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Trump Fires James Comey

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I suspect the only reason he hasn't been impeached already is because way too many republicans would go down with him, its in their interest to prop him up.
To be clear. No one in the media or press outside of fox news is believing the Clinton angle Trump is trying to push right?

Let's hope not. But they can easily convince many supporters if the entire GOP, and all of the "trusted" right wing media (AKA not fake news) play it which is what they've been doing. Not all, I'm sure. Not everyone is going to fall for something so transparent just because they say that the Democrats actually wanted him fired and Trump was doing them a favor - I don't think that's enough to cover up the blatant corruption of firing someone who is leading an investigation against you for everyone.

They did, but as with all things Trump, they think themselves untouchable.
They take their base for complete rubes who will believe anything they say when everything is backed by Fox News and Breitbart. Trump, and the GOP in general have been conditioning their supporters to assume that everything that they disagree with is fake.


The president didn't think that firing the head of the FBI during an ongoing investigation of his own election campaign wouldn't have any consequences. We knew he was genuinely unintelligent, but this is past the point of being plausible.

The first thing anyone thinks of when they hear about Comey's firing is "Nixon".

No one on his entire staff saw this blowback coming?

I simply can't believe it.

We know that Trump is an incompetent moron, but I have a hard time believing his staff didn't think this was going to blow up. Most of them have 2 brain cells to rub together.
I said "The President cannot summarily shut down the investigation" and someone responded by saying "But Spicer said they should!"

Okay, but the President cannot summarily shut down the investigation. That remains true.

It's the same net effect. Someone will be appointed that will in turn ensure Trump and co are not touched. The investigation will be neutered and the overall effect is the same.


I suspect the only reason he hasn't been impeached already is because way too many republicans would go down with him, its in their interest to prop him up.

The reason he hasn't been impeached is because over 80 percent of Republican voters still approve of Trump.


Can John McCain go away? Honestly that dude is always talking about how he disagrees with Trump/Republicans but then when it comes to voting time that dude does the exact opposite.

Can we stop taking that spineless fool seriously?
I believe I did mention vote him out in 2020?

Grow up. It's reality. Not my problem if you don't like it.

This isn't on pause until 2020, not by a longshot. It starts and continues on before that. Journalists will keep looking into it. The IC will keep leaking. In 2018, we win the house, we start a house investigation (a proper one, not the shame going on now).

The ball is going to keep rolling. Giving up now and just waiting around until 2020 is what they want. It's why they did this. Let's not let them do that.


Can John McCain go away? Honestly that dude is always talking about how he disagrees with Trump/Republicans but then when it comes to voting time that dude does the exact opposite.

Can we stop taking that spineless fool seriously?

Yep, all smoke and no fire
This isn't on pause until 2020, not by a longshot. It starts and continues on before that. Journalists will keep looking into it. The IC will keep leaking. In 2018, we win the house, we start a house investigation (a proper one, not the shame going on now).

The ball is going to keep rolling. Giving up now and just waiting around until 2020 is what they want. It's why they did this. Let's not let them do that.

How many seats do we need to win to get the House? How difficult is it looking right now?


Can John McCain go away? Honestly that dude is always talking about how he disagrees with Trump/Republicans but then when it comes to voting time that dude does the exact opposite.

Can we stop taking that spineless fool seriously?

The fact that McCain isn't actively opposing Trump after the shit Trump said about him shows just how gutless McCain actually is


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Maybe because I don't expect the President, let alone one who is Donald fucking Trump, to do what's good for the country. Considering they have an extensive history of doing the exact opposite.

oh no, not the precious optics

yea the key witness in a murder trial gets found dead somewhere. The precious optics on that are fantastic.

you don't think it looks bad for Trump to fire the person investigating him? Historical precedent alone says its a fucking terrible look RE Nixon and Watergate.

@marrec i agree everyone needs to not lose their minds. But this is a big deal.


All it makes me think is there is evidence that will sink Trump and he can't let it go any further.

Russia and Rex are probably looking at their only chance to get the sanctions lifted. I wouldn't be surprised if Russia are demanding Trump get on with it as he is in bed with them and his family.


At this point Trump is Col. Jessup from A Few Good Men. He wants to scream it to the nation he did what he did because he can. Someone just needs to lead the horse to water



All this and now the Russian foreign minister is at the white house. Something smells bad here.

After all the Russian's did on our elections we invite them into the white house. Just ew.
I just can't fathom that the Republicans are betraying your country for RUSSIA. Like, after years of Cold War, Trillions spend on military defense and proxy wars, millions dead because of this...they sell out for the boogeyman of their own propaganda for peanuts and cheap hookers.

Should this blow over the political systems, selection process for public positions and the freaking constitution need a complete overhaul, Germany-after-WW2 style. The constitution of the Weimar Republic was not strong enough to stand against the violent unrest and later the Nazi takeover...and it was more modern than the US constitution. Do to yourself what you did to us after the war and force a multi-party governing body to create a strong constitution designed with the help of international experts and independant oversight over the result. Please.

I fervently wish we could come together as a country to rewrite our constitution but it isn't going to happen. I've come to terms with the inevitability that the country will break apart. Parts of the country have and still are doing great things for the world, but our national government is irrevocably broken. As you said we need to rewrite our constitution to fix it and for the life of me I can't see a realistic way we could get there outside of war or a dream pie in the sky scenario where the people unite against the government.

In the end it may be the best outcome for us. The progressive parts of the country will finally be able to move forward and adapt to the realities of the world without the anchor of regressive hate and willful ignorance holding them back. I'm hoping that the break up will be relatively peaceful. I don't expect there to be a United States of America when I reach my golden years.
How many seats do we need to win to get the House? How difficult is it looking right now?

24, and there are 24 seats that are competitive enough right to swing left, and if Georgia, Kansas and Montana special elections are any indications, there may be a lot more areas up that wouldn't be otherwise. It's definitely possible


This and Benji... like, seriously?

You do realize you're undermining norms important for the functioning of democracy in the service of cynicism, right? The only way those norms will be respected is if there is a political price to be paid for violating them, and you cannot exact that political price by saying "yeah, that's Trump, whaddya gonna do?"
Most likely case scenario of a Russia investigation: Criminal cronyism gets found out, some fines are paid. It goes on the big chalkboard of scandals we erase with each new administration.

"Best" case scenario that people apparently believe: Exposure of elaborate plot by Trump associates and Russian state officials to gain access to John Podesta's e-mails and leak them despite their irrelvant content in a manner that causes the Clinton campaign to misallocate campaign resources and lose the election in exchange for a friendlier foreign policy to Russia like the Obama Administration entered office promoted only with a properly worded "reset" button.

In either case remain chasing your tail over politik-as-sport and ignore any notions about rolling back the military-administrative-police state that actively harms American and global citizens through continued rampant violence because whaddya gonna do, that's the American state for you. And if you can praise the Patriot Act in the process and claim firing a Presidential appointee is an even worse precedent for civil liberties and justice, great!
I so wish we could come together as a country to rewrite our constitution but it isn't going to happen. I've come to terms with the inevitability that the country will break apart. Parts of the coubtry have and still are doing great things for the world, but our national government is irrevocably broken. As you said we need to rewrite our constitution to fix it and for the life of me I can't see a realistic way we could get there outside of war or a dream pie in the sky scenario where the people unite against the government.

I'm just hoping that the break up will be relatively peaceful. I don't expect there will be a United States of America when I reach my golden years.

There will be a United States I believe, but a civil war type event is coming and it's going to define the course of the country for many years to come, and it will be insanely violent and quick


Unconfirmed Member
This and Benji... like, seriously?

You do realize you're undermining norms important for the functioning of democracy in the service of cynicism, right? The only way those norms will be respected is if there is a political price to be paid for violating them, and you cannot exact that political price by saying "yeah, that's Trump, whaddya gonna do?"

Indeed. Heads roll not just to keep individual players in check in terms of political power games but also as an effort to maintain some kind of faith in our systems of government wherein government officials serve at our pleasure and are beholden to our standards of conduct.

Without consequences political posturing will just become an even more transparent facade and we will soon see even more peoples faith in government institutions crumble, which should really worry anyone in government with a vision that extends beyond the next election.


So I am streaming Fox News and I haven't watch Fox News since the 2000's...WTF, so this is what Fox or right wing news is like? I am raged when I hear them say, and I am summarizing, "you have to ask, how does Trump doing this benefit him...Comey is let go, but there are still career people investigating him...if anything, it will come back to bite him..."

These idiots can't see why Trump firing Comey would directly benefit him or that he would fire him in a desperate act? Fuck off Fox fake news.


Unbelievable that such a huge voter block in the US thrives off of nothing but pissing off the other side as much as possible. It speaks to their rampant narcissism if nothing else

It's that and the Republican PR machine that constantly paints Democrats as being scum of the earth and pure evil. Some probably don't like Trump, but to them it will always be better then having a nasty Democrat in charge


They're concerned the SP would "harm" the Senate probe.

Yeah lets see what tune they take when Comey's replacement brings out the paper shredder
The reason he hasn't been impeached is because over 80 percent of Republican voters still approve of Trump.

I would personally celebrate Trump's impeachment if it ever happened, but I think the reason he hasn't been isn't because 80% of Republicans still approve of him.

Maybe it has to do with the fact that there's no concrete evidence the man is guilty of "treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors." Not yet anyway


This Congress won't impeach him.

Unless the press uncovers the pee pee tape, he's safe. How much more do you need to see?

Even if the pee pee tape comes out, I could see Sean Spicer or Kellyanne Conway trying to spin it and cast doubt on it. "How do you know that is the President? Or that the tape isn't doctored?"

What's needed is someone going into the White House, bugging the phones, and really digging up dirt and revealing everything about Trump.


So I am streaming Fox News and I haven't watch Fox News since the 2000's...WTF, so this is what Fox or right wing news is like? I am raged when I hear them say, and I am summarizing, "you have to ask, how does Trump doing this benefit him...Comey is let go, but there are still career people investigating him...if anything, it will come back to bite him..."

These idiots can't see why Trump firing Comey would directly benefit him or that he would fire him in a desperate act? Fuck off Fox fake news.

I watched last night and had to turn it off when Hannity came on.
I totally understand there's going to be bias and editorializing across the talking heads segments, but Hannity last night was just...gross. Purely disingenuous, completely misrepresenting previous clips wrt Comey and how the Dems have flip-flopped, "you won't see this anywhere else, folks". Just nauseating.
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