THE GOD EMPEROR WAS RIGHT AGAIN!
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