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Trump Fires James Comey

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Junior Member
Here's what's going to happen: Everyone is going to freak out and be like, "This is insane and he's done after this! There's no way he looks good after this, public is going to go nuts!"

And then absolutely nothing will happen because no one cares. It fucking really sucks and you would like to think the he's just one more misstep from getting booted out, but that's not how it's going to be. Sorry guys.

Blah blah nothing will come of this meaningless post


I watched All The President's Men a month or two ago, and while it's a good movie for focusing on Woodward and Berenstein and the WaPo, it left me wanting for something that went deeper into the politics. I wound up watching The American Experience: The Presidents on Nixon, but it was more focused on the arc of his entire career. I really need to do another search for a good doc that does a real blow-by-blow of Watergate specifically.

You could also just pick a newspaper, pop into a database, and skim the headlines and opinion section daily through that period.
Here's what's going to happen: Everyone is going to freak out and be like, "This is insane and he's done after this! There's no way he looks good after this, public is going to go nuts!"

And then absolutely nothing will happen because no one cares. It fucking really sucks and you would like to think the he's just one more misstep from getting booted out, but that's not how it's going to be. Sorry guys.

Or the rest of us can see the investigation escalating with each passing week and that there will be no watershed moment but an accumulation of evidence that will eventually burn. down. everything...

Anyone expecting Trump to be gone or not gone over the course of a news cycle isn't seeing the bigger picture.


Here's what's going to happen: Everyone is going to freak out and be like, "This is insane and he's done after this! There's no way he looks good after this, public is going to go nuts!"

And then absolutely nothing will happen because no one cares. It fucking really sucks and you would like to think the he's just one more misstep from getting booted out, but that's not how it's going to be. Sorry guys.

Obama would've gotten murdered by 1/5 of the shit Trump has gotten away with.


Great quote:

"If the President is truly above the law, and can fire anybody who is investigating him, that is the definition of tyranny."
-Ralph Nader
This coming after an election where we demonized someone as being "above the law" for using a home email server (and turning it all over when asked for it)... I fucking hate the gop. Like Democrats could run on a platform of "bees in everyone's pants!" and I'd be like "sign me up!" at this point


If one good thing comes from all of this, we probably won't see another Republican president in our lifetime.

Never underestimate Republican determination to vote against their best interests. People will continue to believe Trump is innocent even if he killed a child on video because they don't want to speak ill of their li'l racist messiah.

If he's tried, there'll definitely be a huge blow to the GOP. But it won't be enough to shove the party into obscurity.


I refuse to believe this

That's too fucking unbelievable to think the WH was shocked by the backlash.

Like I said earlier. I think you're right, but this is Trump's WH. The man who signed a travel ban EO TWICE and thought it was a good idea.

I have no clue how these motherfuckers operate.
Even the makeup lady was shocked!



This is fucking crazy. It feels like this is really it. I keep checking CNN expecting to see a perp walk or a "DONALD TRUMP FOUND DEAD IN BATHTUB" chiron.


I refuse to believe this

That's too fucking unbelievable to think the WH was shocked by the backlash.

Apparently even Spicer is still around and trying to explain to reporters why Comey was fired etc. If this went according plan I doubt they would still be hanging around and trying to control narrative.


fact that Comey was quick to literally badmouth Hilary few days before elections on official press conference and twitter account, makes me believe russia investigation isnt going anywhere where people want it to go (to impeach), otherwise he would not be able to keep silent.

Comey won elections for Trump, if he did it on purpose then Trump would not fire him, so he just seems incompetent as fuck. He also just falsely testified in congress and he should have known better:

I have very little doubt that anything would have happened to Trump under his leadership of FBI.

This is how I view it as well. He seemed VERY incompetent.


West Wing still staffed and doing damage control.

Apparently this reaction to firing really caught WH off guard.

Expect a steady barrage of Democratic clips and comments condemning Comey to be referenced by the administration tomorrow. Wouldn't be surprised to see some late night tweets from Trump doing that to get us going.


Apparently even Spicer is still around and trying to explain to reporters why Comey was fired etc. If this went according plan I doubt they would still be hanging around and trying to control narrative.

I really think they'd have done it late Friday if they expected this.
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