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Trump Fires James Comey

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For all practical purposes, the Russia thing is now over from a legal standpoint. DOJ won't go after Trump. Trump's own man will soon be in charge of the FBI, and Congress and the Senate wont do anything but grandstand to give the appearance of an investigation.

It's over, and Trump won.

This shit doesn't just go away.

They'll try and end investigations and shit, but this will be remembered by dems and can bring it up again after 2018.

Trump didn't win anything yet, and if he did, it's only temporary.

The IC is going to unleash hell. It's leak-a-palooza
I watched All The President's Men a month or two ago, and while it's a good movie for focusing on Woodward and Berenstein and the WaPo, it left me wanting for something that went deeper into the politics. I wound up watching The American Experience: The Presidents on Nixon, but it was more focused on the arc of his entire career. I really need to do another search for a good doc that does a real blow-by-blow of Watergate specifically.

Henry Kissinger's official biography by Walter Isaacson, Kissinger, goes into great depth about Watergate. Kissinger was not involved and was unscathed by Watergate, as he'd go onto being a bigger political celebrity after the Watergate scandal than before, and he was out of the country during most of the tumultuous months.

You get a great sense for just how fucked up the Nixon white house was. When Trump took office earlier this year, I had finished the biography a few months early, and it seemed reminiscent. Not so much the idea that Trump could very well be a crook, but just that Trump seemed to foster a conspiratorial distrust of people closest to him, and that most in his cabinet seem dead set against each other with deep factions forming.


I remember people on reddit posting a few tweets saying that sources were saying things about the grand jury were wrapping some stuff so this timing matches up.

This is getting good


Even a small amount of surprise must be hard to muster when talking Trump and strategy.

It's possible I missed something, like, today that pissed Trump off or something, because I would totally believe Trump randomly decided to fire Comey mid-interview and just went with it if it came to that.

But the way it broke is just bizarre and I thought this was what Kushner/Bannon/Priebus would be massaging. Or, like, if Trump has been after this for a week how did they not get recommendations signed and the news of those leaked out first? They've weaponized leaking against each other, how did none of them go for defensive leaks?



so imagine with Comey being fired and this ^ being said.

what if someone on GAF a few weeks ago started a thread that something like this might happen?

I bet alot folks would've thought...naaaa even THEY would've be so stupid/ballzy to try that on the American people.

well, there is. :/

we have to be prepared that ANYTHING can happen with Trump being President.... he likes to push the envelope as far as possible.

Top officials and military and local police have to be prepared. They might be told to do something they might disagree with, but might be too much in shock to question orders.
I just hope we stop attaching Gate to all of our controversie.

Blaming the Hillary Email Investigation is not a bad plan outright, but the timing is flat out crap. If this was done 2 months ago, the excuse may have went over better, but Trump likely though Comey was in his pocket for the first few months.

I hope we add pee pee tape to all future scandles.

"Shit guys! Did you hear? Charges were brought up for tax dodge pee pee tape!"


Great quote:

"If the President is truly above the law, and can fire anybody who is investigating him, that is the definition of tyranny."
-Ralph Nader
Seems to be trying to make a name for himself but having a tough time answering criticism in real time. The rest of the panel has basically taken the stance of "fuck this asshole."

oh he's made of a name of himself alright.

oh god, robby mook. crawl back into your non-midwestern state hole.
I watched All The President's Men a month or two ago, and while it's a good movie for focusing on Woodward and Berenstein and the WaPo, it left me wanting for something that went deeper into the politics. I wound up watching The American Experience: The Presidents on Nixon, but it was more focused on the arc of his entire career. I really need to do another search for a good doc that does a real blow-by-blow of Watergate specifically.

This is what you're looking for: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1468309994/?tag=neogaf0e-20

Elizabeth Drew's daily journals while covering the watergate scandal


Here's what's going to happen: Everyone is going to freak out and be like, "This is insane and he's done after this! There's no way he looks good after this, public is going to go nuts!"

And then absolutely nothing will happen because no one cares. It fucking really sucks and you would like to think the he's just one more misstep from getting booted out, but that's not how it's going to be. Sorry guys.



fact that Comey was quick to literally badmouth Hilary few days before elections on official press conference and twitter account, makes me believe russia investigation isnt going anywhere where people want it to go (to impeach), otherwise he would not be able to keep silent.

Comey won elections for Trump, if he did it on purpose then Trump would not fire him, so he just seems incompetent as fuck. He also just falsely testified in congress and he should have known better:

I have very little doubt that anything would have happened to Trump under his leadership of FBI.


Here's what's going to happen: Everyone is going to freak out and be like, "This is insane and he's done after this! There's no way he looks good after this, public is going to go nuts!"

And then absolutely nothing will happen because no one cares. It fucking really sucks and you would like to think the he's just one more misstep from getting booted out, but that's not how it's going to be. Sorry guys.

Your lame hot take is 50 pages late.


Here's what's going to happen: Everyone is going to freak out and be like, "This is insane and he's done after this! There's no way he looks good after this, public is going to go nuts!"

And then absolutely nothing will happen because no one cares. It fucking really sucks and you would like to think the he's just one more misstep from getting booted out, but that's not how it's going to be. Sorry guys.

Here's what's going to happen: Everyone is going to freak out and be like, "This is insane and he's done after this! There's no way he looks good after this, public is going to go nuts!"

And then absolutely nothing will happen because no one cares. It fucking really sucks and you would like to think the he's just one more misstep from getting booted out, but that's not how it's going to be. Sorry guys.

this is how I feel. I don't think anything will ever happen until there is undeniable evidence.


Here's what's going to happen: Everyone is going to freak out and be like, "This is insane and he's done after this! There's no way he looks good after this, public is going to go nuts!"

And then absolutely nothing will happen because no one cares. It fucking really sucks and you would like to think the he's just one more misstep from getting booted out, but that's not how it's going to be. Sorry guys.

Yup, nothing is happening. No movement whatsoever. Nothing for you to catch up on or read about.
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