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Trump Fires James Comey

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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
This story has nothing new, but is a good summary for folks who may have missed the news on this yesterday evening.

His surprise announcement Tuesday flouts decades of presidential deference to the nation's top law enforcement agency and its independence. It earns Trump the dubious distinction of being the first president since Richard Nixon to fire the official overseeing an investigation involving the commander in chief. And it cements a clear pattern of a man willing to challenge - in dramatic fashion - the institutions created to hold the president accountable.

Source: AP

It's worth noting that many local news sources buy articles from the AP so this article will be seen by a lot of people.


Actually, here is another that breaks it down a bit better:

Source: AP


Trump told Comey in a letter that he was following the recommendations of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and his deputy, Rod Rosenstein, who criticized Comey's controversial handling of an investigation into Clinton's use of a private email server.

"It is essential that we find new leadership for the FBI that restores public trust and confidence in its vital law enforcement mission," Trump wrote.

Clinton has blamed that investigation in part for the election result that put Trump in the White House.



Trump in his letter also said Comey repeatedly told him that he was not part of the probe into Russia contacts, something that has not been publicly stated before and which would be extremely unusual for an FBI director to say.

"While I greatly appreciate you informing me on, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau," Trump wrote.

When asked last week during a Senate hearing whether the president was part of the probe, Comey declined to answer.



Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein wrote a scathing three-page memo titled, "Restoring Public Confidence in the FBI," that slammed almost every aspect of Comey's handling of the Clinton probe. He said the director broke with longstanding tradition and protocol by holding a news conference in July where he announced Clinton would not be charged but denounced her sloppy handling of classified information. Comey should not have made his own conclusions about the "nation's most sensitive criminal investigation" without the Justice Department's express approval. But instead he "laid out his version of the facts for the news media as if it were a closing argument, but without a trial," Rosenstein wrote. He called it "a textbook example of what federal prosecutors and agents are taught not to do."

Then the closing days of last year's election, Comey announced the FBI was reopening the probe based on newly discovered emails, saying "concealing" that information would be worse. Rosenstein called that a "loaded term" because federal law enforcement officials have a longstanding practice of not speaking publicly.

"In that context, silence is not concealment," he wrote. "The way the Director handled the conclusion of the email investigation was wrong. As a result, the FBI is unlikely to regain public and congressional trust until it has a Director who understands the gravity of the mistakes and pledges never to repeat them."

The memo is also significant because Rosenstein is overseeing the Justice Department's investigation into potential coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia, after Sessions recused himself.



Democrats decried the firing, comparing it to President Richard Nixon's "Saturday Night Massacre" decision to fire the independent special prosecutor overseeing the Watergate investigation, prompting the resignations of the Justice Department's top two officials. They expressed deep skepticism about the stated reasons of the firing, publicly raising the prospect of a White House effort to stymie a pressing investigation.

"This is Nixonian," Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., declared on Twitter. "Outrageous," said Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden, calling for Comey to immediately be summoned to testify to Congress about the status of the Trump-Russia investigation. Rep. Adam Schiff of California said the White House was "brazenly interfering" in the probe.



Some lawmakers welcomed news of the dismissal.

"Given the recent controversies surrounding the director, I believe a fresh start will serve the FBI and the nation well," said Republican Lindsay Graham of South Carolina, chairman of a Senate Judiciary subcommittee investigating the Russian campaign interference.

Republican Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri said Comey served the country well, but "many, including myself, have questioned his actions more than once over the past year. I believe new leadership at the FBI will restore confidence in the organization and among the people who do the hard work to carry out its mission."

Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona said Congress must form a special committee to investigate Russia's interference in the election.



The head of a professional association of FBI agents said it appreciated Comey's leadership and support.

"He understood the centrality of the Agent to the Bureau's mission, recognizing that Agents put their lives on the line every day," FBI Agents Association President Thomas O'Connor said in a statement. He said Comey worked to ensure the FBI's investigations were constitutional and that agents "performed their mission with integrity and professionalism."

And the association wants a say in who will be the next director.



Trump will now appoint Comey's successor. The White House said the search for a replacement was beginning immediately. Comey's deputy, Andrew McCabe, has been named interim director.



Basic idea is that they compile big headlines of the moment onto single page with links to news articles. From main stream media to more obscure news sources.

Matt Drudge, founder and main man of the site, is somewhat on right and biiig Trump supporter. This became very obvious during election cycle and his leanings started to paint Drudge Report's output.

Drudge has always been hard right and a fellow traveler of the islamophic right wing blogs that formed the embryonic right wing internet presence. Trump probably holds him in high esteem because he helped with the Clinton impeachment.

Dude was stealing stuff from left wing blogs way back in 2002 and refusing to give credit. Because he is a dick.


How is anyone still loyal to this prick? There is no justification in supporting his agenda.



My theory on the timing off this firing:

- Trump is a TV news President. The past few days the news have featured Comey getting blasted from both the left and right. He got grilled, and lambasted by politicians over both the emails stuff and the handing over the election to Trump. Trump saw a weakness and an opening moment; thought if he's hated his much, he could fire him now without any significant backlash.

- Trump may have taken offense at something Comey said (Comey, during the past few days, said it made him 'nauseous' to think he helped elect Trump). Trump's ego was like, 'fuck you pal' and asked Sessions to draft a letter for his dismissal.
I'm guessing he should have went through the conceal door.

Yes. You aren't supposed to interfere unless it is something material. The FBI didnt announce the investigation into Russian hacking for fear of affecting the election but ran to Congress to let them know that they haven't even looked at anything yet but that they are going to see if her emails were on the laptop.

If they had definitive proof, then you announce. You don't announce when you haven't even started to investigate AND especially when you don't announce the investigation of Russia hacking to tip election to the opponent.


CNN is absolutely tearing Kellyanne apart lol. Reporter calling her statements naive and deceptive, KA taking it personally.


While I greatly appreciate you informing me on, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau," Trump wrote.
That Trump included this is still so bizarre. Like why would you even mention that before you fire the guy?
Old people who never really got used to the internet. That's why it looks like shit, because it's the sort of thing they can read without getting lost.

It's not just old people. There are a lot of ignorant fucks out there who get news from DR, BB, and Fox News (they reported Comey resigned yesterday even when there is a letter from 45 flat out firing Comey). These people are huge Trump supporters (see the DR and BB reply tweets to the recent tweets from 45). The type of people excited that Obamacare is going away because 1) they don't realize it's ACA and 2) it's named after that Black liberal secret Muslim. The type of people excited about the new healthcare bill because 45 and Republicans tell them it's great yet they know as much as most of the people who voted "yes" on the bill which is to say nothing of it's contents. Basically the worst of this country that is just going to get worse as DeVos and Republicans will work toward bringing the educational system backwards. Much like 45 is a useful idiot to those in Congress and why they won't impeach, having a nation of idiots helps keep Republicans in office.
I had an idea that I guess was also raised by a Democratic Senator. After this blatant interference in the investigation by Jeff Sessions and Trump, it is essential to hire an independent prosecutor...

James Comey.
Heard on NPR radio Trump can't appoint a new director without 51 senate votes. Some Republican senators are very concerned after Trump's firing of Comey.

I'm thinking this will slow down the investigation but due to the concern of some GOP senate members it could eventually lead to impeachment.

From what I heard on NPR Trump is just buying time.


What the fuck is this? What sort of people uses websites like this?!

It's currently the 149th most popular site in the US, so a lot of people....with a conservative slant.

The reason Breitbart got so big is because Drudge was one of the first aggregators to really push traffic to it.
What is continuing to be so amazing about all of this is how bad Trump's administration is at handling any of these situations. The letter he wrote to Comey suggests a complete different reason for his firing then the reasons they are actually stating, they seem to honestly have believed that this wouldn't be a big deal or would actually be a positive outcome for them because Comey isn't liked by either side, they dropped this news randomly near the end of a day forcing their own staff to have to deal with the fallout late into the night, Trump called Senators (or maybe just the one?) expecting them to be happy with the decision only to have them come out publicly against him, they clearly don't seem to understand why firing the guy who is investing your own people would be considered a big deal, They didn't even bother to wait for Comey to be back in his fucking office to make the announcement so Comey thought it was a joke when he saw it on TV, and it goes on and on.

It's just mind boggling how fucking awful they are at this. I don't see how you are on the right and think this was handled well its such a damn shit show.


It's currently the 149th most popular site in the US, so a lot of people....with a conservative slant.

The reason Breitbart got so big is because Drudge was one of the first aggregators to really push traffic to it.
Andrew Breitbart used to run the Drudge Report (and the Huffington Post).
What the fuck is this? What sort of people uses websites like this?!

It's one of the most heavily visited news sites on the web (lots of boys I'm sure really) and has existed in some form for what, two decades. It's light weight, useful even if using a dial up modem. No flashy movies or graphics, just a pic here or there and text. It is heavily biased but considering almost everything is linked to other sources can be a useful aggregator to use. A genius site really for what it started and continues.


I am genuinely terrified of sharing a border with you guys. We are watching the birth of a dictatorship.

You don't understand our country well enough then. Odds are, I'd say, only about 20% that's the case. The more likely reality is that Trump is, figuratively, a man fully engulfed in flames, frantically waving his arms around and setting half the room on fire trying to put himself out.


Oh my god, you guys weren't kidding about that drudge report site looking like something straight out of the late 90's/early 00's. Bizarre to see a president linking that, but not as bizarre as this whole situation in the first place. What a mess.


What is continuing to be so amazing about all of this is how bad Trump's administration is at handling any of these situations. The letter he wrote to Comey suggests a complete different reason for his firing then the reasons they are actually stating, they seem to honestly have believed that this wouldn't be a big deal or would actually be a positive outcome for them because Comey isn't liked by either side, they dropped this news randomly near the end of a day forcing their own staff to have to deal with the fallout late into the night, Trump called Senators (or maybe just the one?) expecting them to be happy with the decision only to have them come out publicly against him, they clearly don't seem to understand why firing the guy who is investing your own people would be considered a big deal, They didn't even bother to wait for Comey to be back in his fucking office to make the announcement so Comey thought it was a joke when he saw it on TV, and it goes on and on.

It's just mind boggling how fucking awful they are at this. I don't see how you are on the right and think this was handled well its such a damn shit show.

The administration's response makes complete sense. Trump doesn't view the American electorate as what it has always been, a disparate, fragmented democracy with 300 million individuals thinking their own thoughts. Trump sees the electorate merely as people, by virtue of his being at the top, that should agree with him. It's government run like a business taken to its conclusion.


You don't understand our country well enough then. Odds are, I'd say, only about 20% that's the case. The more likely reality is that Trump is, figuratively, a man fully engulfed in flames, frantically waving his arms around and setting half the room on fire trying to put himself out.
I really hope you're right.
I am genuinely terrified of sharing a border with you guys. We are watching the birth of a dictatorship.

I think it's the opposite now.

After what I heard on NPR it sounds like this administration is fucking themselves. Your going to see some GOP members play heroes to get reelected. I think this act by Trump is the biggest risk he's taken so far. Efforts are going to be doubled or trippled to get to the facts.

I'm betting he's fucked now. I think firing Comey might be the best thing that could have happened.


How much collateral damage do you think you're not hearing about in all of these increased airstrikes since Trump took over? Not only that, but the rules of engagement have been loosened compared to the Obama policy. You "woke" posters are so laughably hollow it's crazy.

... do you think Trump has killed more innocent people than W did? No? Then what the fuck are you even arguing about?


I used that site before it went all biased with its picking of headlines and tone they editorialize in.

Don't judge too hard, it was easy way to find big news of the day :(

It's one of the most heavily visited news sites on the web (lots of boys I'm sure really) and has existed in some form for what, two decades. It's light weight, useful even if using a dial up modem. No flashy movies or graphics, just a pic here or there and text. It is heavily biased but considering almost everything is linked to other sources can be a useful aggregator to use. A genius site really for what it started and continues.
I transitioned to this: http://www.memeorandum.com/

Oh my god, you guys weren't kidding about that drudge report site looking like something straight out of the late 90's/early 00's. Bizarre to see a president linking that, but not as bizarre as this whole situation in the first place.
Not as bizarre as the fact that it broke the story that Newsweek was going to can the Monica Lewinsky story which ultimately led to a President being impeached?


What the fuck is this? What sort of people uses websites like this?!

Let's be honest - Reddit is a fucking hot piece of garbage without some chrome extensions. 4chan is an archaic Japanese web style that was popular 15 years ago that was nasty even in the era of EZBoard and that sort of thing.

Somehow these sites have prevailed despite every user experience design being a nightmare.
I think it's the opposite now.

After what I heard on NPR it sounds like this administration is fucking themselves. Your going to see some GOP members play heroes to get reelected. I think this act by Trump is the biggest risk he's taken so far. Efforts are going to be doubled or trippled to get to the facts.

I'm betting he's fucked now. I think firing Comey might be the best thing that could have happened.

I've been listing to the coverage on NPR, too. I really hope you're right, and they somehow get an independent investigation.
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