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Trump Fires James Comey

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"hence per se" is such an awful choice of words.


Sanders voters polled higher for Hillary than Hillary's voters did for Obama. This is a bad take that keeps popping up. It mistakes the push for progressivism as separate from the cold reality of pulling the lever for the best choice, and that's what Sanders voters ultimately did after they said their piece.

Some of the voters in the states that gave up the election to Trump might've gone for Sanders, given the union base that normally supports Dems in those places. But the real problem is not people who actually turned out for primary season, it's people who didn't come out to vote at all.

Some of that is the "depressed vote" phenomenon, where people weren't excited enough about Clinton to bother spreading the word on her. But beyond that, Democrats don't even try to create new voters. The entire system they've built is based on shuffling around numbers among an increasingly polarized, small number of people. Chasing moderates, like they did to great success in the 90's.

It's not the 90's anymore. They need to get new people to bother coming in.

The left base is bigger than the Republican right.

We saw this in the two elections Obama won. We see it in the utter desperation of Republicans gerrymandering the hell out of districts and going all in on almost-blatant voter suppression.

The problem with the Democrats right now, at least in my mind, is the exact opposite of what you just described. Instead of believing in the power and size of our base and fighting like hell to get every single one of them out to vote (which was the Clinton campaign strategy during the primaries and the main reason she defeated Sanders), we continue to see Trump as an opening to steal right leaning voters, and that is never going to happen in the numbers we need it to happen. It is a fools errand to devote any amount of time and/or resources to that cause. Fuck Trump. Fuck his voters. Fuck the right.

Democrats don't need to "make new voters," the numbers are on are side already, and even Republicans know it. What we need to do is fight like hell and make priority number one, two, and three doing every single fucking thing we can to make sure every left-leaning voter recognizes the stakes, gets out and votes and CAN vote.

Democrats need to operate under the assumption that every single person who voted for Trump votes for him again. In that reality, how do we win? What's the strategy? This needs to be the mindset going forward.


As good as Obama's coalition was, they still wouldn't have won anything without moderate whites in places like Scranton voting for him.

That's the problem here. Hillary got annihilated in the moderate rural areas Obama and previous Democrats had done decent in. Without those moderate whites, any actual electoral path forward is extremely tough.
This Liberty University is obviously Christian but what denomination? It's clearly not catholic. Is it evangelical?

It's extreme baptist and evangelical. Many of the evangelicals and mainliners hate Liberty University because their extremist views make them look bad. That said, I'd say about 40% of evangelicals (and even higher if we're taking white evangelicals) would approve of Liberty University.


As good as Obama's coalition was, they still wouldn't have won anything without moderate whites in places like Scranton voting for him.

That's the problem here. Hillary got annihilated in the moderate rural areas Obama and previous Democrats had done decent in. Without those moderate whites, any actual electoral path forward is extremely tough.
When you look at what areas are likely to flip D in the future- they're not those areas. That's the issue with trying to "flip them back" - history tells us that really doesn't happen. Doesn't mean those state are unwinnable, just means they're going to be getting harder and harder to win and we have to hope that the sunbelt comes online sooner rather than later.
Look, do you really believe Donald Trump himself colluded with Russian officials to torpedeo the career of Hillary Clinton and has been POTUS for nearly 4 months? Despite all the flags you see...do you really believe he wouldn't be arrested right on the spot at any true red flag? That Pres. Obama's administration would hand over the keys to the US presidency to a Russian operative...

Your pro-Trump agenda and avatar really doesn't add any credible positioning here. We don't take any of your thoughts critically because it's hard to see any objectivity.


Hence per se inappropriate

Look, do you really believe Donald Trump himself colluded with Russian officials to torpedeo the career of Hillary Clinton and has been POTUS for nearly 4 months? Despite all the flags you see...do you really believe he wouldn't be arrested right on the spot at any true red flag? That Pres. Obama's administration would hand over the keys to the US presidency to a Russian operative...

I see what youre saying but um, no, the president would not be arrested in front of the whole world, and obviously the investigation is still in process, when obama "handed over the keys" they wouldnt have known anything definitive yet. Also, thats not how law enforcement works. They literally exhaust every possible option to gather as much evidence as possible before filing charges because they will only get one chance to make it stick. They dont just jump the gun once theyve found evidence. In fact they are willing to wait a pretty long time. Even drug dealers get surveilled and evidence built up for as many as several years before they actually raid. But yeah we will see what happens, as of now its just an investigation into an extremely fishy situation, but certainly not as simple as youre portraying.


Neo Member
My take on Trump so far is this:

He’s a baby. He hasn’t had any responsibilities whatsoever. And I mean that literally. Given his ‘businesses’ and finances, I am getting more and more the impression that he has never managed them himself. Like his father simply put in his will that little Donnie would benefit from all Trump assets, but that the assets would be managed by the advisers.

We know by now how he reacts to misfortunes, to obstacles. He’s a spoiled brat and a father would know that. His advisers know this as well. So they simply try to keep him happy.

‘I want a golden apartment!’ ‘Sure Donnie, whatever you want’
‘I wanna build a new tower!’ ‘Wherever you want’

Investments in real estate wouldn’t even be harmful, so they ‘train’ him to want that the most. All his other outburst are willfully built on weak foundations, so they can be dismantled once his first, childish interest has disappeared.

All the free time that he keeps at hand, he spent on childish adventures. The NYC mob is something that could easily play as his fantasies. So it is not unimaginable that he tried to figure them out (through his advisers?) to satisfy his childhood dreams. He doesn’t really know them, he doesn’t really work with/for them, he simply satisfied his dreams. It was a way for the real owners of his father’s wealth to keep him happy.

Getting to the election: the advisers lost control. It was one of his outbursts. And just as before they thought he would lose interest. They also made the same mistake as Obama, the Democrats, the majority of American voters AND the world: they thought he’d never win. But he did.

Now the question remains what is happening now. My guess? The fund managers, probably bound by a contract to preserve Trump seniors legacy, have left the sinking ship. The WH is in shambles because Trump jr. is left with his own poorly chosen advisers. Will he then get impeached? That depends on how strong the FBI can determine the links between him and the thugs he met and how well the fund managers were able to cut loose. Will his presidency survive? That depends on who can take control in the raging fight within the WH.

(But it's an outside, European view on what's going on)
Trump has been contradicted and called out for years, by all kinds of important people, on all kinds of things. He's been recorded saying outlandish things. He tweets lies all day. Republicans still polish his knob, control congress, and disconnect their D.C. voicemails when they don't want to hear from constituents.

Comey talking about his dinner in public without classified information is not going to do much IMO unless he has recorded video or audio evidence of something. It's gonna be Comey's word versus Trump's. People who think Trump is corrupt already think so, people who think he isn't won't change their minds.

I'm not gonna be impressed by people here who are super duper sure there's going to be a smoking gun against Trump and that this will get resolved with a new director, no matter how much smoke there is. The same hostile liberals tormented anyone who doubted Hillary.

Im skeptical that the investigation isn't hindered by Comey's firing and I think a public testimony of the dinner isn't going to checkmate him in any way. Unless you get a whistleblower, this could be mostly swept under the rug by a change of leadership in the executive branch.

I want you to reflect on the fact that Yates' testimony happened only 6 days ago. Think about the seismic shifts that testimony has already caused. It created absolute chaos for the WH. Comey's testimony would do an order of a magnitude more than Yates' did.
"hence per se" is such an awful choice of words.

"Per se" is being used as a legal term of art there I think.

The left base is bigger than the Republican right.

We saw this in the two elections Obama won. We see it in the utter desperation of Republicans gerrymandering the hell out of districts and going all in on almost-blatant voter suppression.

The problem with the Democrats right now, at least in my mind, is the exact opposite of what you just described. Instead of believing in the power and size of our base and fighting like hell to get every single one of them out to vote (which was the Clinton campaign strategy during the primaries and the main reason she defeated Sanders), we continue to see Trump as an opening to steal right leaning voters, and that is never going to happen in the numbers we need it to happen. It is a fools errand to devote any amount of time and/or resources to that cause. Fuck Trump. Fuck his voters. Fuck the right.

Democrats don't need to "make new voters," the numbers are on are side already, and even Republicans know it. What we need to do is fight like hell and make priority number one, two, and three doing every single fucking thing we can to make sure every left-leaning voter recognizes the stakes, gets out and votes and CAN vote.

Democrats need to operate under the assumption that every single person who voted for Trump votes for him again. In that reality, how do we win? What's the strategy? This needs to be the mindset going forward.

I think we're talking past each other again. When I think of a "new voter" I think of someone generally inclined to vote Democratic but that hasn't registered or hasn't made it out to the polls for awhile. Turnout among millennials and minorities is significantly lower than other demographics, and I think that's where a lot of the growth could come from. So I think we substantially agree that the solution is greater turnout among traditionally Democratic constituencies, we're just putting it in different words.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Look, do you really believe Donald Trump himself colluded with Russian officials to torpedeo the career of Hillary Clinton and has been POTUS for nearly 4 months? Despite all the flags you see...do you really believe he wouldn't be arrested right on the spot at any true red flag? That Pres. Obama's administration would hand over the keys to the US presidency to a Russian operative...

He doesn't have to accept a bag of emails and cash to collude. Simply knowing for example that Flynn and Page were agreeing to get russia policy advice from actual Russian spies, while getting sweetheart deals from Russian fanciers or property buyers is plenty. And that's exactly the kind of thing that is increasingly obvious by the day. Some of it even proven. Not theory. Not guesswork. Some of these items have actually occurred. We can't prove intent or purpose, but we cannot deny those components.

Obama thought Hillary had it in the bag and that the investigation would happen right after the politics and election were out of the way. Obama assumed he would not have to blow up the election. Wrongly, but reasonably. Same with Comey to a lesser extent. And more problematically, obviously.

To be honest, thinking that it isn't some version of the above is an amazing stretch of credulity. Trump continues, literally daily, to appear more and more suspicious and panicked with his own words. this is not a conspiracy theory.

Trump sold a problem property at the nadir of the property market for double its market value. At the same time there were objectively better homes in objectively more desirable locations selling for less. And Trump's own children have expressed multiple times that significant portions of their business were attracting Russian money when no other money was available. These aren't guesses. These are things that actually happened.

And these are just the things that are evident. Maybe that's everything right? But maybe it's the tip of the iceberg. We would need to see his taxes to know the bulk of it. And he has lied about the reasons he can't show them (fact) and continues to obfuscate and dissemble.

Trump's campaign only asked for one change to the GOP platform after he got the nomination. Do you remember what that change was? Clue: It was not something he ran on.
It's extreme baptist and evangelical. Many of the evangelicals and mainliners hate Liberty University because their extremist views make them look bad. That said, I'd say about 40% of evangelicals (and even higher if we're taking white evangelicals) would approve of Liberty University.
Why is it always these universities that the GOP leaders cater to and give speeches in? Why it's never, say, Notre Dame which is a catholic university? Why is it always the backwards and most extreme evangelical ones only?


Why is it always these universities that the GOP leaders cater to and give speeches in? Why it's never, say, Notre Dame which is a catholic university? Why is it always the backwards and most extreme evangelical ones only?

Because they're the only ones they won't be booed and protested at.
Your pro-Trump agenda and avatar really doesn't add any credible positioning here. We don't take any of your thoughts critically because it's hard to see any objectivity.

Given our control over the US financial system and accordingly its assets, given all the intelligence tools at our disposal...do you believe Donald Trump has access to the nuclear codes, is giving commencement speeches, is throwing out executive orders, signing legislation, and talking to foreign leaders while guilty of treasonous collusion? If he's been POTUS for nearly 4 months and that's the case then think through the implications.


Look, do you really believe Donald Trump himself colluded with Russian officials to torpedeo the career of Hillary Clinton and has been POTUS for nearly 4 months? Despite all the flags you see...do you really believe he wouldn't be arrested right on the spot at any true red flag? That Pres. Obama's administration would hand over the keys to the US presidency to a Russian operative...

Yes, yes I do.
Look, do you really believe Donald Trump himself colluded with Russian officials to torpedeo the career of Hillary Clinton and has been POTUS for nearly 4 months? Despite all the flags you see...do you really believe he wouldn't be arrested right on the spot at any true red flag? That Pres. Obama's administration would hand over the keys to the US presidency to a Russian operative...

Trump's ties to Russian organized crime are well known. There's even a real good documentary out of Netherlands that goes over it.

And you can't arrest a President.


Given our control over the US financial system and accordingly its assets, given all the intelligence tools at our disposal...do you believe Donald Trump has access to the nuclear codes, is giving commencement speeches, is throwing out executive orders, signing legislation, and talking to foreign leaders while guilty of treasonous collusion? If he's been POTUS for nearly 4 months and that's the case then think through the implications.

I don't think you understand how investigations work. It takes a long time to build a solid case.

Though asking a Trump supporter to demonstrate actual knowledge is a big ask to begin with.
I'm still pretty shocked at how steady Trump's approval ratings have been. They basically haven't budged since election day.

Except they HAVE budged since Election Day. Between Election Day and Inauguration Day, you have the "shy trump voters" try to internally justify their anti-Hillary votes by switching to approval of Trump and "giving him a chance".

As soon as Trump started fucking up drasticlaly AS POTUS, his approval dropped back down to negative approval, with highs in the low 40s and lows in the high 30s.

I'm much less sanguine on this than you are - to my mind, 2016 proved how steady and partisan the moderate vote is. You'd have thought that they would have defected from a candidate that was so reviled by the party elite and the rest of the country, but they didn't.

That's because you are stuck in the rational perspective of knowing that Hillary was not the demon the GOP made her out to be, but imagine how the choice looks to the 60% of voters that bought into all the antiHillary propaganda.

It turns out moderates will shut up and vote their partisan affiliation almost no matter who you put up - the same would be true of the left if Sanders had gotten the nomination or if someone more outlandish like an Oprah had. That's how deep partisan ties run in modern America.

The problem is that you are assuming all "moderates" and "swing voters" to all be the same kinds of voters when there are many different types of those voters.

Extremists, meanwhile, are the squeaky wheel. Sanders supporters could and did stay home or vote third party even as Rockefeller Republicans held their noses and pulled the lever for Trump. The parties don't have to shore up their moderate flank anymore - for all intents and purposes, there isn't a moderate flank. Their main goal has to be to mobilize constituencies that vote less frequency, whether that's the minority turnout Obama mustered, the millennials that Sanders relied upon, or the various and sundry racists and Buchananites and alt-righters that Trump managed to get excited about politics again.

In other words, the key in 2018 and 2020 is going to be turnout.

I agree that 2018 and 2020 will be about turnout, but you are underestimating how much the GOP was able to successfully make 2016 about rejecting Hillary.


Given our control over the US financial system and accordingly its assets, given all the intelligence tools at our disposal...do you believe Donald Trump has access to the nuclear codes, is giving commencement speeches, is throwing out executive orders, signing legislation, and talking to foreign leaders while guilty of treasonous collusion? If he's been POTUS for nearly 4 months and that's the case then think through the implications.

Yes I'm sure most of us have thought through the implications (actually, it will be impossible to know all the implications until such a scenario actually occurs), and that's why the investigation is a big fucking deal. It's why firing Comey is a big fucking deal. It's why nominating a partisan to head the FBI is a big fucking deal. It's why Nunes going to the White House was a big fucking deal.

Given our control over the US financial system and accordingly its assets, given all the intelligence tools at our disposal...do you believe Donald Trump has access to the nuclear codes, is giving commencement speeches, is throwing out executive orders, signing legislation, and talking to foreign leaders while guilty of treasonous collusion? If he's been POTUS for nearly 4 months and that's the case then think through the implications.

Who is this "we" in 'control over the financial system? Because last I checked, there is much, much (much) less oversight on that from the US than there should be. Some about deregulation, you might remember that.

Also, you literally just pulled an appeal to authority by suggesting that being in power (by accident / cheating) makes it legit. Congratulations, you just used the oldest dictator move in the book.
Btw, did you actually choose your username or was it changed by a mod?

edit: didn't really mean this to be a pile-on, but it should be pretty damn obvious to anyone that nobody is in control of anything by itself and that being in the wrong position can do the most damage to what little degree of civilization we believe ourselves to have. Yes, this man has access to the entire US's weapon arsenal and that makes him incredibly dangerous. Not to mention his actions against the EPA and climate science.


Given our control over the US financial system and accordingly its assets, given all the intelligence tools at our disposal...do you believe Donald Trump has access to the nuclear codes, is giving commencement speeches, is throwing out executive orders, signing legislation, and talking to foreign leaders while guilty of treasonous collusion? If he's been POTUS for nearly 4 months and that's the case then think through the implications.

Michael Flynn was NSA for 18 days after they knew he was compromised.


This thread already has 1.5 million views...
Even just 10 minutes of news per week should be enough to see that Trump's actions are not the actions of someone who's innocent. It's full on willful ignorance, because anyone with an ounce of intelligence can see right through Trump.
This seems to now be the consensus of folks who do not normally have that consensus.
Trump's campaign only asked for one change to the GOP platform after he got the nomination. Do you remember what that change was? Clue: It was not something he ran on.
This was the biggest red flag to me, and something that seemed to be brushed over by the media at large. Everything around this was suspicious.
Firing the head of the FBI because he was investigating him and his campaign should be the last straw for any sane person.

That's banana republic level stuff.


Is it even possible that the administration pulls out of this nosedive? Trump has been president for like 4 months, I just can't fathom him lasting a full term at this point.


Firing the head of the FBI because he was investigating him and his campaign should be the last straw for any sane person.

That's banana republic level stuff.

"But Democrats wanted him fired last year!"

Even though most of the Dems I've heard on the matter have owned their original comments while still making a logical argument against him being fired now.
Look, do you really believe Donald Trump himself colluded with Russian officials to torpedeo the career of Hillary Clinton and has been POTUS for nearly 4 months? Despite all the flags you see...do you really believe he wouldn't be arrested right on the spot at any true red flag? That Pres. Obama's administration would hand over the keys to the US presidency to a Russian operative...

I think you greatly overestimate the government's capacity to arrest and charge rich people in positions of power.

There are still people who hand a huge hand in the latest financial crisis that will never see a day of jail time.
Look, do you really believe Donald Trump himself colluded with Russian officials to torpedeo the career of Hillary Clinton and has been POTUS for nearly 4 months? Despite all the flags you see...do you really believe he wouldn't be arrested right on the spot at any true red flag? That Pres. Obama's administration would hand over the keys to the US presidency to a Russian operative...
Yes to all of the above.

You should read history, Laughing Stock. It's hard to remove presidents.
Given our control over the US financial system and accordingly its assets, given all the intelligence tools at our disposal...do you believe Donald Trump has access to the nuclear codes, is giving commencement speeches, is throwing out executive orders, signing legislation, and talking to foreign leaders while guilty of treasonous collusion? If he's been POTUS for nearly 4 months and that's the case then think through the implications.
Jesus. Listen to yourself.

The world is living through those implications right now!!!!


Is the president's ability to fire the FBI Director an explicit law or is due to the lack of a law prohibiting it?


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Look, do you really believe Donald Trump himself colluded with Russian officials to torpedeo the career of Hillary Clinton and has been POTUS for nearly 4 months? Despite all the flags you see...do you really believe he wouldn't be arrested right on the spot at any true red flag? That Pres. Obama's administration would hand over the keys to the US presidency to a Russian operative...

He can't be arrested and you know it.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Is the president's ability to fire the FBI Director an explicit law or is due to the lack of a law prohibiting it?

There's no law against it because in any other circumstance a president firing an FBI director to stop them from investigating the president would be such a blatantly stupid move it would lead directly to impeachment.

Unfortunately we are in an area where both branches of Congress are in collusion with him so they can save their jobs by not losing a quarter of their voting base by trying to stop a fascist.
Why is it always these universities that the GOP leaders cater to and give speeches in? Why it's never, say, Notre Dame which is a catholic university? Why is it always the backwards and most extreme evangelical ones only?

Because evangelical/GOP culture have mixed the two in a blender. In the south religion and politics are so emeshed that they are seen as the same.

My friends at places like Princeton, Yale, Duke, etc. that do theology don't stand for that. They (and I) believe it runs directly counter to Christianity. There is a fairly large chasm between schools like Liberty or Bob Jones University and schools like you mentioned in thought and education. It's like Creation Museum vs. The Smithsonian.


Hang out with Steve.
I don't want Mike Rogers in that position. He voted in favor of AHCA. I don't trust him to not rubber stamp Trump request to suspend the investigation.
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