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Trump Fires James Comey

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Y'all was Spicer really hiding in some bushes?

That's what the Post says:

Washington Post said:
After Spicer spent several minutes hidden in the bushes behind these sets, Janet Montesi, an executive assistant in the press office, emerged and told reporters that Spicer would answer some questions, as long as he was not filmed doing so. Spicer then emerged.

“Just turn the lights off. Turn the lights off,” he ordered. “We'll take care of this. ... Can you just turn that light off?”

Spicer got his wish and was soon standing in near darkness between two tall hedges, with more than a dozen reporters closely gathered around him. For 10 minutes, he responded to a flurry of questions, vacillating between light-hearted asides and clear frustration with getting the same questions over and over again.
Our reality has been warped into a twisted version of House of Cards and VEEP

Originally Posted by Washington Post

After Spicer spent several minutes hidden in the bushes behind these sets, Janet Montesi, an executive assistant in the press office, emerged and told reporters that Spicer would answer some questions, as long as he was not filmed doing so. Spicer then emerged.

”Just turn the lights off. Turn the lights off," he ordered. ”We'll take care of this. ... Can you just turn that light off?"

Spicer got his wish and was soon standing in near darkness between two tall hedges, with more than a dozen reporters closely gathered around him. For 10 minutes, he responded to a flurry of questions, vacillating between light-hearted asides and clear frustration with getting the same questions over and over again.


Unlike Lindsay Graham, he's calling for an independent counsel but we'll see how long that'll last.

Yeah it is. Link to his tweet is embedded in the picture.

Lindsay been saying this is nothing and Dems wanted it too and now we should all move along. He's not for getting to the bottom of anything unless I misheard him.


”[Trump] had grown enraged by the Russia investigation, two advisers said, frustrated by his inability to control the mushrooming narrative around Russia. He repeatedly asked aides why the Russia investigation wouldn't disappear and demanded they speak out for him. He would sometimes scream at television clips about the probe, one adviser said."


This motherfucker is like a little child.


Mensch is a total nut, and if you knew the background of her or her site you'd say so too.

A short briefing?
Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug - Pizzagate was outright dismissed and derided (justifiably so), but the twitter "investigative warriors" haven't caused nearly the same level of collateral damage, and have also been pretty on point with highlighting Trump's sphere of major players, histories, investments, conflicts of interests, etc..

Dude Abides

I said "The President cannot summarily shut down the investigation" and someone responded by saying "But Spicer said they should!"

Okay, but the President cannot summarily shut down the investigation. That remains true.

Why not? What prevents the President from telling the FBI director to close the investigation, and removing him if he refuses to comply?


Republican turnout has been consistently better than Democrat during midterms since 1984.
It must have been higher in 2006, wasn't it? I'm not even sure what this means tbh, since Democrats win the popular vote regularly and still lose seats.

Looking at the 2006 wikipedia page, its interesting how many "scandals" were going around. I keep wonder if the Dems should be focusing more on pinning scandals on vulnerable republicans right now, rather than trying to pin everything on trump and tie those guys to him.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Sorry I'm not losing my mind over this and so no longer am pure in my liberalism :(
There's obviously no one actually losing their mind over this and I really don't give a shit about my liberal purity, but I am legitimately perturbed by this action because of its timing, because of its suddenness, because of its fundamental lack of ethics in firing someone without first establishing sufficient cause, because of the basic indecency of notifying the world before the person being fired and what the implications are for an administration and a pres. who thought this had to be done so abruptly, this way and RIGHT NOW. So I don't know where I quite fit on your spectrum of lunacy, but your hand-waving, "Trump being Trump, what did you expect?" comes across as completely tone deaf and uncritical of context to me, if that helps you establish better where I lie.
There will be a United States I believe, but a civil war type event is coming and it's going to define the course of the country for many years to come, and it will be insanely violent and quick

I don't see the will on either side to fight a civil war. Honestly, is the country staying together really worth fighting for? We aren't fighting to abolish an injustice against humanity like we were in the mid 1800s.
He wouldn't have to be impeached for that. He could easily be impeached for his vast conflicts of interest that he's used to line his own pockets. He'll, a very easy case could be made that he's simply unfit to service. He can be impeached for basically anything

The part that I quoted is the exact text from the constitution. Those are the grounds with which impeachment processes can began. Period.

You can remove a president from office if he is physically or mentally unable to execute his office, but that is a process that is started by the Vice President and the cabinet. It is not impeachment. It's never been done.

The president is not subject to conflicts of interest laws.

If there turns out to be enough evidence and the civil suit against Trump for violating the ammulements clause is found by the courts to have merit, then maybe I could see impeachment for that.


So what can be done? They can't appoint a new director because sessions recused himself. Looks like a special investigator isn't happening and even if it was sessions would have to appoint or his deputy.

Just seems like a lost cause.
“[Trump] had grown enraged by the Russia investigation, two advisers said, frustrated by his inability to control the mushrooming narrative around Russia. He repeatedly asked aides why the Russia investigation wouldn’t disappear and demanded they speak out for him. He would sometimes scream at television clips about the probe, one adviser said.”


This motherfucker is like a little child.

And he thought firing Comey would calm down the narrative lol

I don't see the will on either side to fight a civil war. Honestly, is the country staying together really worth fighting for? We aren't fighting to abolish an injustice against humanity like we were in the mid 1800s.

I do see a strong will developing, and eventually it will come to a headp


No I genuinely thought it would happen exactly like that, word for word, and there wasn't a single shred of sarcasm in that well-written meme-free post of mine.

Oh well in that case:

The process is much more involved. You see it has to go through senate confirmation with hearings and is quite the lengthy process that will be watched very closely by democrats in the chamber and likely be stalled and filibustered if they deem necessary.

Here's everything you need to know about the process:



Then why isn't his wrinkly ass on the Congress floor demanding a special prosecutor?
Are people just demanding a "special prosecutor" because...it sounds special? What's wrong with the current FBI investigative group investigating Russia and Trump ties, the lack of unenforceable promise by the AG (who has already recused himself) to not shut it down due to the dictator he works under?

Nobody's bringing back the IC statute. At least not as long as anyone alive during Whitewater is still in Congress.




Do you know how the confirmation process of an FBI director works?

Trump hasn't had many problems getting whomever he wanted put into office so far.

And again, it's immaterial who they pick because if Trump doesn't like what he's investigating, he'll just fire him again.
The part that I quoted is the exact text from the constitution. Those are the grounds with which impeachment processes can began. Period.

You can remove a president from office if he is physically or mentally unable to execute his office, but that is a process that is started by the Vice President and the cabinet. It is not impeachment. It's never been done.

The president is not subject to conflicts of interest laws.

If there turns out to be enough evidence and the civil suit against Trump for violating the ammulements clause is found by the courts to have merit, then maybe I could see impeachment for that.

Impeachment can be done about anything technically, and lining your pockets with tax payer money due to your massive conflict of interests would be an easy case to make
Is the Trump Presidency worse than you imagined?


I don't know if it's worse, because the only worse thing than an incompetent administration is a competent one that is able to quickly and efficiently destroy the last eight yeas of progress.

Then again, I never really thought the Russian ties would be this deep and this out in the open, so watching my country be in the process of a literal hostile takeover might be worse.


At least McCain is on of the few republicans putting up a front against the firing of Comey.

People (rightfully) crap on McCain time and time again for being mostly talk and not as much action.

... But here's the sad thing, folks... At least him speaking out (which isn't much) is far, far, FAR more than the OTHER 99.9% of the GOP.

So, yeah, he's not great, but it's really sad to think that he's actually the most courageous and sensible members of his party, for how little that's worth.

For every amount of vitriol poured his way, a thousand-fold should be turned towards every single other blithering member of his party.
Are people just demanding a "special prosecutor" because...it sounds special? What's wrong with the current FBI investigative group investigating Russia and Trump ties, the lack of unenforceable promise by the AG (who has already recused himself) to not shut it down due to the dictator he works under?

Nobody's bringing back the IC statute. At least not as long as anyone alive during Whitewater is still in Congress.


Edit: Nevermind, misread


The part that I quoted is the exact text from the constitution. Those are the grounds with which impeachment processes can began. Period.

You can remove a president from office if he is physically or mentally unable to execute his office, but that is a process that is started by the Vice President and the cabinet. It is not impeachment. It's never been done.

The president is not subject to conflicts of interest laws.

If there turns out to be enough evidence and the civil suit against Trump for violating the ammulements clause is found by the courts to have merit, then maybe I could see impeachment for that.
Congress can impeach for any reason it sees fit. The terms aren't defined in the Constitution.

So what can be done? They can't appoint a new director because sessions recused himself. Looks like a special investigator isn't happening and even if it was sessions would have to appoint or his deputy.

Just seems like a lost cause.
Unless Comey put the kibosh on it in the last month, the FBI already has a special investigative section going:
back in march said:
The FBI is planning to create a special section based at its Washington headquarters to co-ordinate its investigation of Russian activities designed to influence the 2016 presidential election, according to a person familiar with the plan.
Creation of the temporary unit mirrors the bureau's approach to other sensitive investigations, including the WikiLeaks disclosure of classified US government documents and Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while secretary of state.

The FBI generally prefers to run investigations from one of its 56 field offices, but the high-profile nature of the sprawling Russia inquiry is seen as requiring a central manager, according to current and former officials.
The bureau is expected to recall from the field an FBI counter-intelligence specialist to oversee the squad, which is to begin work next month. If the new team — with about 20 dedicated agents drawn from across the country — operates as similar units have in the past, its chief would brief Mr Comey on a weekly basis while providing daily updates for deputy director Andrew McCabe.

”We did it quite regularly," said Robert Anderson of Navigant, a business consulting group, who was a former executive assistant director of the FBI. ”Any time there's a big case, a giant case, it becomes a huge resource drain across the organisation."
https://www.wired.com/2017/05/trump-firing-fbi-director-comey-wont-slow-russia-investigation-yet/ said:
”The Russia investigation will continue," says a former FBI cybercrimes investigator, who spoke with WIRED on the condition of anonymity. ”The director doesn't run the investigation, the assistant director doesn't run it, the unit chiefs don't run it. There's a case agent or a series of case agents assigned to run it all the way through."

That means that, at least until Congress approves Comey's replacement, the investigation should continue undaunted. ”If you want to stop this investigation, someone in management could hinder it, reassign the agents, block requests for investigative techniques, but there's always a different way to get the information," says the former agent. ”There are ways to circumvent bad supervisors."

There's also no certainty that whomever takes Comey's place would necessarily pull the plug, especially given the wariness with which prominent senators and representatives have so far viewed the firing. And if they did, it would have serious repercussions.

”If that happens, you'll hear it," says the former agent. ”People will talk, and it will be very loud. Or he'll have to let it run and let the chips fall where they may."
Lindsay been saying this is nothing and Dems wanted it too and now we should all move along. He's not for getting to the bottom of anything unless I misheard him.

Yeah, that's pretty much the jist of it, but he believes that The FBI Russian investigation isn't tied to Comey service; the investigations will go on and the senate will continue to do its job.


Fuck McCain. He's a spineless coward lining up to suck Trump's dick just like the rest of him. Nobody believes his 'maverick' bullshit anymore.
People should not refer to him as McCain when asking him questions.
Just call him Coward. That needs to be his legacy.
The 'maverick' was just a little jester routine he dolled up and danced around in as a carnival act.

People (rightfully) crap on McCain time and time again for being mostly talk and not as much action.

... But here's the sad thing, folks... At least him speaking out (which isn't much) is far, far, FAR more than the OTHER 99.9% of the GOP.

So, yeah, he's not great, but it's really sad to think that he's actually the most courageous and sensible members of his party, for how little that's worth.

For every amount of vitriol poured his way, a thousand-fold should be turned towards every single other blithering member of his party.
At least they stand for something. Even if it's evil and reprehensible.
Some even proudly adorn it on their shoulders. I respect that more than what McCain represents.


Congress can impeach for any reason it sees fit. The terms aren't defined in the Constitution.

Unless Comey put the kibosh on it in the last month, the FBI already has a special investigative section going:

Wouldn't a new director just shut it all down?


McCain on news that his foot is on fire "I am deeply troubled by this recent development, my foot looks like it is in pretty bad shape. I hope that everyone realizes the gravity of this situation and takes this matter seriously."

* proceeds to let the rest of his body burn.


I am trying to figure out how he honestly thought that... Its like he is willfully not paying attention to the political landscape around him. It boggles my mind that he can be so detached from reality.

I don't believe for a second anyone in the White House thought this would be uncontroversial. They're just playing dumb to try to make it not seem like a big deal.


So what can be done? They can't appoint a new director because sessions recused himself. Looks like a special investigator isn't happening and even if it was sessions would have to appoint or his deputy.

Just seems like a lost cause.

He did? He was one of the people looking into ways to fire Comey. He singed off on this.
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